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<br /> :S� 1 -..ni w�. �� � te..._-4� .� — _ _
<br /> � �—�� ``.n.� �R ' _ . .. .. o� - . . . �'� ` �. .– _..- _—___.-
<br /> - ..,...._. , . , a�6LPLti�Y1�Li.iY�YA- !o/�Q�f�F�CtiIW��91A�` , � • � ,���4�.. � .
<br /> , ��"�" � � !� ��.r �� .
<br />— 8� aaw or lte�a p�xt of t�e p�apetty. Atl �et►ts t�nd mS�f�t�l,alsv b��co`�+�.iz�r_Qfl�s Sec�ty�. _
<br /> -- � �r�r.n _A!L�f the g�trg�IIg ts ttfC�d to fft t�Sec�tity I�Unt�t�es the'F�tapect�►•� � . �
<br />— --_-� . .
<br /> , -._ -.iif1��21WI3RI�V�NA�1'S.t�itFe�nwre�i9 ' '
<br /> — _ —.,._ — . _
<br /> la�l1�,Se�Of the tSmSe�dfy�Cy�1!�d�d&,_.. 't1 ._ .Lti&�— =-,.---,-
<br /> - oumrty-t6e Pcopc�ty+as�l t�at�e[�tapetty fs un�6et�dr�xaogt for cncv�branbd Qi rao�nl.•�ax�v►�ar�arttna+xs�ea�tv� _T
<br /> det�gen�lty.t6e�t�tt�tn the t''r+epetty�i�t aii c�rlms aoQ demati��aubJ�ct W a�r taenm+�tances of ae�orQ.�
<br /> . 'i�ii5 SFCtJRYT3�`�IJIkl81�iT somh�i�cs unffarm cav�t'os�ttion�t us�sIId�n�lfatm�v�s:wtttt;timtte0
<br /> - — var�t�vits hy jurisdi�ddot��ti�a unlfvrm ssauity L�uume�t uave�g e+GiE prupttW
<br />- — � UNII�RM CY3Vi�.+�I44�8areo�iret aad La�er aoveaant a�agr�as faSi�tiws:
<br />�_ — 1.P�yinmt of,Fle7u��`.luac!�Inta+at: Prepqrdlm!�x9 i�C�ttrges. Bmmwer s5all Proa�t�y.�t��.witer�du�tAQ.
<br />�' - psincfpat o8�td ia�tt�tsi cttt3i��'ctaDt evIQet�ed Dy the Nate aod aaY p�aYn�ent am�tate d�ea diae aaQer the�Nr�e.
<br />_�
<br /> _. __ _- - - - - -
<br /> ----�fiiadsfrraf�a��aitr��e.-Subjectw�ppi�icfaw�rta�►a�ttt��aiver�byr� : =t�1�
<br /> m �- - . _ _ _---
<br />�—— Lender an ttr d$S►�rt�g�J�are d�te under th�Not�u�tt the Note is paid�n full.a sum t'�ds')1'on.(�Yemiy tmc�
<br />�� �ad�a��strtn�r:�in�pfcmity aver this Se�vdty Insaume�i as a ttea on the Ptapccty:tb)Yenrt��easehoid Wyn�eats
<br />-` u�gcotta9 c�ents�on tRo F�t�r.if alry:(c?Y�Y�ud or pmperiy iasutnnse p�n�v:(�Ye�IY Qood in�unnce P�¢it�m�.
<br /> = if aay:�te)YeartY�treo�tga,ge:iasuramce�p�iums,if any;and(�anY suma liayable by Baimwec to l.ead�:in�wtW
<br />: t�e�p�vlsions of�uag�ta�sir$,ia iie�Otthe Qayment Of mart�age tasuzanoe p�miuu�.These ioems ate ailled."£uzotv Items•'
<br /> Le�der may.ut ttay;mm►'oR��ct ana hnld Fnads ia an e�unt�t to exioeed the max[mum amouat a[er�des far e fede�alty
<br /> � �datod a�ort�e>Io�auay,�gui:e for Baamw�r's esscow aeaount under the fodeesl Rea!Fsmre S�ttar�eni Pcooedunes Act of
<br /> � 1974 as�fio�t�pn w tia�e.12 iT.S.C.S�tion 2fAI et a¢q. ('RESPA�).unt��at�ar!aw th�t a�ts tu the Funds
<br /> --F sess a lesseraiuoamt.U�sii�`tie�maY,at aoy tm�.oollect a�hQW F+s�.s in an a�ount not m exaee�.tdt Icsser a��ount.
<br />�;�,�_�,�� L�der ma�c�tk��amomu of Fvads due on the bacis of cvnent dara and reasoaabte�of ex�eodiflut�of fuun�e
<br /> ---- — Fscmw t�am�o�t+m�sdse in a000rdance witb a�►plicable law.
<br />��i�`'°�''�==`��� 'l�e F�fis:sball be iret� ia an institucion whase deposits are insured by a federal ag�cy, i�u�ality. or eatity
<br /> 4..: s. , .
<br />�=_�-"' ,s ,�.:-- (�urcl�L�,if lemder is sus�an�astitution)or in any Federel Home l.�aa 8aaic.L�der sh�ail app1Y tlie Fu�s w pay the
<br /> ���,�.�:.::��. _-
<br /> �--�� --,'� �°< � F�vr t�ns.Lead�may not c�arge Boaower for ho2d�g aad apptyiag t6�F�s.anaualtg anaIy�ir�g tbre essmw acoatiat,ar -
<br /> ��'-: a
<br />���;�'�•.��.`_�>:` a�ttre Fs�iow�Oems:un�ss lender�ays Borrower intenese on the Funds a�applicabfe facv ppm�dts L�e�der ta maIc�suc�
<br /> ���'+;�4�. . ` . ��uge•Haa�esiea,l.�dec may reqairr�nnwer m pay a one-time c6arge for an iade�endesu tral estane taa�eparting seivioe --
<br /> ..f�::;�,,::.��;,°• d�d bry L�der in onaro�aran witD ttus Ioan. unless appli�ble !aw pmvides othen�ise. UWess an agtee�ent is m�e or _
<br /> ;;!;�";�' � :•. � ,�►licabie law requires int�r w be psid.l.eader s5a11 not be cequirod to pay Bomnwer aap inte�st or eamings oa the Funds. _
<br /> �-;'��.:. � . ,:�: �iSorrowes ead�er mdy�agrre in wcit6dg,hawever.that interest s6all Re paid on the Fuads.Leade�shall give w Botma�er.
<br />_; � � :'�.�s`,% <.a►ithout�,`an a�nual a000u�irc�of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Fu�s aad We purpose for w6ich rdch
<br /> r:�.:__.,1-T_'` �t • � — —
<br /> - ;•'. '�•-: :th�it to t���s was made."��ee Fa�ts are ptedged ac additional seairiry for all su�secuced by this Se�trity inst�ument. - -
<br /> - `a�;a;.�;.x`: '. _
<br /> .�.f;.��,�' , • `�- ; .� If the Fd�xls hetd by L�eader exceod the amounts pemJtted w be held by apRlir�ble law.l�der sha!!aeeouat to Bomower _
<br /> �",,�''`>�., . _ �foi Ute exaess Fuads in aa�ordaace with the�quizemems of appliwble taw.If the amourtt of the Funds held by Leader at auy► _
<br /> . . tune is not�cieat w pay the Bscmw Items when due.I.ercder may so notify Hoirower in writing,and.in such rase 8omaar�er d;��=
<br /> . � : - shat!pay w,L�ader the amaunt neoessary to make up the defcciency_ Somnwer shall make up the deficiency in no awre thaa +�.• ;
<br /> . � twetve monihlY payments.at Leader's sote discretion `�=''`
<br /> -,�:--
<br /> _ . _ �, �` . Upon paymectt in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Insdument. L+euder shall pmmptly�efuud ta Borro�vcr any �: •��
<br /> _-�:��
<br /> _ __ . _ , - FuaQs held b y Lender.If,under p a r a g r a ph 21.Lender shatl a c q uire or setl the Prope�ty,I.ender.prior to the acquisidon or sale •,r��
<br /> p•ra
<br /> ' ` of the Property.sl�all apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums sacured by ����
<br /> ! . < � this Security in5b�tment. ��`�.�—-
<br /> 3.AppllcatFon uf PBymenis.Uniess applicable iaw provides otherwise.all payments recri�eia by Lertder under paragraphs � �`•_-
<br /> e�
<br /> . '• .,_�
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: fi�st,m any pmpayment chacges due under the Note:secartd.to amouats payable under paragra�h 2; � � ' .- _
<br /> third,to interest due:fourth.to principal due;and last.to any lace charges due under the Nace. � �
<br /> � 4.Ct�aiges;Ltens.Borrower shall�ay all taxes,assessments,charges, fines and impositioas antibutable to the Property . '��
<br /> - � : wluch may attaia priority over tl►is Se�rity Inswment,and leasehol�payments or ground rents, if any. Eorrower shalJ pay �Q� . .�
<br /> �:
<br /> . Wese obligation�in the mat�ner provi�eu i�paragraph 2.or if aot paid in that manner.Borro��•er.shall pay them an time directly . _
<br /> � ° to the person owed payment.Borrower sl�all promptly fumish to l.ender all nat�af amounu to be paid urtder this paragraph. � _
<br /> • If Borrower makes these .rayments directly.Borrower shall pramptly fumish to�.er,u;:�receipts evidencing the paymenis. � • � " . '
<br />_ • ' •�s ti;�;;'���;• Bortower shall prorr.�l}�is�fi�-�e any tien which ha�priority over this�a�riry Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees in . ' `
<br /> �'���;���;��'�� wridng to the payment of the obti�:cian sr:rured by the lien in a marmer acceptz..'`Ie to Lender:(b)cantests in good faith the lien � .
<br /> • . .�flti_��, . •
<br /> _ �.::f l ��t,�, by.or defends against enforcement of tSie lien in. legal proceedinFs��.f�cst: i^ the I.ender's opinion operate to prevem the .��s., _
<br /> �- - � . enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an�m.er,c s�a�sfactory to Lender subordinati�g the lien to
<br /> '� ' this Security lnstrument. If Lender determines thar �.^s pare of the Propercy iy sc�sject to a lien which may attain priority over •
<br /> �� . . .
<br /> • � �.�` this Security Instrument. i.ender may give Borroa�er a�otice identifying the�ien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> �''� ���::� more af the astions set forth above wiJrin i�days of the giving of noaiee.
<br /> �;, • �,•;
<br /> i'
<br /> Form 8028 fflDO
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