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<br />���y" � < `�:._— ' :,E- `t-i.' _ ..F;. -S . '
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<br />�� A � ��.�.i �,-i:,•T . , , . ` , , ` . `_,_ f. „ .� y : ` ,.'�L--- ----T---�-�c-�— , ` 4.
<br /> - - . �: • _ti
<br /> ,. . � .<<• ' ` ` ` ` , ;. • � 'iE�� o � .
<br /> --- --- . ` � e of elfo a to�►pou�oi'saIe eoa�d� `� .
<br /> � a�1�r�Q 3$E a�r a t�s g e s 3$►f o r t e i a s t a t�m e a t)b e f o��2 I'c c��e r t 3�P��
<br /> ---_-- ===�mY`qr�ar(b1�ya��ss�ntEaf � t3us�-¢Ytacn+�r�+:.:���i�s�se_t�aLflQmn���-=`--;-
<br /> , • ` p a y s•LeaAGr all s�s whi�t6en c�ouId De due uudar this 5�wih►6as�t en�the ritott a9 if no aoce�iLQO-�--�..
<br /> ' - :-cccerod:'ts>e�resac�}►d�faWtofaqy�cove�auts ar�g�tuent�f�)PaYB������enforctaa d�is Sec�acY .
<br /> --- � .Inst�mea�#.c�ludilRg,bui not Nmitc�tb�[easuaab�attnincys'fa�:and(��es such s�tioa s�s I:endet mey tea�cn�{bty ,
<br /> � J�q u i r a c o�s u r a t h�t h a u e a o f c h i a s e�u t t y r n s�,r.ena�n i g h t s in t��c y�ntt awrow4r�ohugatlan.ia Ray tse
<br /> s�s sec�!bY ti�is S�itl► I�ume�t s�s11 oontimte unc�ed. Ugaa.�nt by Bmmw�er.'t6is:5 e c v t 4 ry>� ; .
<br />-- _ � • � Im�ument sud the ob�tgadons secared he�eby sha11 remain tl�liy►effe�ve as if�aooetuat�oa had aoc�mned. Howevar,�is ,
<br />- — � tigbttonein�tashatl�lyiat6nqsett�aa�e2erarionunderpataS�aPhiT. - • .
<br /> --_ —° � �Y9 S�te�Natei�'���f Sl�v�• 7�e Kote or a partial interast ia tIle Note(toge�ec�tII lhis Se�uity,
<br /> -- -- -_ ----- --- ` �or�fy r��a sal3;eaa�f' � -psF�r aasia$�Bolm�eac� E�1:r�may�sn1t ia a,et�e-in ti�Eatttty
<br /> _ _ _ _ _- ----
<br />_ ° ((mo�vu as the'Loan Se�tc�er"�ffiiat�coIIecfs�ho�thtY Paymeats due�der tIl�Nate aad @ds Seauity In�ent �hhe�e aiso- ---.-
<br />= - -- map be oae os more chaages of tfie'Coan�e�cvIoer tuuelated m a ffite of tha Naa�.If tIlese is a change of the E.oaa Se�vIatr.
<br /> - --_— Bmrower wili De given wiitten notice of the ctmnge i�acoordsnce with patagc�hs�14 above and appllcabte law. '!he aotice
<br /> w�l staoa dea name and address of the new Loan Servloa and the address m�wt�ict��payments shouId De made.The natIoe cv1T
<br /> alsaraatain any otQer information��I+aPPlicahie law. �
<br /> ?A. Ha�irttahs SnDstances. Harrower ahaU not cause or pecmit the p��d�sposal+stn�g@,ur c�Iease of aqy
<br /> Ha�ndons S'vbstances on or�n the Pcopeny. Burrower shall not doa wor altocr��ayone cL�to do,anything a�ecting tha
<br /> -- pmgerty tI�at is in viotatinn of aay Fa�viroameatai Law. 't�e pteoeding tvro a�tLeaces shall not apply to the presenc�us�.or
<br />- ----_- -- stoiage on die At+operty of smalt quan�ti�ss of Ha�daus SuDs�oes tbat a:e g�iY cecogni�.ed w be aPF�F��� �
<br /> ---- residendal�sesead to anaiatenam�e of tIle 1'ropeity. • i���
<br />��� Boauaer s8a11 PmmPUY�ive Lender arrittea uotioe of any investigatio�►c�m.demaad,lawsuIE�s�ther action bY a�►Y
<br /> ---=:�_.�� govemmeuml or iegutatory sig�cY or Pl'i�P�i►invoIving the Propetty and any.Har�doas Sa��or F�vironmeutal .
<br /> _-. ,E„�,-���_ Law of w1dcL Bmmaer has a�tnal ImowIedg� 1f Bomuwer learns.or�s aa�fred by aay govemrileatal or.regutatary
<br /> ='.'�xr� authon that en zemuval oF ot�cer remediation of an Hazardous Substauce at#ectiag the Pt+age�ty is necessary,Bannwer
<br /> �;•��'3'`��c�`�.� � •typ��ke a11 aecessacy t+emEdial action�iaace dance wittt Envi*nnr�.eRtal Law.
<br /> _ _.�,�� _ - -- _ - -
<br /> -�T.=`---- . As ased ta t��aS�aPL 20,"H���+,a Substances"are thus$sohstancies;de6ned ac toxtc or hazendons�substaaoes by
<br /> -�-"�`"'. F _-- F�vimamemat L•'�aad the following subs�ua�s: gasoline,keiaseae,�er Qammable or wxic�etivteum praducts.toxic
<br /> -�=-:='������,,::� gesticides and heibicides.volat�e soIvents,�iaLs coniaining asb�ar formaldehyde.and ta�asxive materials. As .
<br /> b
<br /> °-=:`�`:'�'-�`%-� used in this pa�agraph 20'F�vuuamentat law"means fed�ia�laws and laws af the jurisdiction whe�t�e Propeny is located
<br />� •��'':'� that telate to tiealth.safety or environmental g�caon �
<br /> —• .�.�.
<br /> — `q<i x.<:��• � . •
<br />�:,c. '��<�=•.:.;�:�:.� NOI�UNIFORM OOVENANTS. Baaau�s and I.e�detEunher covenat�aad ag�ee as follows: : . ....
<br /> `�� _�^--� `� Zl..AcoeieasHun3 RQmedtes. Leader sB�fll give nofloe to San+u�eer prtor m sc�aeterat[an E�fa4T�u�iwer's �
<br /> � �� i � _
<br /> =.:3;�c•,'.:;a;,.,, ��of any coe�nt or agreement in tdis Serndty Inshvment(but a�prior to aoceleratiaa��pm 17 -
<br /> ;: i ���, v :- ante�aPt�tIsa�Ie taw pmvtdes othernise). The notice sLall speetfy:fa)ih�de[anit:tb)the adtoa��±�re the - - --
<br /> .. „ S detaut�(c)a dat�not[esg thau 30 da,ys trom the date the nottce Iv gbvca to Boa+uwer,by wbictr-d�'��De -
<br /> �' :�t. . � >. ;���' �l:snil(d)tLat fatlure to cuie the ddanit on or Defare the dateeped�sd in the notice maq crsWtQi��on o! ___-
<br />_ ,�F;�r;::;�:.... :..,�, the sa��d by tLis SecaNtq Instrument en d s a te o f t he P r ope r i y. 7�e no t ice s h a D f b r t h�i n f��r 8 m a�a w e s o f _-_-=
<br />- '�� _ ; the rtght�o�aiter eooeteration aadt eRe right to brIng a oowt scNa�to assed the non�se.0ia deianit or _ �_-
<br /> - . �'.:; ' any other dete�aa8�rroaer to aeoets�and sate. It the d�e�is mx!cvred on or befane d�.date apedfied in ,
<br />��'"•s->'.� ..' . - We notiee.Lendermtr�ts option may iequi¢!�iq�ediate peymeat#n�rr6a1�snnas second dq tGf���g Instrumeat � ���=`;
<br /> .�;,�•.,. �':��., - � - _� _
<br /> ' ;�. �� without turtber dwiand and may inwke ta�power af sate aa�s���remedtes permita.�tt�+�p�r�te taw .- ,�,s�_----:
<br /> . „ .� ' Lender shail be�titted to colled all expenses inca�se�@�psusutng tLe.remedies pmvided f��s�ea�¢.~�.�pb 2l, . ��A�=
<br /> - � � � tndading,bnt not Wnited t0.erasona6te attoraeys'fees aa�cos�oltitte ev�denc� � ..�;�
<br /> _ `°',:' , r=o:=-
<br /> �'` ' , IY the po�ver of saIe Ls invoked.'ltvstee shall remrd a aodce n�d2t�lt in each oouutY in a�anY pa►t of the � }�.�_-
<br /> �� � _. . Pmperty is lac�ted aa�shaD mafi oopies of suc6 nottoe in the marmer�rr€�Ibed by appficable f�r��iu Borro�e and to �F_ . ._�.._,'.. �,-=.�._
<br /> . ., ve nbltc ��-
<br /> `° the other pe�soas prescri6ed by appIIcable Iaw. Atter the dme r�ecII bY ePPliCabte law,1�shall gt p ' '�- :e,;:,_"�...; ;�
<br /> ' '' ' � nottce of sate to We peisons and in the manner pcescrt6ed by appllcalble taw 7lrastee.�vithout demand on Bosrower. �"'°:, ,. ., .,_
<br /> „_.,... .;�':.'�� � ?:��;�i�:.'•,i`:>':; -°
<br /> • �� � � � shaD sel!t�e Property at pu6IIc andian to the dtghes!�Idder at the tL�amtl ptace and under the tecros designated in �•_.�
<br /> t:�` ..., .: .: . ;. t6e aoflce of sale in one or more paroets end in any order 7lrustee det�rmtflas. 'Itascee mey poai�one sate off aU or any ..•, ,�Y�'.,,.;: +..; ,`?".
<br />- �- � .. "�• . . : '��,:. pnroel oi the Pr�periy by pu6lic anaaann�aaent at the time and plaoe uBany previously scheduIc�sale. l.�cder or tts : ..._�---
<br /> .. . desi�ce ms►y�c�ase We Property at a�g�e. �,;�:__ �.�r'._ >.,.
<br /> . e g w,..u,:.�
<br /> � � . Upon rec�pt o!paymeat of the prioe Qsid,71r�stce shaU deUrer ca the purchaser 7Yustee'�decd conveying the •: 'f ��d1?~=''
<br /> , . � propertys The�+ecitats W the 7lrustee's deed shall be prLna facie evi8ea�e.o!the hutb of the statc�uents made t�herein. �..�� . ..�:
<br /> * e � ���;, ,
<br /> ' , �� � `. 'Ilrustee shall apply the procceds of the sale in the fallowing order. (a)ta cdl oosts and eapenses of exee+ctsia�tCae power �''' � '��� �� °• '�
<br /> ,t` ':,�: • . . , .� . � {i. ,
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