_�.�s .'. 7f:��._ _ -` � . . . ard'�' _�f! . . -. ' . . � . � , ' � _ � --�- _.
<br /> �`�v��.��i �•�E:�Y�� 'T�� La7{�*; ��.
<br /> � - f
<br /> __�.—_ T.-,,:a�.t`,r— ,�-• �_"..1�. ' .__ _' _ '_ _ -
<br /> �n —.y -R - - - . ' -�; ; . _ . . - - . `,�.. _ _ _� -- -�_
<br /> - -y - -- 1. , . - � . � � " ������. `Y�. ` - � ' .
<br /> ---_ -_ j < < . . . .. : . . . . , , . , "
<br /> -- - �eri�d,y.ti�at�rittex're�uires. 't�s issmuruns�e cnaiec psoYlcWfQ tlie insut�uaa ehall�cha�n by Bairc►wei subjer;t to 3rsudarh .
<br /> -- — .•_. < ,i�pr�v.pD w1�?ich shall aot Qe w�ueasannb�wlthheI� if�aimwer faiis to a►aitttain cov d�sa'be�above.L.es��'+ua�►+e�-=.-- - --.
<br /> > s L�caasr�'§op�on.�iti�i c�v�s�p3�i:eadei'�r[gi�in ttee Idf+op�itg in�+coi+danc��r��.-��-�===-=,-
<br />- � Alt ins�.jmace polictes and oenew�tils shaU beu��pmbla to Lendar aitd eha11 iacinda a stuudaM taortgage clause. I.eni�r
<br /> - __ -- . ` �st�il have We ri�t►t to hoId tt�e palicias and ieacwata Ft ir.tWer nqu3�es.Bom�wer s4aU P�P�Y S�ve w Len�ei a1!�ecetpts �
<br /> -- ' af gaid pr�niums and venew�l aetcaes. In the eveat of loss:Hasrowv sLall give prnmpt aoti�e ta tfle�tsuranae cair�er an� . .
<br /> -_ - - f�der. t,eader mstymake praof of ioss if notmade pramptty by Bwmwer. : � �
<br /> ------- � UnIess Leader snd�o�ovrer otheswise�+ee in writing.iasur.uice pmoeeds sRall be sppllal to�sta�itioa ar c�pair of� . , �-
<br />_- the Ptaperty damaged.if ttta r�mntian:qn cepair is eooaomicaUy fea�ible�nnd'Lender&se�rity:is naY tesse�d. I�ttte � -
<br /> �'� �� testoration or iepait is not ecoaomic$Uy;��s or Leader9 seauity am�id be leas�nod.she`'insuronse.��oceeds sha11 be
<br /> _, _ --- _ _ -
<br /> .
<br /> _F; sp�titd to�the su�as serwec��bY�.thS�:S�titiR,instr�mea�',whcihcr a�aot then��wtQt-.any-ea�cESS-{�aid'ta�sre�'.I�----,°---...�.---
<br /> _ 8orrower abandons�he�rapeml��.m+daes.anr�asw�'witt�Ifl�3Q days a aodce Wm Isez�er.t�at tt�i�Laurauce.c�r[� � .
<br /> _-_� offes�co senle�clsim.the�i�Lendar may collect dt�insyraAOe proceeds. Lender�yruse�prnoeeds tu ce�air or reatore
<br /> s;; the Ptopezcy ar to paK smn�se�d by.rhis SecurIry Insuument,whetbu ar not then due.Ttie 30�day period will begin whea
<br />--; the notIce is.git�en,::. . � .
<br /> �"�" � Untess.�:endtm�ad Bmrow�r otherwise ege�ee ia writinng,aay ap liCatloa of�uoceeds to�insigal shaU not entead ur
<br />-�.
<br />_ � pa�one the due date of the mantbiy payinents refen+ed�ta in 1 an�2 or change the emount of the payments. �
<br /> 4� under Pmmgritph 2t the Praperty is scquired by Lendaq:Bairnwer^s right�ca any insurartce polici�.s and pmceeds resui�ng
<br /> ' from damage Co d►e Pmperty priar to the acquisition•shaUt�ass to Lender to the catOCnt of t8e sums secuced by�this Sec�airy
<br /> - Tusttument imnte8iately pAOr to the soquisitian. � : �
<br /> �_r ' ` 6. Occapaacy. PreservatIon� Mainten�ace•attd��e+otedion ot�fae Propet�jr;-�orrot�er� l.uan Appl�CatIun;
<br /> ._��;� �:E.> l.easehnld� Bomower shaU occupy,establisb:and�e the Property as Borrower'�pimapal residence within sixty days after
<br />_ ��' _ .. f6e execudon of this Secwity Tnstr�un�ennt aad st�ll ca�tde_to axupy the Propsny.as�ormwer�s priacipal msIdencc for at
<br /> .�::�;���'��`�.��` ` --
<br /> ..x�:,�� iCast one year aRer dte date of oocupaney, imiess I:+eqtfimc othenvise agrees in�wt�ting. wiuch c�nseat s�att aot be �-.=-__-
<br /> . �r..a�. : .•�.
<br /> ':�• `: :. . ..�,� .`• waeasanabty withheld,or untess.extenuating circumstancea exist abich ara beyond Boccawerls oonuoL Bmmwer shalt no� e��_�-� -
<br /> _ ; ,�4 .:Y destray.damage or impair the Ptape�ty.a1Iuw the Pmperty�m deterioraoE,or commit wazte on the Pmgeriy. Borrower shall �" � -
<br /> - �..�y4�_.�;�. .;:�` 6e ia detaulc if any.foifeiwre actian or pmceeding.whether•civil�or•e�inat.is begun that in l.endes�Is gooa faitD judgueeat • . -- -
<br /> ,:,:�";:;�`,�.: _ • c o u l d r e s u i t i n f u z f e i U u e o f t h e P t a p e rt y o r o t h e z w i s e m a t e a�l l�i�t a G r t h e l i e n c t e a t e d b y t t t i s S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m e�o r --,.�-
<br /> wise
<br /> .. . •`.` �-.�,, I.eader's security intetesG Bofrower may cuce such a default:add seinsmte.as pmvided in paragiaph t8,by causing t6e acdon �R_,.-
<br /> :�;3:��`.�.: �. ffi=_-=-
<br /> ::-.,°:r�. or proceeding to I�e dismissed with a niling that.in Lender�gnod faith deoemdnation.P[ecludes forfeit�of the Bomnwer's __--
<br /> _.� .�: ,,, , intaest in the Ptoperty or other ratttetial impaicuieat�of the Qen created by this Secucity Instiument or Lender's sec�ity �- ---
<br /> �'s �� `' � - ; �� tate�est. Botrower shall also 6e in default if Bormwer, during the loan application process. gave materialty talse or =-__ -
<br /> <_:°��� �•�•�•,.�.� innerura te i n f ortna dan or s t a temen t s t o I.e n d e r{or f a i l e d to g:o v i d e L e n d e r w i t h a a y m a t e r i a l i n f o m z a t i o n)i n c onnecaon anth °=_--- - -
<br /> � <,'��`` ���;, the toan evidenoed by the Note, including..but�aor limited to.�epnsentatians conceming Bonowec�oavpancy of the ���_
<br /> �t F ����s�.r �, o�elyease�If Ba�irower acence_ if this Secaiity�et�t is on a teasehold,Bommver s6alt compl�g.wfth eli tha pruva'� ,� .�,�,�__
<br /> � ,.��:: guues fee titIs to the Uie leasehold and the fee titte s6a11 not me s unless Lender -
<br /> L"':�7S� ta the mergar in writing. 7 � -
<br />_ � 7. Protection oP Lender's Rigltts in tlte Pnop�yr 'If Bonower fails to perform the covenants aad agieements �1�o- --
<br />_-�;,, `:> `_�;;,Y,.a canteined ia this Sccvrity tasaument,or Were is a legatproceeding that may significandy affect Lender�dg6ta in the ,. �' -
<br /> ;'. '��'` "" '�..'. ;, ProPrci}+(suc6 as a pmc�g in bank�uptcy.probate,faroondemnatian�mrforfeitute orto enfonc laws or regulations),then `.`�, `
<br /> �` ��•�`'"` ' � i:.end�may da and pay fpr whatever is necessary ta•pmte�t the value of the Ptop�ty and l.ender�s rights in•tha Ptoperty. �-��<.--�--_'��'�:
<br /> . •<� �:S:tii�;' _ • "''..�."?s. ��,.
<br /> ..�s �. . ; a=ti • �� L'eAderk aCtlatls mey�illCtud�p3ying eIry sums SCCU�Gti�b}�.a lien which Uas priority overti�is SecurityrL�saumen�appeanng �z,;�:+,�`�-
<br /> ' ;;'�:;:��i.`.�.. -
<br /> .,:;,��:t:.:::.,.., in•court.paying reasonabl�attamays'fees and entering on�the Prapeny co make neegairs.Althougt�Lender may take action ;-�� ,;.i;
<br />- - �� under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. • •• -
<br /> i Any amounts disbursed•6 Ixnder under this ara h 7 shall become addidonel debt of Bonower secured b this �
<br /> - S^ P &�P Y , :.•.: .. ��a
<br /> . ,,'_'�� �a 1_.�.�.
<br /> �;�' � Security Instiument, Unl�ss Bomnwer and ixnder agrea to other tertns of paymen�these amounts shW!6ear inteiest from the �. �,,;�., ,��.:_::
<br /> - ' • date of disburaemenrat�the Nrna rate and�bitail be payable,with interest.upon nouce from Lender to 8orrower requesting ��',.:,;„ `;,- . ``-°
<br /> . .� _-
<br /> f. � pa�•men� •,,• , `-..
<br /> ' ` ' � S. Mo e Insvranec. If Lender uired mort a e insurance as a condidon of makin the loan secured 6 this ��"�"'`���` � �� :�"����
<br /> , �� re9 S g � Y ":','����',. ' •�
<br /> • ' ' ; Seaurity.Instrum.nt,Bo�rower shall pay the premiums nequired to maintain the mongage insuranoe in effect. If,for any , . �.
<br /> � � re3son,th�ma�rtgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effecK. Bomnwer shall pay the . _ `;':�_;
<br /> '�� ��,�� ' � � piem+ums myitired•to abtain coverage substantiulty equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost �:.� ':�.�.,: �'-,_
<br /> 'V„c ��=--� ;'->- ` < <ufrtantially�equivatcm�ta the cost to Bosower of the moergage insumnce previously in effect.from an altematc mortgage .�,,__., �4�_,_ __
<br /> •� �� • ��� ihsuner appmved by�Lender. If substantialiy equivalent snoctgage insurance coverage is not availabte.Borrower shall pay to � � ,
<br /> , `� � ' `�`��"'_ � t.�u each month a sum eqaa!to one•twelfth of the yea.*ty mortgage insurance priemium being paId by Borrower when the � "''`����• , '.
<br /> .;.;.._" �.. .. ..
<br /> �� ' insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and cetain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu �:��'�-' � •
<br /> '�:� �" • of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymects may no longer be required.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance . `�� '.:.;' ;::
<br /> � ±•�:.��' � � � covera e(in the amou�t and for the riod cFat i.ender uires) rovided b an insurera tnved b Lender a ain becomes • : .. :�'�i�";
<br /> g Pe re9 P Y' PP Y g ;_....��,.
<br /> %` � " available and is obtained.Hoaawer shal!pay G�e pmmiums required ta maintain mongage insurance in effec�or to provide a � ��:;'_'�•:�f.:�.
<br /> ' ;t:'�� t�s reserve.until the requirem��for mortgage insurancs ends in accordance with uny written agmement betweea Botrower , ':. .
<br /> :t ..�� . • a�d Lender or applicable law. �
<br /> � `�. .� '� ' 9. Ipspeetton. Lender or its agent may muke rea�anable entries upon and inspecuons of the Pcoperty. LeQder shall . �
<br /> - ,��;'L �:! ' �• . give Borrower nQ¢ice at the pme of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. •.• ' . "
<br /> '�S; � 10. Coffidecrcruatioe. The proceeds of any Award or claim for Cama;es,direct or wnsequential.in connection u•ith aay ' . . '
<br /> i:'•;�; < ,;. • •
<br /> j: •s•' Smye�arr.ily--Fanele llfaell�lreddIe Msm ttilEUlitii faSTRLM6'�F--Cny onn Covenants 9l90 fpagc.'•?`h Ja;rs� .
<br /> •� . Caeat latea Bmmeaa vcm��c� �
<br /> ��!� . 'J'o0b!►COU:1$0�58480930 P8;C6F&�9t•1131 ,. �
<br /> . v�;� �,. � � � - , . �
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