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<br />� Tt�tatrx�IRR azt�utt�n ot tAs.De�d af.Tt+�sL .i. .� _ . _ . I � ` , .
<br /> .�.� ,
<br />-- — . , . t! A.:. aiv�s Tiusio* . � BusDa�d, . -
<br /> _-��._--------- . r�_... .. _ . � � ::- -- - - - - - -— - _ . - --_ _---
<br /> . - -------- - -- --�---�-- --_ _-- - - ------ :.. �--- �, ._. -- =--- =--- - ---- -�� — .__�..
<br /> — ' � - - C��`.� 7h:star ltite�
<br /> t .
<br /> - — � �� OEED�OF-TR1dST Mf�4i�!�l940�.��VANCES ��. � . _ . .
<br /> . �TH1S OEED OF TRtiST.�S�ada as o��a.-�t�-�Y�o� n�,r � --.19.:9C�.bp and amor�
<br /> ������ Tn_s,� Stnua� t—Carel 1 g�+nues �„Z!l{�1�IIIi� And vfi@ -. . _
<br />�� . whose matung a�dress ts 3244 It Haabaaa S� �ti.ielext�erei�°ihis��"w�r�tre4�r more?. -
<br /> =�=c
<br /> tlte Trustee� � ��� peint� eanR a Ke� ac�itw CntoQ ' -£�a � � .
<br /> -- `� �rrltoss meiting adQresa ts P.fJ. Bos �507 Grand Lslaad.._� 69802 ,i��ry�rein`Tiusme"l.ertd = - _
<br />_----_—"—�— the BerteflWsry. Five Pointa 9en1: �.;:. , — • `""--
<br />'�=����� whose malltngaddreas ta ?a�'� x ar,.oevp�i RrsanA Trntnn� KE GeA�?»i�7�. ` (hereU"tender? -__-
<br /> �-�r.� . .. ___
<br /> ` EOR VALUABtE COMS�DE�ATIQM.tnciudtng�der's extensto�atcredit idenUGc�d�ein toJe�es A Statt[� ____
<br /> •:: •--_
<br /> ' ..�`�'�: r'' �' i rs � * a�aua -(R�r�n"snrmwe�'.wt�ether�orte or more)and the Wst herein createQ =` --
<br /> : �v:;:,,�.; ,��» =__-
<br /> `•� tlte recetpt of whiCh is hereDy ecknowl8dged.T�ustor hereLSr.irts+nacabty 9rantg,tearisters.conveys and asstg�e to Trustaa.IN
<br /> ' . ��.i .l: • - -
<br /> - :z,��, ..-.,;
<br /> ;��;��•,,.r-_ .� ; � 71RtJST,WITHPOWE�tOFSALE.tortnebenefitand6ecurityofL�:underandsubjedtothetermsandcortd(tlonsharainafterset --_ —
<br /> ���:,�;; ,�` bM.fhe reat Oroperiy.described es toltov�r� � - _ -
<br /> :���9 .��� �.�?.� -� LOT 1Bt� 110I� IN 11ES3'YpdD PARt� 88CQ�1Q'Sl1ElAIVISIOH. GHB��.b,�.AND. HALL C011ti?Y• . _
<br /> °.��'`�; ����`,. �'��,�i HEBRASElA - ' .._.
<br /> ? ����j4 f;:,•�t_+.?�.1 . ' . �__��
<br /> _ ��i+Z��i!a74:.wt..'KSi [� ' ' ' . - "�__�
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<br /> '; : �.`;:::-:, :`c.;=;:1�� • . -
<br />-=j •�`.'.�.�'r'i_���:;���r� . _ . . - _._.—._—_
<br /> r,'•_;:��;.: TogetAer witl►atl Duildings,fmprovements.Ti�dura�sdteets,alteys,passageways.eassments�,rfght8,priviteges 8nd apP�Re- tt�_-_
<br /> ,�=�:;'a;;s+..t.:`.��':!;``� , nanoes IocaLed thereon or in anywise pertatntn�thore'a,ait�tne►ents,Issues and pra6t&•reverstons and remafnders fhereof,and 1,��,�,1�_��:�:.�
<br /> �;��s --
<br /> `.•:�'��.`;`�,. - such personaf property tha!is att&ctted ta the improirc��su es to constltuta a fixtur+�.inciuding.but not limited to.heaUng and ����,��,�r�s�-�
<br /> �b`�' � � ���• � caoling equipment and together with th�homost�d or�rari�il tnterests,it any,whfch interests are fiereby reieased and watved;atl t�,���.�1.�' _
<br /> :'•�•��? ' � otwhlch,Includingrepiacemenisendadditionsttrjra�G,is�t�arebydeciaredtobeapadoftharealeatatesecuredbytheilenotthis �:`ti�", �•
<br /> - .n�''' Oeed ot Tnist and atl of the foregotrtg beir+g reiareot ta t�3reln as the"ProRerty.. . �=
<br /> . �� ... . `.e�• ',iY{ l��
<br /> � `�`'� �� �. Thta Oeed o!Trust shati secura(a)tha paymenR af cTr�principal sum end interest evidenced b a pramisso note or credit •
<br /> ,.�. ? '�,`�: _ ., -,_
<br /> .;:•.
<br /> __ Y �!► ;�ak:�_:� ",�° --_
<br /> ";,�.''� .
<br /> � , .,,�:' agreementdated ...BeSAA�e�-aipL �89a having a maturiry date of Awcil 210t 1999 . ���?�v� �T=
<br /> +' ��j �, � x_e . +,.
<br /> ' (ntheorigtrtalprinClpalamountol$ �T���-�—.andan andatlmudiflCatiortsexcensicnsandrenewalS ��'�``.;�" ' t ,���`a,L'-
<br /> � y "' .v.��Z�+ �'�?;,••
<br />-�;� ' •� ;, ";�_�,_�� thereof or thereto and any and alE fut��ad�+�s and readvances to Barrawer(or any of them if more th9n one�hereundet ;:<21'.,,:r:.,;�;.,�-��.,�r.�_,
<br /> �•.:��:�"..•, .• ; .. . eEp`::�} ....�_�� „-•.*;• .
<br /> - �:;,.,±�^;F�!r�. - pursuantto one or more�promisgory no.aa ai creCit agreemente(Aerein called"Note"�:(b)the paymeM o1 other sums advanced by '��, ��.
<br /> � �•�°"t��<<�'.��.��..•" � L�endettoprotectthesecurityotM4N61ec(e}theperformancaafallcovenantsanda reementsol7ruatorsettortt�hereirt;and(�aif ;e,��{�1'' ' � �
<br /> ,�.��„ 9 �q;�;t;. . . ..V,::.
<br /> -^'�';�k�,�,t�,4;:� •. • present ertd fufltr�ir,d�biednQ3s ar�elobitgetlons of Borro�►eee(or any ot them if more thar�one?to Lender whether direct.indirect ;�,��,i;�,:,.: : :.:^ F.,
<br />_,<` �_. . ";;�. absolute or contlngenta�whrsth�r tarising by note,guarar»�j,overdrafl or otherwise.The Note,this Deed o1 Trust and any end ail ;;:�,=�_
<br />� " � otherdocuQnA3thaieecunpthG�Na:eorolhenviseexecutedinconnectiontherewith,inCludingwfthoutllmitaUonguarantees,secudty • � �'� ".}='
<br /> �r �� : � . agreemenb ar.d itsaignmertta o!teases and rents,shal!be reterred to herein as the"Loan Instruments'.
<br /> � Tru3tor t�renenb and+dgro�s with Lender as fottows: ,� •
<br /> '� � �� ` , 1.Paymnst�!Imds�.All indebtedness secu�ed hereby eha11 be paid when due.
<br /> � s���;,�. '. . 2.TIUs.Trustqr t9 the owner of the Property,has tha nght artd authoHry to convey�se Property.and warrants that the lien �
<br /> _ �, `�' "
<br /> ,ftL:f`,<•1: :
<br />_?� ,.;•� • � created hereb��r i�.a flret and prtor lien on fhs�roperty.except tor Ilens and encumOranc�s set forth by TNStor in wriUng end � .. .
<br /> '�;? 4:;.i��y,.�: . :, ;.•,:,�;c; delivered to L��2o betore executlon of this�d of Truaf.and the executton and de8very ot this Qeed ci trust does not vt0late any � �; � �
<br />='; �;;;�.�:. ;:��::,I,�;�: contract or other c•bliggtian to whlch Tru�a�is subject . .. . •
<br /> � ''�''�' 3 4arso,A�menb.Ta pay betore delinquertcy au taxes,apec;aE.a�essments 2r.1 att o9her charges against th0 PropeRy
<br /> , 4. ..�::.�� � . . � . .
<br /> ' �,��;';;:�`.� no�s+or(1er�c9r ievted. ' , •�
<br /> �: ,,-.h;. . • ` •
<br /> +':�����>�x ; 4. tnwrans�Toke8pth8Propertyinsuredagainstdamagebyfire,haa2rdsinciuded�:ftfint�ete►m"extendedcoverage'.end
<br /> � `'`�Z�:°r''`;': - `" aucA otihe�hezerds as lender may requlre,In amounts and witA companic s aceeptabla ta Lender,naming Lende�as an addiNonat
<br /> ,�'4,',•• _, ` .: .
<br /> �•,�:"`>�'� '���� ' '�� �`� named inaured,w:ih tosa payabte to the 6.ende�.In ease ot toss under such palicies,the lender is authodzed to adjust,coi�ect end •�. ; �
<br /> , �., .. • • `� � .
<br />_ .�,.5�..::'� •:°�'= compromis9,ailotalmsthereunderandsha'.IhsvetheopUonolapplyingaltovpartottheinsuranceproceeds(i)toanyindebtednesa� ,. .
<br /> �:;`-`;,:,�. • " ; '`�� securedAerebyandinauchorderasLertde�rt�ydetertnine.(i1)totheTru�ortobeusedtorthe�epalrorrestoreUonolMeProperty ,�.,�• .
<br /> .t.o - ti•- •' .', �.�;;'' -
<br /> :t�y,t�:.:".�:�;:�,�,� or(iii)toranyotherpu►poseorob;�tsa��^`„�rytoL@nQerwithoutaHeeUngthelleno}thlspsedofTrustto►thetutlamounisecured .,•-�:•
<br /> .;�. . - . h6�aoby b0lore such paymeMever took pt�a3.any apA.���an o�proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or posf�one the due �t;'� �
<br /> �:,.�,_
<br />=' '��'�: " date ot eny paymente under the Note,or curo a.ny de'.a�.'i tf�eieunder or hereunder. ''`'
<br /> '`' � ' � "`'" 6.Etcrow.Upon w�itten demand by E.ers��r,Trustor shali pay to lender,in euch martrter fla Lender may designa�.suNicient .
<br /> �t � .``"� � sumstoenableLendertopayeatAeybeC�omedueoneormoreoftheto�lowing:p)alltaxes,asseasmentsendetherChargesagainst ,
<br /> �• •. . ��!,;�:`•.,., the PropeRy.pq the premluma on the O�aQ�Y insu*ance required hereunder,end(iii)the premluma an any mortgage insurance � .
<br /> ' � - requtred by Lend$r. � .. .
<br /> • ' � 6. IYhfnt�n+ne��R�p�lr�artd CompWnee wltA Lewa.Trustor shatl keep the Praporly In good condiUon and cepalr.shati
<br />_' , _,;• � promptty repaU.or�eptace any improvement whicA may be damaged or destroyed:shail not cammit or permtt any waste or .
<br /> '.,, � deteNOraUon of the Piroperty;ehall not remove.demotiah or su6stanUally alter any of the fmprovements on the Property:shetl no!
<br />- eomml�suiter 0e permit 8ny act to be done In ar upon the Properry 1n vlotation of eny law.ordinance,or regutaUon;and shall pay and
<br /> ' .�-+��.��:�' . promptty diacharge at Truata�'s eost end expense all Iiena.eneumbrances and charges levled.Imposed or e9sessed agalnat the . .
<br /> • • �• Ptoperty or eny part thereol. � • . ,
<br /> ' "' 7.Em4Hn1 Domain.lender Ia hereby assigned all ecmpensation.awarda damagea end other paymente or�eflef(hereinatter , _
<br /> f�• . "Ptoceeda'h�nconnecttanwitbcandemnattono►othertaktngoltheProperlyorpartthereof.orbreonveyanceinlieuotcondemna-
<br /> -- .� . - '• �as��pstQEt a1ta1!�s e�ted a!itg Qptia�e tQ commence.appear in and pro8eeute in Ita own name any actton or praeeedings,and _ ' - .�,_
<br /> ±°' � ' shatl atso be entitted to m8ke eny compromtse or setUement in eonnecUon with auch mking or damaga In the event any pordon of ••
<br /> .5,'. �i �.1• ` /
<br /> " ' � ��7���.�W� ..
<br /> . O 1�N1MaW Cta101Cam�M►C�tn41�IdBh'uqrAaOtlebR.W100fn fdbttlt�
<br /> "., �
<br /> �.•. ' �: :,
<br /> :.
<br /> .
<br /> �" �
<br /> _
<br /> ' —
<br /> . .'�:2..� ':' -. . - -- - —- _
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