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<br /> 3 -
<br /> as they or ei•.�l�e a!ihem raey m tReft�toi;�s dtaere,UBa deia�ntnR No[em�hereFe Lp�ten�upon�Yra�ivad ta Tiust�s cr$�ik�ar3►�C��
<br /> to De exciu�v�.ot�anY utAe rem�►Aeretrt ai by taxi pcovlQad or.0otmttted.Du�eaM sha11 tre eumu(a2tws and 01ui!beEin eQ6iHO�s fo ev�uy ethlt tenta�y . . .,�
<br /> gtYan l�raun der a rw�►or�hare3Rer ex3slinp et t�or In eq�tt�oE�1►s�rte.�1►P�►a ren!pdY p�o�ded un�thb Tn,at Q+Rd ta Ytur�i�icr B�r�cy..
<br /> ert�wtucn oittt�+a�ttie�nuy deot�n�teaentltled.maYDe ax�rc(ssd.carcaturanSqior R�d4pendeMt�.tro(titlmstatltn�art�a�oftenasmryMda�ecf
<br /> - - expedfent 1iyY'wafeo or Benefieiary m�0 e1111et ot it�efi maI►Oaraua`tnCans�ant roa�edt�a t�Othing he�rein eha11 Cs conSUubO as prdh.lbttin�Een+IICieiSr :
<br /> -- - f�em�ctn�cc daRo►enoy ludgmer�t,agsinst Me Tn�ato?to tna extan!sucR sr�Don ta parmftted Qy raw: � � . ` - � "
<br />=�`�; 11.TEtlli�OF THB PEtQPEA�t:�$SUAlPTiOM It 8t1 or er►Y pnrt o?ttto Praperry or int@test theretn Is satt�.irsnsteReO or ettlerwlsa CgeveYad
<br />-_ _ - -- - ls��iusiat,��ne&d3q��1��'itte�+_�e.nt�e�idtng�a�tha eteation of a Uen a enwmLrance e�otEinate to Wa nuat QesO.(b)a tran�er
<br /> _
<br />�• Oy oAoraNan:dt ie�v upon Me destn ot a Zn�stw wRo ia a(cin!tanant or(c)tt►e graM ot�+[easetrotd_interest ot�ea(3�yaars or tea9�Net►do�f3-r�f� "
<br /> -- — --= eonmfn en epfion 4o purcAese,su�h ecNai►Is a Dreach ot Ihia egreemet�•and Beeeflclary may.at Baneftcttuy'8 optlon.Qectare 81Ftho sums sen+ted by
<br />�°� th�1►ust Caet!to�immadtatery due and payrabte.pvmrlded.tunRer.thts Trust ileed maY.at BeneflClary'e oAt►on.Oe dECtereQ immediffiety Que and
<br /> i--=---- — — Aayabie�it(t��tru8torbep�ttr�ersfliPandBnNirtteresttnthepartnershtDi86otdo�asslgrtedEyerrymeanswhat�ver.or(2jiftheTrustOtlaeco�peration
<br /> _-- — -- and e transf�.oT the majndry stack ownersfllA Interest In tire corporaUon oCCUre.a tt�e Trus�or corpatattan merges trt any tam with anothec rxrp�8ttcr►
<br /> i��;� or enttiy.B�eflc[ary shau Aave watved su�h opUae to acceterate it.pdoc ta Me este.transter ar conveyance.Benefl�taiy end t`�+e person to wAcm the
<br />- Property!a to:D9snid or transterred reach egreemertt In writ[ng tha�the credit of eucR persan ts SaUSfactory to Ber�aftctary end that tA�intsrss!payaDfe,
<br />�L — an the sumtt�awced by Nis Tcust daed�aii De at sush rate es 8eneficfary shan request �
<br />-� 12.AC�i.t3tA?t0f11JPOH0EEAULT;REIt�D1ESSAtEThafsllureDyt�eTnistor.tomakoenypaymentortopertorman]►ofthetermsandoonditlons.
<br /> = at Mls T�mt Qead.or tpe terms end,condWOna ot ttie i�tote,o�8ny renewa(s.madiftcatiana or e�dens�ons thereof,or the taituce ta make paymene of any
<br /> other ind6Dtedness,prtor a subseAuent to N(s Trust Oeed.and secured by this praperry,ar tha death at nne or moce Ttustors sfiail Ee a 6ceasA aral
<br /> �� defauit oi this Trust Oeed and 1he Benefldary may dectara e detautt end may dectare ell sums secured hereby tmmedtatety du9 and payabte and Ms
<br /> same sAell tbereupon heccme due and payaDle withoui presenbnent,demand,protest os naUce of any ldnd,provtded.Tn�star shati have any stffiutory.
<br /> :, i h-:.�;: �igM t�cure.the detauR E�fore arry notice ot de�ru�3 and demand for sale may ba del&ered ta tRs�Tcuatee.TlferesRer.Benefidarlt�Y deltver to TnisLS9 � .�.t;
<br /> �` �� '�• a wr(tten daRteration of detautt and demartd i�s�.Trustor agrees and RereOyr�ants that tha�3'�aa st�?ti fiz�p the porrter of sale of thA Prapergr�arttl
<br /> r� ', z;a,
<br /> � �' � -- a eeneflciatX a�des me Progenx i�m ce sursi3�Rau aeposn witl,Tn�e ai.�.�se oeea�d the�to��ss�es ana any other aaa:mems c�s?�s - ----
<br /> : � ; j'T
<br /> p�enditurQS s�a.�ied heceby.�shatl Qeliver#c�Ttustea a wrfttan nutice at�Gffiaui�as�e:es�ac�ao iause tl�e prope►ty to be sa:d,a�tf truseg.�twr�.
<br /> � •P � �rta8 PrE�re a 5ir�ftat no�e iREhsiorm requtred by law.which sti�ali tre duly,fited f�re�r'+tt3sy 3rustea. : ~'
<br /> s
<br />_<! ,�,,�.�y,�,�� . . .. . . . . ,
<br /> �{:: <��{�,�?�:.=�, ti �; (a) ..Rfter tt+s Iagse cf s.��ti tisie ss may aa required by tavr follovring tts�r+�ccrdaffar a3 Ncttice ai Detautt.and tJoUce ot tlatauft artd i��ot :
<br />_; ,�;,:�.� S.,. ._ .. 8ete 4favi,r.g D�n given as required by law,TrusYee.w(tftout dert�'.d or►TruStor.shafE se4 the Property.t}not r�deem�d.(n one ot m� ,
<br /> . a
<br /> -_ t°i =�;i='.� • ts2nd irt sar9r oi�at as�nutee may detertnirre art B�e date and t4�a t3me art6 pl�oe desigpated ire,said Notice ot Sate,at publ[c aueUOn .
<br />�-,: ,,��^� ~�:.c, �mg ta(a�v .
<br /> �•, i:.v-,,;:�..,:. �;. � .
<br /> �:.`l� , :.',�,,:;'. .
<br /> -"• �+ir'''��?- " � � (b) Wtien Trustee selfs p�nt U�t�e powers herein,Trustee shatl appty the praceeds ef�tha sa3e to payment of tRe costs and expenses ot
<br />': :;} `�`t'���- . exercising the pavrer_aE sate and at tha sate.induding,wiMout timitatlan,attomey s fees�nd the payment ot Trustee's Cees InCUrr80.wNiefl
<br /> . Truetee's Fees shaiifiot in the eggregate exceed the fottovAng amounta dased upon the amount secured�ereby end remaln(ng uapatd at
<br /> �, j � the.time scheduted for sale:5 percentum on the batance thereaf;end then to the itema tn subparagraph(cy in the order there sffited.
<br /> .�` � . , (c) Afcer paying the items speclfied in subparagrapb(b).H the sate is by Trustee,or il the sate Is pursuant to judicial tatectosure,th9 prooeeds
<br /> ���.} . . ' , � of•�ale shall be appiied in tha foitowfng order:
<br /> ' - Ell Cost ut a�►Y eHdence ot title D�acured in connection wfth such eate and of eny revenuo Vanafer fee requUed to be pald;
<br /> ' � " . • � (2)Ait Obtlg8tlon9 seCUred by this TruBt Deed:
<br /> (3)Junior tiust deeda,mortgages,or othet lienholders:
<br /> � . � (q)The�emalnder,It any,to the person legsity entitted thareto.
<br /> �•:':, ___,
<br /> ,,,; 13.APFOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Beneficlary may.trom time to time,by a wtitten instrument executed and acknowledged by B8n8flClary, _--.
<br /> • �: � meilgd to Ttustor and recorded in the caunty or caunties in whichtAe Properry is located and by othemrise Complying witis tha provielonsof the BppNCahie t-:,:;�*R:�.
<br /> =��i . • taws of tha 6tate of Nebraska substltute e successor ar successors to the Trustee named herein a acdng hereunder. � ' -
<br />