': ?�--�t ` __ T,` _ - ��L, s�✓� - �� . � ' . � i L� _
<br /> y t���-'-f, � S � _�C' C 9 �:,�Y_�a.r -_ .--_
<br /> .}, �_ � ___ _ _ _ .._.� -
<br />��l �`. ,} �� �.,•fi� . ' . . . . .. ` . . _ �-.�`-� �--.__�:_- •�:. _ _"_ .
<br /> -- D4.,'_ . ., - . - - � c ` . � .. , . . . .y'�., , . . -
<br /> _—_ _— - ` . _`_ .. . . —.-1 _-_ '- . "-' —�___ _ � -- - -—� .��V •_ < _
<br /> --- - .., dt them,st�atl�a erqlttod m entcrce l�►a Tru�t Qand and aipt�aMMec seaulry nme�or hareaRer hetd OyBeneftc aTcuatee a� ... � . = �-. -
<br /> -- _— egtReY ot eMer ot t�em me�y tn U�etr ahsatute discre�en detmmine No ramady hareui cont�red Won cr resarved m Ttu�or Ban�itC(�r1 d u�te�ed . .
<br /> =- - - m Qb exctuYtv�oFa�y od►er ramedy►neretn or by�+►vravlaeo a�permluoa.aut eacn ser�ir oa a►n+urat�re�end snall oe tn e�dtton w e,recy otRar�amedy° .�
<br /> �tient�ere�snQerGtROWOrhet83ftetextsNrtgEtldwOiUlegisityGT.CY&tatt7te.E1rer!►Po++'�'ACtemedllRtauf�edurtQeetnl9TrustD9ed�T�sttsOrBq�fiaAty
<br /> -- --- ---- catRwhfeheilAerotthemmeyCaothenvtaeenUthed�map►6�exerdsed.oancwrer►N►.ortndsAandenti�,from4imaMWieartdesnRena�elaSlQedeemed'� •
<br />— - — e�ement dyrTntgtse a�eenattda,ry�ano eltner ot t1�f►may o�sua Inoon�tent remedtea.Ntcthtng trereln sltau oe aonsaeted.as D�b[tln8 eeneticia�yr
<br /> a � trou��a�de�►cyiud9ment a�[nst tAa Trtrstw m tho 8�tent suM acUan Is pemiltte0 by taw. ` , .
<br /> c . � .- ---
<br /> 11.TRA4iSFHf OF TNE pAOPE�i1Y:ASSBYMtOH.d all or any part ot tAe ProPerifl ar tnmrest therelrt Ie sotQ.transferred or otAe�wtse conveyed • .
<br /> -z - __ _ - '-�yTrnstar�put9ensfti�sD►t�r�arRtar:��{eltAscreat�solalisuoren�umhraa�.sueotQtnate.t4thtaTnutQsed.N?a��------.- -_
<br /> _ _ . __.. --
<br />� �ti: py cgaratton ct taw uaan tAe deatA ot e Trustot who is e jcint tenarit or(c)the grant ai arry teasehotd tntecest ot tluea(�years or►ass wt�Ir.A daes not
<br />= cantatm m�mgttnn pi p�peha88 euek eetlan is a OreBM of tAls agreem6►».end 6eneftdary may.a!Benefiria�y's aptinn.d�tare ell the eums seeur8d by� � --
<br /> �,:� thfs 7n�st Dead Oo De tmmedtately due end D��Q R��ded.nu�her,thES Tn�st OeeO may.at BenaIIelary's opttan.De dacta�ed immedtatet��ue ertd -
<br /> �_= payaDie;if(1f TtugtotlsaA8rtn8rshtp 8ndany iMatest tn tNepattnetsAip issotdor asstg�►eddyeny meanswRatsoevar.or(2►fftha'IYustortsa car�oretlon
<br />�v� I end a transipt ot thQ majediy stoCR aume�shlp fnteres!(n tRs cnrpatatinn aecurs.or t�e Tiustot cotpotatton merges In any torm wiC�8nother o0rparffi(on
<br /> a entity.Benefletary sfia11 have uraIved sueA optian to acceterat�it,prtor to the sate.banster or canveyanr�,Beneficiary an0 tRa Ae�son to+�hom the
<br /> s/:� Property ia M be sotd or tran&terred reach e�eer�ent t�writing that tne eredft ef sueA person is satlstactay to Benefietary end that the tnteresl payaDie
<br /> j:j�• on Ute sum9 securBd by Ws Trust Qeed sRaU De et 6ucA rate as Beneflciary ehall rpquesL
<br /> 1Z.A�A71CP1UPOND�AULT.i�11E06ES;S�tE.77tet�fherebytheTntstar.tomakearrypaymeranrtopeAarmarryofthatam�sandooeedidofls � --
<br /> -� of thts Tnist Qeed.or tne terms end canditlans ot thalYote,or anyr renewals.mcdificattans cr extenslons tAereof.nr tne taiture to make pa�ment oterry • _
<br /> _ •��:� other tndehtedness.prim�ot eu6sequent M Nls Tnut Deed,and sec�ned by tAts property,m the death ot one or more Tn�stors sfla110e a hrea�h and _
<br /> - '� �_�"° Qetat►It o}tlils Ttust Deed artd thq BeneficFary may declate a delautt end may dedaze all sums sesured hereby immedlatery daB end payabia end the �_
<br /> ' � same shall thereuyon Ceoome due end RBYable without presentmeM,demand,protest or rtotica of am/tdnd,provlded.TnisOur eheli have any staaROry , _
<br /> a �`�?�` '= �:_:�'-�� right ro cure the defautt Aatore any�mtice of deia,utt anfl demand tor sate may oe delivered W tha Trustee.Thereafter,Beneficlary may detiver to Tnistee - __
<br />- ' --�. a�aaittsadsclateliun o!delaWt�3 danisetd fo�sala.Tatstar a�eas a�d tso�eDyr grants tls�t lneTtustea shat!have the RQwer ot sale at the Property a� _-' -_ - -
<br /> s± '`. ' :. "' ..� .. If 6eireRNary decades tAe Property is to be sotd it sha11 deposit waA Trustee thls Trust Qeed and the Note or aotea an�t any oNer Qocuments evfdencing —
<br /> a , e •� _
<br /> -`� �'��,�'�;�:'`" ��'�• • expendidues secured�ereby,and shall deliver ta Trustee a mitmn notice of default and etedlon co cause tAe property to Ee sotd,andTrustee,irt wrt►, _. -
<br /> _ �. �3�-_;: '_.. .
<br /> .{��"�� .. �°,• shali prepare a similar notice in the form rsquired Dy lavr.which sRall he Qury filed tor reoord Dy Tru,tee.
<br /> �E=_-` .`.._,;'.�,-`;x '.•. ----
<br /> . ::�,- .<,�---:. ` �t•' (a) After tha fapse of sucA time as may be cequire0 Gy taw toltowing the recordation ot M1totica ot Oefault,and NtoGce ot Detault and Kotice of =_
<br />=_ '��`�: :,4;` �•;. �,y::; Sale having heen gtven as required by law.Trustae,witl�out demand on TrusMr.shatl seu the Property,if nct redeemed,in one or mor@ �
<br /> _ ` �'�''' "��s2' arcets and in such order as T�ustee may determ(ne on the date and tt�e tlme and place designated in said Hotiee ot Sale,at pubtic auction �-�'�.m,
<br /> - ,-.<r :i :y?•�.,•:x�� F -
<br /> . � �.�"�=�-r'� according to law. `"�-�-_—
<br /> - ::rti�`,..-�,��r�,�s�.`• �-
<br /> :�:.,:;;',,�?t:%lj:"r.�?'.: Ib) When Trustea sells pursuant to the powers herein,TNStee shall appty the procee0s ot tNe sale to payment of tha cosfs enQ expenses ot _ �_��
<br /> ; ,��""� `-`'.;:�t��::`z: exerc(stngthepowe�ofsateandofthssa�e.(nctuding,witl�outlimitallon.attomey'steesandthepaymenlofTnisme'sFeesincwred,whicA �,�.�
<br /> � �-�������:�� TNSme's Fees st�altnot in the aggregate exceed the foltowing amouMS 6as�d upao the amount secure0 hereby and remaintng unpaid at ��?�N�•---
<br /> • �'�'`. �` �"���}�; the Bme scheQuted tor e81e:b percentum on the Caiance Meteof;and tlren to the items in subparagraph(c)in the orQer there stated. �W=_-----_ -__
<br /> ��` v;'., s �.�.,_
<br /> - L. '. J 1 �Sr:.�i _
<br /> Y '-,:y.. ,i��;ii (�) �PzY'�9�e itema specifled in subParagrapb(b!.it the sale is Dy Trustee.or it Me sala Is pureuaM to judiciat foreclosure.the proCeed9 "� -'=�-.:
<br /> ,:� ��.^ s T. af satgsliall be applieA In the foltowing order: ' .c;� ,,;�;_
<br /> :;t;�:. . _.•. (t)Cu;t ot eny evfdence of GUe procured In connection with such sate and ot any tevenue transter tee reclui�ed tcr tre paId: � -
<br /> :,�� .; • "`'�r',t (2)AIL obtigations securetl Dy MIS Trust Oeed: n ,' �.
<br /> �.. � - :(3)Juniortrust deeds.mortgages,or ather lienhotdere; . �°�, �.�:
<br /> � ;' � � _ (4)The remalnder,it any,to the person Iegally entitled thereto. _.
<br /> . . ,� �.'�l�.�°�
<br /> ' 13.APP0INTMENT OF 6UCC£4SOB TRU9TEE.Benefic�ary may,from time to time,by a written instrument executed and acknowledged Ey 8enefieiary. ; �3f;s�
<br /> ?.,. ' � • • mailed to Trustor and recorded inthaCOUnry or countlee fn whichthe Property is tocated and hy otherviisecomptyingwitA the provlslons of the applicahte y�•,-:w��
<br /> ", taws ot the State af NeOraske su6stituta a sucoessor or suCCessors to the Trustee named herein or ecting hereunQer. #�' �=:•,�
<br /> . . - �
<br /> .-. ` �.^ ^SA..—
<br /> . ` ; ' - •°.Y±;,:�; ta.IDISPECTIONS.Beneticfary,or its agents,representatives or employees,are autharized to enter al eny re�Tabta tima upon ar In any part of the !'ti• :��."��_`����:�-�
<br /> ;� +:..•. rr`�.'C_::.
<br /> , . , R,;.,",�.��,�r' Property ior tne purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of peAorming arry of the aets it is authorized to Gee`�a m under the tertns of the Tmst Oeed. ��+��§:.�,�.,_
<br /> �i���.
<br /> ' + � t 45.QPT[ON TQ FOREC�OSURE.Upon the accurrence o�any breach and upon the declaraticn ctcefault hereunder.8eneficlary shall have the option �'�� 's-
<br /> " ` �,��F � . _ . to ta:eclose tAts Trust Oeed in the manner provided hy taw tor u�e fmrectosure ot mortgages arr re�J property �u�;, , �� ',�,
<br /> • -'-"i::...�.�',. .. ; 7��}'_�.';-.'_ ...'�:'.. ..�.
<br /> ` �+''C�`;', t� � �" s8.FOAEBEARANCE BY BENEFICIARY OR TRUSTEE NQT A�l777AIYER.My torebearance Dy Benaticiary or Trustee In exercising any dght or remedy ,,: �n ;_: . •,
<br /> ' � �.�� � he(eunder,or othervvise afforded by applicable law,shall nm be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of eny such rigfit or remedy.UkewYSe.Me watvet �,�.•;_.,;; '�
<br /> ,F�.,',' :'�. '_':;�e*�` by Beneficiary o►Trustee ot any default of Trustor under thls Trust Oeed shall not he deemed to be a waiver ot any other or simltar defaults 8u65equentty � , � ..
<br />�ti, ., ;:t;.;;+ accurting. 'r ' � 'A���.
<br /> � ' ' `�''� t7.BENFFtCtARY'S POWERS.Without aHecting or releasing the Iiabiliry of the Trusror or art�,r o:her person IiaWe fo�the payment of any obtigaUon � .
<br /> - . .� ,...� ,
<br /> "� `� � ' '`� �`y;' Frereln mentloned,and without attecUng the lien or charge of th:s Trust Deed upon eny portion of:�e Property.BenefiNary may.}rom tlme to tlme and <' ' •
<br /> �<``tiT;r;::- -;:.;�i.;12 _ .. :`✓ �_
<br /> " �. ": , -�•,::,y,_�4�, without aotica at the request of one or more Trustars,(i)retea�any person Ilabte,pi)extend ot rer.e+v the maturiry or alter any ot the terms of eny Sueh � ��. :\•�.
<br /> �'' • obtigations,(iii)grant other Indutgences,(iv)reteas�or reconvey.or cause to tre released or reconveyed et any time at Beneficiary's optlon any�arCel :���k��,
<br /> i,.' ;�.��<rF%�Z ti •
<br /> • '��i;r:�;, or atl of the Property.(v)take or release any other aaddltional security tor eny ob��gation hereln mentlon6d,(vi)make settfements or other arrangerr.ent9 ��. ♦ 1'>�.'•,'•i,li.
<br /> •�! �` -�>�l��l; with Trustor in refation thereto.All Trustora shall beja�ntly anc!severalty obligated srd bound by the aCtians ot the Benefitiary ot any ane ar mor�Trtistor ��,.� _. �.'�����.i,, � .
<br /> �;.�R ,�• ` � . •� asstatedlnth�sParagraph. 4iT'3; ' �
<br /> . ; ����, t8.ATYORNEY FEES,COSTS ANO EXPENSES.The Benefici2r�ni this Trusi Deed is entitled te the payment of attorney's feE;,casis and expenses j,:.•. , i ��
<br /> `4��"'� � ' as provided in this Trust Deed,except as otherwise proh�biteQ b;�taw. 't •;;�;',.'. • . �
<br /> ay'., ..i .. . _"�f'��. '��:. -' ,•'�>i;i::':. .
<br /> . 19.RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE.Upon wrmen request of Beneticiary and upon payment by Trustor af Trusee s tees,Trustee shall recartvey to �;��
<br /> : � � `;��,;r'��-;._ Trusta.or the person or pe�sons Iegally entitled thereio.�vithoui warranry.any portlon of the Property men hetd here�^.�er.Recitals in such reconveyance .:`'�.`
<br /> ' ' ?•�*:��. o} matter9 or facts sAatl be conClusive praot 0�the trutnfutrtess thereof.The rSnte9 In an reCanveyanCe may t9 d@SCribBd 89 the p8rson a person9 �!�`'ti''� •
<br /> �:a. '�k:. , 8rry 9 9 :E� ' ,
<br /> ' -•.;,�; .• ;: , ' tegallyentitledthereto". `;.��
<br /> ` ` `.�`' '��� �� ',''S�, 20.NOTICES.Except tor notices.demanda.requests or other wmmunicatlons requlred under appucable law te Ce given in another manner,wheneve► i�
<br /> - • ���.�ti}t,�'� .
<br /> • � "`�� � �,s;.:, 6eneNClary.Trustor or Trustee glves a serves any rtoi�ce(inctuding,wlthout Ilmitatlon,notice ot defautt and natice of sale�.demands,requests or other .
<br /> �� . � •� ?'�� communicatlan with respeCt to this Trust Oeed,each such notiee,demand,request a other CommunlCatlon ahall be In writing and ahall be eHeCtive only �
<br />:.',?�� it the same Is delivered by personal service o��s mailed by cenifled mail,postage prepald,addressed to the address as set torth at the beginning o1 thls
<br /> -•.�'L . TruslOeed.My party may at eny time Chenge its address for suCh nodces by de�iveNng or mailfng to the other party hereto.as atoresald.a notice ot •
<br /> . such chenge.Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been given to Trustor ar Bgneficlary,when given in the manner deslgn3ted herein.
<br /> , � . 21.IiEQUE9T FOp NOTtCE.Trustor and Beneticiary hereby request a copy of any noNce ot default,and a copy of sny notiee of sate thereunQer,be �
<br /> : _ ,_ _ meited to eaeh person who is e parry hereto at the address tor such verson se1 iQrth m the first paragraph ot this Trust Deed.
<br /> � � � � 22.GOVERNtNG LAW.This Trust Deed s�all he govemed by the laws M the State ot Nebrasha. � �
<br /> ' � 23.SUCCESSOAS AND ASSIGNS.Thls Trust Oeed,and alt terms.conda�ons end oE6ga6ans Aerem.appty to and Inure to the benet�t ot and binde .� , �
<br /> . ,�, •. �: � all�arGes hereto,thefr hetrs.tegatees,deWSees,personal representabves,successors and ass�gn9.The term Benefiaary"shall mean the owner and
<br /> , <,
<br /> hotQer of the Note.wfiether or not named as Benefic�ary here�n. �.
<br /> rP-- .�_ --'�,, - ==_°=_
<br />