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<br /> , - . < � � •• � ; .' +`� ' ''��� .���q4`,* ` he,
<br /> - -- - . c cond�ea��bthc�ti�itig e��ny p�tta4aIie PE�aeity.oi fo�convey�a in li�Y coz�ds�,tis�.ate�tfereby�ss��u� � F
<br /> -�itdenatdcnLendaaz_`-=---'- ---s---- , • : . `� . , : , `. . � � - '�� _ -- .—
<br /> � � �
<br /> -- . • Yn th�<�,L at a tota3 taking oi ia,�rope�tho�- --�-,�app t-�t� �ma-- --y � ��
<br /> _ c. Cngsnu�ea�.'+xh�t3�tr at pei�t�e �tca.with aay cxces�^�wer. tr�tLe tvent bf.a pattiat tnk$n$of tliv P4operty Ia �
<br /> • wbicb�tl�o fair mastet yalue of��e+operty'i�nmedinte befare tb@ ta�ldng is cquat t�ae�r tt+�an�ar�uoc�c of tAc smns� :�
<br /> �ut�d by thts SssuntEy isawp�eat icmmel�foro tAe ta�ng.�mtsss�Bammcvtt aad Lender othtr�viss+$gtar#n wrlttog. . - •
<br /> - _ tte�sums's�cuaed��i BfLs Security Ia�strusnem be reduced 8y th�auwvnt of.the pr�opeeds a�uttipl�ed 6y,t�faltotel�g .�. ;
<br /> - ;. fr�tion: (a)the wtal amouat of the�da eecnhd Im�isdiately.b�fote the tat�ia�,divid bXtb)the£a��ar8et vattie of tt[� �
<br /> — - , . -pc+oy�rty immediauly befate'the te�»g. Au�►b�ttnge shal!ba pa3d m Bosrower. 7a the ev�nt of a paxt�at taking vg'tha; .
<br /> � Fmperty ia iv�icD the fa�r ma�ket vatue af the Pivperiy imniediately 4�efor�t1�ta&�g is�iess than ths aiciount dY the s�ss
<br /> ---- -- — --
<br /> -
<br /> -<-ae�tc�d i�I�-t►efa�a-tha-�;�&�mw�a�Let��=otice�se�ee i�-rrn�t�oi�2es�=s�plis�bie-l�--,
<br /> otheYVVlae provide�tha pmceeds shalt h�ap�lled co t�s s�ms seaued by tbis Security Jnstiument wn�tIlar or�3ot the sums ar� _ `
<br /> - — thendua "
<br />- - if the Ploperiy ts aB�utdoned 6g Banower,or if,afDer aotice by lxnder to Barmwer tbat dte condemnar offers w,maYe.
<br /> an awaid m�seuie a clait�for damages.�iomower fa�7s to cespond to Lender within 3d days aRer the da�t�e uotica.is givea.
<br /> Leader is suthorized to callect and epply the pmoeeds,se its.optiaa,either to restoratioa or repaie of t8e Aoperty ar ta tDe.�
<br /> swns secuc�ed by this Secutity insmmteat,whethea or not thent du� �
<br />— Un2e�s Lender and Soma�,er otlieenvise agee in wrlring,anY aPFlicaziaa ef piuceec�s to principal shall aot exte�rYor.
<br /> pnstpana ttia due date of the monthlY PaY�ts refetred w in para�aphs t aa,d2 or chaage tbeamnontof sach paymsn4s. �
<br /> . . iL�Bosruwer Noe Re2eased; FarDe�anee By Lender Na3 a W�tver.- �ctea�i�c►:of�tha time for p$ymeat�.ar ,.
<br /> tmadificxition of amo�aization of the sums secured by dris SecutIty Iasuument�anted b�i I.elider to aay sL�ccessor in inLerest
<br /> of Borcaaer shalt not ogerate m reiease the disDility of the ariginal Horrower or Aorrower�suocessors in intt�est.l.endtr ' �''��•.
<br /> - sQatl not be�quired m cammence pmceedings agaiast aay suocessar in Interest ar cefu.ss to exteTW time for payment or "
<br /> athcrwise modify amort�adon of the snms secured Dy this Secarity Inst�umeat by t+eason n�2.�y�e�nand made by We original �
<br /> -----=—_ . Bom�wer or Boirowet�s successois in inte�est. Any farDearance by Lender ip e�cercising aniy'rtgdt or remedy shall noi.be a :,�;::
<br /> - -- - waiverof ar preciude the exercise of anp right onemFdy. � � . :-.. _
<br /> _- - I2. Suocessoss and Ass�us�utd;Soint and Sever�t Llabllity;Castguera :ihe coveaants and a$�ements of this ;�;�5�;;-�
<br /> 5�uriry Instrument shali bind au:��efit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bostoa�r,sabject oo the provLdons of
<br /> _ _ __�— �agraph 17.Bomuwer�s coveac��nd agreements shaU b•,joint and several.Aay B�-er who co-sigas this Security
<br /> ---- Insnimtent but does aot execute the�Tote: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuumeat oniy tp:t�urtgage.grant aad convey that .
<br />- Boiirowert�interest in che Pt�aperty tu�der the remts of tbis Securiry Insnumen� (b)is not pe:sonally abligated to pay the sums
<br /> secuted by this Sscurxty Insuumen�and(cj agrees that Lender aad any other ffi�:.�ruwer may agcee to extend modify.foi6esr
<br /> or make any aavnnnodadons with ngard to the terms of this Seturiry L�ceat or the Note without that Bo�owex�s
<br />- consen��. ':. `�:;.: . .
<br />_ !��.oan C6aeges. If dte loan secured by tLis Securiry Ynsuumeat is;�ubject to a law which sets maaimum loa�.
<br /> cbarges,and that taw=is finaily intetpmted so tt�sat Ne intenst or offier ioaa cb�s�es collected or to be wlleceed in cormectioa � _
<br /> witb the Ioan exceefi the peimitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge s6al!�u�duced by the amount aecessary to teduoe _
<br />- the charge to the permiued limi�aad(�)aay sums t�iready culle�d from Bc�.��r whicb exoeeded pemutted limits wiU be
<br /> t�efunded to Hotrower. I.ender may choose to rnake tl�iis refund by reducing the gc;t�cipat o�red under the Note or by ma&ing a
<br />- �';,y�`� direct payment to Borrower. If a cefund e+educes principal,the neduction will De ueazed ri's p�tial prepayment without aayr
<br /> ',, : p:epayment eharge under the NQte.: � ��
<br />- °'�� '_` ; 10. Nattces. Any nodce to l��a,aower provided for in this Security Instrument sh�J:ti�given by delivering it or by
<br /> �' _ i �� mailing It by fust ctass maii ua[ess aQplicable Yaw�quines use of another naetRo�.'t7�e noiice shall be dinected to the Property
<br /> -�±�,� �''''��•� � Address or any other addmss Bosower designat�6y notice to Lender. My notice to L.ender sdall be given by fust class
<br /> ��,-:;' �=�'`�`•y�-;,-�� � maii to Lender�i address stated herein or any other addmss I,ender designates by nodce to Botrower. Any notice provided for '—�
<br /> - � '' `` .����'3���;;�,'- in this Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or L,ender when given as pmvided in t+�is
<br /> �• . �,,,�5:;,�,.
<br /> - : .: ��N���"=; P�P� --
<br /> .::_...�� � .,:; .: ..
<br /> ..;�. _,� ,c,. • IS. Goveraipg Law; Severa6Uity. This Security Instiument shap 6e govemed by federal taw and the law o�� �-��
<br /> : •.� jusisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Secwity Insaumem or the IVote ��,__
<br /> ;, ' � ; `" , conflicis with applicable law.such conflict shall noi affect other provisions of thts Security Instrument or the Note which can . .;�-�.__.
<br /> '�, ' �`t�t�;�;, be g'�ven effect without the coMicting provision. 1b this end the provisions of this Security Instnunent and the Note are �
<br /> _���!''���,;��: ' declas�d to 6e severabte. �����
<br /> �'-�a�°=� I�. Borrower's Copy. BmrawRr shall be given one confortned copy of ihe Note and ef ehis Secwrity Insaument. '�'T -
<br /> �'' � �? '-`°'E��`���`'` 17. 7�ansPer oY tde Property or a Benetldal Interest in Borrowe� If all or any part of the Property or any inte�est in .'����+?==���=" --
<br /> ` ►, :,,V�.�,�:� � .�J�:.,,,�
<br /> >;�.�'�. _°�' it is sold or transfe�red(or if a beneficiat interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) ��;_:,,..��,esi
<br /> ::;. 'i�;��� ,,��;,,;, ,,,,;, ,,��. without Lender�s prIor written consent,Lender may.a[its option,require immediate payment in full of aU sum9 secured Ey `=�;;;n:=---- -
<br />=:t,, it4i��!'° :• , this Security Instrument. However.this oprion shall not be cxercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federal law as of �� ;?�'���'
<br /> � ��� � - �.'� � ��'; the dat�of this Securi Instrumen� '" ;'"
<br /> -� ?�•.:a.,;.. ..; ty . �".ti=�'",.�.
<br /> ' ��'.t�, ,�;��+��.�. ` . IIf 6�nder exercises thIs o uon,Lender shall ive Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall rovide a na3 of i,- .
<br /> P� g D Pe� _�.4�•��_ ,�
<br /> :1��.'ri'. ►r'•�*' 1. not Tess�han 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within w�h'cch 9orrower must pay all sums secured by t�'ss • •
<br /> �1'``i� �' �� ' ''` Securi Instrumen� if Borrower fails to a tfeese sums nor to the ex �saaon of this � �
<br /> ,,��;; '.:: � :�,, � ' tY P Y , P � P ' P�od.Lendee cnay invoke aay .. ; .":'�f;•�"
<br /> ; •��� . �. ." •:•� � remed'aes pe�mitted by this Security Inswment w�t�vaut funher notice or demar:�on Bortower. . ..
<br /> � � +' � � Il$. Borrower's Rig6t to Rr�i�mstate. If Borrower meets certain con�s:ions.Horrower shall have the right to have .� .` � '-
<br /> j �. ��y1��h�t�� "�t � enfae�e�ent of this Securiry insm;�aent discontinued at any�a:r�pdor to the earlier of: (a)S days(or sach other peric�as �� �=���� .�" � ", -
<br /> ,'�, �,;�f,,•. �. .
<br /> �° , i� "`.'��=;,t��;.:���.` ': !;x;:�i'" ,
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<br />