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<br /> ni _- �� _
<br /> • � r,� Security Yn�mea�vs i��T�u_y�a4 a t � . ��aee "_~.. ... ._ . _ -
<br /> -- p�is�.r,a11 s'�s wMcb.t�en w�itue�nda ffits iaswm�ent;and_.tbe Note aa`I4�ao�ax2attio�t 1�sd- : -
<br /> .. ' ° , oocnrr�d:ts}ances aoy dtfa�l:oYa,�r athar axiveca��te��}WY¢1tl1 exp�ai�incurt+eQ in�ii�!�d!Sa�ity ..=_ �
<br /> ` � I�er�,,i�cIuc�g.but ncc ttmi�t�.nasoaiD�te�sya'fea:�ad(�i�ces auach�ton as I,e�dee��y cr,�foaibty • �' °. ��
<br /> _ ��kqWre to as thif ibe lien of d�is�SUttty iteauur�ent���ta dghta ie t)ae Ptv�!am�Boncaw�rk�biigst�W�to�t�a ,,
<br /> _ - : s u m s S e a u+e��►D 1 h i 9.3 a w r l t y I a s W�t e a t s d a t l:t�ontinue u a c i�n g e d.. U p o n��inst�te�nt bS► �atowd'.tt�.Se�i►Y . `
<br /> r tascnttaent�the�s sxund AaeDy a�ii t�niitt 4�t�tY e�yt e�i4 no aooeieratio�l�atl o c c a n e�� Howev�r.s�1 s .. .
<br /> rigt�tmi�n6sll nbtappJ�t In thecssoerfroais�eatia�ttndeLrpaug�b 17: ,, '� . � �
<br />- . 'R S�Ce d Nots;t�e ot i.�1�aPicer� 1Yie'Naae ar a_ ' Irtuiest�►the Note{to ether a►tth�t�la S�Ceuttty „
<br /> �
<br /> ut
<br /> ��� - ---- ., - . _ .
<br />_ �t}�saay�ie soTd one ot moia�es arz'�cout g�fQY-�to A�may e c8cqge --- -- - - ----- -
<br /> {lntbwn as t�°i.daa Smvfaes"}tttat�l�Cts a�eathIy paym�eats due under tha Nom and t�is S�curity It�aume���1hs�aLw
<br />_ may he oae or m�e change�of�eLoan S�cer�mrel8te�1 to a sate of the Nat��If dtese is s chaugeb�ths Loan ScnrEotr. �
<br /> -- Boa�R►as wtlt be Bveai wtima aott�t nf the�e ia acoa¢danoe tvlth paraga�A t�ebuve andappllaabk law. 71te�otl�e - ,
<br /> w�l smie tIr�$aam�and addtess of the aew Loaa Setvi�cer aad�e addt�s towhichpaqmentg sLa�td be madG 7i�rtokct wU1 .
<br /> � alsocanniuenyot�Iafarmaamt�[equiteabyappl3�abklaw. ' -
<br /> '� 'Z0� Ha�rdoas Sabstances. Haaower s8all not cause nr pGmdt the presence,use.disPosal+s�cr�ge.or reteas�of ttqy
<br /> Hazallous�nbstan�es oa or in the Ptope�ty. Boaower sball act d�noz allow a�yone etse tat dv.aflyt8iag aB�tiag��
<br /> PropeRy that is.�i eiolatiaa ef aa►,y..Ba�vi���w..The preoeding two senttaces sIIall aot apply m tl�pras�.us�.or
<br /> stma�ge an thal�ICapaty of small quantides of H�ous Substeaces that are geaeiaily ieoog�iize�t4 be approg�iate to ammal ,
<br /> msidential uses aad o�ma�nte�aoe of the Pta�tj. . .
<br /> Bomower shall Pi'o�P�Y S�ve L,eader.ams!�'�antic�of aay iavestigation.claim,demand.tawsu�t or oit�i acflon by any
<br /> � , govemmental or reS�N��Y�F Pr►�E�Y involviag the,Ptopeaty and any Haa�iduus SuBsmnce or Favuvamental ,
<br /> ---_-__--- :;; . Law of wDich Bmrower das aca�al tmowledg�.. If San+owar teams.or is uotified by aay govem�aertal m�egWata�►
<br /> _--_---- -° � authasity.th�t�,t�L�or other-remediatfe�of aQy H�as+doLS SuDstance sffecting Me PmgeKy ia ne�essary,Bmmwer . _
<br /> - - - - . . sLa11 ir�+empttY taloe'all aecesssry xemedigl actians in aecordance with F�vimnmental Law. ,
<br /> ,��secf in tbis parageaph 20,"EIau�rdons Snbstaaces"ace those st�bstaztoes de8ned as toxic or bats�dous substanceis by
<br /> _ Favu�nml Law and the foltoa�substances: gasoli�E�osen$,otHer flamn�able or wxic y�oleum produete.toxlc
<br /> - -- -- . pes�d�a aiid berbicides,volan'Ie so.ivents,materia[s wami�asbestas or�oimaWehyde,and radtoaqive materlals. As_
<br /> --- - used in this patagtaph 20."Fa�viro�tal E.a�r°c�ans federal taws aztd laarsaf tRe jwisalidion wheie the Roperty is Iocated.
<br /> _ ----� that reiate�o heatth,safety or envh+on�l�on .
<br /> --_--__� NON-UNNI�ORM COVSNAAITS. BoaoRer-aad Leader further cove�ttt ead agtee as faltows: .
<br /> -- --- - 2L Aece[eratton;Remed3¢s Lender s�ati gfve nottoe to Bosto�ver prloa�to'�ers�Ion folWwing Borrower�
<br />��y�.i f�� Dreac�of aay eoveaa�t ur ag�meat in thls S�uity IIt�aneat(Dut Qot pri�e�a�oa uades pareg�ap617 --
<br /> ;����;.`,t;' . unless applicabie ta�prov[des otIIerwisc).TEc�ia�otice s�A s�: (a)ttse detaat�t�!�Ae actton reqatred to care the
<br /> dePaWt;(c)a date,nbt Ie�than 30 days�is s3�e��Ice notice is�mn Bosrower,by�vhic6 tlee defadt most 6e
<br />-;�;:�;, =��,j �. .. �. cw+ed;and(d)t�tt�W cure the defanfisias e���ore the date sp�in tae eottce may resuk in acaelerativa ot
<br /> ,�t, . .. the sax�secared t��t3�is Secarity Instrament au��r�f e�e Property. �e natioe shall fi�rther inform Borrow�of
<br />_�^����'� �t ' � t��u�to rei�ta2�ayter acceteratIoa and tIIe ri$5t to�e�a wurt aMton W asse�t�e aoa-eststenoe ot a ddaWt or
<br /> �._.. _ :' .•.��
<br /> �;..r.... s�.,�C,: .. _ -_-
<br /> � ,��.�• suyr+c�det�se ot Boirower to aocetevation aad sale. gf.a�e defaWt Lv Qot cared a�or before We date spece8cd in
<br /> t��:�?�•`z��. the aalioe,Lender at tts option may�uire fmmediate payment ta full oPal1 snmg secuFed by thi9 Security Iastrument --
<br />_,�
<br />- a��,��•°°.t;,;i�.n wtthwt tUrtder demand end may invofce t�e�ower o!saie and any�1ter rem¢dtes permitted by appUcabie taw _
<br /> _;�,;�-�-..°.,..°�`' Leadee shall be entttted W coIIect all e lacurred ia wsutng tC�remedtes pmvtde� iu this aragrapi� Zi, _. -
<br /> ,;;,. .s. .,:,.:�j�,;~ �� P p `.�,�:::__�:�.:-
<br /> induding,6nt not limited t0.�soaabte attoraeys'fees aad oosts o�titM evtdenc� -'�=��_.���-
<br /> ���'u � ' If the power of sate is invoked,'Il�ustee shaU record a aotice of�defaWt in eac6 wnn in whEcD an o�the "'��``-�-R;�--=•-
<br /> . 1Y Y R� ..t�°��:���
<br />- 1�• : �' . Property is Iacated ead sGall mall oopies af such notice in We manner prescri6ed Dy aPPficable!aw to Bore�ower and to ;,:,�;��;:�::_;-_---
<br /> the other Qe�sons psescribed Dy appltcaDle!aw Atter the time reqaired by appticaDle law,7Yustee sdall give publlc ''��- _-
<br /> aotice of sate to ttee persons and in t6e maaa�s�pnescribed by aQplicaD�e saw 7lrustee,w[thout demaad oa Borrower, � ' :t _
<br /> � ` sbell sell the Property at publlc ancttoa to tta�4:i�rest btdder at the ti�ne�d place and uader the tera�s destgnated in ��.��ti�:.'.,; �•�=-
<br /> •�.';4:�` tQe ao@ce of sate in one os mare parcefs an�S�e�y order'1lrustee determinea 7lrugtee may postpone sale of sU or aag ����'.;_ i:`..�:�'."`—
<br /> ....,�;��•-
<br /> �:::!;,';.;,;tz: � ,: e;>�i'?"'--'�`�•-
<br /> parcet ot We Property by puDltc�nouncetueui at tse ti�re a�d place of any pseviously scheduled safe l.ende�or its = ��« __
<br /> ��,t'� ` . � de�may Purchase We Pra�nty at ar�y salw � }� �'�,'�
<br /> : 4 �" � Qtpton receipt ot payment o?the price bid,7tustee s7�a11 deliver to the pwchas�a'9�ustee's deed mnveyiag tQe ` •'�'t�,� --
<br /> Pro ert. The recitals ta the 7Yustee's deed sball be rtma facie evidence otthe M�a�'s oB�e statemeats made therein. � -
<br /> �•" �- • • P 9 P ' ,. f ��,.-
<br /> ' � � � 7lrustee sAall appty the pmoeeds of the sate i�t£ae followir�g order: (a)to all wsts sed��ye�es of e�rdstag the powe� �:�„•_��.,�':
<br />_ -.��:_t _ ; ,f;; ��_,
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