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<br /> . , ,,
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<br /> °i°�� - ' �...,,,�. ����`i'� � .,:c. —
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<br /> . b,�
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<br /> - .. ; - . -.. ..• " ' _�_ -_ _
<br /> �P'_��-C `v�' ��lik . . ` ' ', . .. . - _�. ` ' ' .. , .,'—�—'�—:�--..k. �s_�
<br /> __ _ Ft t�:'- � .. . . . . � o . , 'c:.. � .
<br /> — _ . . ` . '` .. � ~,' . _ `,n � . ` ` . ! ' . _��< . . ,�C����� � ' `' _ .. ... .
<br /> - _--"__ _ _ _ _ - S� .
<br /> �. ci���Ie�t�or�trt�e�LendereN�3lh�r±i�ao�tton,.kt[tsioi� �l�haot�n.d�r,to +��------ �_
<br /> =� �-- ����IOm�ll�as�s�tetde�geii umW�tfn�o�uacl�switAauch�raea�da,uA�►wlR �
<br />-- — ` �ti�y i�d{n weho[�tQ L�t�t�M Mtl�wen�. a tts: �f�ucfi�cae�[s;atcer�uan a�ttCa�n��eaa-'� -��- .. �� =- _
<br /> __ . :�r�dyapa!�auonc�diftaqaatsnc4�rm�yyd�n�ires►au►�'y�tt��anat�ra�d�eotr�d�l�dnnw�et�aRex�ndirpaqpoM
<br />- -- �duedalR.ofsuYWX�tiunda�that�m�►oreura�nyd�ttwlitfeaaundercrhateu�Mer•Arpnuru�►tt�dNni�hat 4�pWdb,.
<br /> -- -- T�Ipr, . : . . � , ., � ,
<br /> •: a:�bY L+�!l,�an tlt0 occur�encs o!�n EV�ntolDetautt?�ere�aQer.Cr[f airy tct i�t�pn oo tl�t prowedt�l
<br /> — ccnyme��tet►ttq�e�ityatf�bLestd�r'sintseatintAsPro�ert�ItLin�rmayinitia�m�israWo�n.but�a�Ra�lDe� -- ----
<br /> _ — �.atxtwitlwul�ro�e+eto qr demand upon Trua4or and wit4tostt reteaa(r�1'tusnnr trom any o�It�tibab do�ny atit w1�IcA Ttua4cr ftu
<br />����
<br /> ��.
<br /> ---- -- - - - -�Dtttda�stodasn6-�aYatst3itoas�rrr►€t�e:aCtitt�&a�sta+�Y���tf�s�cw�t�he�at-Tse�ial�lLta�--- _
<br /> - upondam�s�dtAar�[a►6y Lendqr.Qakto 6ender s!loostaand expensr�irr�.urtedendenm�expende�DY kenderin connacttanwt�t•� _
<br /> � theexercisebl►t�euderotthotnreaofnDrfght�.ta�etherwNAintereattl�onatthedetautl�aseptovWedinthe[Yom,whichahail9e, _
<br /> ad,dnd tp�tRa t�ae4ured ha�e�y.Lendar eheH not incur any 1lablttty beoause ot enyt3�tnp it may da o►omlt to d0:�
<br />�- _ t�w►4a►.
<br /> -— ---— 9_Nm�dowl�Ticuatm ahal!Ic��Bie Property 1n comptfan�e wtth sU�FAllcabte tawa.ocdinantxa enQ reputaUont -
<br />�;: �etatirrp m iridustriu!Aygiene or envlron�!pro�eetlon(co{tea�ve[y�reterred tQ!►e�+etn as°EQ►vlronmental Ea�rs'4.Tcustor alull
<br /> -.: ineptlFa Fmpectyheetromeflsubstac►eeadeamedto�e Aaasudous�rto�taunderarfy Envlronmental Laws(ooitecttrvefy retatrod�
<br />��'�' heee�n gs"H�zardp�11Aateriats'�.Trustor hereby waRanb as►d repiesentato Lender thatt�re are no ttazardoue MaLesiats on or
<br /> � undertheProperiy.�nestcrher�yay�eeatatrtdemNfyandhotdham►tc�Lender,ftsdirectors.atft�.em�tcY!ae�s8nds�enta►and -
<br />_��' e�Yauc�saorotol.ertdefatrtteresLftomandagntr�atanYan0eflctatrn�dam�aga�tagsesendtiabtlitiesariatrEgt�ioOnneCttonwf{h _
<br /> �e preaenc�0.us�.dtagosai ar liansRoA pf any Haratdaus Materiais on.�[rtd�.from or elwu!tlte Propetty.�.TH��FOi�EQAiirt{3 _ . _
<br /> = 10.Asdgnment d R�tb6 TnisUor here!►y asstgns to LenQer tRa rent9�t�ue3 and praflts of the Property.provtded that Tn�ator �,,,__
<br /> , F, �,,�:.,.r;=
<br /> ��„�.'�.4.'.:=_.•�,� shatl;ar►�tt9taocamanceotanEventofQatauithereunder,rtavathe�tghtmcoltectand�stainsuchrentaissusaandprotitsasthey , �-�°.-�,--�=-
<br /> - �' - - b�d�ca��payai�i�ttpon the occurrertce of en Evern of t)eFeutt,i.ert8er irmy,eitiser tn persm-�t►r6y ngert4w�in or witnout _.:�,t ,d;��— _
<br /> � � bdnsiny arry ectiae or�ooeBdU►�.or by a recefver appolnted ay e couR end w�➢mut regard to the adequacy ot ita securtty.enter �.,a �
<br /> uponandffikepo�nofthaProperty.orarrypaAthereof.iniffiownnacr�earfntRanamsoltheTrustee,anddoenyac�swhtchR '�.-��.�
<br /> :,�., • 7Y, w;�`:' . deert�sneces.saryordestrabletopresenrethevalue.maricetablliryorcenta6itityraf�ePropedyr.oranyparttltereoforinterasttherein. � "�'rr'"�`
<br /> ```, ��';�. inc;�easo tfla income tNereirom or pratect tAe security horeot an�.with or wtthout taking possesston of the Property.sue tor or 1� ��
<br /> r,=F.: ° �'� . otherwi�cottect fhe reMS.tssuea end proflta Mereof tnctuding those Dast due ar�uepatd.sr�d appty the same,less cosb�and f�a;�,
<br /> ,•�� ;��.t7.iM1lA � ,-
<br /> � �.;::n,"����"��'�.�.�' e�ensESOtapera8onandoottectiontnctudingettomays feeaupananytndabtednesssecured�ereby,&U insacAorderaslender �. :t;=-T._-
<br /> as '; A « �� �L� map de2ermina TAe entedrtg upon and takieg�ossesslon et the Property.the coilsct[on of sucA renm,is�aesand pro!'ds and U�e ;�
<br /> � i} ., , . � �,.
<br /> ' ' '' ap�on tAereot as eScresa[d sha0 not cure or watve arry detautt or nottce af defau(t Aereundsr or t�any act done tn ,.�',.�� _
<br /> �-�
<br />- '�, �__� :�;� -
<br /> `}a�':::�::.• •:,`�• :'�, rosp��at�svch�au[torpursuarntosuchnotio0ofdetaultand aotwtthstandingthecontlnuanceinpas�xdilhePropertyor � a�'..;�?-:-
<br /> w :.,.,. ^ _.'::�:�:x�:.
<br /> � ; =.; .: 8�c��r.receipt and appticatfon of rents,issu�ar profi�►and Trustea and lender shail 0e entitled ta�i�ercise every�tght . ' .. �,6�..::�,�,°__
<br /> �`�bF�:,,°� ���-�•' ` ro t�r:� of tAe Loan tnsuuments or b law upon occumeeeexa of an Eventot Oetautt Inetudin without limitatton Hc�rtgAt °`��``"���
<br /> .� ..,,kre.., ..;�:,; ,;• ::,. P vf� ...�_anY Y Y 8 � +�:
<br /> . t��hY '; ,, .^ m ex�r��hBPawer o!�ta FuMer.LendePs dghb and re�ned;e.a r,r��er this paragraPh shatl be cumutative with.and in rm.aoc�x a ,�.�..,�
<br /> t � ,,••„v: Ilmitatic�lic��Lsrsder'srightsendremedie9underanyasstgnmentet�sandrentarecorCedagalnsttheP�roperry.lend¢r,Y�sie9 � �.�,
<br /> _ �{ !�l;��a;'��•"� �:r�, : and th9 ref:(�tver sl�2lt Eae Uabie fi acCOUnt onty tor those rerds aCGm1�.recebc� . . ����r`.
<br />-..'•'.4 t��� , , 11. Evmb o!R�fm�B.The followtng ehall consU4ite an Eve�t q'f.Cetaeif iva�this Oeed of TrusC t�,.•;' �
<br /> (81 F�iture t��ay any installment ot principal or tnterest o!�ay other sum secured hBrepY when dueC F ,« " 5
<br /> yF.; J 1 . a . •i
<br /> ��y�� ta�Y,1;`•"}` @)ADreaChaiordelauRunderanyprovtsEoncantainedtnfltneNotethis0eedotTrus%ecegottheCoanlnstrume�orany � ', ' ` �•
<br /> : . . -'r. oth�r�ren or encumbrance upon the Property: � `�'� Y '`
<br /> ; .. : ,�'r,::_,:. . ,a.�.. e -
<br /> �"'t`���••° (c).Awrftotexecutlonorat�chmentorenysimitarproc�assshattheenteredsgalnsttbus�arryhichshas�becomeali@non .,���::� ,
<br /> :���;:`.:.:`•:•":'� .,,:;��.��. �, � �;;
<br /> . ; '.� - fhe PropeRy ar arry poRton thereof or tnterest tlraeot�; . .'�:s _
<br /> `r,`': � � , (d)There shati be flted�y or against Trust�r ar Bnaower an actlon under any present or tuturetedarab etato or other • � '
<br /> • ;..����� '�` . : sfat�s,law or regulaUon relaUng to ba�kruptcy,irtsa!ver�eY or other retlef for debtors;or there shall6e appointed any trustee, '� �F�-�=:
<br /> - �hr�aoNiqutdatorotTiustororBorrowerorotallorarrypa�t9ftheP�operty.ortherents,lasuesorprofltathereof,orTrttStor �� �'��°
<br /> � or�er shall m8ke any gen@t81888tgnment tor the ba-ra�pf credi2ors ' • _=
<br /> �:.; '' � •�qg t�'Ae sate,transter,tease,assignment,conveyamco or turther eneum�rance ol ail or aoy paR ot or arry intetest�ttfe '��' ,'� �� � �`
<br /> :''' ' Prope°.iy.e'r!h&r votunffiriry or InvatunffiNty,without the exp�ess writtem caassa,�t ol Lender,provtded that Trustor sn�]t be �. ,���;;�?�'
<br />�- ,,j . '� ° permit�Qt�Oa¢&c�ssteaseoithePropertyihatdoesrtotCa�tatnanopUoniopw.chaseandthetertnofwhichdaesr►o��x�ed : , • «<
<br /> , �" F: , one Ye�t: � ',
<br /> 1: ,.,��;� ' (�Abandonnrent o1 the Properiy;or •.;.-� � �
<br /> - ,' ��,�„��•�� . (�IfTruBtortsaotanindivi0u�6,Meissuance,satatrans:°er.assignmentconveyanCOOtertcumbranceofmorethar+osoffiI .`�,t��.: •:�, ` �
<br /> .;�,j,,,�;.r�t ,, _,. , ' '' y.' _-
<br /> � � ` 01 percent of(it a corporaUon)tts issu#and c�Lsianding stock or(tf a partnership)e total 01 perceM ot � ��t�' ��•��`' �•��
<br /> . - 'q� ".: ts
<br /> ��ti•` j:�.� ' .. '::.+�., partr�ership interesb during the pedod this Oe�e.:ot Trust remains a Ilen on the Property. .��..��� ' �`;� '•'.". ;
<br /> � '•"` � ' • 12. R�med[�Acnhtatlon Upon DetaWt In theevent ot any Event of Defautt Lender may,wlNout noUce exceptes requlred by � �
<br /> � -�•� ,. law.decta�e all Ind�bteMe9s secured hereby to be due artd payabie and the same shell thereupon�ecome due end payable _ „ _ •� ,
<br /> , ,� '.�� : �� ����-�•:•° , wtthaut any D�entrnent demand.Drotest or noUce ot any kin4 73�areafte►Lender may: 's'•:� �: - �
<br /> ��� �'�'"�°� •':;.� �. � - (a) Demand that Truatea exercise the POWER OF SAE£granted herein,end Trustee shall thereaftei cause Trustore , � .`��•�Y�
<br /> - �`�' `'��-�� interesf in the Propertyr to be eoid end the proceeds to be dis�i��ted,al1 in�manne►proviQed In the Nehraslre Trust Deeds . `
<br /> , .:'�. .
<br /> - •• r.��,�:. �., . .. A� - .. , . . _
<br /> :, ;ti:::..,. .
<br /> �:.`�F,.n: . • � � _ ..
<br /> � �� ° (b� Exercise�r�and ail righb provlded tor in any ot tltie Lgan Irtstrurr�r+t�or by law upon occurcence of eny Event o! �' �• . . • , .
<br /> � '`� Oetaulk enQ � `
<br /> s.=: �, � ., . .. .
<br />� ,;, „ . ��.;, . (c)CommenceanacKtontotoreclosethis0eedotTrustasamortgage�appointereeciv�r.orspeciflcatryentoreeatryotlhe :::•.�;,,,
<br /> x�' •, '_.:.;:: . cover,�:SS hereob `�.;��:`�,�+
<br /> • "�' • No rem�qr h,erein corrterted upon or reserved to Trustee or Lertder is intended to be exclu£iYC�af any other remedy Piere6r�in Si�e � ����'`' ' ��� •
<br /> c�
<br /> �� '� '� Loan Irtr�tru�rertesor by taw provlded o►permittea,but each shail be cumuiative,shaii be in addiUOn to every at4�QS rerr�'jt gtvan ' �• '. '. � `,o;
<br /> `�:,�,:: • •
<br /> �� - hereu�er.in the 6aan[r►atrumenffi or rtow or hereat�r e�UaNng ae law or in equtry or by atetute and may be ex�r�i�!saaerrrrently. � , .
<br /> ��• .•.• .: �::;• inQependentty or suCCesslvety. • . ' ,
<br />- , 13.1h�te�The Trustee may resign at&ny tlme without cause,end Lender may at any Ume and without cause&ppaint a , , . � � � �
<br />- `� •�� •,''�"• � sueeessoro►subsdtuteTrusteeTrusteashatlno1he11abtetoanyparty.lneludingwithoutllmlteBonLendor,8orrower,Troatorarany . , Y
<br /> ==�;' � -�`:� ••�- � purchaserolthePropeRy.toranytosaorQamageunlessduetorecklesaorwiiliulmiacondact,andshalinotberequlredtotekosny . ;
<br /> :-;: � acdon in cannectlon with the enforcement ot t�is DeeO ot Trust untesa indemnitled.In writiag,tor aU cnsta.compensaUOn or . .
<br /> ;.,� �'" :' expenaea whiCh may be associated therewlth.tn addiUon,Trustee may become e purchaser at any sale of the Proparty Qudicial or •
<br /> �� '� �i- " • under the power of sate granted heretny;posiporte the eate of atl or any portlon ot the Fropeny.es provlded by Iaw;or sell tAa
<br /> ' .' . PropeRy ea a whote.or in sepatate parcets or fots at Trustee's dlsareUon. • � ,
<br /> _. - -„ • 14. F�s md F.ap�nsa.tn tha event Trustee selis the Property by exerelse o1 power ot eate,Trustee ahall be entlUed to eppry .
<br /> � sa .
<br /> �>�.��.:'. ..;:" �:� any sate prcceeda ptst to payment o1 all coste and expenses o1 exerclstng power cf eale.incfuding all Trustee's feos,and Lendets '
<br /> �� t �"` , ,.: ,, endTrustse'settomey'9fee8.eCtustrylneurredtoextentpemnitte4byapp�icabtelsw.tnthe�ventBorrowerorTrustoiexerclsttesany ' . - �
<br /> . � dph!provtde0 by taw to cure an Event of Detautt,Lender shatl be enUUed to recover trom Trusto►alt cosb and expenses aetuatly
<br /> - . � �.� " Incurted es e ttellult ot Trustar's detaulR including wfthaut limttatlon atl Trustee's artd attomey's fees,to the extent permi@ed Cy � , ,
<br /> ' ' epplicabte taw.
<br /> � � � tb. Putuca wQ+ranea.Upon requ8st of 8onower.L�ender may,at its opUon,make eddiUCnalBnd future advances and re- .
<br /> � � � adeanees to Borrower.8uet�adv8rt689 and readvanees.with in�reat theteon,shall�e 68CUred by thlg Oeed of Trust A!nottme shatt . . .
<br /> _ _ _ -�__ theprtncipalemeuntoftheirtQebtedneassecuredpytt�faReeOofTiustnotlnCluaingsumsadvancedwprote�etheseeudtyotthls _ _ __ _
<br /> � . ;.�` . 6eed of TiusL exc�sd the odgfnal pdncipal emaunt e�ted hereln.or�{g0@��MfiTC118v6t i@ gt88�BI. .
<br /> �
<br /> �� 4f ':_�l
<br /> .. . ,,� .
<br /> . „° . . .. '
<br /> �;r ;<. ..`:,.. . ' �.
<br />