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<br /> F r � • .:... . - . ,. _ . a... r
<br />��__ ,.., r� .,. °� �:�.. __' - . ��-----
<br /> ��:(c 4�Yi � �.'{�� � - ;--; - -- -_..----- --��---�---- `,y1� � . . � - - � � `, - . -e,, ° -- ---
<br /> _ ___ ; . :f, � . . °�-���a �.� .�, . � :-
<br /> - — - - �oundea�aaSonar.othermgingofany�gaa�of:th�Fr���ity.Qt�arcQnveyaa�einlisnafcondenfastlafst��naCtes�hY.�ssi�te�ts�d' , .
<br /> �: � she�f 6e gaid to lxnder.- -- '°' . � ` ; :.. _ --� - _--
<br /> -- ' - ._ : > . - -
<br /> -_--—`— .. _ .�..``-.3st��vicee bf�to�tal ta�ng ot�tfi�i�r ,- -`Qra — - sIuilf 6a u' IIed w tTis�umv s ,. . - --
<br /> �p�y�� q�eda pp ecut+gd�6y"t��5ocur�ity"'.�- -����
<br /> -- _ Inatnuaent,whctI�cr or not then Q�t�e.with anK ext�as�.ptdd�u 8omowQr In.th9 evens af A Parttal takiAg.oP tha�4ugerty tn
<br /> - .�vhisb�e fair mn�ee value af tde PmPeetytimmodi�ty Qefo�u the tnkiag is equal c�or gc�tter thaii the mmounci�fthe`snn�s �
<br /> -- - se�te�Dy this Seceuiry InsWmwat immediatety,6e�'ure ttea takiag.unless Hoirawer aad�.eader athenaise agiee°in wrIting.
<br />-- : the sums scew+ed by this Secu+rtty Luanmem�sh�Il�he reduad by the anaou�t of the proc�s�nulppl�ed by the foltowtng _ _
<br />-. — � f�ctloa (a)t2ce total umount of the sums secured•ittit�todiut�t�betbe�e th�tuidag�dlvided by(b)tt�e fair market vaiva o4 t�e �
<br /> _ —� �Pcaperty imYnediatety 6efore tha tatsing, AnK b�ta�shall�Ee paid to-Bmtower. bt tha event.of a patdsil.taici�g of�:e � �
<br /> - � . Ptopeity in which tttzs fair marfcet v�lae of th�Pt+�p�tmme8i�tely 6efore die tatdn�Is less than t�e amouat of tRe sums
<br /> Y`--- - secened immediately before the�:tmiess�tct�r�r-end��:,ender ui�c�a�ise a��wt4ting ar untess�ta law�� - --- - --
<br /> _ � _-- ot'�eiwise pmvYdes.tlte proccedsahafl be appl3e�ta tb�t sums secureQ 6y ttds Sei:urity Inst�umentwhether or not tae sums ant .
<br /> y: tnen due. �
<br />-- ! If'ZIIC PtOpCITyI�.9 Sb'�IQIIC�I��l BQII�I1�YCr4 OPlfiiafter amice by t.ender to Boimwer that the.00adejnnor offe�s ta motce
<br />�s sn award or seute a clatm for dama�es,Bmm�v�erfuitd:ta�spoa�to ixnder witt�in 30 days afoet the date the aotice is given,
<br /> , � I.eader is avthorized to ooQect and app1X tha{�raoeeds,at its option,eIther w mstoration or repair o£the Pkoperty as to the
<br /> SItIO9 SCCi11Cd bS►t111S SCCQ�itj►InSh11lDC�i,.W�1@ihCCQDOQt$lBtl dlIC. ,
<br /> � Unless l.eader aad Bomnwer oti�risa egrea 3n wrIting,any applieatian of proceeds ta preitcipal sha!!not extend or
<br /> . postpone tbe due datc of the aumthty,payments nit'sired to in paragrdphs 1 and 2 or cbange ths amonnt of such payments
<br /> � =; '� ii. 8urrmwer Nbt Reiessed; Fotv�e�t�aaa•8q Leuder Not.a Waiver. Ex[easian of the ame for payment or
<br /> �` � � modificatian of auiorti�on of the sums sacuresl�by�this Security Instnunent granmd by l.eader to any saccessas in inLec�est
<br /> ,. � of Bottowet shall nat opeiate ta teleasa the llabUity.of the originat Borrower or Bmrowerl�sucoessois in irttenest l�nder
<br /> ����" ' .,�.�r.s;:r_. shnll not 6e req�ued ta commence prnoeeding�.sgainst aay succcsso: in inter:st or refsse to eater,d time fac.payrsteat.ur
<br /> }�,:,
<br />��t�r�� oth�vise r�dify amoitiTariun of tha sums setur�d 6y lbis Securit�c instcument by ieason oF apy demand made 6y rhe o�gieat
<br />�� :<='r,-� ` `,.�,:•�' Bormwer or Bomower's suocessors�In intaest:..Aap fv�eamnce isy Lender in exercising aay tight or remedg s3iaif c�bt be a --- -
<br /> ��`~�=�,��� ° � waiver of or recludo.the exe�ise of any righ�priemedy. _ :. °°s. ----
<br /> ���a:.��y.:=�=;_.: P
<br /> ��_=�.._�-...��.� --- 1L 3aace�+u�s end As�gqs Baands datnt ead Several Ida6SQty.C�goers. The cova�ants aad eg�ee�2nis af dris -.--F--�-----�
<br /> �=�r^�-���i�r_�`'
<br /> era
<br /> ��,;:,��.;��. � Sec�aity Insavment shall bind and bene�r the:snocessa�s and assigns of Lender and Bomower.sublect w th�provisions.of
<br />�`!.`;''a.: . :�., •. � p�B�Pb 17.Baimwer's covenants�and ag�cements shal�be joint and several.Any Borrotiver who co-s9gns this Security -
<br /> ,� � �'''�, � Inst�umeat bat does nat execute the Nate: (�:is co�signing this Sesuriry Instrument oNy to mortgage.grant and convey that —
<br /> 4'. .;-����.; � -- --
<br />- -`.� '°- -•.m� Boirowerls iatemst in th�Propeny.under tha unms of this Security Inswment; (6)is not pe�soaaliy abligated to pay the sums --_-
<br /> _�� �
<br /> - .t;;;�":�:�:..;F n• :�. � secuted by d�is Secvrity Instcument;and(�)agees that l.ender artd any other Bortower may ag�ee to extend,modify,fo�ear -_-_ _
<br /> ��: �� ,�{�� y' ; or make any accommndstions with iegatd w tha terms of this Securiry Instsumeat or dte Niote without thut Borrower� �
<br /> ,.�42 t �¢�L���t�; 1 cons 13 Loan Char�s If the taan socurad�b��chis 5ecurit}F Instrument is.suixsect to a Iaa which sets maaimum[oan ���,
<br /> ..V �F � bl�?�1� 1+ .
<br /> •<-:a°�-.;; ��;:�;s:a� � chazge,s,a�d that law.2s finally�int�rpn�d ta�•ihst the intenst or other ioan chzc�s collected a�tv be collected in cannectin:a �:
<br />_ ` '';,:,�:ti:' •� "" !:. ' . with,tIv�[a�exoeed th9 permitted limit�.thEni (nT anY such ioaztds�rge sh�Et faereduced by._d�e amount aecessary ta redipoe �
<br /> _ 4Aa,;g =— __—
<br /> �"-.`:� t�e cf�`�w the Qemtitte�d Iliniu a3nd(d}an}�sums air�ady collected from Sanrower which exc�eded pemritted limits willbe --
<br /> - ' ` ��F�f �efuaded:o Bormwer. I,ertderma�cS�aosa.ta make this refund b reducin the ci al owed uader the Noteor b makin a — -- _
<br /> �;��', ����: ���.. � ) Y � P� P Y S
<br /> • ':���t'�.:,..�- ;:� din�ct a ent to Bwroti��: If a re5urtsl'ta3uces ^ •+
<br /> . • �_!,.,�_ f P Ym psincipal•the reduction will be m�ated as a partial pregapa�-.t whhout anY .
<br /> .s - ,.:t� , , � pnepaymentchargeun�ertt�Abt�. .; -.=�±_.
<br /> ����;:� 14. Notices. Any:rtotioa ta Hn�m��+er pmvided for in this Security Insuument shalt b�g Jen by detivering it ar by. ��,•..; �''����-.
<br /> _ ,' � ��� ,�,�,,�. .�: tnailing it by first elass ma.iLunksc.appl3Cable law requires use of another method.The notice sbatE 6e directed to the Pmpere'j :a.:h�,
<br /> i�=•�:•• E,�
<br /> ;��,�, � ' ��t�v�, Address or any otlier•add�rass Ht�mmaner designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lead..Pe sG�all 6e gice�hy fust class :Y.• �~�.'�i,=
<br /> - �; �'� �'�' � � mai l to l.en der's a d d tass stat�d herein or any o t her a+�r e ss L en der designates bp na�s'sce to B anower. My noe�.ce provi d e d for , ;�:;.' �"�__
<br /> "f� - . �`���,; in this 5eauiry Insu�cmanrshall be deemed ta have been given[o Borrower os Lender w�en given as providrd in ttis �': . '���"�-
<br /> � •'. ' ;:�.'::..;:"i: � � P�F�F''.% . �,,:.�"..: -_
<br /> �. � 't::� ., � L4 �verning Law; Severabllity. This Security Insmcmast shull be gavemed by federal law and the law ef t�re
<br /> '���'�, jurisdi�m which the Property is tocated. In the event thut uny provisian or clause of this Security Insuument or the n'r.,�e •� _ �`
<br /> #���� , coatlicts with applicabte law.such conflict shall rtot affect other provisions of this Security Instnunent or the Note which can ' . �
<br /> i � 6e given effect without the conlliciing provision. To this end the provisions of thix Security Instiument�nd�11►e Note are . , .� �•`�: -��};_•,
<br /> - ; '" • declared to 6e severable.
<br /> - _ __ 15. �orrorrer's Copy. Borrower shall be gi��en onc conformed capy of the Note and of cKis�ecurity I�suument. ----F-�- �%�•���`;.��; -
<br /> �;. '' IT. �Y�ansPer of t6e Property or a�eae4�cia1 Interest in Boero�rer. If all or any pa�t of�:$Property or any interest in � �'��'`�=.'� � • �
<br /> �} • '. � _ ' it is so18 Qr transfemed(or if a beneticial interest in Borrower is sold or tr.uisfemed and Bo,�u�er is noe a natural pe�son) ' '. �'
<br /> . ,.
<br /> _ without Lender�s prior written consent,Lender may,at its oplion.require immedinte paymem in fuli of�,:'.t s�ms secured by '' `�,' � � ._i,:��.. �';_
<br /> ;:�?��;�'';.�'"`� :_ this Secwiry Inmument. Howevor.ihis option Shait not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited F���f:aderal law as of •''. � '.`.�''•'� `
<br /> .;;.�=�} � the date of this Securicy Instrument. �:,+' .•S.:�:.�� �''
<br /> ;�:�,•',,,;. : i . .
<br /> �`":�••rs' '� ' • i If lKnder exercises this option.Lender sha11�ive Borrower notice of acceie�ation. The r��sce shaI����+vide a period�f • • ;�,��__ _,::
<br /> - ;;. ,� ' � ' nut less t�izan 30 days from the data the natice is delivered ar mai►ed a�ithin which Borroa�er a�as pay a1i sums secured by�.hi� �� �
<br /> '�• Security 8nstrument. if Borrower fuils to pay[hese sums priar co the expiration of this pa:��,Lertder may invoke�ry � . � '`. �'
<br /> � � remedies pertnitted by this Securiry Instrument without funher notice or demand on Borrower. ' '� : ..• �
<br /> �`;=r ',� • 18. Borrower's Right to Retnstate. lf Barrrswer meets certuin conditions.Bortower shaU have che ri�h1 to have • , � , ,
<br /> �';. , • „ ` enforcement of this Securiry InsUUment discontinue�ut any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(cr��ush other period tts ,,�,t;,.;`. ,. .
<br /> ; _ , . {�;:i'i�;;<.:_ :
<br /> Singte Fein;[y—Fannle 1lfae/�reQdle Mac UUIFORM 1\S'IRC�fENT--Unifortn Coc•enan� 9/90 /poRP 4 nf 6 pugeel . _
<br /> _ ' ,. .. 't:;�.:� . . .
<br /> }�, :'�+a.1-. .
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