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<br /> . _ ..,ni-�...Q.ra. �.^ ' ., �t� . � . o r . � . � 'C . .. . '.. . . O _. � ' . • � t ` - r '
<br />_
<br /> �. ��iZ���! �61dP�0i'. B�WE3 G���v!D�tOVl�I118 tl�Il��$ Ot_!!CI"�����< .. _
<br /> _ — =_._._pmillitlt�ilsit3l�nQ•rtrt4t bYgY1G:°�9�Si�C�t��Q t�C�1:C�tCI�E�_QbYQ[B�'0_��ut��ZBY�..�C��$ •
<br /> tC � � ... — — _
<br /> - - ftor�e or Jiao�ing. fur vu�tc�i�dcr r�qois�s issuraaoe-:�s���-�E�e m�s utn�Iu��i����.
<br /> - — tiiaut Lraider reauitas.'Td��c�n�t�pro�vtdIBg tt�e i�,ttattbe s�all be chossea by Boirowet sabje��01.epMer's appmv�I�� „ � _
<br /> — wfi�cD sAalt-not ae mare3sanably witt�cld. tf_Bot�wcr fttUs��^��vernga dcscribe��abo�►e. �er a�Y.at I.c�ider'S � � , ;
<br /> a �— optioa�oDtaEn ooverase tb pco�Lcader's stgtfts tn the t�roperty�tn a000�nttoo with para�ap8 7. �• . � ,
<br /> - �Alt irrsuranoc policies aml ra�wala shaU 6e awe�sbk m ic�der aad efiall ieciude e�mo:tgoge danse.Leade� � :
<br /> - — shau ea�►e the right co hota the pol�cI�ana�wais.If i�er requUes.Bu�tower ahall pm��1x gt�►e to.�enaer su reoeigcs af
<br />- gaid pc�iums an��a�wal aati�s.In me eveut of toss.Boiro�cer�all g�v�e p�+amgt nadae w tLe iasutense carriar�M�der
<br /> t.' � _ - - 1,,�s��a�ep�£ofiass_iin�e�dQ�.6�tBoaa� ::��: ----- -- -_---- . _
<br />- Unle�s Len�er sad Bomower atdenvise:ag[ee in ari3ing.9asumnee ptoeaeds st�ali be applted to ra�oa or r�ga�of�e ---
<br /> - ��Y�8�•iP tRe tpstorattna or repair is economialiy feas�6l�aad E eader's security is not t�d.if uhe tcswration or —
<br /> crpair fs nat eoouundcafly fsasihte or i�'s seauity wuutd be lc�ened.tLe innaaace pivaeefis s9ai1 be applled to the snms
<br />� s�uted by this Savtity Iasmunent.wheWer ar aot thea due.wit6 any eaoess patd to Bonvwet. If IIon�et�ndons tbe.
<br />= PmpextY•or does nat answer within$0 daYs a ootioe feom J.ender d�at tfle iasurm�oe cairir�r�as of�red ta seuie s cb�im.ttt� .
<br /> Leffier may oollec+e the tnsn:an9e pmoeed.�. I.endes maY use thc pmooeds W repais ar iestntc.tha Piope�ty or ta pay snms
<br />- sec�red(ry this Secaurty Insaume�,wd�her or nnt thcn�e.'itie 30�de�y period will De�in ahea the noriae is giv�: -
<br /> Untess�1+�s�Boirower ot�e�wLso�in wdting: any eppticario�of pmoeEda�w p�inapal s4�all,not'eate��or_ ,
<br /> �
<br />_ postpo�the due clate of the monthlY PaY�iefemed tQ in paiag�pds t and 2 ar d�ge the amouat of tf�paym�ois. jf .,
<br /> undet�ua�6 21 th�P�ty is aa�i�ed by.l�tdet.B�riower's dght w any:,,ns•a�pplides and prooeeds resuiting fmm
<br /> ~ _ ,'4-y'e: damage to the P�apeaty pr�or ta the aary�s'idon shall pasv w Iender to t4e eatent of ttte soms seatt�d by this Sec�iry tnsaumr�t
<br />��° >������''� " '�� immediately�QrEac tn dte aequLsitioa.
<br /> }':=°=�:� 1.-��-;��>:.� � �.Oa�anc�l Fte�rvatEon.Maiatenaaoe aad Fi+utectton ot the Prop�ty:Borrowe�s Loan ApPltc�ttont I.�s�Qtds. - -
<br />�f�=.,-�` ' Bonawes s6all ooeupy,esmblish.and use dte Picopeity as Hotrower's principal msideaoe withia sucty days after the eaeaition of
<br />��i,:�� �';;° •
<br /> -�-��'�-d, �..�s .:-:.
<br /> tWS$�1llt�/ID�CIIZ 3�SI18U OOALIItIB W OO011pj►t�PNQ�t}►aS EOJDDiYCt S�t2S�QCIICC f0�ffi IC85t OI1C yi�8RCr
<br /> y..,e��?;._. ..,.
<br /> r.;°;.,s�.� � �r� tke da�of aocupaary,imless�Irader athe�a+tse agrees in wiiting,wtich coase�t shall aot 6e unteasonably wIthAdd.or unle�
<br /> ;:;��t '�,:"-°: :';� ex�e�ting ciicu�nces exist w6icb aze beyodd Barnower's eontrol. HamnwRr shall not d�tmy.dama8e or impair the �
<br /> . ,-.
<br /> :. 7.,s:... -=��� Property.allow ti�Pmperty W dderioraoe,ar oommit waste an die Pmpe�ty. Borrower sttati 6e ig de€�sit if say lo�feitute
<br /> +:::�,:„`.` °� acxion or praoeeding.wheth�cnny or crin�iaal.is begun that ln Ir.�der's gaod faith judgment oonid resuIt ia fotfeiw:e of tDe =
<br /> ��'.:;;�.�:*''� pr,opeity or othetarise mater�ally impair We liea created by this Security lnstrum�t or LeadaPs seauity intezest.Bornnwer ma�r =_-
<br /> "'=:�=�.::':~ ^:''-.' aire sach a dcfanit and�+einstane,as pmvided in paragrsph 18,by rausiag the eaion or p�to be dismissed arith a nding =
<br /> _ �.� .>
<br /> `.�. .. •: that,in Lender's gaod faith determiaation.pc�ectudes forfc[wre of the Bormwer's intei+est in the Pmperty or ather rnateiial
<br /> - .:: �'':�`" iarpaimteat of t�e li�cieated by tlns SeRUity�i +*++ ^t or Lenderrs sewrity interest. Borrower shall atso 6e in defauit if
<br /> : <� ,.7.• _�.;:::'..,';,, Bomower.during the toan application pmcess.P,ave matewally false or inzac�uate infom�ation or statemeats to i.eadEr(or failed --
<br /> ' ,,,: >, , W pmvlde Leada vvith aay matetial infom�ation)in aotmection with the loan evideaced by the Note,indttdtng.6ut not limited =
<br /> :.Y;,;�;:;.: ' w,cepleseusahons eoaeeming Bomo�ver's oocupaacy of che Property as a priac�ipat resideaoe. If this Secnriry Imt�ament is on a _- _
<br /> [easehold. Hoiraswet sLall wmply with alI cf�e pmvisions of the l�e if Borruwer aoquims fee titie. to ttfie Fnoperty. t� --__---
<br /> � ;�y: . leaseJtotd a11d the Se+a title sstiaalt not merge unt�s Lender agrees tn the crterger in writing. —�---.- --
<br /> i.',�� . . 9.�rotectfo�of I.endp�s Rig6ts tn the Roperty.If Bomnwer faiIs W perforra the covenaats and agcoetnenis oontaiued in """�'°"�!
<br /> p ' .:: �,_���
<br /> . . . . this Sewriry lnsttument.or ttierc is a tegal pmoeading that may sigaif cantly aff�Lender's rights in the ProPert7+(suc6 as a �;-,r �'•`'_!_
<br /> ,�... . �.. ,. .
<br />- � , � p�000eding in bankuptcy,P :�:iN�+r�. .• . ��
<br /> �rbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regutations).then Lxnder may do and ;..r�z,� „ ��_-
<br /> � , , a for whatever is necessary to-protect the value of the Property and Lender's rig6ts in the Propaty. Lender's acdons may �'<y�.���; ';;�?�:'�
<br /> f' .� P Y , ,.�..,, .Sa�•,,:�r_
<br /> ; °�.'� �I`�",:;� . Include paying any sutns secured by a lien which has priority over this SeCUrity Inshumen� appe�armS ���• FaY�B '. ;`;�°�~r'�:.x°s4 a,-
<br /> :�.rr�.��„ .
<br /> � .� �, � . ;: •• � reasonable attomeys'faes and entering on the Properry to make repairs. Although Leader may take acdon twder this paragraph � ; ,.-::.���:.,�.�
<br /> : � . , ?.Lender does not have to do sv. t _;'=
<br /> � �� '����� My amounts disbu�sed by l.ender under this ga�ugrsph 7 shall beoome additional debt of Borr�wer secured by this � .
<br /> , . _ ,_... �-
<br /> ;. _-.: ,_-
<br /> ; �, ,
<br /> - .. .. Se�ary Instrument.Unless Eotrower and Leader agree to other termc of payment.thes�amounts sAall 6ear interest fram tha • �.:;•.�R.�'�:f.;�-
<br /> � � date of disbursar�cnt at the Note rate and sltfJl be paya5le, with interest. upon notice from I.�rder to Bomnwer requesting , ; � r';>"`-'�`'"'
<br /> � _ _ �!1 .��``'`�/.,i:. �
<br /> . .;�: . �;;� paymeat. . � �k�y.i�
<br /> � � i.�::.f`'..
<br />- � ���'`>' "� • � 8.Mortgage Insurance.If l.ender required mortgage insurance as a conditlon of making the[oan secured by this Security ;;,�,.�„- �
<br /> t,�,;.�. :;
<br /> �� , � � Insuument. Borrower shall pa�y�3se premiums required to maintain the mortsage insurance in effect. If.for any reason. the i'�+.;;ti��s ' �.:;"'� ''�'•
<br /> . ;i•t� ���,' .. mortgage insurance ooverag�o+�ired by I.ender Iapses ar ceases to be in effect.Bamower shal!pay the ptemiums required to �?��i�..'�'',.<<,•;;_:;'.�
<br />_ ;.°..; :: ��, ''� ��.�': obtain coverage s:a6st�tially e.quivalent tn t�ie mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the ;;.. • ',,.;,.,;.•.
<br /> `'` •..+� `� '+�" cost to Borrower a�i the mo a e insuran��reviousl m effect. from an altemate mort a e insurer approved b Lender. if •. ��.is�''{�,� '�
<br /> .:.:,1� �o S Y � E S y :�'���t�.�
<br /> � �., � "- � ' � � substantiaily equivaient mnrag��fnsurance cove�age is not available,Boirawer shall pay to Leades each montf►a sum equal to � ,;,.•,>..
<br /> � ''� '"�:�--�=--==,;' on��-hve1M of the yearly mart;age insurance premium b�i�g paid by Borrower whett i.+�e insurance coverage lapsa3 or ceased to ...,. •
<br /> i'':�:�;:,.,. .
<br /> '{''����;�i ', be in effect.Lender wjtl accepi.use and retain these�y.~�s as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage inswance. E.,ass re5erve , . .
<br /> ,4 ti��., �--- --.
<br /> - :��}i�S��' . �mr�+3028 9«i � ��
<br /> ;...t,�:
<br />�,; ,i''t\;:, � �'�pe 3 0�e �, , . � . .,
<br /> �e�:x 4�.:� .
<br /> �(aj�'',"�,� . � � it`#�:i,' .
<br /> S`'il��; �: ..
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