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<br />— - .�aa�a��sectianvnFTM��sro�.'fRUSTOANEHEBYi:G11t�T8AN�AGREE&�1S�AI�OWSs _._v. �.�.,� �
<br /> ' .��1.�AY4bENt QF PRl2�.D/LL ANA ttiT�L TNStac ahail P�mPUf/R�7t wflaR¢ue diq,grindPffi of snd fnte�esici►tM UtdeDdd�►ac�evidenced h� •
<br /> ms a�(ace,sp�ai.l.other'charses art�!tees as nrov[aea in e,e Hcta,end me pNncmat at;aiKt.ird�t an e�fr���++��d by ws.m,st 1P�aa :� ::
<br /> — • � 2 YIdRAAliYY O�Z1YLL: ?tustor ts�la�nrtultyt sei�ed and Possessed of gao�t�rtd tmtat�Sta�dBe and esiate to!ta PraP�Y�Y�7l�� � �
<br /> 4►aa ma.agnt w Qra,n and�a�n�y►mewa�erry;the aroaeny ts tres ana ctear ot a��t�ans end,���C��Dt IiOna naw at reCCrQ:.�Tt4`3toc wiU �
<br /> - war�ant��nd defend the uUe ta Me Rog9nY agatnz!aA daima and.d&mands... . . ` ." . . - LL_ -
<br /> •- o
<br /> ' 3�Y�IHi�ANCE�[1DO�IPUANt:EWlTa11A1�tS,Tn+starsn�ilkee�tReprapaet�l���Dairandonndi�oaandsheR�not;GPt�ixwasteor(�rmH,: .
<br /> _:--_ - §ny�o��r�r�+a€�Pr�t�►�sAeu-compty�wUh.tne=pro�ons.at�t�asa.it:ii�T�ustQeedlsanateaseea�,�iVg,ta�ov8m0nxrtor�,.c---. ..
<br /> _ __ --_
<br /> i ._ ._. . . .............._ ..._.
<br /> - orhereafterecected�noritheProAeriYsAallDesitereO�remOVedardemWiSffsdev�foutthQP�tixrtidtertcartsentof88nefiC18ty.TtuStor,shefl�►J�f.V�t�h:;. -
<br />= a�taws.4r�r►arices.regaiations,ocvartants.cortditions and restrictioes eHec�ng tha PioAaAY:�nd not commit.su[i�r or pemUt any act to R�doll�a fri tN• - ----
<br /> - - - uppmthe P�p�e�111 i»v1Qlstlort ot arry la�nr.crd'u�ante,regutaUan.cosrertan�cond'dion nt�4�C 7�ustar sl�ai!�amplets ot restore ProfOpit�t'.�Gi B1�od -
<br /> - ,vrerta�nGkemannera�ryirnptovementant�eProAer4►wNchmaflbedamsgadardestrauep?.°�dA'3lI.�Atendue.etlelalmstortabwReKoraceQandmaterlal9 .
<br />� tumtshed therefor ertd fq��nY a�eretlons tlteteoL.
<br /> = � 4.�NSUEiAtdt�.TiustCr.at its expense.wi0 maintsin�vith trtsurars appcoved bY$�+lnsNrance witA resPed W tJt9�im�qvam6n�endPQ►Bq►�eA :
<br /> ProS�Y•��9�e Pr+�er�Y.ag�st[o��lttue.fighhttng.tomed0.End oihar Ra�BSansf l����4Y�W�dextend9dC0!rer�99.indd�meitA
<br /> � irt anaRUquni equal to at feast ooe hunQred pP�eent(t00�'o)of Me tull reptacament vBWe thflceot and insuranCe.aq,atnat sutA OthBC 1►azards and in�
<br />- - Ar+3iniAC�aJ�is�usmmari[y�rried by a�meis and operamra ot simitar propa�ties m es l:eqetfdarY may requfre tor its profec�an.Trtut�r rriii.comptyt:witt► .
<br /> '� ~'"' suchotherrequtrementsasBeiteBcFarymaytromtimel�UmerecprestfarthapmtectionbYi,RauranceottAsiaterestsaftherespachlrepartles.Atl[nsttrant�
<br />���..'�. '. Polic(BS m2(ntained pu�suant�o this Tnist Qeed shall name Trustor ertd�fiofatY ss insurAA.as tRetr�espectivetntacesta maY eDAeaz.and PrOVtdB that
<br />��-`_Yy�,: 'M...: ffisrederacanoe0atianof�ndficatIanw(thoeriaiteastl5daysPria�wrtm�trntiF.catienioTn�tr3AandBene6aarymaYProeuresuchinsutancetnaa�nrdanee _ _
<br /> _.__,,r,�• ; w�'tt�tAe pcoyi96ns of pare�h 8 heieoi.Trustor shall deT'ivar to 8enefit�y.�the originat Aa1�d'es of insuranca end renewats thereo!or m@mo Copicts ot �
<br /> -- .. • .. . . sach p�lides elaQ renewats tt�ereof.Kaftuce to fumish such insutanCe 4y Tiu�of.or rerlBiyal�:es reqirired f�erewuter shail,at the pptlqn;Ot BPatefiCiery, _ _-
<br /> a
<br /> • ooitstl�e�geCef�ujL . _-
<br /> •-- ,-.. . . . . �..-_ _—_ -
<br /> =�z �; - . �' ;,`, S.TA%E&A�Sldg'tiSAHDCHARG£S.TnuLOrshaDPaYaUtaxe�s:a'ss�ssme�tsamf.<t(le�cha�SB�hwtiding,xrEtltoutlirtu"tffiton.finesertdiriqipsiliorts
<br /> ':.'�,- � ' attri�u�bletothePrcperty.aridteasehotdpaymenisorgroundrents.ifarry.6eturethesama.i�sCnm9QelinquentTnutorshaflpromptlyfumtshtoEenefiCiary . `
<br /> .i. .\
<br /> ,;. • � aif�odc�sofamountsd¢a�derthispara�aph,andintheeventTtustflreha4lmakepay�a�tdqpCty.TrustorshallprompttyfucnishtoBenefit�aryreceipis�
<br /> � •� > evidencing such paymertds��'frustor shail pay all taxes and assessmenta�vhish.maY be��ei�upun Benefidary's interest herein or upon this Trust f]e9d
<br /> w�ltqut ss�rd tp arry I�iv that may Oe enacted tmposing paymen!of tho whAte Ar ar►y.patrt thereot npatetlta Beneficiary.
<br />�'�` -� `� `'. •.�. �.' � 6,Al�Gi'G'tl2iJAtLIENSANDPROTECTt�ONOFBE[�IEFtCUiNY'S,sK�1ii�1V.:Tnw'tocshaUmakeailpayrrtenteofinterestandprineipalandpaymenl9
<br /> - . of am pit�.charges.fees and expenses contracted W�e paqf to any e�tfig qr suC�9quent iienholder orDenefictary,under arry exiating or subseQuen! •
<br /> mDt(g�edr itust deed Defora the date they are deiinquent a�In detau(t,and prompt�E tOdy attd discharge any snd alt otAer Bens,claims or Charges which
<br /> � may jeo�Ne secuHty gr$nted herein.U Tn�smr faits to make any Such�payfi�At.qr taiis to pe�form any of the covanants end agreemenis contatnad
<br /> • (n thisFiu�iTeaO,or tAe Note referted to here(n,or in any prior or sudseqi►�trt.t(uat QQed.ar H any ection or proCeeding ia cemmented wt►(cA mateNalfy ,
<br /> - •- � aHec4��i�ry's interest in the PropeRy.lnctuding,Out not timited to,,�m�tAQmain praceedings,proceedings invoMnga deceden�nmica of sflle �
<br /> ' ' byTnS4ee�sn�eofdetaultbyTrustee,mortgagetorectosureaction,orifTni�[sit�bnpayTrustor'eQebtsgeneralryestheybe�meaua,thenBeneft�ary.
<br /> ' ' • at6enefldarysoptlortandur�soutno6oetaordemanduponTh�taendrritnoutr�Ie�Tn�storframanyehligationhereunQer.mBymakasuchaDpearance� - �
<br /> � disburse such sums and�sich acUOn as is necessaryr m protect Beaefitiary'o ir=idtast.Urifar5ng,but not limited to,disbursement of reasunaEle attomey's
<br /> ?;;�;, �- c�,:. .- ♦ fees,paymen�purchase.AzrrtSSt or compromise ot any encumhrance.chatga pf tlRn.�]F c:AOn the Property to make repeirs,or dectaratlon of defaulF
<br /> ,�� • � .;•��x��f�-`--4'', underthisTrustOeed.IrttMsoventthatTrostashallfailtopracureinaqranaaor•.mpaytaices,�sessments,oranyotherchargesortomakeanypayments
<br /> _ : ,-'-s11����_�,_,;.<. :, to afry.@xiSGng or su6sequent tienhdders or exlsting or 8u6Sequent 4en9fiaatte�.9ene5ciary may procure such insuranee anQ make such payment,but _
<br /> � , sh�tl noE be.obligated to do so.My amounts disbursed try BBRa�iaary pursuant to thls Paragraph 8 shalt become additionat indehtednessotTrustor secured =
<br /> ' � • :���' by tNfi3n►st�eed.Such amounts shall Ce payabte upoq�4tice irom Qenefaaary to Trustor reQuesHng payment thereof,and shall hear tnterest trom the ,'-_
<br /> .`,'�i�f t,: dateof disbursement ffi the rate payable from dme to ttmd an autstanding prirtcipal under the Note unless payment ot interest at such ram woutd Ee oont�ary =-
<br /> � " - .:.,,i;�i5};(-� toappGcahlelaw.inwhicheventsuChamounteshaUb9arlrttep�atthehigheslratepermissibl9unCe�eppticabtelaw.Nothingcon2afnedinMiaParegrapA •�_�_-=�
<br /> ' �� r,� .. ,. 8 shall�equire Beneflciary tp incur any expense or take arr;r actran hereunder. ___
<br /> ? `•`t�` 7.ASSItiNMENT OF RENTS.Beneficiary Shat►have the righL power arr6 authority during the continuance ot thia T�ust Deed to colteCt the rente,issues
<br /> � .:i�.�..:.r.� �.�.
<br /> ,�,��,:;:; and protts of the Properly and ot any personsl praperty located therea�wi�TS ar without taking possesslon of the property affected Aeteby.end Truffior -
<br /> '�' �<-ti.:•��= hereDy absotutely and unsonditionalty assigns ati such rents.Issues an�G�o'rts to Bene6ciary.Benefici however,hereb Consenta to the Trustor's ' .'''`�T'_=
<br /> . , ary. Y ,`•';.r�:-'-�_-.�
<br /> - � }.;; ��.,:;:' cottection and retention of sueh rents,Issues and profits as they accme and Eecome payabte so tong as Trustor is not,at such time,in detault with respect ;�.;.>,��'z�:
<br /> t,�.. ., :;.:ti•;:.t .,•„,:• to payment o1 any indebtedrtess seeured hereby.or in the peAormanee of any agreement hEreunder.UDon any sucb delautt,BeneHelery may at any time, ;,;t ,�.�. '°____
<br /> ' - � :�•�"• � either in person,by agen�ar by a�eceiver to be appointed hy a court,without nolice and w::houi regard ta the adequacy of any security tor the indebtBdness :: � _
<br /> ';���. , � hereby secured,(e)enter upon and teke possess�on of the Property or any D�thereof,and in its own name sue tar or otherwise collect such rents,issues "'�
<br /> _i. . ,':. � ..:it '���_�.
<br /> - •+,; . ' and yrOrits,including those pasl due artd unpaiQ,and appty the same,less costs and expenses of operation end ColleCtion,inCluding reasona�l•9 attomey'e . , ��C - �
<br />_ i:,, . .
<br />_ ,•:1� �• lees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,and in auch order as 8enefcciary may determine:(b)perform such acts of repair or prot�ection es may be : ,• �`�-"�°
<br /> 1•� '�'��� •` � � necessary or proper to canserve thgvalue of the Property:(c)iease the same or any paR thereot tor such rental.term,and upon such cGnditiona as it9 � . ' a
<br /> _�p'�-�;`:•...
<br /> '.T1:- , ;� �:��
<br /> ,,.,�,._ , judgmentmaydictate.orterminateaadjustthetermsandcanditionsofexistingteases.UnlessTrustorendBenefic�arythere�t greeot�ervviseinwrfting, , .,
<br /> .=; +�t: eny epplicaUon of rents,issues or profits ro eny indebtedness seCUred nereby shail not extend or postpone the due date ot the instailment payments as � -.�,}�•:. ->'' `
<br /> �''•; .�;�,,,.;`• �., provided�e said promissory note or chenqe the amount ot such installments.The entering upon and taking posseSSion ot the Property,the coilection .t,.•. ..�_;,... ,'.� ;:�
<br /> - ����,�^`��?� � � ot such rer.�,issues and profits,and the aparcatton fhereof as aforesa�d.snall not waive or cure any detault or notiCe ot defsult hereunder or invatid8t0 ��';`��,;.;;.:�.. "
<br /> `•,� � •;.��r`�;.��� ' ' any act dome Aursuent to such notice.Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary.as turther sectf ity for the performance of the obHgetion9 secured hereby,all ��„f , :
<br /> ;_.:s_ ; "•r,;��..
<br /> ,�;�_.?,•,. :, . • • prepaiC reMS and aU mon►es which may havebeen or may hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee ot tne Property.to secure the payment •�,.�'�: ,; ���
<br /> �;�;:!;�• of any rentCr damages.or upan default In the per}amartce o�any ot the provlsions hereot,Ttustor agrBe9 to detive�suCh rent9 and depOSits to BerteHciary. � . ,,
<br /> % �•� • Delivery Of written notice of 8eneficiary's exercise Ot the rig►�ts granted herein.to any tenant ocCUpying 9aid ptemises shall be suHicient to require said • �-»�
<br /> t.=:;,�.., ' ' tenent io pay rent to the Bene}iciary untif tu�lher notiCe. • , '
<br /> �� '�` � ''� - 8.GaHa(�1ANATION.If tltle to any pan t;."�e Property shall be taken In condemnation praceedinga,by righl of emment domain or 6imilat action,a • � ' , '
<br /> �;+�,'.:` . shall Ce sxd under threat of eondemnat�or,a�F awards,damages and pracesds ere hereby assigned and ahau be paid to Benefic�ary vrho shatl appiy , . �•
<br /> �t.�. .
<br /> . �;.�. = ; . SuCfi evVatGS�damages and proceetls to tRe s�cn secured tr�thia Trust�eed.with tt�e excess,if any,paid to Trustor.If T;ustor receives any notice or
<br /> ;���: � ' -� �� other inlamaUon regarding such acUOns or�roceeCmgs.Trustor shall give prompt written notice thereof to Bene}ieiary.Ber:e}ieiary shat t1e entitied.al . : .
<br /> ;�•;�, „ . tts op�on,to eommence,8ppear In ttnd proSOC:.e m its own rtame any such aCtion or proceedings and shatl De entittetl to make any compromiss ar settlemenl
<br /> ._ �'=`-' �'' � . ' In connectlon with any such action or prOCCedmgs. ;.•�
<br /> �,.�.• , , '' �; � 9.FlRURE AOVANCES.Upan requesf of Trustot,Beneficiary a1 Beneflciary's opdon,prlor to reconveyance o}the Property to Trustor,may make
<br /> � - . tutnre adYdnCe9 t0 Trustor.Such tuture advanCes.with interest thereon,shall be secured by thls TruslOeed when evldenCed by promissOry notes Stattng ��
<br /> � that 6aid notes are secured hereby;provided that et no time shatl the secured principal and future advances.not inctutling sums edvanced to protec! �
<br /> , �,�:: � the 6eeuriry,exceed two hurtdred percem(200�ib)01 the oNglnal pnncipal amounts secured hereby.
<br /> � ^ ta RENEDiES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Beneliciary.and each of them,shall De entiUed te enforce payment and perlormance ot any indebtedness
<br /> ., or obligatlonssecured heteby and toexerCise a11 tights and powers under this Trust Deed ar under eny other agreement executed in connectian herewitA .
<br /> � . ' � ' � or anyr laws now ar hereafter in totee,natwithstanding some or ail ot the sueh indebtetlness and obligatlons secured hereby may�ow or hereafter be
<br /> � � • othenviseseeured,whether by martgage.trust dee0.D�ed4e.uen,assignment or otherwise.Nelther the acceptance of this Trust Deed nor fts en}orcement . ,
<br /> whether byeaurt aetion ar pursuanttothepower of sate or other powers hereln eontained,shall pre►udice o►in any manner afteel Truste9'8or BeneNetary's �
<br /> rlght to reaUZe upon or entorce any olher security now or hereafter held by Trustee or Beneticiary,it being agreed thal Trustee and Beneliciary.and eaeA , .
<br /> �.� , .
<br /> � ���` . . � '
<br /> -_' ...-R :..�.�_—_._._i- ������..-� _
<br /> 1 � ' . .
<br /> � G ' .
<br /> ..... �� �� � � �•..-
<br />