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<br /> -- ` oondemaa8ion pr�ther�oY aqy ps�of the Ft�erty.or for cvnveyance�a tIeu of aandam�ast1�;�.�iereDY���'�!d�� ..
<br /> _ — ..--- - s�t��3tat�nd$r—=- . �., . - . _._. . ,-- . .._. _ -_— ..: ° �. - - —
<br /> _ - — ;� In tAe event of a mtal tal�tng of tke Praperty.the pmoecds sha11 be agplied to th�sumg,�ai��iy t�-�e�ui�tY �`t `
<br /> _ ,. , Iasnuiaen�,whether os not tAen��wit8 any exsess Pa[d to 8orrower. In the event af a p�rti�l�akatt�;of th�P9�ty�n
<br />-- ---- whic�the fair market vatue of the Propert�c immediarely`befora the wking is equa!to or greater tbgt4��n:ar�toun�ai i3{B sufns �:
<br />_= secuied�bY chi�Securicy tnswmtat tmmediately before the ccktng.untcss Boaower and l.esedaraa}��fse�+es if�•�vittit�= —
<br />=�-_— - -- t�e suma s�by this Secuxity Iacuum�at sha11'be c+educed 6y the amount of the pmooeds multiplied by ths.ia!la�vIt�� �` . . —
<br /> --`� _ --- fra�tion: (a)the total amount of tha sums seruc�ed immediateiy Irefo�the tating.divicted by(b)t)���f�it ma�tte�valiteaf ths:
<br /> -_�� Ptoperty immediately before tne taking. Any balance shall be paid to Bomnwer. In the eveitt-af`a.g�tiai ta�it►�af tha:
<br />_',� Ftoperty ia which the fait mas�cet vaiue af the Pnoperty immediatcly 6efo�the taking is less 1han.tha��imounl of ths sums
<br />- . — .-� serured im�tediatety before the taIdng.witess 8o�rower and f:ender otheiwise agree in writing:ar unt�-apglit�hle�lacv-- -- ---
<br />-= � othenviss pmvides,the pt+uceeds sGall be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry Insqument v4}cetii�r o�r not tho smi►s are. �
<br />- tAendue � • _.._�.
<br />- � tf the Fcoperty is abandaaed by Boaower.or if.aRer nnBce by l.ender to Bonower that thg candemnor offeis to make __
<br />� an award or settte a claim for damages.Botmaler fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after th�date•t11e noticc is given. ___ -
<br />= I.ender is atithorized m ooflect and apply the pmceeds,at its optian.eithes to cestoration or iepair;of ths Pmpetty ar ta ihe _
<br /> - � . � �. sums secured by this Securiry Insmunenb whether or not then due. � _.
<br /> ,j Unless Leader and Boirower othenvise agme in wridnS,anY aFplication of pmceeds to pri�tcipal shall not extend nr
<br /> - ;:-:> „�: postpOne the due date of the mumhlY payments zefemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payman� �.
<br /> � 1L Borrower Not Relea4ed; Forbearance By Leitder Not a Waiver. Extension of�the�tirr� for pay�rieac or g��
<br />.` ;
<br /> - modification of azaortization of the swas s�w�d 6y this Security Instrument granted by Lender ta any successar id iute�esl �"�_—
<br /> - .��"F of Homowcr st�all not operate eo re2ea4e the Iiabiliry of the original Borrower or Bomawer�sacrassuns in iatenest.Lender " ��::�—
<br /> � - '��'`-� : ��"��' shall not be cequiced to commence pmceedings against any successor in inteiest or refiue to extind•time fnr payment.or- . �•=:_'�°--�
<br />_ - '. . .`� othenviss madify amortization of the sums secured by this Secnrity instrument by neason of any deman�inade by the ong�ttal .:`5=—"
<br /> __� '.`� :;•.° � Borcon�er ar Borrowet�s successots in interest. Any forheaiance by Lender in exercising any righl or:remedy shall nos be a :� -��"
<br /> �. '.� . waiva of ur preciude the exescise o�any r�ght or remedy. ' • --
<br /> ��;;,ti;-�,..;� ; `; ,.:": 12. Suaessoes and Assigos Sound;Joint aad Severa!Liability;Casigaers. 71ie oovenants�arid ag�eemenu of this �
<br /> See Insuument s�all bind and 6enefit the successois and assi of I.ender and Boiro�ver.su6' ta the rovisipns.of. _'.��
<br /> ��<,.,;: : ;,'. urity S� 7� P �-�:,_--�.:
<br /> ' r.�.���,c``F>, paragraph 17. Boirower�s covenants and agc�ements shall 6e soint a�ad s�ti�eral.Any Borro�ver wl�a casi�ns this Seciuity ':,; .:^s y4�
<br /> '`:•`�-:�� �� .. Instnmient but daes not execute the Notec (a)is co-signing this Security Inswmem oaty to monga�e..grant.2r�d camc�.�h�az �,:;,;-,;:, -
<br />_ - � „� �� Barcower's iateccst in ttte Pmpe�ty under the terms of this 5ecurity lnswmenr (b)is not personally.obligatedto�•tho swns ��:��:,a �.
<br />- '".��`�� secured by this Security Instrumen�and(c)agrees that Lender and any othet Borrowes may agree ta extetsd mndi�}r.forhear ..`,
<br />° , `�� o:�°` or make any ctccommodadans with regard to the tenns of this Secunty In4wment or the Noce�vithnut thgt Hamawer's _;.•=;�k��¢�
<br />- ' :� . :�,. �.'" consent. :� - -
<br /> �;4 �=—`- --- �.r: ,X-y.—�---�-�"
<br /> . ,a.,�;;.':::;_�:�• � ; 13. l.uat�CAarge4. If the toan secuned by this SecuricSr Instnunent is sub�ect to a taW�fiicli sets maximum Ioan _,�_
<br /> - - - cha�es.and that Iaw is finally iaterpneted so that the interest as u�her toan cflarges coSLxttd�t1t►bk collected in co�ection �'` �.__.—
<br /> `: ,:.: _•;.� : witb,the toan exeeed the pertnitted tirniu.then: (a)any such toan charge shall be red�nced by t1i�a�tount necessary caieduce -__
<br /> � '�`•� �� the charge to the permitted lemi�aad(b)any sums already wltected fmm Bomnwer w-Rich ezo@e�ed pertnitted limit�s�r71 i�e � `�_..°—
<br /> ;r,�..�,"..��:�=. c `� cefunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this mfurtd 6y red�tt3e principa!oti�Yd under the Note ar by inaldng a • . '�=�;
<br /> `�� `- • � ' ' � d i m c t p a y m e n t t o 8 o m nw e r. I f a cefund reduces princi pal,the reductiozL Q•ti�i'be treat�rd tis a Q a rt ial pt+epayment withaut any :. , `�` •
<br /> �;. ;;x�,� ;$�+-�.,� - prepayment charge under the Nate_ `�._ ,�` .
<br /> , .*�'�'�1
<br /> ' ��,�;'':;,;,tfii�.�� �,:;,�; I4. Noftces. Any notice tm f�orrower provided for in tAis Securiry-Trstn•.r.sece•s�be given by delivering it or by <�. �"
<br /> ��t�y, : mailing it by fmt class mail untess applicssble law requires use of another mets.�.'iY�n�_.::e shall be directed ro the Property ;,:�`
<br /> '.°'�� Address ur any other address Boirower design�tes by notice to Lender. Ae}�ce x��.ec�er sha116e given by 6rst class ��
<br /> . mail to Lender�addre�s stated herein or any other address Lender d��signates bv r,otice to Borrower. Any notice provided for , • �;F:'
<br />=: �; :.` .° - in this Security lnstrumeet shall be deemed to have been given to Borrov.er nr Lender�vhen given as provided in this . .. ��''�z�`-
<br /> ��� . ,`. . P�P�ph, ;• ., , '
<br /> :,'t_
<br /> ` IS. Govemiag Law;Severability. This Security Instrumene tihall be gavemed try federal luw and the law of the _
<br /> .; , ° , : jurisdiction in which the Ptoperty is located l�the event that any provision or ciause of this Security instrument or the Note � �:° • •
<br /> � ' conflicts with appli¢able law.such conflict shall not affect othee provisions of thic Security Insuu�y�eitt vr�nc�ivte which can •�
<br /> :��{ti ,. � �'',. , . • be given effect without the conflicting provisian. To this end the provi�iorts�f thiy Security lnsttument and the Note are . , _
<br /> � ;• � � ` declamd to be severable.
<br /> ' t; 16. Borrower's Copy. 8orrower shall be given one confqrmed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrumem. . _, �;' �
<br /> � 17. 71ransfer of the Proper�y or a Beneficial Interest i�8orrower. If�II ar any�r..�of the Propeny or any interest in ��,F�;,��..a �.:, ;,
<br /> • � ' � it is wld or transferred(or if a Ese�eficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borro�ver is not a natura!personl `;;` �%'�.�•. " :`.
<br /> ';;,.., . ..�;:�•:.:;..
<br /> ; •. ,.. �•� without Lender's prior written cansenG Lender may.at it:►aption,reyuire immediate payment in full of aA sums tiecured by , •:. , , ,•�•.�;.,,�
<br /> � .e
<br /> �``� � this 5ecuriry Instrument. However,this optian sirnll noi be exercised by Lender if exercise i+prohibited by fedeml law as of � •._��_
<br /> ; '+ � ,' ' the date of this Security lnstrumen� . :' 1� �`
<br /> . � � ' �:' � ��'�,� lf Lender exercises thix option.l.ender,[i�[i give EarrQ•uer notice af acceteratiun. The notico�hall provide a period of ;•;; ; - _�'_� :
<br /> s :•�.. ,,h�j��:•i:'�:,.�,;� .;�},:�,:4 ;•,� :-,�.:.
<br /> . i� � . 1 not less than 30 days from the date the notice is drliver�d cr n�ailed within whirh Bi�rrower muyt pay all sums secured by this .:;..},;,
<br /> : i t;+�i�°`F .;'::. • '��
<br /> .`'i�,��. Security Instrument. If Borrower iuils to puy thcse sum+ prior to�he expiration nf t hi. peri o d. L en der may inva ke any ..
<br />-;;� ..: ; , remedies pemiitted by this Security Intitrument�vithout further natice or demand on Borrawer. • , . . . _
<br /> ='�r` �;s�•,'� .� . ' 1� Bormwer's Right to Reinstate. If Bam��ver meety certain conditiun.. Bnrrawer.hall have the rigM to have � .,
<br /> '�' /��; ' ' enfonement of this Security Instrumem discontinucd at any time prior cc the earlier uf: (a)5 d3ys(or such other period ac
<br /> :.�. S�.J��.. . . ' - . .
<br /> '• �' �'�`�'"•�+`�� � SinglcFa�:[ Fannie�tnelFreddie�tucl.yIFOR�f115TRUNl:�T--l'nifumi(b�cn.mt, 9l40 qx�.ee.1��Je�u,ce»
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