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�_? Y��.� w..�'p_�. ^ . . ,� . < 3 . .�. n ,A„ � .� .E ti =-. - <br /> •L_ _ <br /> `c_�.,.t j�M��'` _ 1 _ _�, _ �t+..-t. `.f _ �� . ; h� � f__~ ��_.—..._t- __.._-._._.___ <br /> � <br /> _.�_ w �u_ 3 w .ye. � ' r_ <br /> • .��-f �-!,Y - �.'�-- .:�. - -,: �, - <br /> +.��;` .1� }t ti - ° � �� . .. ' , . ` ` � 5�. . �t �.�< ` � � ' <br /> r q: � '�;, �� �:v; � '� . . - � - `ti n <br /> -- $ - t -`'_ ,* ` `�.` c ` , ' ' ' .. . ..`_ l ._ .��� . � _�1`4�. <br /> - . � t.. . . . � . � r . � . ��f� ��\/�� t`c` c �.. <br /> - --- °� ` geiiads tf�t Lecide�: ��Ttie insur�casiar pmv[diag�&e. �hat!be rttos�n by�onvwer sub�cc to Ls�des�� � <br /> _�_'�=_ ���" t . .� �•1nv tet3v at ' <br /> — —�i��iv�c�s�s3t=.�U$u#u�!•�s:�il�si�-�+.:ts'���� �� �-- ��'- -- _ - <br /> I.�td��i op3ion.obfntn cTiyerage tarpmteet I:ender�righta inthe Rogeriy�tn eccordau��Qatagraph 7. , � �� <br /> � - . `''A'dt,s'nsuiaaoe policies and�enewa(s s�l!ba�ble to LenQer sisd shall i�ciude a`smEtdurd moRgnga ciaus� �'.ea8er. , <br /> - ,• :,'sha11 have Uia dgAx(o teo2d slie policiee and zenew�s: I.e.nder rPqui�es.Homnwec,s�i`P�P�Y Pve ca Lende�atl t;oocipta <br />-- - � �� af patdpremium,o and cenewai"nottces.• Li th�event o€t�ss�'$oimwer shail give prompt nod�to the iASivaace c�ta�rYUSd,,. N .° <br />_- - :. . Le�der..Lendar m�y make prnof o�toss�not made promptiy hy 8onuwer.� : . . � ` � <br /> --- - —_ , Untess�Lender and Bomoiver othecv�+ise,sgcee in�e�ntmg,iasuranc+�praoeeds sbaU be appll�d ta ceswistion orre�atr oY <br />�_ ---- � ° the p�errtyF datuaSed.if the resto�3ion ar repair is ecun�isally feasi'6Ie aad Lender9 security is t►at lessernd. If thG <br />:�:�� , ' restq�oa or repair is not economicalty fe�sib2e or�.e�edst�seauity wouid be lesseaed,the insunance pmoeeds s2ia11 i� ' . . -- - <br /> - _ . . - <br /> ,, _--- - <br /> appiie�m the smns�fi3►t�s Se��9 I�m�t�sf:whe�ter or-�then-d�-wuh any�-excess p�d t� s�r. � ------�-.-- . <br /> - � ' ' BonQwer abandoas tt�e Pno� does m�t acuwer.witWA 30 days a no�ce from I.ender that the insuiane�canier Qa� - <br /> � te <br />�: � offe�ed w settte a claim.tltan[.ender may¢atlect tfle.ins�usace pmceeds. I.ender may use the prooeEds tu eep�air or instosr` • <br /> .�2 tha Propetty ar W pay sums secund 6y thia Security Instnantent,whether or aot then due. 'Ibe 30�day petiod wi116egia when <br />- dib natice is givep.. <br />_;z. Unless Lender and Bomawer othe�vise agree in wiiting.aYry apptication of gmoecds w prirtcipai s1�a11 not eaoend or <br /> � postpone the due date of tlte inonthiy payments refemed to in patagrsphs 1 and 2 or change t�e amount of the payments. if <br /> under parag�aph 2t the Pragetty is aoquired by I.ender,Bo�wer�s righi ta any insurance poli�ies and p�c�da resulting <br /> from damage to ttte Pcopeity,psior to the arquisition shatl pasc to L.ender to tne extene of the suma secured 6y tbis Security <br /> - Insttument immediutely pdor to the acqnisition.' <br /> 6. Qec�c�, Y�rservatton, Matatenaace and Protection of W� Property: Borrower's l.oaw Appllcatina; <br />- I.esiseh�IdS �uaoivec shall axupy.establish,nnd use the Frope�ty as Borrower�principal resideace withia siaty days afte� . <br />_ : '` .�":i the.exectidoi►of this Secu�y tastrument aad shall continue to occupy th8 Ptoperty as Borrower�s priacipal�esidence for at, <br /> -;�,:,� ,...,.,:.,, teast one year after the date of occupancy, untess Lendes a�herwise agrees in wridng. which conseat shaU nat be -- <br />- ;.�w�:°`:"'� . t� • t �nurasonakly witIshetd,or�reless exten�ating circwnstances eaist which are beyond Borrower's con�nl. Bono�ver shall.ndt _,_ <br />- �v�,. � •� . � <br /> _- --��,�::--:• " �es�rny.dama�e or impair the Pmperty.allow tAe Ptoperty to deteriorate,or commit waste nn the Pmpeity. Burrower sball ---- ---_- <br /> � �..__...,,��.���� <br /> - �-Y-u.;�:,�.=,. be in defaalt if any forfeit�ue action or proceeding,whether civil or begttn tha!in I.ender�s gaod faith judgmem <br /> ' `�'`:;�"�£���;-? coWd msult in forfeiture of the Froperty or otherwise materiaUy impair the lien ccrated by this Sectnity Instrument or <br /> '` �'�' ' �'� `�� �` Lender'�secarity interesY. Bmtower may cure such a default and reinstate,as pmvided in paragaph causIag the actioA <br /> �.r:Y%��`r.:r'�; :..,�, <br /> ���:•:-: �..'r-� ,. :' or prooeeding to be dismissed with a tuling Lender*s good faith dete�minatia�%Precludes forfeit�ue of tke,Harrower�s __ <br /> ':f;;, =•"' � �, interest in the Property or other material impainnent of the lien created by this S�curiry L'�strument or L.enderk security <br /> :..h:,i`.i . .. �` � _. <br /> ,.�. • �. .,, , inten�st. Bomower shaU alsu 6e in default if Bomower, during the toaa applicatiort pracess, gave materialty false or <br /> .��'('S�a� �•( . <br /> �,...,,, ._ .,,.. inaocurate infom�arion or statements to I.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any marerial information)in conuectcon with _ <br /> =�° , :� -_'.�_.,_� the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited to.representations concernins Borrower�s aoCUpancy of the =-- <br />- "�'`"d��� ". • Ptoperty as a principal tesidertce. If this Securiry lnsuumeat is on a leasehold,Bomower shall comply with all the p�ovisions �"=----__--- <br /> • '���'� �� of the iease. If Borcouveracquires fee 6tte to the Pcopeny,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless I.eader ag�es =__ _ <br /> `` ro tha merger in writin� � '��' `- <br /> : °�`,;, " 7. protectton oY.'�rtler's Ri�Ats in We Property. If Bort�wer fails to perfamn the covenants'and agroements .�,��,.�_ <br /> �, '� contained in this Secqcr,�:daswmen� ar the�e is a tegat proceer3irc�.that may signiRcandy affec.�Lertderis rights in the� �;�ra��_- <br /> s• > •�'.a�, .��': .•' Propetty(such as a Qcvoe:.°�:ag in banknigtcy,pto6ate,far conde��+m or forfeiture or to enforoe hsws or regulations�tkesr ='��,��_-n_=_ <br /> � :�;•:,._.. �:���_ '" <br /> � =��:-�.,.:.`�� • ,- Leader ma}r dQ end pap t�er whatcver is necessary to pr��ecc.iYe.;a:k�of the Propeny and Le�:r's righu in.the Praperty: �,--.�.-3=. _ <br /> �; Lender's acrions ma�.iRCt�de a in an sums secured Es���EEeccw��:e��has orit aver this Securi Insdv�ec4�� � ` - <br /> .�: Y P Y S Y Pn Y tY aPP�B... t '�' =�.�: <br /> in court.paying teasonah£e attomeys'fees and entering on the�i�ecty to make repairs.Although Lender rr.ay t2l±e acti�e ,�� , --_ <br /> under this par,�,�raph 7,L e n der dces not have to do so. �� �- <br /> :,a �� ; . �"' My amounts disbulsed by Lender urtder this paragraph 7 sha}1 �ecome additional debt of Boirawer secured by tItis �; �. ' � <br /> - ��- `��: ,.� ._; r�•:� Security lnstrument. Unless Boirower and Lender a�ree to other teuns af.payment,these amoun�s shaU bear intere�t from tYr •. ;t ,. .,�a.a�'�� <br /> - ?`•::.:�• ` date of disbursement at tfie Note rate and shall be payabte,with ir.�er�+t,upon natice from Lender to Borrower requesting: ` t':.,' ��� '.=:3�"� <br /> ;�i;�f��;i�;.. ,;: .:: . _ paym�n� . . . ''�:`_ <br /> t � • S. Mortgage tns�ance If Lender reyuired mortgage incurance as a mcdw-ion of mal:ing the loan secumd by this __ `�" <br /> � Security Insnument, Borrower shall pay�he premiums required to maintain the rnortgage insurance in effect [f,for any ',°-•��`'��y_ <br /> � � � .,..„. ' reason. the mongage in.curance coverage required 6y Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shaU pay the � , ' "�';•�� <br /> . � �.- , . . .. • . ... ,_ ".:.`l,�{ih ,�-'-.�, <br /> premiums �vqnired to abtain coverage �ubst;mtially equivalent tm cfie mo»gage insuranre pm��iously in a c6sa -'' � � '��:i���,Z��;,���. <br /> � . subxtantially equivalent tv thv cost to Borro�ver af the martgage inaurance previously in effect,from an akemac�e mortga€e .�:` . . •�� _ <br /> . •. � insurer approved by Ixrtder. If.uhst;mtiully ryuivalent mnrtgage imurance coceca�e iy not available.Borroa•er shali pay to ,s;�� :' : �:1. ' <br /> �nder each month a�um eyual ta one-t��•clflh of the y�early mort�a?e insurancc premium beins paid by Bom�wer when the ;;�r:• � i <br /> - � �� � � insursnce coverage lapsed or cea,ed to be in effect. L.ender will acce��.u�e artd retain the�e payment�as a l�xs reserve in lieu ;g�i . . �� ��� <br /> - ' . � ' of mortpre insurance. Lo.s rc+en•c p3ymcnt�may na lunger be the aption of lxnder,if mortgage insurance ti ' � A+, ' . <br /> � ' coverage(�the amount urtd for the perial that Lender require+►proL ided b�an insurer appmved by Lender again becomes ''� •� • . <br /> availabie and is obtained.Borro��er shall pay the prcmium�rcyuin�d ta maintain mongage in�ursnce in effec�or tn provide a wz a' ` ' .,. ;�:: ' ' <br /> „ ;t�.:.� `. ' „ loss resen�e,until ihe myuirement for mo;tgage in+urance accordance aith any��•riuen agrcement hetween Bonower ;;t. `� . <br />- i S;: • . . . . ' and 4ender or applirable laa. .. • .� <br /> � . •• 9 laspectton. Lrnder or its agcnt may makr ma�onablr entriec upan and in+pection�of the Pronerty. Lender shall , . • <br /> ''�' give Bomnwer notice at the time of or priur to an inspecti��n+pecifying rearonabie c�u.e fi�r the in.pecti�n. • <br /> � f �. �•�• � 10. Condemnatton. The'any aa�ard or claim for damage�.dimet or cun.eyurntial,in runnecuun with any .� , <br /> ���.. � <br /> �' . , 5m�tr Funih-•lannie�Iac�Frcddir�1rc f�IF1IRH I�tiTRC�1F:1T•-l'nd„mi Cmen�uia 9;90 �pucrJ njnpuccv <br />-� `. �ar.»t�ea mLSmwa Fuma tat.■ <br /> mwa <br /> :�,. ' . r�um c,a.�aou:�axtr��vtie e��m�•na� �,� . <br /> '.)i�. , _ ,j,,;i� . � . - . - --- <br /> 1'., � ... . '.'���.. � '_-'- <br /> ��L. t . <br /> ,jI`�,.�'��".\.- ... _ `e._.T�-.�..._..�.*��.m-,^-+�^.'t^-^'^'..-n•+_-�.-..._...'. __._.__'_r . ` . "_t'^'-.,T,�.._ .. _. .___,.�_....._.� -...� . . . . . . <br />- + �����'i_+"� _ . �. . � . . � <br /> fJ�. � ��, • . - . . . . . <br /> - . i+. .. �� . . ... . , . <br /> j� ' �1� .1'.' . � . � _ ' . <br /> �i, �.. . .. , . . . . . - . . . ' . <br /> ��' , ' - . .. - . . . . . <br /> ..' .}'��. . . .. . ... � .. . . . - .. • ' ' .. . <br /> 4� <br /> } <br /> a• • <br /> . ' .. ', � ' �� � , ' , . ' ' <br /> ' � . �� ` , ' � ,. . ' _ _ � , � ' <br /> `-.+-��._,s_.._��6� . , - <br />— _-_ --' �-- - - --- - --- -- - - ---- --- - <br /> � � <br /> ---- ,_--�-- ---` <br /> �.�_._. <br /> .. , — -- ..�._:._..,.-- � --=--'- ---•-- <br />