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<br />— --- .S. $�E�!�±0�,�.���Q![OtVt,t SS2S'���Q;tQ:t�i'4L�II6W QE�O$ d!�kCitl�Et•i'tCr°�, .�dli E�l9� ` �
<br /> _ - — _ `�y��itist�tass.�y fine.e�t+ds inctc�ea cvJthm tt�t��°�doa•oewerag�°aha a�y►a:l�tr[t�ds:t�iu8�ug' .
<br />-_ _ ;
<br /> : .___._: _Qoo.d�Qr�t�t�s.�t�trLf�hlandettagtii.r�4t�.-�'-��.�dtl��:�:"'-°.._._,`--int�;.�sslssr.��or-'io�-'_•= -=-==--
<br /> .-61, ai Lc�der crqu[r�.v.TAa iasnranoa�ztes pmvtdiqg t�t�usasa sb911 b�chosen,by So�eower subj�ct ta Ls�s+da'e appravel �
<br /> -- --- whEcb sdall�t�e nnRasonaaly aritahatd if Borronre�fails to m�fn�in:cnv�r�e de,�,ad6ed above. IBader m�y.m LeaQer's _ . .
<br /> 'op3ian.a41ta��aoveraBa w pratGet t+eades'a rigbts in the Propeny in a000rdaiwe with�a�apb 7. �`
<br /> - -- ,. All iasuranoe poftc�es aad ret�awate shai�6e a�cepiabtrr ta Le�er•��sh�11�in�e a stsn�d n�o�goge dause. i.endar
<br /> � �I flBWC�1�$�!t�0 IIDI�f$8 pQ1ICIC9 8I1d�!l8W8IS.If Lgnder ieqaiies,8orrm�rer shatt P��Y 8�to L+emder aU�ipta flf
<br />_ �_ • Pa'fd prPmiaoi�aud tenawal AotIces.In the event of toss,Bommver�!1 givapnnmpt autice to the insura�ao can�Feread i.ead��r��;:
<br />=-- - t�der may mate proogotloss If aot m�e promptiy Dy Bomnwes. � .
<br /> � -- - .. -:. -
<br /> ------ -- - , -- -- _ _..
<br /> ---UntcSS t�Ier�8areonrer ailteRVlse agee��zvriting.ic�s�ae pioo�edsshgli ire appliectta or repair- � ,--_ --
<br /> �P�Y�8�,it t�e reswsmtion or cepair is eooaom{eaUy+fer�sibls aa�Le�d�r's_so� aot tessened.If the reswratian o�, _--
<br /> - re�a'v#s�nat eoounmicalIy feaa'bI�os Lender's seaisity weuld be IesseQ�,d�insumfr�pmoeeds sbs�ltt De�applied to the sums =__---
<br />- secunal by this Secuttty Instnt�ai. ahether or not then dBe.wtth eny�eao�ss ps3d�ta�Boim�wer. If Bomawer ebandons the
<br />- Pmpetty:or dces not aaswer witWa 30 d�,ys a notioe frum�dec thst dc�iasu�e ca�rFer has o�'ared to seute e ciaim.then
<br /> lender may ooltect the iaswaaae prooeeds. Lend�m�ey ase the pmaeads w�+epsir ar�testore the Pi+uperty or tv pay sums -
<br /> ` secmed by tbis Sewdty Ia�nc�t,ah�ther or Qot then due.The 30-0$y�rIad wiU"b�in when the nutFoe is giveu. ,
<br /> -__ = Uaiess_i�ader and Soirawer otberarise agr�in wtidag, any.applicatian•of�gms�s-to PriaciFal shsll�mf eatend or
<br /> -- - - -- postpone tlie due de0e of the moaihjY PaY►a�refened to in pa�.s I sn�2 or.d�ange the amount of the psyments. If
<br /> ----- ' - � under pa�agtaph 21 the Pmperty is acquized by Lender.Bormiver's zightto aay is�ur4n9e Policies and prooeecis resvitinng from ' _
<br />--_ -- �:_-�; damage to t�e Pm�aty prior w ttre aoquisition sDall pass to Lender ta ttts e.x�t of�tt�snms secvi�ed by thia Seauity Insmiment , _�
<br /> _ _ -' immediatcly prior to tIle aoquisition. � �
<br /> --..3,��: ; .-.�.
<br /> —_:: r��- ",:, 6.Qa�upancy,F�+�rvstioa,Muintenanae end Plnotedion of t6e Pta�,Baia»we�s I.aan Appllcatton;Lea�hotds. -
<br /> _, �...
<br /> _ �. s ; � � �wer shall oc� y.e�tahlish,an1 eus tha Fro as Hormwer's �.� _�
<br /> ---__=,�+��� D F�Y t��+P"�-iesidt�arithinsixty*daysaftertheexe.�stioa_of �_ .^-�_
<br /> - --== tdis 5ocurity Inspument and shall ooniimie to ocwpy the property as.Haaoar�'&p�ece'pal iesid�for at teast oae year after ° -- ___ - _ .
<br /> -------�—� t6e date of acwpancy.unle�s l.eader othe�aise agrees ia arriting,whidr oo�f�I aot be wueasonably aithheld.or unless �•�pr=—
<br />�''!��;..;„x extenuating cinvmstances e�ist wtticb are beyond Boimwer's oontml. Bosrat�i�s sL�all aot d�troy. dainag,�or�impair the �-�.-�k-�-�------
<br /> ��..,,.�
<br /> �`«' Pcoperty.allow t�e Property�w dereriozate.or wmmit wasce on tha Praperty:.Barmtiver stiall be in defautt�if any,foifeinue ����`�_�'-
<br /> ` � '• action or prooee�ing,whether dvil or begun that in I.en�der's g�ad f�ith judgment ooutd msutt in�faifdtare of tt�e :�:;°�-
<br />���rt -? ' :�r�.
<br /> ��.:-�;-�:,:,_ Progerty or atheia+ise materially impair the lien c�rated by this Seauity�Inswm.nt or I.ender's secauity interes�Borrower may ;,�;,����._
<br /> ``''� aue such a defau�t and ceinstate,as pmrided in patag�aph iti by.causin th�attion or roceedin to tre dismissed with a mlin ~��------
<br />� ;,��, ..:c, ::` • b� P ffi � ';�''-�,`._`--
<br /> =` •;-?wz�;��:�;1'�;��:. Lender's gaod faitb d�ennin�tion.precludes forfieitute.of�tt�«Hmtohvea's interest ia the Property�or other ar��at ��'��'�� _—
<br /> �','��. . ;:�:•V;,�.>._---
<br /> ';��°�.v.. ' � t'�` � imAairateat of the Gen creat�d by tiris Security Ir�nun�t:or Lender's security.•i� Borrower shall also be in.defaa[t if _ 3 ,.�Y
<br /> .�.'. �s,..�.,`.��, . d�.�-�;--
<br /> s ^q��,;":t;:;�",,'. Hosower.durjng the loan ap�liratian pmc�ess.gave mate�idly faise or��ns+ocurate�int'om�ation or statements to Lender(or failed 3;,�y�,�j,�: --
<br /> ��'� .}: " l x}_flnt.:.,..�—
<br /> ���'��?��;.? ,�?:: ; to vide Lender wIth an m�terial info�mation m oonn�tian with•tls�la�n evideacad b the Note,includin ,but not limited s,��'..��'-_,� �:—
<br /> :+i�?''�,�.�:;:.,��; P� Y� )� 9 � �°�. . .. :,.._
<br /> •: �s �� � w,tepiesentaSons oonceraing Bammver's o�.y of drr Prap�ty�as a principal residence.If tUis Security Instiument is on a ��; t �`'� -
<br /> �.:` ,k ,.r �yg . Ieasehold, Bormwer st�aU aunply with all tfis pmvisimu�af�lt�le�e. ff Bormwer acquires fee titte to the Pco�erty. t�e r � t''' �F��`���i4`
<br /> ;�; ;i� •;`.��� Ieas�Qoid and the fee title s6i�11�a�m�ga uniess Le�nderagraes ta ute mergeria wrlang. r;��,�;�'.� .t , �
<br /> '�.� .. •.';�_� � �,.•. ����;w. ;.�:'�._
<br />- �:.:�_�. `_. "_ ;.?.,�- r �.Pwtedlon of Leade�'s ta tn th�Peo If Bcrrmwer fails to rform the aovenants and a enis contained in •�•.S,..,,.':� •
<br /> � P�'= Pe � �
<br /> ••'�t��'.�' "'' .<:+; ` this Seeurity Instrument. or thera is a legal pmceedi�,ttrii�may��significantly affect l.ender's rights in the Property (such as a ' ; .�;?��':
<br /> -` ,�,' proceediag in baalcruptcy.probate.fprv�dan�tioua orfoafestu�or w enforce laws o gu! y ; �' .-',,�<. `��'
<br /> �� .��'-�� r re ations). then Lender raa do aad Y ' -
<br /> ..: <.' •.�.. aa'� . , �'"`'� ;;:i';�`�::`
<br /> ,�
<br /> �.:��..;�;r�� � pay for w6atever is necessary to protec�th�vaiu�af�the�Property aad Lender s rights in the Property. Lender s actions ma-y ` � �;�,�� ,
<br /> ,,`��5��+���r�:,;;r��� � � include paying any sums seaired b}r a Ilen mtactr�I�s priority over this Security Instmment, appeariag in oonrt. paying ; '�� ' '.`•��'� :
<br /> .r� { t�1H: . , reasonable attom s fees amd e�teri o�th�Pr [6�ke sirs.Althou f.e�des ma take actIon under�his ara b �� � �•
<br /> , . ,�c,,<� ',. eY 4� aP�3 reP Sh Y P S�P ,} �.... � -
<br /> ; , t��;��� , �� 7,Lender does not have to do so. ����i�_ `
<br /> -� �A - � :,`�� Any amonnts disbursed by Lsr�du u�d�.r ch�s paragmph 7 shali�come additianal debt af Borrower aecured by this ,.�` � -��t�?��,�'�<`
<br /> `',} Securiry Instn�ment.Unless Borrower a�d Le�der agr�m oilter teans of payment.these amounts shall 6ear interest from the --_.�.`.-- ;:,��?'`,��..
<br />- , . �.--- :;-�......, :�:
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be pawa+�le. with interest,upon nori� from Lender to Borrower requesting �'�. . � . ��
<br /> P�- �,�. .
<br /> ,;;. . : s �<��. . ;' .
<br /> • .: . . . PaYmCAt. �,i};,t.<<,. . .,; ,
<br /> �'-��:'1�,�'�• �� 8.Mortgage It�surAat�tf Lender required mortgag�:insutanoe as a condition af making the loan secured by tDis Security �`�'' � :�:��r�:'. �'.
<br />- -i::.: �, • ,� .: :s:�,;. .:..
<br /> - : . . . Instrument, BomESSUer shall pay the premiums requireA to maintain the rs�ongage insurance in effect. If.for any reason. the �°�.� ':,�;.;��F,.
<br /> ` � � � ' , mort e insur�nc�covera e ulred b Lender la es or ceases to 6e in effect Barrower shull a the ptemium� ' ' � � ' !: -•,:
<br /> . :;i.: � .. Sag g �9 Y Ps • P Y m nequic�ed to r. : �. . _i•. :.,
<br /> '�i oblain coverage subst�tiatly�qu3valent to the mortgage insurance previausly in eFfect,at a cost substantially equivatent to the '-'' � � "
<br /> ,;.: �,��;;' � ..:' �: � :�;�•"��; :..�`�.;, :
<br /> :._9;�y+ : w�to Borrower of the moia„age insurance previously in effect, from an altemate rs�ortgage insurer approved 6y I.cnder. If . .�,,,.,,. �
<br /> . ;�.:.,...., . ' sn6sqantiall '�`�'•':�.,.. .. . •
<br /> ,t , _ .,,,..••� y equivatent mongage insurance coverage is nos available.Borrower shaJl pay to Lender each month a suru equa!to �
<br /> --; ,.;,,.:� ' ''.' .,�. ono-twelfth of the yesrty mortgage insurance premium being paid by Eorrower when the insumnce caverage lapsed or ceasod to .:, �°� : .-. ,.;:
<br /> �';' be in ef�'ect.Lender will accept�use and rietain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu af mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve '' z�'•: •
<br /> ,��.. , . . ,
<br /> �,;::.,� . Fcam3028 9/90 :; , ;
<br /> �' acge 3 0l e „��:. .
<br /> �.
<br /> t' ' . . . '.�• '
<br /> � , .
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