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<br /> - �o�n�u�ati�►ar oti�taktng of any p3�of th$�tope�ty,ce fm oan�ys►nce it�liau og�v�a�ad�ate he�eDY asaigne��H
<br /> - --- _ �,. � ----�� _= -- = -:---- -- -
<br /> =--�ati�p�o�a�ci:---;_- ---�--- ----- -�-------- --= ---.--,- .,-.. . .. - -----
<br /> � - - .In the event of a total tutdng nt the Propetty.dce�shaIl 1�a epPlted to tA�sttms s��DY tais Secutity. -
<br />- — ' It�msmr,�t�wtied�a ar not then due.with any�access paid to 8ar�ower. 1n ttte e�reat of a partid mis�ag o.f duo,pragertY tn�
<br /> - w�Icd�lta�air mniicet vatue of tAa Pt�cpeety iaunedtstely befaae the taldng is equni to ar.greuter thun the amo�nt of tt�avms
<br /> _- :sccutc�Dy dtis Security I�pument i�nmedI�eiy�5efora tha fakin�g,unte�8onrower and I.ender otherwise agnee in wtiaing,
<br /> ' ' � tt��ums seFWed by thia Sec�"3y Insaument sha11 be c�ced�y the amount of tne prooee8s muh[p�ie�by the folIowtng
<br /> - - � fincllon: to)the tota!amnuat of the sums secured Ymmodiacely 6efore the taktng,divided by!b)the fau market vutus of ti�
<br /> --- - propeny immediately befure ttte taldag. Any aaiance shall be pa�d to�miower.�In the event df a pactial taking.of tk�
<br />� • i�sopeny in wNch tt►e fair mast�et vatue of t�Fmperty Immediately befQre the tak�is less thaa the e�nounti of tt�e sums �
<br />_�- sec�e�i��iateyy b�fot�ihe tt�I�►g��Batrawer attd Lc�e�er-ot�vise-egree jn oz ' D2�.taw.
<br /> ---- - - --_ -. .v�itin� �agFks�
<br /> s ot�erwise provides.the p�+noeeds shall be applted to the su�s s��y this SecW�tY I�►s�umeat whet�eror not the soms ece - -
<br /> - --- ---- thenc�e. �
<br /> , IIf the pbppesty is abgndoaed Dy Bonower,or if,after aotice by i.ender to Boirower that the oond�emaor offe�s to ma(ce
<br />-;. an awand or sente a ct�im for damages.Bmto�ver fails ta respund to Lender within 30 days after the dau the notice is gi�ve�
<br />� Lender is suthari7e$.to wllect und apply t�e pmceads,at its optioa,either to restorat[oa or repair of tbe Fce►perty ur tQ the
<br /> aums secuned�y t�ig S�curFty insunm�ea�whether or nat th�due
<br /> = Uatess Lxader and Bonower otIIenvis�ag�ee in writing,anY aPPliqtion.of pmceeds to principal'shall not extaad ar
<br />= postpone the due datc of the acon�ly payments refemed to in parag�aphs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 1L gori�o�vep NtaT Rete�se8;F7nsQlanuaoe $q Ixader Not s Wairer. Factcruion of the dme for payment or
<br /> modi�cation of�aottization.of the snmc secured by this Secvrity Tnstrument g�anted by l,ender ta any a¢coessor in intesest
<br />�m ._ of Boirower shall aot opetate to retease the liability of the ariginal Bortower or Bomower�successa�a in interesL Leudea
<br />_���� shali not be�quiied m commence proceedings agauut any sucoessor in interest vr�efuse to extend dme for payment ar
<br />�_���i=�, otherivise mudify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Inswmeat by reawn of any demand made by the oiiginal -
<br />�r� h�-•� Bo�rower or Hormwerh successors in interest• Ang farbearance by I.ender in exercising any dght or reinedy shali not be a -
<br /> ��:'s:�n:,�<_�i.;,-.�,.- ` --
<br />����;,��.-,�ss:�:E�.; waiveroforprectudetheexe�iseofanyrrightorremedY- G==- -
<br /> ����= .�. IL Suocessors aad Assigns Bowad;Joint aad Several Lisbility;Co�sfgners 'Ihe covenaius and agreements of this ---
<br /> ,•� :::;`�' _: Security Luwment shaU 6ind and 6enefit the sucoessoss and assigns of Lender and Bormwer.subject ta the pmv�sions of
<br />-'��' �' `" ' ' ' � pa�agiaph 17.Bomnwer�s covenants an�agreements shall be joint and several.Aay�otrower who casigns this Security s _
<br /> - �;�'��;��'-��'_ . --- =--
<br /> _ ���,� .; r Instnunent but does not execute the Note: (a).is co-sigaing this Security�ment only to mortgage,gmnt aad convey ihat �_.___
<br /> `:�';��,�,1�'�'.;='=-`�:..:'�'.: � Bortower�s interest in the Pmperty under the teimc of ihis Secwity Inswmen� lb)is not personally obtigated to pay Ne swns ---
<br /> �.::.�� :�_ ,, .. �-�;==-
<br /> �. f��;;;•.,.:;;,.:•... �. secu�d by this Security Instrumenr.and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bomuwer may agcce to extatd modify.forbear ��_
<br /> `;.�;;z;,�•'_:,: - , or make any accommodations �vith tegard to the tetms of this Securiry Instmment or dte Note without thaz Bortower's . --=__
<br /> �':.-:,,...;�r.� . � consenG
<br /> :: �:;;:�.�::_..' _ ��- _-�--
<br /> :':��;:�=':,;.•,. .. .- : 13. l.�n Chargex tf the laan seciued b this Security Insuument is sub'est to a law which sets maximum loan ��_-
<br /> Y J ��>_
<br /> ::•:�-,I'�„�;"`�.`. c6arges.and that law ics fu�a{�y inteipreted so that the i�;�est or other laan charges collected or to Ae collocted im m�nection �,�__
<br /> :: ��,�����'��t �i�the loan exceed the ga�tt�tted limits.then: (a)anp.s:.�loan charge shall he reduced 8y the amount neoessary,to reduce _ _
<br /> :� ., �k`�c}•` � t:n�harge rar�e p�snitr�d i�mi�and(6)any sums alipa�y cotiected from Bormwer wfiich eaceeded pennitted linuts will he e� = r .
<br /> �,.F,�,�.� � 4 re f u n d e d t a i t�c r,m�� I x n d s r m a y c hoose�o make this refund b yre�.*cia g the princi p a l owed urtder the Note or by making a '�
<br /> _ ' °*r''`'7`�i'c� c.I.. � dimct pay�t�-s BomuRer.•If a refund�duces principal.the reduca�n will be treated 3s a panial prepayment w►thout any `�� `� j
<br /> } 1 ��,���,�. t, P�PaYmenYCflarge vadec the Kote. . ' °..�� -
<br /> ����`��,,, 14. Notices. Any not�ce to Borrower provided for in this Security Insuument shall be given by delivering it or by� � t�;����. ;. �
<br /> 'c�;��w��,;; , , maiGng it by first class ma�t enless applicabte!aw mquires use of another method.The notice shafl be directed ta the Propecty ,,�,.��?+ ,.��„��,;
<br /> a F� ;�t"r; � � Address or any other addmss 8ortower designates by notice ro Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class
<br /> ; '� � �. � ,F:n.'. . mail to Lendec's addiess stuted herein or aay other address Lender designates by rtotice to Borrower. Any notice provided for • �� �
<br /> • "s. in this Security Instrument shall be d�em�d to have been given to.�Borra�ver nr l.ender when given es provided in this
<br /> ��, . - ..��
<br /> � t': :.,4-:z4>-' PatagraPh• . .
<br /> .,�:`��:s���• � 15. Governing Law; SeverablGty. T�his Sesurity insuumena sfiall be govemed by federa! law and the law of the r• .: _.
<br /> ��'` '}��'��;'. ;�ssdicqon in which the Praperty is locateb in the event that any provision or clu�tse oF this Security Instrumem or the Note - ?:_
<br />_ '����%�°f��`� � c�nfticts with applicabte law.such confli,c shatl not uffect ather proti•isia:�s of this Security Instrument orthe Note which can '�
<br /> �; �;�f4';;:�};�,:;��'; . �"�' b e given effecc without the conflicting proti-ision. To this end the prosismns of this Security Irs�.*ument and the Note are _ , . �`_
<br /> 4! `f��f'�.�, • d�L�nect to�severable. . �'
<br /> ',a��;���y:�. : � . 16. Borrower's Capy. Borrower shaiE be given one conformed copy of the Pio:e and of this Security Instrumenl. - ;: � �
<br /> .��i z;;} .. • 17. 7�anster oY the Pmperty or a Bene�icial Interest in Borrower. If all or�zy part of the Prupeny or any interest in , ;,
<br /> _ ;..;b•.�� ` it is sold or uansferred(or if a benefcial intemst in Borrower is sold or transfeR�d a�d Borrower is not a natural person) �
<br /> ;t��:;;�:'•, � �<� without Lender�s prior written consent.Ler.der may.at itc option,tequire immediate gayment in full of ell sums secured by �
<br /> , . thls Security inshument. However,this op:"van shaU not be exercised by Lender if exer�ise is pruP�bited by federal law a4 of � �� � - . .�
<br /> '•� � � `.� the date of this Security Instrument. ��� �
<br /> �..'. : •
<br /> �• �.; • - If Lender exercises this option.l.ertder sha11 give Homower notice of accelera::s�:s. The notice shall pravide a period of ��.f� � . �i; `�. �
<br /> �.;. �'.� � � , rrot less than 30 doys from the date[he rtotice is deli��e�:d or maited wit6in whirh Bur�wer must pay all sums sv:rsred by this �a�f::, • ._
<br /> '� . � Securiry Instrument. If Boirower failc to pay these sums prior to the expiration af this periad. Lender may invoke nny ��'%. �
<br /> =*. ' ' remedi�s permitted by this Security lnstrument without further noticc or demand on Borro�ver. `,�'' ' . ; . ..
<br /> � ; '`•i� -- � ' 18. Ba�rowee's Right to Reinstae� IP Borrower meets cer.ain conditions, Barrower xhall have the right to have •
<br /> �� � enfor�ement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time privv to the earlier uf: (a15 duys�ar such other period ac �.. ; .;�';��'` �'
<br /> �;:...: , ,:, ,
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