.�.- i.�'�`33�Y � .� . . z'='�i::'E "z. __.. W�c :";`4. . .<` i .�.�rS"'r `n� .� ..at.
<br /> �—.-^ .�.e;���fr�z Q'_ krY :.if;�� '�� �y �'"� -.fI " ',�_,K,t-=�:(�, '� �r. ��. ._
<br /> 5 __i_:a_:. - . "T- - �..�..:"-i5r•� :S'i+S..a ._,.0 :�a :� 2.`C-.-:.�'��v_.y.� �.1.:'4i_
<br /> �� _tY�?--�.�:..Y___ -- . i �_ C:.-�.�.�... .1 �p����� _ ___.
<br /> ; V, _____ _____ __ ' _ ' — .�___ . _- ..T'...�n^ ;:i `T_ ..$ -�F'�� _ � i.'
<br /> �-—'�..{i•yL.£"r��` . . `C. ����1
<br /> Y_ -- . . ` ' � �. . � . " ;C. <
<br /> -- -- -- ` ' ( ���i 4�•���:;�'\" s.. .. . • • . .:�i`. � . '
<br /> - 1���Y�tan�or!�o�t����t tit�optEon o!l�eada.�ff mortgase.insiu�:'.���,�mm�u�t.endfor ft�e�. �� '`
<br />- —s tAat lreprle�' t�quic�s)�'iQed�y e�t,Uuut�r pgptgv�d by.Ltnder�gaia beoomes�.�`�a:ti���b�:��oacow�c sha�psg .`_ . _
<br />- _- -- ' tbe Qxetida�is re�ilrad t�►tntatdln�ttort�a insutensa in e�est.ar to pmvide a f��`��#s��ea�i,�t fos�b .
<br /> i�1ts�0 e�ds lu:�w�'4t�a witt�any w�fitcn�rcenunt�een Bon+ower ead�L���� I� Y�: - - —
<br /> -- --- -— oa.Le�it9 eg�vti mey tnaBo rcasonab2o e�les �� �..�
<br /> _ 9.�--- � ����". . . ,
<br /> - -- _ . Banoarer aa�oe at tha time ot�r prtar ta en i��ctlQA eposi�g seasaa�a�te r�sa€or�`��:ti.:,:- • ��`
<br />_ -- � �0.CondemnaUun.Tho Qrucdeda'of�ty �war0 or claim far Qamages�direcx o�,�' _ ,�:�s�obn�cion with saqr - ;
<br /> - aaademaadoa or other tntdng of atg►part oY tRe,Prn�ty.or f�r cunveysnoe in ltat of'�°`..�,. �°•`'��Y a��� �.
<br />' s�aU bapaidtoLender. � <:�::;�_..`,� .�<i`.;.:,, . :
<br /> U •�s�� .:�,��:a,r>•=:`;�
<br /> - '.In the exewt of a total tn�iag of tho Prope�ty.ttte ptcoeQde aball�e applled to tHe�a�,_�.'�?��►�+
<br />_' � . whettter or uot th.o dua.with a�y ox�xss paid tu 8ornow�.In the event of a�gartia�-.�a�+���r in afiic�the fau
<br />- � ' F ',?-
<br /> - _ ___ . .., .
<br /> �CC YAtUC Of�lE P[O�t�►�RU�8�E��OIO�0�fl$�$�Q�tQ O!$feA�`�c�'��? '�- SCRIt��3�--=---
<br /> _ �ltity/ILSt[tiriiCAt ItriAtOd�&ti'3y►DCfO[�1�0 t8k10$�UI1l�S$01fOW8T BtUd LCIIdec O��d�e itk.aJl�2iY�;,�C 811riLR S�d b}►
<br /> this Secut€ty'Insautaeet s4ai16e e�duced Oy the aawuat of the pmceEds muttiplied��:��foilowi�;�t�don: ta3 che iotal ::
<br /> � aaiovne of ttse sums secvred immcdlately befare the taRiag.dlvtdad by N)the fair m�;�ue of t�.._ ��►�d�tY ,
<br />- befora Wo taidng.Any batFUtoa.shall De pald,to Bortower. ln the eveat of a partial�:=�r€a�e Pt±�,�:�i��t�e faiz
<br /> ,.���tha
<br /> of tH �s�s .
<br /> is
<br /> �t�aa.the smount �:. �-�� ...
<br />__� . .�' marktt vatue pf the Fropo�ty immediatety boiart�tt�taidr,tg lcss ��..,.
<br />-:.�".-�''��«:.- tstdng.anless Bomowes ttnd lxcder othenvlso og�eo in writtng or uNess applicable taw o��rise u�vi�s;_
<br /> w � pu d��s'�h�U.
<br /> �,��`.,.- be epplied to dte sums setured Dy tA1�Sscucilyr insttuatent whether or not tt�soms ate tl�en`a`�*'�:; � . : =-� :� <. _
<br /> -, �, .�.. .. . •� -
<br />_����.'�• tf the Pmge�ty is aba�onod by Borcower.or if,aiter nodae by Lender to Houower�� ���?�•v�eks i�m►
<br />���r=;��.;�,.,.��, a w a i d o r s e u t e a d a i m f o r d a m u g e a. �n o w e t f a t l s to n e a p ond to Leades witbiu 30 d a y s:�':¢E��ate tt�e noiii���,gi�en� -:
<br />�u.+F r....�.- .1 -
<br />_��a��,�.:��A�•.��:...:� L.ender is autan�i�ed tQ aollect end aDQty the proa�ds.at its optFon.either tu restoration or�.*��,ft��f.y or ro We sams
<br /> {rt� se�red by tbis Seardry Instnunent�whether or not thea Que. � - �- �
<br /> ����� �� Untess��Lender.and Borrowcr othenvise egt+oe in_writing. soy applic�tion of pmoe�s�o�.s�I not extead or :.
<br />�<'�`-� : ����`.-�� .. -:. one tFie du�date of the monthl � ntents�+efete�d to in hs!end 2 or cbaa e tFie.a�a�f sus4�� , --
<br /> h?'��='�z:.. .. _ _ � Y P Y P��D 8 F83�= .
<br />,:,�;��±��'�':,:�.�,.�;�.-�: !1.Buieower No!Rdeasedi Forbear�ttce�y Leader 1�iot a W�.8xtension�of the.��er�ayr���r��Fon _
<br /> �°����ai 1 : � ' of emord7at�on of the sums secured by thls Socvdty Instrumem granta�by Lender to any suco�ssea��.�of HozroiarEr sbm11 .
<br /> ;`�J � `� ant operate to release the IIa631ity of tho original8omower ar Borrower's successors in incenst:.L�deff s6�B!a��e i�d w
<br />- �'. �..� ;.. ,
<br /> �'� �, �y� 4��'. � oommence proceedings against any euocessor ia interest or refLse to e�tend time for payment arn�kera�s��a��a�=ti�ian ".
<br /> °���r�'����:�,,•:;.;:���;. of tha snms secured by tAls Seeuriry Instrument by rett�on of any demanA made by the trrigina���air�nwer�.cs�Boz�ea''s
<br /> , t3.��-��zu`�i�t;�.•.: �
<br /> 45,�\`� . �r. ;���:. suocesso�s in inte�est.My forbeArottco by Lcrtder in exentstng any right or r+emedy shalt nat be a e+aive��or.�?�e-
<br /> ���`�,::x,.:,. ��..
<br /> ,���;;,+.:,,>s�.�;� exercise of any dgttt orpemedy. . � _� � .
<br /> r 4..;{r1,���
<br /> .,�..s;v.:.�.�r.�.w.��:: ._ —
<br /> ` ,��:�=,..: :� r IZ.Suaoessore cnd Asstgaq Bauadi Jolnt a�ed Se�eial LIa013ttyt Castgaeee. Tde coveiraucs���mee�av;r�'ss `".
<br /> ae
<br /> ����t4;.e' '
<br /> -r �;,�;°�:��s������;uf '�:� Security Instsument shall bind and beee8t tAe sucressars aaa assl�s of Lender and Borruwer, sufsjectsrot�prov�i�s�.s uf�.� .
<br /> ;;�i:� - �'s;;`�,�?td,�.:'; paragraph 17. Borrower•s covenaata end agr�menu ahall be join�und several. Any Bomuwer wJ�`aco-sig��s��cieritp:�_
<br /> �`` :-`.'t�.��.,°���f�:�rl��.3;� Ia�ument but does aot execute the Nute: (a)ia caslgning this Security Instntment only to mortgage,g�t aad oo�tbat .
<br />`:� : : s-�;'�.g;;;u� � .
<br /> _ �Y�;�s�;;�°4�'�';�'1����r�;»• Bomower's intec+est ia tite Property under the terms of this Secudty insttument: (b)is not isonall ob Tn sEu�sr.�.�s
<br />- ����:����,k�`.��"`�r�. Pe Y � l��'-:.
<br /> _ ;���.��,_j.:�;s;�.��:�:�:; � secured by this SecurIty Inst�ument:and(c)egree�that l.eader und nn�r other Borrower may agree m exte�.,,�iafy,�n�r or _
<br /> :i�;$,4'�,;���,�,r�:�;:.. . make az►y ecoommodatEona with�egacd to the tern�s of this Secur�ty(�istrument or the Note without tbat Bomir�s�'s oo�se�t. '.
<br /> '��fi:��:,::�:'�;}_;;e���`:::�': 13.Laaa C6a�ges.If the loan secured by this Securlty Instrument ia suDject to a law which sets ma��r 3�e�, `
<br /> �;:�4::'��`;`�`.��i`��`�;r'� �:' and that law is fiaally interpreted sfl tAat the interest ar other toan churges wll�or to be wllecxed'ia oo�nect�a��:tsa '.�. _
<br /> �"��s��`• r���?���'.�y , loan eaceed the m�itted limits.then: (a)cu►y such loan cltarge ahall ae reduced by the amount n Ua reduce c�
<br /> : �ti - p�r;, .. ,-.� pe �i` �" � '
<br /> ,+ ;`�:;'`- ;: '•, w�he pemiitted limic:and(b)eay sums alceady coltected fram 8orrower which eaceeded permItted linv�ai4¢De rx��cQ ,
<br /> • � �� ����'�� ��� ' Bormwer. Le�er may choose to make this refLnd by reducing tho pdncipai owed under the Note oc i�y�,g a�a :
<br /> � � payment ta Bormwer. If a retUnd neduces principal. tht rectuction wtll be tteated as a partial pt+�ap� � �q =.
<br /> ?��;::. ' ,� ,,: '�'' prepayment charge uader the Note. _
<br /> �'•'- � ' ' �'�°`'���v'" 14.Nottces.My rtot�oe to 8orrower pmvid�d for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be given by delivetin�u orbg��g�
<br /> �.:���;��:s.,-��:;;;'::�;�, =-
<br /> t, �����--�„�.�.�+:,,��;�u��, it by fitst class mall unless applicable law reyuires use of anather method. The notice shall be dlrected to the Pa��A�.�ss _
<br /> '; °�'F::'.���`,'�>'�'�'.;�:�':r�L,;;�;�;;,1° or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender ahall be given bYr Srs[class n�ail.to
<br /> .' �`�'.`;s'':''� ':�'.,:��'.''� �. Lender's address stated herein or an other address Lender dcsi natcs b notire to Borrower. An notico rovid�for ia t�his - -
<br /> ��`r .�`,L 3;���;•' Y B Y Y P -,
<br /> �;;�,�`�.. .�� �'•. . ��. , Securlty Instrument shaU be deemed to have been givcn to Borrowrr ur L.crtder when glven as pmvtded in this paiagcaplt- �
<br /> ��y��`t� `.�,�`�r'��"�.'� 15.Governing Law; Severa6fiity. This Security Instrumenl Rha11 Ae g�►vcmcd by foderai law aad the la�sr mf¢fia a
<br /> � c::;�,;. ,.�... .� -
<br /> ��+R�:>;'�: � jurlsdiction in whtch the Property is lacate�. In ihe event thu�uny pruvl�ion or cluuse af this Security Instnunent os�e Nm*� �..
<br /> :t�•S`y5''.�'
<br />-��f ''�y��s.. _ . '� conflicts with agplteabie law.such canfllet shall not affa:t ather pr��viri��n�of thiq Security lnstrument or the Note wluc6 can be
<br /> � `li°`'`��F: � • � � ven effect wlthout the confltctin rovisian.To thi�end the mvisiun+uf�hi�Securit Instrument and the Note ar�e des�A ��;=
<br /> �t,,�; � S� S P P Y
<br /> � ;�: �',�. '��r,�' cobeseverabte.
<br /> , ' �'°�'�;""�`� 16.Bon+ower's Co .Borrower shall be �ven one rnnfi,rmed co ni the Note nnd of this Securi instniment. '
<br /> ���. � �``,i,•'`�.�-;�'�;;r PY 6 P9 t3' �;
<br /> 3. ' '� . �'�;; Fotrtf 5028 8f9D r.;.
<br /> ;: . '. v.woo�o 4-.
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