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__ l� � },�.�. 4 "�i' .0 J ca_ =� .�: + .o- �.-u`` 4.-' __- _ <br /> ._.�J 1`/S.N.:S.V��� .� i� ' t _ ^� ` "_ __- —.,.. <br /> �5,� :4' � <i"L�� - <br /> =��° ' �s:12°:'. .�" . . . . . . . ' �i�'./.._ <br /> ��y-�t`= .. .. _ , . , , . � Z. . . '. . . - . "_'__ __ ' : ' d - <br /> . .,1�=..�.�ae�t� - f� . . . . . . . . � . ' � � . � . � �� . . , , <br /> �.�. . `J`•. . :'`- L `� . . . � . . � ( `.. , (• , '�\��II��� , ` ^cC N . . <br /> -4 . ai ��d'��C•��',.�P� �Vi'�!aOW.E�1�Q!'`�d'�lOL'f�jL�if�0 . - <br /> . �. �1L1►��St��►.R�iD. �Ai$9�iS�l�.Vltif�t�q�iQ tlAD�E7[�Ed�O�fYC!?$0°��t1j�C!��&s� `' <br /> . �flood�'s ax tlAOding,for�+hfc�e�ndcr�rcgulns 1�osu�oacc.'f4da tn�u�no�e�Li bo tnaGiita�,t�tUo Amouatv i�d faar.iT�e petta+ds ��' � ` <br /> ,_--^...�_����. t�na�aaoatc�uui�s�FBiagi�a����T�":�-.��.��r'-�r =��ii=--;----. — -- <br /> �hidi st�if�aot be a�songDiy wittrLeid.�f`So�m�r te�is.�main�n cover�ade�fibed ebove.`�sttdtrmaY,�t treo�e � <br /> <.• o�tfoa,�aover�ta�pratact t�ud�'a dght��ia tba Pmpezty tn�000rdaaroewlth�7. ` , . �'� , - . . <br /> ; . A�.in�arnaoa poiitf�s snd reae�nts shxli E��ooe�mb2a to Leoder a�xl.shal!inc�sde a staad�rd a��ga claus�.Le�sr,� . <br /> '' �� shall l�ava dx�rtg�tn Qo2d tha pNtcfes end tem.-� Let�tt taqof�s,�onower eha�gra�tiy giva tb lxadqc�11 rec�tpts af • � <br /> p�tA premiums md iroewa!ucttoea.Ia the svcnt of tass.S�rmwcr shall glve pmmpt asai�ae ta t�e ias�uanoe.�ier aaa LaiQer..� : : . <br /> - Ieader msy a�p:oof of loss if nct m�protu�liy.ay 8omnwcr. . . � • . " `� . <br />= _- — i � ' , tJni��amd�er and Baazower athenx3_�e agie�iu writiug,in4aiauca pio�s styal�be a�pl�ad;ta nesio�oa or r�air of tLe <br /> -__------- <br /> � • - --- --- -.- --- - - - - - - ---- -_-- <br /> �- i --- pmperty dam�ad.i�t�e�asean or�aTris aoos�cmiatUy�s162a and e sa�nry�s�i iessened:7f t7�e ctstaraicon cn -- - <br /> - ' npair is�ot 000auanicafly feaaI6le or i,eaa�'g secarFcy cvauid 6e iessea�l,the Insuranc`e pma�ds agpliad tv the eims • <br />- sa�ue�6y Siis 5ecarity?n�n�t, whettxr or aot thea da�wiih any eaoesa paid to�onower. If Bo�raarca sbamdflns.the <br /> - doe��ot sasarer arit�in 3t1 days e notice from I�eader t�at the i�aranoe cairier has offeied w s�tle s castm,Wcn <br /> l�des u�ay oolieR the�e pra�oeeds:.�may nse.t�e pmoeeds W re�air or i�atote the Peope�ty ur m�ay sum9 <br /> _�--i sc�by ttis Seauity Ins�,wJ�t or�at th�d�te.�e 30day peiiod wilt begiu:�We aotme is Avsn. ' - <br /> i Un2e�a L�de�and Bahmw�othawise a�ee in w:iting�aW►aPPlication of gmc�oeds ta p�t shaU aot eate�d u'r, <br /> ' posspane We of ttte muathly*payas�ts refen+ad w in paragnap�s i aad 2 0:ct�ge the amnunt of the <br /> PaSr�ts-jg . . <br /> uader�gCaph 2I the Pmgecty is acquired by l�r.Bonn�yer'e rig�t w auy��►*A�.p�licies ami pmeee�s�esalting fmm <br /> . � damage w the P�oyerty prtor m the sequisiHon shall pass to I.ender to the e�ueat of the a�ms socared by.this Saauiry Insuam�ent <br /> — �+prior m the asquisttion. � <br /> _ 6.Oowpanc9.A+esava8aa.Nladntesaan�aad Pm�stton o!the Pro�erty;Burenwn's Loan Ap�eadua:Leasehotdv, <br /> -_--y;�,::��� Boirower sball oaxipy,establish.aad use the Pmge:ty as Bon+nwer•s princtpal�esideQCe atttin siaty days aft�r the exeaiiFoa of <br /> - -_-- -- d�is�nciEy�naeat aad shall oer�.ta�ucias�tha Prapxrty as Bormwer's p�t t�std�ce f+ot at leasE a�y�r aRrr - _ <br /> - - - , the date of ooc�u�►,untess I��agroes ia writing,wlncb oonseot shall not be annessa�ksty withheld,ar unless <br /> -- -- e�mmabn8� exist which are is�yoad Bom�rer's canuol. Barmnrer sba11 not destmy. c�maSe or impair tlte <br /> -- --- — PropettY.allow the Pcopeity w detedotaLe.or oommit waste oa We Prnperty.Bomnwer s1�aU 6e in defauit if m►q foifeipue <br /> ==��� s�a�ar�'proaeading,arheth�civil or criminal;is begnn tha3 ia Lender's good faiW judgmeat oould c+esWt ia fnrf�e of tho <br /> .6�;n���- Pt�ety.or�wise maierially imp�the lierr cieaoed by this Secvaty Instrumeai or Lender's sepu�ty interest.Ha�ower may <br /> - .~�`��` , h c�e s�it$Je�ttaud�ianate,a4 pravided'ni pacagrsph 18,by eaus�ing the aaron or pmaeeding to 6e d:�,,,a��wit8 a mliag <br /> -`-���T?r��� :-_ � F�s gaod:faith Qeoerwinadon.�nedudes forfeiture of the Bomnwer's iaLe�est in We Pn�atp or ather aoateria! �- - --- -- <br />_ _.._,��-„ _� �af t8e lien ciested by this Seauity Insuumeat or Lender's sea�ciry inter�st. Bonuwer sbapi also he ia.defauit if <br /> _ �'��� `� Bom�sa�:�an�the Ioan appliratlon prooess.gave materlalIy false or inaawate inforamiioa or s�ts ta Le�d'�(or failed <br /> �'t�� ';i�, w pmvfde L�svith any mateiial infom�aaon)in oonnection with the toan evideoced by tHe Note.including,butx� <br /> • ����:. to.�ooaeeming Boimmer s oocupaacy of the P,toperty as a principal r�ideace.If this Seivriry Instrnment is on a <br /> .�;4>_ , _ <br />__ t � ��•:�:t�' leas�ofd, Boiroa�er shatl aomply with all the pmvisioa4 of the lease. If Bomnwer acquires fee t�� w the Pmperty. the �' _ <br /> �'-r=;;-;.i.�:. 2msehotd a�the fee titla shaU not merge unless I.ender agcees to the m�erger in writing. . °-_ _-- <br /> 'j�,";�`�}l;'�,;'_ 7.Proteaion o!I.eud�s R€gbts In Uce Pmparty.If Bormwer fails to perform t6e oovenants aad�aemeats oauta[ned ia - _ _ <br /> - _:_�:,,-,-.;<��;_�,t�_-•- tfils Se�ity Insunment,or thee+e is a lega!Pm�edin8 d�at may sigaif�candy affect I.ender's rights i��Property(such as a -;z�-�""�_. ° <br /> , .:�,� ��:�� <br />_ � �r<-`�� Omoeeding in baaluuptcy.PmDats,far oonde�n�tion or forfeittue or to enfarce taws or regulations).r�x I.ender may @o and � .-r�..:.,:;;�,�-- <br />= '' ' . pay for whatever is aecessazy w pmtect the value of the Fcoperty and Leader's rights in the Propeccy. lGendet's aqioas may � ' .`-'�+:�-�== <br /> . .. .;�:ra.s..-. <br /> � � � include paying any sums secumd Dy a lien wbich has priority over Wis Security Insmiment. appeariag in cv,:� a - �. � " �"`'"- <br /> � :° ., reasonab2e attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under thi� .�b ����r4����-`-._ <br /> ' •`'•:���Y2y,-;��r <br /> ` 7.Lender does not have ta do so. , .,k,�:':._ <br /> . , An amounts disbursed b Le�er under tLis ,. "�;--�'��'{__ <br /> _� � Y Y P�B�Pb 7 shall become additiac�al debt of 8omower secvred by this ' .-: .�.1:Y�-: <br /> Security Inst�ument.1lntess Bomnwer and I.ender agree to other terms of pa}nnent,these amounu shali bear interest from the .:rr:::'' .��"�-� <br /> ` � date of disbutsement at the Note rate end shall be able. with interest,u n notrce from Lender to Bomower ffi � s'` ��� <br /> � PaY Po requestin ;••'.� r��- - <br /> • :r= payment. ri;;�iS��i��a ,.,,.+�^,-� <br /> ,��4.``�1�';. . .?�� <br /> � ' �r...:� . �_ _.; � 8.Mortgage Insurence.If i.ender requirod mortgage insumnce as a condidon of rnaking the loan secured by tbis Securiry .�' :,. :;:'_�.:;. <br /> ° : �� ' Iusprament. Bomower shall pay the premiumc required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any ceason, the :�.'�'.: . . <br />:;�' ;��•-��': �•�`� murtgaga insuranae coverage roqui�d 6y I.ender tapses or ceases to be ia effect,Bomower shall pay the premiums teqaired to : "�:.�: ��.:�`�� <br /> `��:��;�:< nbrain coveiage su.(sstantially equivalent to the mangage insuzanoe previoasty in effect,at a cost substantially equivateat to ihe � �F` ''`•;'� <br /> ; .. . :_,,:: ege -.. <br /> .�;` `•''::::'��..���, :>�:; oa�rr,�IIotrower of the mortgage inswarcce J�ti0q5Zy 10�fY�OM. from an altemate mort e insurer mved t8nder. If �:• `�� � ' - <br /> - " . :�=3:;,:,:�.i::,:;;•�ru P gaE aPP bY" ..'c�^�:,. . . •':ti, <br /> �;� �,:�..ti,l�,�,��,�`;,.,{!�� sub�ally equivalent mortgage in5ura�e ooverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each montb a�equal to . , •� ' � <br /> _` ,,;•? . one-rive1fU of the year1y mortgaga iA�uartae premium being paid by Horrower when the insurance cove�age lapsed or ceased to . ' � <br /> � �'.�` .,� � :. <br />- � :,• ' .:.;:i? be in effect.I.ender r�viU accept,use 2ar!rerain tTQese payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve • � . . <br /> �' ,��:, ����>�,' ;.�:�� vi (• <br /> ... • � } , <br /> .��...,.��=:'�;�5�;�::,�.:.'`t Farm 3028 919D �;• • <br /> � . �,:�"". ,;.y� Cege 3 of 8 '"'�';f, p , ' , <br /> df l .`y'. . , <br /> ,.i4r..,� �{' _:t� " - - <br /> _ ��.," :"'_ _ . . . . . . . - <br />_`; r , '.,`;. <br /> ^� `�� . • ' • 1 . <br /> �� t:� <br /> Z��; 1 ' -' �.. t `_ tti';S1 :tit \ ` • ��- ' _ .t.• .. � .t'��� . � . . -��.' . . - � ,' �� - • . . . ' 4 i':� . .. . ` " . ' . <br /> _ z i5j,{��`�1�� ,4 � . . . . - • - - , . - . <br /> �; _ � ���'��� ;?�,���,�,. , , ' • : : �. . , . � .. . , ' � . . . <br /> _ , ti:�,�s_ <br /> r _ '}r.{a�;'�,�EY,2`�' „: . . . <br /> ;,Ii• t� � • . • .. _ . . . , <br /> ;ih�`'�, � .. . .,r . , , ° � . .� � � . • ,, 1 . � � ' ' <br /> : ; ` . . � ' : u_ ' . . . , . ' ' - <br /> �s � ,. , , . , .. <br /> r x � <br /> 1`YY ' ' �w f - U t ' , . - .. • v, � , ' _ � . . . � , ' ,, _ , .. ' . � . <br /> C�ef�+ t'i�i. t�' .' . -tS�*�".. .., . -- ;' � - - . , . . <br /> i;. - . � . , ' _ .�ti (t. :i J��. . li ' , _ - ' _ . _ ` .. . .. 1. <br /> - `'• f•, , , . --t.-��._-._-��� -_. _ -- _ ..� ��. � �, -- �.-�_`.-..- .���"�� � <br /> t `- �ti�,`, t' � , � ., ; � . '�.1 ' .��'� . . .. . , � '• (' .. _ :. .., ,� � _ <br /> ,_ . <br /> ,. f . ' .� . ` .. . . <br /> � . • . .. <br /> . <br />- q� .. . . ' .- , a . , . <br /> �. <br /> . <br /> . <br /> ;. �y�, ,,. .. , . f., ..: . . . < . . ' ' _ __ - ..___. � __ �.__ <br /> „ , . • _ . . <br /> . . . . . . ' • . . <br /> : .: . <br /> . , <br /> . 'f . "' �i . .. <br />