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<br /> —_ - - _— ,. . F` ' ` � � .. , . ;�` , . �: � , . � ` ' ' "
<br />� - -- � . 4p�'�ents m�i ao to�ger�a�Ir�Q.�st tt�opt�on of i�der.it moiegag�ins�uaa�c oove.rage(in the amnu�ai�far.t�a�ad, .. "�°�,•<
<br /> - - Ser
<br /> - ------= ti�t te��r �u�res)l�ravidt�by an.inqt�r a�i�vad�y irw4e�agsin�s�v�taDi�a,a�d is otimicc�.8qtcow�r e1�al!psy �
<br /> ----�--- ` �pi�niauts aqui�ed to mainssiu aao�tgage�t�ac�iar�:ar to�ru�ld�a toss.ieasrv�e,�til dt�ra�ent fo�ria�ttg�ge '_- _.
<br /> ---- ._ _ _��ca�s t�a�ui+�auc�ari�eay ar��ea egeoeui�t�etc�en.ffo�rower ead3�ndet oe Bppl[c�[eTw: - �—:- r- �
<br />- - ~ � . �, 9.Iaspa�nn. L�ter os its ngent�may maka ceasoaa�ie wrirIea ugoa.nnd tctspect�ons¢i tEe Pa+nperiy.Lenifer�halt.gtva
<br /> � -_ �orrowu nntix at taa Np�e of or prIor to an Wspa9ian spocifying n�maable cause for the inspoctton. � : , , ..
<br /> - - ---_= � 10.C�nd�natton.'tbe proo�ad�of eay awaM.or clsim fer dnma�es.di�ot oons�quenHal,.tn oonr�tton wttb any
<br /> _ ooadeau�tioa or other taRmg of a�y pac!of t�e Ptnpertyr.or for eanveyance io lieu oLeomt�on.are Qer�y aa�ign�l and
<br />_- shaU 6e paid toLender.. - � , � � �
<br /> _.� � .. In ti�e ev�t of a tatal tutcing of We Prope�ty.�he proo�ds�ali bo appued co�he su�seaund by�ta Se�vuicy tnswmew.
<br />`- � wIIet�ec or stot then duerwish�uyr e��p�id m.Boauw�rr�In th$event of ap�at satdng of t6e Pcogert�t ln wtic�.the.ft�ir_ -
<br /> r� - - _ _ _.__--------
<br /> = marhet value of the Pcap�ty ianmsdiiate]y before the takiag is equat to or gceatcr than the amnwnt of tIIe sums secuted Dy tNs -_
<br />-s Seauity instrument immadiately before the mking,uatess Borrower and L�der athetwiae agree.ia writing.ttie svms seaued�y -
<br />_--- tbis S�urity Iasaumeat shnU 6e reduaed by tse amauai of the prnoeeds mW6plied by the t�llowing&astion: (a}the tatal ---
<br />_ amannt of the sums sec�red immadiatety:6efore the taking, divided Dy(b)We fais market vahte of.the P�opetty immedtatelY
<br /> before dte�. Any 6alaace shali 6e paid to Bumawer. In tfle ev�t of a pa�Rial talvng of the Progetty in whic6 tIte fair
<br /> r ma�aet value of the Pmpeity immedia�ely before the taktng is tess thaa tfte amount of the sums secured imndediatety befo:e the
<br /> tsltiag:aaless Bamow�r aad L�oth�wise agree in writing or uWess applicable taw otheiwise pmvides,the pmoe�ds shaU �
<br />_ �e a�plied to the sums se�ed by this Seauiry lnsnumeat wh�her or not the sums are t�ten due. _
<br /> If the Pmperty is ahandoaed by'Homawer,or if.aRer notice by I.eader to Borrower that the oondemnor offeis w mage an --
<br /> - -,,�; ,. .,,�,,.� award or sdtle a daim for daumges, Borrower taifs to respond to Leader within 30 d�ys after We date the antice is givea, —
<br />- Lead�is mrtLorized to wAect end apply the pmoeeds,at its option,either W restoration or repair of the Propetty or w the sums ��-`=�
<br /> ��. �>. � sew�d by tIria Sean�ity tn�+m++,_s*+�,vrhether or not then due. '°
<br /> �, �-�
<br /> � ' „ m °, ' Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agtee in writing, aaS►aPPlIration of pmoeads co prlacipal st�all not euend or _ ..._
<br /> . �..
<br /> �� �:� ��_;:_ _�,�i
<br /> - .��,� . postpone the due date af the monthly payaients�efe�to in parag�apLs 1 a�2 or c�ange the amouni of such pay�. ,�
<br /> y en
<br /> ��f�'��°;g-,;�-�.' !i.Basiower It1ax Beleased;Fosbeuranoe By LeadPr Kat a Waiva:Extension of the time for paymeat or modifi�tion �.---°—
<br />� ���` �' `� '�• : _ ±"•'"..�-
<br /> �•_ .�. - � . of amortirdtion of the smms secvied by this Seauity Instrument granted by Leader to any snceessor ia iat�t of Bmmwer shaU '�-,� °�-- --
<br /> �L"b:.'•: '.'.... 1T _ u--
<br /> r`�rl., ..-. va' ``�:,?.' , c�:.?.. ...
<br /> aot ope�w reIease the liabiltty.of t[�e origuial Borrower or�or�+ower s su�oessors in iatecest.I.end�sbaII not be�rIted w ;_„_-�•t-
<br /> '��'�;�,,u. . ,. . oomm�a�ProoeediaSs against a�!�sessor in interest or�to extend time for paymernt or othetwis�u�odify amortizat�on ,
<br /> .,;��.
<br /> . ��<,,:;rr �:..,�b t. : , 4,..iF.=�_
<br /> _ . . . a,,,"r:�"r n
<br /> �' V�t•~..� � �~`i�����:- '• , of We sums ses'ured by this Secb�y Insuumeat Dy t�ason of any demaud.made by tire original 8ocmwer or 8orrower's ,':;;�,,_�-
<br /> ;,�',.` T. . ...
<br /> �'i��••,�'.
<br /> '� .. s¢caessozs in i�erest. Any fortrear�ooe by t.eader in exec�ising any right ar cemedy shall not be a araiver of or preclade the �.. �`
<br /> • � 5v :�, •, � ,P.i; _
<br /> �c; � �`r�����i eaercisc of any right or�medy. � � � 's •`��~ —
<br /> '1' ,''.��'.!�::�.(���S�.t�' .. . :[j": `'` —.
<br /> .,��>>��.��...;- � 12.Snocessors a��As,Ign�l�md:Joic�:�3 Seven�IIlabiUty;�-sigaees. The covenaats�d agreements of this ��{,_ :i:;�
<br /> ;.,�.,r.�.< . ,...
<br /> `;�_ ''��:.��:<<� Socvti�Y Insmiment s6a11 bind auc�bene&t the suooess�rs 3�d�s of LEader and Borrower.subjed to the pmvisioas of ,; .��r::_- �
<br /> ° ' paragrapH 17.SomuuPa's oovenants and a�ts shalt be joim and:revetal. Any Borrower who oasigas this Security �^ . '�"���'
<br /> �.j._: . ,: . al , :—
<br /> � . Inst�ument but daes nQaex�ute the Note: (a)is am�sigaing this Security.iu�ent oaly to mortgage,grnt and convey that r -
<br />_ �: Bormwer's interest u�t�+e Pmperty uader the tas�of this Security Instrunae�e;(b)is aot petsonaUy o6lig�ned to pay We sums , � _
<br /> ��� �b, s e c u c e d b y t d i a S e a�ri ry I n s t i u m e n t;a n d t c)a g r e e s t t�a a t L e a d e r a n d a n y o t h e r B o r m w e r m a y a g c�e e t o e x t e u�m o d i f y.f o r b e az o r ' �, F � J �`-:
<br /> � .�,<� A. m a k e a n y a c�o o m m o d a d o n s w i t h r e g a r c!t u t h e t e r m s of t h ls S e c v r i ty I n suument or the Note without that Boirowet's consent. `±„s,�,� �� �
<br /> �
<br /> � .' .� � �..R���t)�f\'�•�__-�-
<br /> }�;::�,.� ; , ;�, � 13.Loan Ctiueg¢s.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum loaa chatges. �}��',.�.?;;
<br /> ;��'�`: � �� aad that iaw is finaUy intetpieted so tLat thc interest or other loan charg�coltected or to be collected in oonnection with the " ��'--
<br /> �, . ..� � ;ii�--
<br /> .: . loaa eaceed tUo germitted limits,Wen: (a)any saci�toan charge shaU be reduc�d by tAe amouat neoessary to reduce the charge ` '� '� . „ =
<br /> ; �.,..� �� . `.•�,,t._,t;. to the pennitted llmit;and(b)any suaas already ao�ected from Borrower whIch exceeded pemiitted limits will be refunded to .. :; . °
<br /> . . : Borrower. L,cndec uzay chuose t� s�ke this refuad by n�ciag the principal owed uader the Note or by making a dired . .. _ :'�r:
<br /> a.� ' paymemit to Barcower. !f a refuud rodaces principal, the r�duction a+ill be treated as a partial prepayment wieimut any , ��'.�. •�
<br /> �� prepaqr��nc charge under the Note. �.;,��:
<br /> ? `s'•"`. � II��kotices.A�p notice to Borrower proviBeQ for in this Secwiry Instrument shall 6e given by detivering it or[�y mailing � � '
<br /> �• T:. ' ' _ _ — ._ _ _ -- _
<br /> '`-- - it by�irs�t class maii v.c�ettess applicable taw requires use of another method.The nodce shall be directed to the Property Address • , �
<br /> � •�'•l.�.i . or �cer address Borrower desi tes b notice to Lender. An notice to Lender shall be ven b fitst ctass�tail to ' :���.>�• ���
<br /> . � .•;,�,,,,��,.,�� aR}'� � Y Y � Y �. �:,r:'t��:;,".(..�.� .
<br /> . :;..,.. :.,,�t�-=. :.. �'�'.
<br /> . .jt;;sZ;, Lender s eddness stated herein or a�} aher address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notioe pmvided for in this
<br /> ;'4'`t� '��� Secur�ty Instrument shall be doemed to have 6eEn given to Borrawer or Lender when given as pravid�in tais paragaph. �'����'����`':� ��
<br /> .t�:: :,. ,.._;;. .. : :. �,,..,_ . '
<br /> ` �� " � 15.Gove Law; Severabili This S,ecud Instrument sha11 be ovemed b fedeial Iaw and the law ofthe �� �:�t"� �������� •�'``�`
<br /> .. �,'. .. . �:: .;.��� � �Y• ry S Y , :.� ��: ��: �;�:.
<br /> jurisdlctioA in whicd the Property ia located.In the event that any pmvision or clause of this Security Insqwnent or the Note ��::;:���,+���°'�
<br /> _•} : ;,��.:�.y;;�,,.••.`. , . :,::s.
<br />- "���;,�`, oonfliets with I�eable law.snds canflict shall not affect other rovisions of this Secudt Instrnment or the Note whic�can be . ��-<<:'�' �'y.." '
<br /> �
<br /> � `�� ' ''•������� given effect without the mMictio�provision.To this end the prpovisions of this Security instrnment and the Note ere�eclared �;�:�;.;:j� �
<br /> �{ ): � '-\,i.�..� .
<br /> ; �;y s'. '� to be severable. ��;"�`':'� . :
<br /> ° {�• '- �. •..'':���� 16.�mgaowes's�apy.Borrower shall be given one rnnfomted copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ; ,�.�• , ,�
<br /> `� .; ti. � Fortn 30Z8 9/90 '�: •
<br /> {:, ,. ;�:ti.F va�uae :,,�',:.'�. � `
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