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<br /> �G�S_ -�''�` : �`,t ` - ' ;` �` � � � l . . ' .'[ . ._ ' `.. ` �'` �����^������� �L•
<br /> _ -DF�itB�'O�0iljTyatQ��@�6Y�rt7if i$�C-�'iVBjfffFEC3��`tist���,a'���'zu$�`�t'_ ` _-;— . --. -
<br /> - -- � ::'. sh�be gatd W Leuc�er. �. -. . 1 . .` : _ � ` . .". . . r .
<br /> ' in the cvent of a tat�! toSHag of.the groparty►tha Pcocc�ds st�L{be upplied tv tIie snms s�cutstl��y this Se�uity :�:�.,�,.� :
<br /> � � ta�ment,wAstLcr�aot tt�dua,with any:e�caass.padd to Borma�e� Tn tM event o�a partia�taktng ai tba i�ape�ty in � �
<br /> — - �l+tdc�thefaYj madcet w.�lne of th�P�+openy is�cediat�ly 6efara the teking is equai w ur gnatar tttsn't�e amuunt o�t�sums . _
<br /> . . 6�E�bj/fflis�fli�►�ILiftUiQlIIt��IAt11Cdi8tC�QCf4f@ thQ�il$.UII�G33 BAliOWCt 81!$�.CI1d�Sf Ot�iC1l�►���B$!ZE Lii�V!lt�i1$,
<br /> ` ` tha s�ms sec�+ed Dy tJ�s S�curityitts�ment ahall 6e�eduad hy the�anoimt of Ne grocee�s muLipliec4 Dy t6e�'oltuwing, ' '� .
<br /> sm
<br /> � frai�� (s)the tuta3 amoimt of the sums sec�nxd i�nmEdiut$fy Dafoid:the mlcing,divfdc�Dy(b7 d�e fsIr mkuket v�tu�of�s � —
<br /> ° ' �A+nperiy imaiedtatet�►Defore t�a mliing.;.Any bala�ice shall be p�d to Bozrower. Ia tHe ev�nt of a part� of the .
<br /> _�gert�iaar�th�fah m�ea,v�i�.og�_Hrc�acy_im�dianet�Uefane,the calw�_is less tban tQe ataspnt o�_s�u_ns _ ,: . .
<br /> - -- - - -, -- • �iautted�atety 6efot�taa takiag,wniess Boimwer and Lendee o3henvtse agre� in wri�nS or uaIess appiarabte�aW - --�'
<br /> ' atherwIse gmvFde9,ttie p�aeeeds sIIa1!be epplIed W the sums secu�by this SecurltY tnsftumeat wltetQ�r or nat dce sums at�a
<br /> i�en due. � • '
<br /> U�IIe Property is abandatted bp Bortower.or if,af�er aotice by�.ender ta Boriowes deat t�e condEmaar offers to make
<br /> - a�t award ox seute a ctafne;f.oc_damage:�Eocrower faiLs to nespond to Lender withtn 30 days after the date the aoaoe is given,
<br /> - . . I.tnder i�awhorized w couecCt,and appty the pmceeds..et.irs aption.eithe,r co rescorarion or rr:pair of the Propert}�or to the
<br /> avnos savsed by tIIis Se�curIty Insmunmt.whet�er or not t!►en due. `
<br /> -_ - � Unless Lendec aad Boirpwer otbenvtse agree ja writtng=anY ePDtication of pmoeeds to priucipaE shalt not exoeitd ar
<br />=_= . 'iwstponeffiadue date of�ho monttiily payments refemed tQ ia paragiapbs 1 and Z orcUauge tkeamount of such paymeuts. . . -
<br />� — 1�. Boreo�er Not Relet�; IA�sbearaaae �y Y.eudet Not� Waiver. &tensian of the time far papmeat Qr.:�..
<br /> madification o�f am�on of tha s�uns seciued by tttis Security iasbumeat g�anoed 6y I.ender to aay successor��►in�t
<br />-��'` af Baaower'shal!nat oge;at�.to release tt►e tiab�ity of the original Barrnwer or Bomower�s sacoessors in inter°s#:�:euder
<br /> stralt nof Ee to oommeace pmoee�ngs against any sucre�a�.in intere.st or tefnse to extend tirtte gar`�-�t ttz,.<,�
<br />=v othetaiiss ma�ortizadon of the sums secured by thi.�Securityr ir��ineinent by reasoa of any de¢�nd made 6y Ei��::�;.�:.: �
<br /> ---� -------- Baaa�:�or-Harmwer�s suxessors.ln Inteiest. Anyr fotbearance by Exittter_in eaencisingany right�r�medy W►�iin�1�_a:�;:�;�
<br />-_ waiver of or precludC the exer�cise of auy right or tentedy..: ..�. ,._ ::;<:>�.,� -_,_
<br /> 12. Saornssors and A�igav Haund;dafnt and Sev�al AdaDility;Casignere,.The coveaad'ts and a�of this
<br /> Securiiy Iastrument shall Dind and benefit the s�a�ssors and assigns of Leader aad Borrower,subject w the p�ivisions of . -
<br /> ' }taragraph 17.Bomowerls covenants and agreements shaU 6e,{oint and several.Any Sairowe=.wflo co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but�ioes not execute the Nate: (a)is oo-signing this Sec+acity_Insmiment only to rao�e.graut and convey tl�at :
<br /> Bomowec�s iqterest in t�e Ptopeiiy uader the teims of tAis Securiry Iostnrseen� (b)is not personalty obligated to pay the suans ���
<br /> secu�d by this Security InsWmen�and(c)agrees that Lcader and amy other Ba��may agree to extend,moQify.fo�'
<br /> _ or make any accommodatioies with regard to the tenns of t6is 5ecanty Insunr�teoi'vr the Note without tTe�i�Rortnwer� � V _ �
<br />_ �,._�,; °' camseat. ' � . .�'
<br /> _ . ..�� l� Loan Charges. If tAe Ioan secured by this Securiry Insi�em�S su��,gea to a iaw�chich sets�t�mn toari
<br /> ;_:� cha�ges.and that law is fwaUy inteipmted so that tne inteiest or ather ta�cAarges.co�cxed or�t�d+e collected in conne�tivtt::�.
<br /> ' • with the ioaa excxed tha pertpitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall 6e r�oeel hy thea�ount rtec�ssazy to�
<br /> � . � the ch a r ge to the p emiimedtuni�and(b)an y sums alread y collected firom Bonuwer ofiich exceeded p emdt��tsw71 i+��.: :
<br />-_ � •. ,``f`� � � �tefunded to Borrower. Lendet may choose to make titis�nd by redncing the pri¢c�aE owed under tke Note arb3�-c�a�iag a�
<br /> - '- p *'� �i ' dinect payment to Bom�wer.-If a refund reduces principal.the rectucdon wi13 be ueated as a pareal p:epaymer,��ttaf�t any
<br />_� � `.�:1��`
<br /> z_' � .,�.t t �� . . p�payment chacge eu�der tAo Note. .
<br />��; • '"t;.�'s:°.� 10. Nottoes. My nouce to Bomnwer pmvided for in t6is Security IaswmBnt shall be given by delivering it or bg . �
<br /> �-';', • :-i.?`s�_u-'R,dr-.�. ..
<br />_�� r�t,;;.��,,;5� ,�r, mailing it Dy first ctass mail untess applicable law requires use of another method.The notice sha11 be dit�cted to the Ptvpertyc . _
<br /> z::: _ • �• . - Address or any other address Botrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sha11 be given by fust class � -_
<br /> '`�' �,- • . mail to Lender's add�ss stated herein or an other addcess Lender desi ates b notice to Bomnwer. An nouce rovided for
<br /> : -� '°,..,.�•'• ''� Y Sn Y Y P ��>�.y,:.—
<br /> �_,,:-.;.��;; , in this Security Inswment shail be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this ,��;:.,
<br /> �'x,`;�-
<br /> , '. . paragraph. �;���:',?�t�.
<br /> � `���� IS. Coveraing Law;SeverabWty. This Securiry Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the l�w of the ��.Y°:=�-_.--
<br /> ' urisdiction in which the Ptu ert is located. In the event that an rovision or clause of this Securi Instrument or the Note � `'�`�'�
<br /> • .. ' :� .;•,', ' J P Y Y P tY 4�.� `,.F-_�__
<br /> �` � � conflicts with applicabladaw,such conflict shall not affect other prorisions oF this Securiry Insuument or tha Note which can ' ���'•'--�.=-
<br /> .. : ;:i�':' � �.t': �r�;:�; ���_��
<br /> ,� xc��;�. . .� be given effect without the conflicting provision. To�tu:s end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are +►t.��.<r a__�
<br /> ��` • .�•�;, declamd to ba severa6le. i tilt� �i=—
<br /> �:;.��.4:'� � �. �..�t����.��,L.--;-- -
<br />- ' ''`' '' �'��� 16. Borrower's Copy. Botrower shall be given one confortned mpy of the Note and of this Securiry InstrumenG �' � -�?�-�---
<br /> , .',, i:.• .'�. :,�,��: .
<br /> ..•r.--ry��,
<br /> 17. 7�aasPe�olthe Property or a Beneticial Interest in Bornawer. If ail or any Qart of the Property or any interest in . .-
<br />'.��• .•,,, . . it ls sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is satd ar transferred and t3orrower is not a naWral person) � .` ' �;
<br />- • , without Lender�prior written consent.Lender may.at its option.require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by _:�"��-��.
<br /> �"`;� ^�' � this Secudty Insmimen� However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federal law as of �'
<br /> ,����� ,�':,;�,.;:. .. _ s:
<br /> -, `:s l�i�,�;�'. ',' ,_ .. ,
<br /> � ,, the date of this Security Insuumen� � .,u:.�:' • :
<br /> � ' '�� `� ��• �.• If Lender exe�ises dtis option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceterarian. The notice shall provide a period of �.� - ;:. i���:' •
<br /> �. ' , , �...� .�, •�• • ,.•,: 1;.;
<br /> - .��`'�-�. . : � noi less than 30 days from the date the aotice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must Qay all sums secured by this `�� ��I�4S:,
<br /> - •{'��• a.4..y, ' 1 .
<br /> ++;��'"� � � Secwiry Instrument. If Borrower fails to a these sums rior to the ex iration oi this nod. Lender ma invoke an .� � `".;;��h�:
<br /> Wa�t,�7.-.; •,r' :' �.:; P Y P P Pe � Y Y '- ',�� . �.+: .
<br /> :��`,;,. ,;. , remedies permitted by tP�is Security Instrumen[without further notice or demand on Burcower. . •v,���• '
<br /> � �� , 18. Borrnwer's Ri�ht to Rei�cstate. If Borrower meets certain conditiuns.Borrower shall have the right to have . ; ,
<br /> ' i. enfonement of this Securiry Instmment discontinued ut any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other periad as � s`,;��
<br /> - ,��,?;t� i
<br />;?: ' f • � .���'�-.'�� Singie Family-F�nte MaelFreddk Mac UNIFORN ITiSTltMfEKT-Unfform Corer.3nu 9l40 /paRe 4 oJ6 pages{ .- . ��:��a�t�,��;-�
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