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; <br /> i ^ .: _ - <br /> �.i� . - . . - <br /> ,� �� -L� . . 4 �" ' -' _ _.___ . __, - . <br /> L - .. <br /> s � <br /> .�S ro-�3y� :..d �- --- � � - -- - � - -- . _ <br /> '���.'����� ' ' _ - . _' ... . . . . . -_� — _ --- _ - .. .' _ . ._ <br /> , • . . . —. — � ' . ,. ' <br /> . . . . ` : - . . �. � . . r . _ . <br /> �� .. . ._�_ . _ � . , . . .. � � � , .� c . . .� ��� �� - - <br /> � � •�pp�p110�Of�es�O��II�►.�[L Of t�k�y pf faC l'QIIVC�f�IIOC ilt�;N4�� �� �' <br /> ' ., ����� . � . <br /> � �d�t:eve�Mt oE'��otat taiciaa of l�e Ptoperty-t�P��� �PP��w tUe su�senurd hy dus Se�u�RY. <br /> . . j�whetber a eot thert due.wid�any cxorss pai�eo Bor�ower- In the evrnt of n putiai t�hic�g oF the Roperty iR: <br /> • :..rr#�icb�Ae faiFmntet vaiue of the Qtopeity imaredi�ely befar IAe f�tcing is equal tu as`pratEC t6an the aa�x of tbe sums <br /> sxuted hY tha Sa�ritY I�ra�imm�Gale1Y be$x+e the uicin&.unkss Bc�nawer a�d l.endet exixn�isc srgoee in wriong. - <br /> � d�su�s secuoed,Dy tMs Secu�r tn�ua�s�U 6e�by the annunt of tl�e proee�ds muliiplied bY UK fdbNring <br /> � � �frartion: (aa•the wnl aroawK of the sutns secund immodiatci}6eface tl�e tatau►g.dividai by tb)ilie fair�narktt vatue oi thc <br /> - Fiopect�im�i�C�efoc+e�e�. -�-1�at�ce shall he Qaid to Hoaoger.�_In tbt ovpk of a p�ctiat t�king of the_ <br /> Plmpetty in whici�t6e fiir mad;a vali�e oE tpr P�+npen3'immediat�lY bcfar-tM tai�ing is less dian tLc�rtwiu�t af t6e sums <br /> _ ` sec�d u►Nnod�1Y lxfae the aking.unkss BorraRer�d t.erdcr aU�erwisr agt�ee.;n writiog or unkss applicabie taw <br /> o1l�e�wisn pcovides.the peocoeds shall be�pplied to tI1e sums secute�by t6ic Seeurity instrummt wlKtlies or naE the sums ue <br /> . the�ldqe. , . <br /> - if ef�c Propc�ty is ab�adooed b!►Bamnwe.�a if,atter�aticc by.l.ea�der[o Sartower titat tde.caadem�ror offers to m�ke - --- <br /> an a+w�rd or stuk s ctaun for da�ges.Ba�mnwa fails to�w l.ender withia 30 days after ttie date t5c aotiee is gn!m, <br /> I,axkf is�ciud to cdkCt and.apply ihe p� iIS oppot►.tithtt ta testo[atian ar[epait of tlfe PuupeRY at M the <br /> �� s�uns se�ed by this 5ecaritY I�qu.�hether oc not thrn due. <br /> . _ . tJdess f.eader�nd Rormaer o�en�ise agree in writing..�nY apPlic�iao af praceeds to priacip:►1 sbai!not extend or <br /> postpone d�c due dste af the mor►th1Y PaYmaus nfemd to ir�parag�+phs 1 aod 2 or cbange d�e am,o�ne of such paya�ents. <br /> 1L Rar�+a�ree Nat lteieased: � � � 1Vot s Wa►rer. Eatension of dx time far payment or. <br /> mo�eficatian of�ion of dx satns socured by tbis Sec�ritY Znsdumtnt granted by Lendu to any successor itt iate�esi <br /> ' af Aonc�wer�hall na oQetptc to ie{ease the lia6ility of ttx originai Bortower or fiormu�ers su�cvecso�s in inte�est.Lec�de� <br /> st�aII not�e�equiro�to comi�ra�ae Pidcxdings a8aznst anY suo�w� in interest or refuse to extend time fa paynieot or. <br /> � . dhq�se modify�mortiration of tbe sruas socttted bY tWs SecaritY�n eaencis'i� an�y����shall not�be a <br /> go��nr►et ar Bonower's suaxsso�s in nnletest- tlny fofiear�a by.Lmder" 8 Y�S� �Y <br /> waiver of ar p�lude tife eae�ise of anp.tight a tmmedY• ' � The covenants and agtamenis of this. <br /> 12. 5MCees�ars a�A�si�as�w�d+Iai�t s�d Several I.isbi�t�;Eo-s�. <br /> Secariry Instrumrnt shal�bod and benefit the suc�s�nd assigns of Lendee and Borrower,subject to the gmvisions of <br /> parag►�ph:!'l.Bortower�s covenants and ag�oert�ents s6all be joint at�ti several.My Borruwer wiro co-signs.lfriis;_Secuntyr <br /> Insuumentbut Aaes not eaecute the Notr. (a)isca�si�this Secudty Insttument only to moRgage,gtant�td:vt��Y that <br /> Bo�mwa's interest in the P+nperq'undet tite tEtins of�TsSetariry h¢tm�fxne: (bl is nat gersataliy a6ligated�b}�'the stuns <br />- socvred by this Securiry Insu�une�and(c)agree.+tiia"t I.ender and any other Borrower may agree tnextend.modify.fot6ear __ <br /> . .a m�ke any accommodations with�.to tt� te�ms of ttiis Security IRSUUment or the Na�without that Bonower's <br /> consen� ''°:` . " <br /> - 13. l.a�n CMarEea�::t€the taan secured bY tBis.Security Instrument is subg�:tp a law which sets maximum loen. <br /> - ch,argos,and that law is fi�.T�;intcrpleted so ilydt the imerest or other Ioan cilarges coHeaed or to 6e cotlected in rannection <br /> '-; with the loan exceed the pe��ced limits;tben: lat any such loan charge shall be reduced by the ar�wunt necessary w reduce - <br />'�;rr �th�ctuuge to the permiueA lim��aid(61 ai�y sums already coltected irom Borrower which exceeded permittea limits will be <br />-- t�funded to gorrower. Lender may cho�wc c�tnake thic cefund 6y reducing the principa�owed under the Note or by making a <br /> ,dimt payment to Borroxer. If a refund�re�uces princ�l:.the reductiam wiEl be treated as a panial p+�ayment wuhout a�►Y. _ <br /> prepayment ct�arge ander ehe Note. . . �� _ <br /> 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided fc�r in this Security Instrument shall be given by detneriu�it ar by. <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicabls law requiras�i�:of anather method.The notice shall bedirected t6 r�Aropeny, � <br /> . Address or any other address Botrower de�ignatFs by natice to Lender. Any notica to Lender shalt be given by first clas,.� �: <br /> mail to l.ender's address statec}herein or any other address l.ender designates hy notice ta Borrower.Any notice provided for . <br /> . ln this Secuaty Instrument shall be deemed �o hat�e.heen given to Borrower ar Lender when given as provided in this , <br /> P�P� - � <br /> ��� 15. Governing Law; &verability. This Securm3+lmuument shaU be govemed by feQetal faw and the Iaw of the r <br /> • � -':. jurisdiction in which the Property is Iocated. In the event that any provision ar ctause.of this Security instrument or the Note =: <br />�°`'� � " conQicts with applicable law.such conflict shall rtot affect other provi5ivns of this Security Inctrument ar the Note which ca» <br /> ;_ <br />,;`�;'�.' j .� ,':, be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the g�isions af thiti Security Instrumem and thc Nate are �.. <br /> "'. " declared ta be�everable.. . • . � <br /> � !6� Borrawe�'s t;up� Soirower shall be gi��en ery confarmed capy of the h'ate und of this Securiry fn.urdi7-.�tt. F <br /> 17. 7Yanste�otthe�perty a's�8ene8cial/atr�st in Borrowrer. if all or'any par�of the Propeny or:ttt��snterest in =_ <br /> - it is sold ar transfened(or if a ben�d�anterest in��r'nwer i.S wi�or transfcrred and Bonnwer is not a na'rural personl - <br /> r <br /> � withaut Lender q prior written consc��.,fi�7der may.At its aptian.raq�:i'r�immediate p�yment in fall af all sums securrd by _ <br /> • y; this Security Insuument. However.chisr_�:ion shall nat be exercixd by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federnl(aw ac af ` <br /> � ".�. the date of thi.ti Security Insi�:si�t�. � � �- <br /> ,° (;1,ender exercises tp:s a�:iozr.Lender�halt gire Eorraa•cr notice oP ucccterctron. 'i'he noticc sha11 provido a period of _ <br /> �.��, not lesw than 30 days from�a�dat�zE�e r:otice iti deli�,e�°or m�iled within whictt�.,rower must pay all sums secured by thiy _ <br />`��,� �:r Security Instrument. If Burrnwer Pacts ro pry these +ums priar to thc expita*.'�ur. of this peric�d.l.cnder may invuke any,. _ <br />;;a:;: , _��• . remedies petmitted by this Security tnstr�rnent without funhcs notirc cr der�and o:►Borrowcr. � <br /> - _ 18� Borrawer's RBght to Rtinstate. If Barrowcr meets �x.�:rz�:�candir.a-�:. Bnanwcr tihall have the tight to hac� �. <br /> � enforcement of thic Secunsy fnstrument discontinued yt any timc���:h.-��the��aiii�:r of: la1 S days(ar such eQt�r prriod�s• f_ <br /> . . ;,' Sin;IcFamity•�FaankSlx�'Frui�,+eTi�ci;�fP(��Sli�STRCISE�T•-Unifum�Cuvcn�nt� 9/9A ��+�icw���f�Pn�rsl __ <br /> :.. <br /> , ' <br /> f ♦ j" <br /> , .,....�,_,._._._."' _ .r ..c. ... _...---...�-.-.-..-._._-_.-.�,,...--•--- �_.-._�_':_."'_. ._'....._.._".- _ <br /> ���'.., <br />. �tY'....' . r _—_'_' .'' . _ . ' . � . .. <br /> ..�: � . ° . r,,:,..:::. � <br /> '', ' � „ <br /> � . <br />,G�li� � . . . . . . - � � . . <br />. . .Jr . . � . .. . . � . - , . � . . � . . . . . . <br />. . , - �`.�; ..... . .. . _ _ . . _ « . . . '_ __ , . _ _.. . __ . _ �. - " . , _ . . <br /> r� �y�. ' ' � . ' . - ' � . . . , - . .. <br /> �� <br /> , - -S:—_- -_..- ___ _ .- _�_ . -.- , - __- -- _. -_��-- - -_ . c. . ... . . . . __. ' " _ ' . -- . . . " . <br />. .. - - lii•s . . . • , . . <br /> _ . . �4 • . .. - . . . � ' , ' ' � . . ' � . <br /> � �c. y�r ":�"'g ' . � . . <br /> ..,_� <br /> �-�'_ -:��;=��•� . . . , . <br /> u. - _____-- - �-�— - ----- -�- ---- - - - - - -- -- - - - <br /> - -- ., -- --- - <br /> - --- -° - _�. <br /> _ ----_. --_-- - -_..__.._____-- __ = - - -- <br /> �.: ,�r" • ° . . - <br /> � .eG_ �?:3. _ . � �. . . .' . . . <br /> :�r--: _� ..�.• � � . ' � . , . . � . ' . . . ��. . � � . • - � , � . <br /> . . .�' . . -:- . - <br /> ��� �� . : ' . �. . _ ' . - . . . . � . . , ' , -- . . ' . ' � . , ' - ' <br /> . ' <br /> . . i - ' - . s�r_.�_' _ " '-..�_. � __�. . ._._ .. _ .._�._.,__. _ ... -_' — <br />