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<br /> p �er
<br /> — ---- � - � ��-�.� - -- -ieiit,80ircQMf�lRt, {� - _ .
<br /> ,p�y�Le�er.�1!•s ��wh�rb 't�dua�u�r ttis Stc :Itu�nt aa�.t�ha�a��f'no acs�i:� �� _.� '
<br /> �� ,� �,. �ccua�:i�?��def�uk af��ormvan�at�a�gce�rau.�t� e�s i�e�Ci� ,_ Se�u� .;. � . :
<br /> _� �inctodtn�.�yt aot i�init��tr,raata�QUta�eya'fr�a::��?t��u��toa�s I�er�aqy,tt�e�DiX�
<br /> , ° �. m�ire xo anavse�Se�he ld�n mi���y Instnumn�Ls�rb ri�t�ts�,n thc Ptope�ty aa�8orca�w�r�obGg�iar�a��ne. �-��
<br /> enmt"secur�d 6y t6d� Sec+u�ay��nait�lnaat:st�ll�wmantte �a,�;. 93po�n��.na�ts Oy �otnoavar,�t�t� t�r
<br /> � ' � 'Insaiialent atd t�oDlig�€cas.sa�Iiutn�t�t st�1!t�maia ftilly oftaetY���s if ao a�cceJ�Md cc�amo+� N�wCvet�t3ds �-~ ' � ,
<br /> .. '�Igltt to rtIustat�e sh�aoi�plyia�e�eof ec�elt�aitontuzderp�r�p.h 1'f. � . . �, ,, �� `.
<br /> - - --�� ._—-......__��.&a9e!�!-�t���l�m;�vt�r�._'�a_I�tc o�� ;_. _-intrtrss in tha NntQ(- ra�id►thie�mit�___,:..: .�....._
<br /> _ _ — ��. � . �ut)tn�Y be satd a�p ot u�m;dntas.wIthout�no�co�wet A sale nuy�sul�c0tngc it f,the stt�t� � ._
<br /> -__- � ttc�n,am ai��"Losa s.�er'")et�at cp1lms moatt�ty Pay�en��s�rSer ttis xata eua m�v sawrFtyrrns�umanl.•����ilso _
<br />-_ •. may Ee aeo or zleaara c8sugss ot.the L�tc.n:Sus+rlcer unnetats�to a e�6s:+�`tt�Ataax. i�f tt�+a is a c e of tQ�X.oaa Serviar, `` ,�
<br /> � . $amowet�ll�e giveu weitten n�to�+pf ttte chc�uge in acoar�daaoe s��i . t4 aUova aad'ha�bt�[aw 'It�s r�Uce .�� ,
<br />_ . . will stioa t�s a�aad ad�+ess of ct�t iiotiv Lo9m senrloer sndthe�ddfcss ro�paymeaia s8�uta�aras�ie.Tbe anticx wui. � � �
<br /> elsaouatein�nyo�ei�foi�ms8�s�ad:by�iPPlicableIaw :. � , � .
<br />- ' � 20 B�s&nbs�ners �ba�wcr s1t�ll nnt caase��ttt��usa.disp�sal.siQraBs.Qr�et�easa oY any
<br />_ H�idou�S'ubstanoes oa ar im dhd:Pm}fetty. Bmrawer shal�t�ut d�,,.nn�altow aayc�else�o dp�enythi�8��8�
<br />-= Ptopetty ti�t is ia yioLu�on of a�y,�vltnamental Law. 'Ihe preeedia�gt►vo s�3e�ces shaU aat appty tn t0a p�ntce.use.ar '
<br /> = smisge on the Property of.smaTl�Qll�utt�es flf Haza�aus Su�thit are geQeaailY�ca�to 6�ayptqpiiate to nonna� •
<br />-- re�dentiai ases�to�is�We Pmperty. .
<br />- . B�iawer st�aU Fm�Y BtYa I:end�r wiitten nmice of any invs�igation,claim.derfland.tawauit or otbet ac�Fon�y eny ,.,
<br /> �.: 8�����rY���Pnvate party invoivIng tL�Prag�taty 8u�any Haxardovs Su�stauce or Eav�onmental
<br /> :.;�, Law of w�ich Bomavver has�='actual�t�otivtedge. I4 Bmrower teat�„ar is reo�f ed bY anS► 8ovaamtental at regutato�y . .
<br />- authoaty.that eny�novaliar��er reqi�tiattoa of any Ha�rdous Su�tan�ae affecting tAa�rape�►is aeoessary.Bo�+owes �
<br />= siia}1 p�y ta�ce sil neae�mytr�ne�lai actians in accordattce with FmIm�ttal Law. .
<br />�;-- . As us�in tms puagm}�tl�?A�."Ha�dous Substanaes"ere tbnse�su�defined es toxis ar dazatdaus substanoes Dy
<br />-��� F�vimnmem�l Law aad t�a foliuwing substaaces: gesoline,keao-se�:.ath�flammable or toaie petrolenm pm�ets.toxic
<br />=�; P�sU�ddeg ans!h�hicidES.voi�itile�solvents.matertats oontaining as6es3as or fom�aldehyde,and radioactive mat�aIats. As
<br /> used m this pazagtapb 20."Bnvif�mmentN Law"tueans federal Is�vs�taws of the jwisdiqion wAeie the Properiy Is�a�oed
<br /> thai relaie to 6eatt6.safety oremimraaemal pmtection ,
<br /> NON UIVIFORM COV6N11i�}'I'S. Bannwer a¢d L�ccder fiutner�o�ant aad agnee as fOltolvs:� � �
<br /> _ Zi. Aoee�an;Reanedles.. Lender�give uotFce to Btaiower prlur to aeeelei•a8oa fulIosvtag Burrawer's
<br /> _ � . DreacD of any coven�nt ana�,�+ecment in thts See�r$y Iastn�m��:lbvt no!prlor to aooelerattoe andes paragn�rb I7 .
<br /> anias appltcabie t�AraivldesuWcrsvLse� TQe aa�e sdail specff�::(a)t@�e d�aWi;(b)t&e acttan�+equirsd to cose tDe �
<br /> -�`�� �aulh,(c)a datq n�Ut�s-tt�un�30 doys fham the�ate3�e n�x h given to&�amwer.by w6kD the ddaWt mnst De �
<br /> �` i�' .:auucdi ead(dl t6at.�'dS1Ure ta aue We d�anit oa or t�ths dmtes�cif'ie�t�tfia aotice awy e+esWt fn sooeteratton ot�
<br /> _ `: �'=�r svms secnred���ti[t Scr�rtty Insttument and s�a�th�Frug►�ty. 7lc�tga�3+oe sTu�p t��Du i�doitn Barrmv�r at �
<br />"��15: a .�-; � tht rightta�eSasthtaAftt�ac�+el�tion and the�ig6t to bring�caarR�trsm�sert the aon�dsttna�a ddaatl or . '
<br />>��, �,n . any ot�er�e�is�ad�Bbrrmsen tfl sooeleration and sat� If ttie d�dt E��c�ed o�ur D�tn�the daLe speci�ied ia :=
<br /> =*�•. `: ' � . thC natf�$�dt�stdt�oRtiflat may requtre immediate paya�at t��F c���secured by f�ts Se�rity tasd�'um�t '= ,
<br /> �_) �'..nR`.� .
<br />- �ai�« . �i hont further drmun d}en damay t avoke the power u Y saie a n 2 l�e�o�3 s��les p e r�i i t e d�y ap y l i a t W e h� '�
<br />- ' ..'�4 �-,. * H�der shall b�entitiW�to�aadltd a11 expenses incurred ta pntsaiing the e+ea;�dles pmvided in this par��pb 21,
<br /> � ���_�:�',.''";'y., � � � � d�u r lu d i ng,but nut I W i i t O d tW�on a b le aKomeys'fees an d costs o f K t i e ev i deao� S
<br /> _ .. ". � , .� � : If the powsr a4�eai�Lt lavnked.7kustee s6a1!eecord a no3t�a�oi defaWt in each coanty fn wDkh aa,q part ol tbe .
<br />_ :�.;;` _,:_ .:.--. `'� d'roperty is lo�atod and shafl m�ii oopte�of such nottce in t�e ca�pres�ib�d by applica6te C3w to Borrower Aad to
<br /> ;r. ,..�., ..• .
<br /> , . �e�ther pessont pm+crilled by applicable law Alter ttte tima�Lcd bq appllcaDie law,'il�ustee sd�tl give p;uDile
<br /> �:'`"':;'.;..'.��'- .'�-� ��ce of saie to tlia��sans and In the maaner preseri�ed bX appltrable la�n 'll�stee�`vlthout demand on Borsawer, . , .
<br /> ,_ � , � s�sell the Pmp�ty�nt�pu6lio auclton to tse hig�t 15rdder si th�r time aad Qls�e artd under tIle terms ted in �
<br /> _ ' �:,� ,.�=`_.'�: r��e�otice o!sate in ane ar more pancels and im ang vvcE�r 7fastee dat¢�rmines 3�asteP may p�tpune sale�or any -
<br /> '� � ' ��• � � paroel oi the Prop�ty by publio anaounce�ent at the Wne eesd p�as�c�3ny p�vlousty sc6eduled snl� �.eader ur its :, :. ���
<br />=:t�=;�: .::--:�, �� ; �'-�`, de�dgnee affiy<Att�gse Wt+Aroperty at a��saie . �. '
<br />_ -`�"�'"-T"'-' .; Upon��lpi of payment�of�the pedce 6id,7f�ustee s6af1�c�ta the purchaser 7�ustee's deed conveytng t�e�.-: :``�
<br /> �� �� � ` Property. The rectlal4 In�tde 71�autee's deed shall be psLna fade e��nce ot the teutb of t6e statements made theretn.
<br /> � 'QDvstee s6u11 apply th�pro�ds of the sale in the t�IEmvsi�ord¢r: (a)to all costs and expenses otexerclstng t6e power .
<br /> �' .,.
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