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<br /> . - - -
<br /> � ;�•8eQUitiy tnat�umant",of the eam�dete piv,en Oy.tRe undersigned,`0erairtaftsr reterred to as th�"8atrowpr';�tQ sacure ��.
<br />��_ � �eROwe�e tndebtadnaaa,Aer�tnaiter r0t�ttgd.ta.aa tha"Not�'ktQ HOME FEDERALSAlIlN�8(�N�LO�A�Q�tQ11QN OF ' � _
<br />_-�""*e`� . , QA/►ND iBLAND,haratnaiter reterr�ed ttt.aalRe!'LondeC',q1 the s�a dats and coverirtg the properly descrt4ad�tha 8ocu8ty =-
<br />= tnanument end tocateei!a� � - �
<br /> r.,, . . .
<br /> ^:��'= ' � 9f9 SDUfH:,l(�IhBALLs GRAND�ISLAND . NEBRASKA �688Qt � � � --- -_-
<br /> � . --- _
<br /> - ` �d . ' ; ' . • I�P�Y A�diess) ===-
<br /> - �: . , . - _- � . ' VIORNE83ETN: ' --_
<br /> _1� . _ � � . .. � � . . ��'�y �_
<br /> � � ;����, < -WliER�AS,Borrower and L'entter havo agtead.Mat any ront�eiid profits.attNbutabte to tti�.proparEy siiou(d conatituta - _ .���'�,,��� _
<br /> ,
<br /> b'..,,{; �.��*, edd[ttqrtal sectuity to the lender fantha.payment of the Npxs;� ". �' ��r � �
<br /> ,.y-�t . � :y �„�� -_
<br /> ���°':^�.•: . y�,�.�_�' ` --_ +:. _
<br /> HOW.THEREFO�tE,tt ls egreed that the 3souftry tnatrumenishall De amertded hereby and deem�ta tnclude Ma foitowing � = �.� .y "
<br /> �:�:�:;�?���� �provtstona � Y � ---
<br /> .�. _ �`:�':�°F i�: 1; a �Borrower dereby aDsolutety and unconditt��taliy a�sFgcns aU _�``` �`'�� ^�_
<br /> • � � . c.. ,� �'�' ,�.:
<br /> � �=� rents, iss�tea end pratita ot��•the.ptopetty�,t�;8enefictary. Le(e�leE•shall have the H ht,power and_ t�ri s�aacf�,� th9� �' �� ;•�s�-.�_
<br /> $� 8 �y;�..
<br /> �' " ;' r. .�. cantlnuanc�ot tAe Security Uahumerrt ta colteot the rentat issues and protits of tl�e properiy and of acaqp.�^sohaE�prcperry . �t;..�-�,{ _
<br /> ' ;-•;--:: -.,�,..a; tacated ttier&on wtth or witPtout takirtg Ooase&sion of Me pr4p@rty aftect�d:f�reby.Lene�e�,ltovice�r�i:�byi cDngenta to � , - �---
<br /> _ r=��:�•• ���a�;.�� BorrowePs cbltectlen and reteAtian of sucA renta.Issues and pref(ts as they�crus and�?re payaDiar s�tang as.Borrower ,,q 4� v��-_-
<br />_ �' � �` ;�. la not,at such'ttme,tn detault�wtih resAeat ta.Payment o!any#�ebtedne$s secured Rec�:jt or 1n the pedormartce:a�anp � �• _,:
<br /> .�.t:.o! .:'`` �.:�:° agreement Rereunder. . ' �. :: <;; :, -.�__
<br /> _ 's , - 2. �oelntment oi RecrlYSr.!t ang svent�af dstauit In res�t to ttta Sseurlty!nslraneent sha!!haee occrssred�ered 6e �` ' _ --
<br /> t. �;:. �. �,. +;;..,:. .:r,��
<br />- ::`�. �pntinuing,Lender,as.a mattet ot right and w6lheut nottce to�8orrower or anyone ciaiming under�+rbwer,and witnaut :....�.:. .---_ _
<br /> � � �ti.-���. regard to tt�e vatue of the truat eatate o�the fnte�est ot the Barrii4wer therein.shall have the rtght to apRt�+�o any court t��ving� :°��`.-`��`°�:���_
<br /> ±� � �.• Judsdtotion to appolnt a receivor of the properiy.. � � � J -�' `' �g
<br /> � � Rl�ht to_Possasstan.in case of 6efautt In,the paymertt a�tRe satd pd�cipaf Note or Interest,or any part therept,aa it ,,�'i
<br /> '`'`�`=�� ' - • sAat!mature,or tn the case of failure to keep o�pedorm any otthe covenants or agreements contained in the 3ecuci�qriststnt• .. _`=.��;�:-:�"=�'"�-
<br /> • �. .:-V "� �: , ,�•
<br /> •"�'�`�� • � men�,then the Lender,ita successo�s or asalflne,sha11 be and is hereby authorized an0 empowered to take immedlate �� � �- �
<br /> ' . :. � ` ��. '::_.?".:•.
<br /> �-•�°�=' ��•��`� � possesston of the satd pcemisea lheretn descnh�d and to colteat the rents therettom,and to appry the proceeds thereotto tRe ':,•�: ;� :�-�����.
<br /> , ;� �
<br /> `=-� . � • payment ot.the Note.. ` '' � '�-=�� �:
<br /> ` ''"� ''„ 4. epn�f�tlon ot Ranta Issues and ProHta.,Aq tents calteGf�by Lender or the recelver shatl De applled firs4 tQ���aat }� ��,��,,��`�'� _
<br /> � �: �-����, , �• otthe cashs+ot manageinent of the proAerh►and Coliectlon o!rsi?ts�inctuding,but not Iimited to.recetvePS tees.presc�Er,�on s� ? �?t� ,;•���a=
<br /> �' `,t�%��'?a:�� recelvef s 6onds and�easonabta attomey's.teea.and Men ta t�suma secured by the S e cuBty tnstr�a��.�len der an d i he � �', i'�, , " •� .
<br /> ��F��� .• '` �eceivet shell be IleDfe to account onty tor tltose rents actualty received. :}- �f; ��-_
<br />_ ::,,:��.. :: :. .�' ; '• •, � '�• _
<br /> •. •��,�;• � 5. Construction ot Provisiona Eaah ot ttle proviatons cont�trted in thts Assignment of Rents Rtder and the Security Instrw �' �� �
<br /> � '�•°''' mant sha`II;•unlese otAerwise apeclftcalty�requlred.be constnced in accoMance with Nebraska law, and in the event�flny * � + � � "
<br /> _', ��°. ...`�: .<'`'' .�. : ?;'::
<br /> t�� ., ' • provlsbs�6lerein or thereln cantalned shall be determined by acourt of competent ju�isd[ctionto be unenforceabte,the8�1T1A _ "'�_.:3•: '
<br />- - . -. � shat!be construed as thougb suoh unenforaeabte proviston w�ere not a part Rereot or thereat. ,� : ;�.�_:*`���
<br /> '� .. . ?�;
<br />- �:��� •� ; '. 8. �ect of Rtder.Except asspecftloatty mpdifted by or irtconsistent witA this Assignment ot Renta Rider or by aoyother •: � � -=• il
<br /> _ � apppcahta rider.al!ot the terma and ptovlatona contatned in ttti2 Security Instrument shall continue In tull torce artd BNect. �SP � ' : �,
<br /> • , �' , '- _ ��.
<br /> ;•`� . . . � . . :.�;:
<br /> � . ���" , � IN WIY14��55 WHEREOF,BoROwerhas executed thls Assl r�r^ent of Rents Rider on the date first n !ed above. :•.� :� � �` ':_
<br /> ', _ , -"i;. � ,�, . • .
<br /> '13M1.1. .. i� ' � . .i�"..,
<br /> x�,:w`° ' � LA W. F L eonower .� �.' ' • . ��t
<br /> ��,='�' , � • '
<br /> C :�, ,.y :�..
<br /> �, �;ti!,���� �s_R.s.u�- � � ';�`;i�} .
<br /> ,� �, .y,''?�;' � - C— . j%�... . .
<br /> � .;�� :�,�,,,` 8AR8AR�4 FOWLE 8orrower ���;''�' . .
<br /> {�•t,, � .. �,• •
<br /> `;� �� .;_,; , STATEOF NE9RASKA) ,. '
<br /> ,�'!'�' " (SS: '-;.
<br /> �: ;�t'!�t�. :•�,;, ,
<br /> t �,sz;.' ..� . .:.;���:� COUNTY�F HALL � �� . �,: 7��.� .,:
<br /> v..�:,.���., _.,:.,: " `��<<;;,.:.
<br /> `" �': .�t• On thb9 �4TH day af OCT09ER �19 93,betorertt+�:the undersigned,a Notary Pub11c duty commisstoned and ,
<br /> �' ,.�i:..�;F. - �, i .
<br /> _ � ��3'��t�� . � . . . qualifled tor sald county,personally came LARRY W. FOWL� �ND BA�BAflA F�WLE, HUSBAND ANO WIFE
<br /> , . . �.
<br /> �'w' " .to be the identtcal person(s)whose name(s>tatace subscribed �
<br /> ��'"� ' �• ' to thA fa�ggafng Instrumant,and helshe/ihey ackrtowledge tho auecution thereof to be hlslheNtheir voluntary act and deed.
<br /> � . g � . ,,;z
<br /> ' ` ` �"�'�'�`' GRANfl IS�AND UEBRASKA � �
<br /> ��' � t,u: Witness ir.y hand and Notarial Sea!at �'��
<br /> ~c �,;k�: • .� �;,"`, � ; in QCO t d2t afor �i. � •
<br /> ;;�t.�� . . �
<br /> 1 _ � . f
<br />� S�'.: '. ':q;t'.•� otery Publln �
<br /> ;.�.. y.: !
<br /> ' �ai� . .. � My Ccmmis Z s
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