�cF`.._r, .''�;:��`c�_��� „ � �. �o,'.+�r^t'. r,.. 1;._i` _ . _ .".. , c ' �� `�`�.�.���S+tE�� — --
<br /> _ �� �:cd'�__�'� ' � r�* c r -�z
<br /> ��.._� -^ ' �i - -' . � _ . "--+.�`—, - -_ ._`.-_ ; t . ._ �_c _-- .—. ___ .._ _ .
<br />� �-�-� --1-- ' _. ;, � .` - � ' . , �� ��� ' � , .c � •
<br />�--- - . S:Hs�aas�d�r.pao�ly tnsuraaoc.Bomower shall kaep tt�e improvemenfs now�or�acttafter i�on tt�o �� . —
<br /> -- -- -- . . Pcoppt�►ir�u�against tcss�y tu+e*ba�a�fs inct�¢dad witliin tIIe te:m°eaten�covaage°eod eu�1 oti�i Itezards�_fstctt�alg �
<br />----- --- --- � ftaads or�anding,for whi�Ismder req`uins�insnranoe.This iasuraa�e shall bs maiasulned in ttto emowus aad fa�tno ptri�s �
<br />�=---.
<br /> .
<br /> _ _ _ -.r„..- ----tl+at�.en8ee._.. ..1�ius�uaince cat�iet provfdiqg the ias�uanoa sMll be�sea.M�c�un9uwe� b e���'� m�t�v�1 - ------ _ .__
<br /> ��?__—-_-- - - - , �-1 - . �.�_ �
<br /> _ . wf�ic�stisit not be aateasonably cvTthTieTd ff Bosmwer_�w maintain ouveraga descriMed sDov4. 4en6cp ans�y� At t�nder'a ��
<br /> -- ------- optio�;oi�min.cavereg�to pmt�t Lender's dght�in the P�pertyr in�oordunce with paragrapb�. : �--
<br />- . � All>insuraaoe pol�aes aad�eaiea�shsU bs acceptaDle to Leuder aad e�a11 inciude n staadard tnortg�go c1�t�so. 1AMet -
<br />_—- __ shal!have the rigt�t to hoId t�e p�lldes aad tenewals.If Lender�+eqniRS.BortnwEr s�atl ptompdy giva to Lendet��11�ccetpta ttf
<br />_ � paid preminms sad:eaearal nottoes.Ia th�event of Eoss.Bormwer shall give ptompi uotFce to�te insnrattc�cam�t atld LetlQer.`
<br /> �l.eadcr may ma1�e proof of Ioss if not maSe pmmpdy by 8onowei.�- �
<br />-�--, Untess I�ender aud Bomnwer otherwise ag�ee in writing.insurnnce p�coeds shall be appileQ to mstoraf3sn or erpair ot tlio _ -
<br /> �.,��.- - _------
<br /> - Fropertyr damaged,if�the�+esforstioa or ie�air�s eco�omicalty f�v'bie and�.ender`a secartfy is not teasened.it ttiis ces;orntlnn oe —
<br />� :epair is not economlcally feasible or Leuder's secvrity would be lesseaed,the iiuurattoe pmoeeds sflull Ao applted w tt�o e�tis �
<br />- secured by this Seicai�t.y Instrume�t, wherher or not then due.adth eay excess paid tu Bomnwer. It Bomawer nbandar�tha . —
<br />- �.,<:_.: Pmpeny,or does�not�swer witt�in 3Q days a noaoe fmm I.ande�that t6e inswance carrter Aas offet+ed to stttle a cfuim�thea,
<br /> `: � Leader a�y oollecx the�i�g�acoeds. Lender may use t�e proceeds w zepair or mswre t�e Pcoperty or to pay tums
<br />� �-���. secured by this Sepuity.�tast�e�;'�er or aot then due.The 30�day period wUl begia when the nottce�s given. .
<br />_— _ ---:,�', � tTntess Lende���orto��er: in writin , a�►Y SPPUcatton of to rinci shal.l aot oxtend or
<br />—=�.,.`--�:����:�:- e��� � P�$ p P�1
<br /> postpone t6e due date of the manihty'pa}rments referred to la ara Ls 1 and 2 or the smaunt of_the ts If
<br /> °�=�-�d`=-�r:F'�=`• � t P S�P � � •
<br /> ,c.°-^�����,; under paregrapb 2I't�e Fruperty is aoqin�ii by I.�dcr,Bosower's right m ariy It�urauce poli�ies ettt!ptnoeeds resuldng from
<br /> �`�ir�'-c+� ' _� 8.
<br /> -- ;r.�,�.�.•s��,�, � dai�8�;�o;tIle pr�gaiy prior to ihe:�sidon shall pass to Leadec w the extent of the sums secured by tbis Securiry Instrutp�ent
<br /> _ -.�Kt:I!F'`f {'. . '
<br /> _ ' . ,` °,' 1IITi�.8�?�t gTiQi W t}1C 8CQI1�S�07l: •
<br /> cq
<br /> -"�-''��:�`�j,� ,;'' . �• ' pert�y;Borrower's Loan Appltcatton;I.easehotds. �
<br /> -_,�ti��;-'_� ': �ewpsacY,P+�servat�oa:�e sud Prntectton of the Pro
<br /> p:=��:-; .' _ . � Horttoc�r shait aocupy,establIsh.and e�se tfire�iro�erty as Bon�ower's principat residence wIMin sixty days after Ma eaeaeUon oi
<br /> - "_`z� :`�'�-�:,`��� � .t�is._Secnrity Insaumem and shall oontinus m oaupy the Property as Sormwer's priacipa!residenae fur at teast une year eRee _
<br /> �.-`��'�^_`��' .. the�o�aocupaucY,uniess I.ender otherwise agcees In writing,which oonsent s6a11 not be unreasor�ably withhetd.or unless
<br /> '° ` ,t � t' �ex�ng c'ucumstaaoes e�ist wtuch are beyond Bonuwer's wntrol. Borrower shall not de.stroy. damage ot impalt tha
<br />. � b-.i` .0_ `
<br /> . `�:<;;:'�;`�-� f�roPe�cY, ellow the Property to detedorate�or oommit waste on the Property. Borrnwer s�haU be in defaWt if aay foddw�+e
<br /> -- °' � � `°� action or psnoeeding,wh�her civil or criminal. is hegun tAaat ia Leader's guod feith judgment wWd resu[t in forfeitune of the
<br /> �.�` ,;.,, ..�.:;
<br /> � �- � ' '� .. :fi propeny or othetwise mazerially impair the lien created by this Security Ins�t or Lender's secvrlty intenest. Bortower may
<br />-�'�''� `�.�� �.��4��� �sueb a default aad�i�state.as provided in paregrap�18,by causing the ac#on or prooeeding to be dismissed with a mlit�g ---- ---
<br /> . � .�. _
<br /> `���`� cda�,in Lender's good.faith d�tenmiaadon,prectudes forfeitnie of the Bomnwer's interest in the Pen or olher mnteritil
<br /> �>'.:,_.,:'�,`�.'i`�,�'<<<,�� PeRY --
<br />_�; ��:::;�';�,���_:����; `:•� ia�ai�ent of the lien created by this Securiry Ins[rnmeat or I.ender's securiry interest. Bormwer shalt also be in defautt if ---
<br /> r,. „ � . Bomotiver,during the loan application prooess.gave materially false or L�aocutate informatioa or statements tn Leader tor falled ---
<br /> ��N t, �. , � ` to pzovide Lender wi�h any material informaflon)in oonne�on with the toan evldenced by the Note.inciud�ng,bat not i3mited �_���;
<br /> `x�'� ';':::�►�:>4h;•.:` ;:•�' � to,zq►r�eatations concemin Borrower's
<br /> .. r.,�,��,.. . , e� g occugansy of the Prope�ty ag a pr�ncipal residence.If this Security Instrument ia on a i
<br /> - �`,',� •�•�r��.t;• � leasc3�ofd. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Horrower acguires fee dtle to the Properiy the . : `�
<br /> �
<br /> .,: �=.;;�^:,� ; : ,. ,
<br /> �,r`:�`:." . :.,: .;�' �.�'' tease8old and tha fee titte shall not merga unless Leader agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> --.: . _. . .„. ; �.:,'•�
<br /> : ���• . 7.peotedion of Lender's Rights in the Property.If Borcower fails to perforai the covenaats and agc�eements contained In „-�''=-'r.
<br /> .4,�`�;.,'�.� ' :. .�- tbis Securi Insnument,or there is a te � �
<br /> .. ,..,,,,: .�:`��..� ty 8a1 pcoceeding that may significandy affect Lender's righu in the ProPerty (such as a , .
<br /> - � proceeding in bankruptcy, pmbate.for mndemnation or forfehure or to enforce laws or '�� ���
<br /> � .�` - mgulattons),then l.en@er may do and ;,;;.. ��--
<br /> q.:.;.�: ;;.,., ,�� pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Property and I.ender's rights in tha ProQeriy. L,endet's actions may ' '.
<br /> : • �, �� • �:• inciude paying any sums secured by a lien wlrich has priorlty over thts Security Insmiment. appearing in wur. paying ;. „ T��
<br /> ., � `..;�;;� �� ,��':"':.;. reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take acuon under Ws paragraph �""
<br /> y:, 7.I.eader daes not bave to do sa. � z2 . ��`
<br /> '�:r���;`�: =�� � `�`="" Any amounts disb,�rsed by I.ertder under ahis paragraph 7 shall 6ecome additional debt of aorrower secured by this • •
<br /> , . • ":�: •• .� . Instrument. lTnless Bomowec and Lender . , ' ' s�
<br /> ` $` ,:;;;,�r��y�. `.'�� S�urity agree to other terms of payment. these amounts shall bear interest from the �
<br /> •..•••,r�� :'•: date oF dis6wsement at the Note rate and si�alt be payabie. with interest. upon notice from Lender ta Borrower requcsdn . a
<br /> 8
<br /> .'' . Payment. 's . ..
<br /> � � . • � 8.Mortgage Insarance.If L.ender required mortgage insurance as a mndidon uf making the loan secured by this Security ' " '' � � ��
<br /> '' � - . Instiuntent. Borrower shall pay the premiums rvqaired to maintain the mongage insurance in effect. If. for any reason,the .� . � �
<br /> � ��� � '' mortga�e insurance wverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to . �• • .
<br /> .i . • "� obtam coveraga substantially eqaivatent to the mortgage insvrance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the °� � �
<br /> �' •�'.,.:: , „
<br /> � ��::::��"� � . cost to�orrower of the inortgage insurance pneviousty in effect.from an afremate mortgage insurer npproved by l.ertder. If ��
<br /> �Y � ` substaatiaUy equiva(ent mortgage insurance coverage is not availa6le.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a eum equal to • • . .
<br /> _ },:��� �.• . � one-twelfth of the yeaciy mortgage ins�uance premium heing paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to � , .
<br /> _: � � � 6e 1n effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Lass resecva . � �
<br /> �'�' .::,��,.:. . .
<br />- ^� ' :;.�;r . . Form 3028 9l90 .
<br /> )�• � . . 7aqe 3 of 8
<br /> . ,t:•� � ,- . . � � .
<br /> •�� . .
<br /> .:1:. � . . ��.. _ •
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