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<br /> -_ � �:�2,St�4�S:l�1C1�f.`aY'�� 8� �t�C Dfi�lCiij; �:Ct��B�1tS it4� B�t�QAS 5�13� fl�0 �!@�QQY� � t�liS�u�CCSi�'IEjF
<br /> � + `.� .It1�d:A�L6�th�r4nl�w�rifna ia rr.f,�_eMtl[o`j�j�g��i��E_84�aPf�.s •' � ' • `: � _ _ - -
<br /> -�- '� ,� <:<, �g�R�<A'4Y�CUy�NA�t�at�orroi�xr�s t�wPolly�of�dee�tate�c. y colm�cy�-`sttt�`Qas tt�ri�tv graat aad
<br /> — . . .�� _wnyey�e Pm�rerty;�;+ti�at ti�e Ptopecty is m�m�d�eacoeQt.fox��tmb�as�af aeooi+�. Sortad�er war�aats 8nd wilt
<br /> �. defos���asetallq�tsc tit�a tta ttie Ph�o�xtdy�tri�talt cI�im3 a�td�.suR�eet!to uny ensv�mbranees o�nbcotit. :;:`� � � , � . �
<br />_ — .- . TH[S SE�4TR'P�Y tNS"TRUMHN'�combines anIfom�oovena�ta for ast�onaI us�a ana nan-uniS�t�a covenmu§witH�it�ssd .
<br /> v�r,ta8ons S5��a�dI�Ion oo aodstittttte a naiform s�rlty fns�uuu�tt covedng�eal pru�cty. . `
<br /> � , [J1�RM�OVENaNTS:8orraw+er and I.enGer oovenant and egcee as folWws: . � . . � �= � �
<br />- _ - Y. A�ya�X o��(n�;and Inte�:P�3rm�uut�nd Ltit�t�aaege$.Bomuwer shait g�ottSpit��PiAY Wh�duz Bte . �
<br /> � �ST�tsi�Satnfsnd.In_sen�t_ontE�c�bte�deao�xlD��QeNot�aadanyF�r�pol�dear�cqduewsdet��I�3e--_-�:c--._._--
<br /> - ,--, �.�[or T��I�av�e.Stib,ject to agplIc�D1�law or to a wrute�wsiver by i�rder,Boimtver ah3ll:�m . _ _ _. _ .
<br />- � . Lender nn tI�day�om�tyr Fapmen�s are due under the Naoe.unti[ihe Note is paid in fuU.a sum('Fuads°)far:(a)Yes��
<br /> - —= � ana as�nts R►nich,�yr e#min pitorIty over rhis seaaity Instivatenc as a liea,oa v�e Pmperty;ro)r�l}i I�hnra pay� ,
<br /> , or�mn rmts on a�cPropertS►.if any;tc)Yeari�►Qar�rd or F�3►��P�:ed)Y�3►Qooa.�ma��: .
<br /> - if at�►:(e)Year1Y mvrtg�+a iasardaos p?eiaium9.if suy:sud(�anY snaas payabie 6y Bon�ower w Leader.ifi a�aoo:dauce wItit -
<br /> ;, . : tlt�provialons oi patag�agh 8�in lieu of thc pay�i of mortgage imsu�anoe p�ia{�s.These items are called:Bscxayv It�•
<br /> -- Leader ma�F,at any t€me. wliect�d hnld Funds in aa amnuai uat to exceed Me maxtmum amount a Ieades for a�tty.
<br /> � �.mu�age Ioan ma3►�qufl�.for Born�wer's escmw aeea�at�t the fede�al Real Fsraoe Settiement��coaadates:l�o€
<br /> - 1974 as ame�od t�om time W time,t2 U.S.�C.Seaioa Z�I ts�rl•(�RF.SPA').unless anot6er law t6att appltes to tt�•F.:�ids
<br /> --- sets a tess�amoun� If so, Lea+der_may,ai any time.collecc a�d hoid�Lnds in aa av�nnnt nat to exo�ed�t��l�:e3��uat.
<br /> _ Leader may estimate the susouat of Fvnds due on the b�is of c�e�t data and reasona62e estim�es o�e�'�.a£:�pue
<br /> -- Fscrow 1ip�s.or otL'ernvise in axondanoe�vit6 applicable taw..' �:; . ::;r';c`�`�":.•.
<br /> ,_____ _� . .,,:;. .
<br /> - __°�"�'�"��3� 'tae Funds stiall 6e held in an im5titution whose - -- Y eSen�Y, insa�i�i , oi���Y .
<br /> �_ .L��� depos[is as�insured� a fede�l ty �-
<br /> -- � -- ----- --� - -
<br /> _----- Cutctading Leader,�f i�er is su�an instiWtiony or iu any�Federat lfom�Loan Bank:Lender s6aU app1�:lft�£�iu�ds to pay.d1e
<br /> Fs�row kems.Lender a�ay aot charge Bormarer for�otdiag aar!appiying the Fmds.anaually analyzing t���mw aoeoua�or
<br /> �v� verit�ri�the Fscrow Items,�mless Leader pays Horroa-er inte�st on the Funds and appllcabie iaw prJmits�w m3toa suoti =
<br /> _-�� a d�ge:However,Lender may tequiie Bmmw�to�pay a ane-tim�cLarge for an independr�t e�tl es�de tax�ottiA��s��etge =--
<br /> _=x--� a�d bg Lendcr.in oo�edion with tlns�i�aa. m�fess applieabla..�w provides �ise. U�.an agt�a� is���'ai _ —_--�
<br /> .-�'�'=�,'�� 8F?ucable law requires interest w be patd,t�rd�d�li not be reQsSr�to pay Borrvwer au�r i�deresc ur�$s on thk�,Fnads: ' , :,;_----
<br /> —�'""�",`.`� Borrower and Leader may agroe in writing,l�uwes!c�:ihat inte�se s6a11 be paid on the F�mds.Leader stial���e to 8omuwer, --
<br /> �'"�'���'"�- g Ing ccediis and debits w the Funds and the for wtuoh e�a�fi -_- _
<br /> --�;���, withaut cha�ge.an annnaf acoauntia of Wc F�cinids�_��r -
<br /> — � ° ;_ N! P� __=_-
<br /> t'� _` debit t�t�Fuads was�ide.The Fund4 are a�additiou�ai so:uri for all sums secu�d b this Seani °�"-_-.-
<br /> _��. • e��� ., �Y Y �Y���+,`�• -
<br /> ..�,��: If t6�F�3uds M1d by Iender cxaaad t�amounta permitted tn ire held by applir,.�bie Iaw,1 ender shall axoun�:ro Bortci�ver - =_
<br /> �� `,t��"�,• for the exa�s Funds ia.aaoordanoe wiih the requirements of appIicable law.If the arnouni of.the Funds held by Lender az•a�► -----.__
<br /> �'-, dme is not safficieat tu pay.tbe Fscrow Items w�en due,Lender may so noafy 8om�wer ia writing.and:ui aut��case 8o�aiart �u�=:-
<br /> „�... �,:�r -�_ —�
<br />_� , '` --•s:'�,-;�,' . shall pay to i.ender the atrnaunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower sfiall malce up the deh��in uo a�a ti�qa• °•'"�`
<br /> �' -• tarefve monthi ts at Lender's sole disc�erion. '� �`� -���TV-�
<br /> �; '.�=;:;�.:' Y PaY�n • � � ,�:��,a,;..�=_�
<br /> .,�,_yYt., U n � , �_,`.�ef----'��•:�—
<br /> s Po P�� ia fWl oE all st�ms sec�ied by this Security lnsnn�ment, Lender shall prum�tly t+eftu�d�tp:Bo�ms�.et aay
<br /> > �':.,:�7'.:.y. . . - . . �_€Y:�j.i�.ti`�.
<br /> M n Fnnds held by Lender.If,uader paragraph 21.Lender shaU acqui�or sell the Property.L.ender:pdor tn tbe acqur�iliom ur�sale . . _
<br /> _ � . `'Fi�
<br /> "' +� � of the Property.shaIl epply any Funds held by Lender at the time af aaquisition or sale as a credit agaia�tdtl��st��+sew�d by �`•�°
<br /> .�,�. . • � �`� this Sacurity lnmument. , -}�}�• �_
<br /> .. < :• .
<br /> >�����• • :� � 3.Apglieation of Pby�ents.Unless applicable law pmvides othenvise.all payments neceived by Lendc�utcde�yciragraphs ,,, ' •• '+-`�-
<br /> , � . ' i aad 2�all be appfiod:first,to any pmpayment cdarges due under the Note;second.to amounu payuble�umder pa�2g�a�rh 2; . . *
<br /> • ,��ti:' . ��!��:�t-
<br /> � thiid,tu��due:fuurth.to principal due;and last,to any late cha[ges due under the Nute. � +� �-
<br /> ' - 4. Idws.Borrower shall a ell taxes.assessmenu.ch es,fines and i osicians aaatbutabtc co the A �"4}j__
<br /> ,; . ��m�ges: P 9 ar8 mP prr�f�Y __ � � � _
<br /> ° �� afiich may aUain priority over this Secutiry In�tu�ent.and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any.tiacmv�er shall pay °' • "��`•x
<br /> �,��� , . . . ;';,::{ y
<br /> c`�' ��. �. � these obli ons in the a�uier rovided in is 2.or if not acd in that marmcr.Borrawcr shall a thesr�n tirae diractl �.. ;•..l ���y�;�°
<br /> ,�• « �, 8� P F��? P � P Y Y � :
<br /> �: �,,,, - to the petson owed payment.Bo�rower shall prua�ptty fumish to Lender all notices of amounts co be paid under this p��sfl. :`.9 y� `�;r� r
<br /> .t.; ., ..v,.�v a�-:. � I f B o m o w e r m a k e s t h e s e p a y m e n t s d i c e r t l y.B o r r o w e r s h a l l p r o m p t l y f u m i s h t o L e n d e r re ce i p t s e v i d e n c i n g t h e p a y m e n t s. . � .;�.�, �:4;.'���:
<br /> `` �, ::;���'�';'��:� Borrower shall prompily discharge any lien uft��has priority over this Secudty lnstiument unl�cs Barmm�er;(a)z�n�in ,.�'. . "" .'�,-`:.
<br /> ;� � wrltin to the a ent of tAe obli adon secured b t[�e lien in a manner a � � ����'�`'
<br /> 'y ;�lE�;.� .' g P ym g Y eceptabte to Lender.(b)contests irt grrJd faitf�cF:e lien - .� ,.. ,
<br />. �� � by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal pmceedings which in the Lender s opinion op,.�atr tv pretaa� the � �,'• J`
<br />- ':�_:``.� "' �. enfo�emerit of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lie�an agrcement satisfactary to Lender subor6inating the[ic-xs to . `
<br /> -��� -- -- tt�is Scx�uiey Lumiment.If i.ender detemtines that any part of the Property is subject t�a lien which may attain priority�ver ' `;•
<br /> 4,,i+j. r '. ..
<br /> •��� Wis Security Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identif �n the lien.Borrower st�all saris che lien or take one or ` �-� . �� � -
<br /> r'�''��'��"� � mo�of the actlons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of n tice. � ��'�-•��� - � - -
<br />_ }�•. • . • �F` Form 80Z8 9/90 "
<br /> ".�. �. .., . v,�,s of a � ' �.1,
<br /> ,,ti+;{, . . ;,. •
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