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<br /> - � TO'PHfirisCT'iN�8EC1JR1T1f Qi��'�119 tRUBT OEE�TRUBTOR H�REBY COYENANTFr AB14 A3Rf�F�L�OW3:_—�': . '
<br /> 1.VAVNl6NT OF Pi11NCIPAI.ANp II�1TEii�1T.7rustar ef�a6 OramDtAl WY.�en Que the prindpat of and Inter�st on tAe IndtDtedn�afas�+ldenGed by �:: -
<br /> .tRp Hats.and ail olhercAarges eed tees$s pravlded tn the Nate.end tRo�prtnstpai of end Mterest on eny Future Advancas saaued0lt�.itttl Ytu�tDoad. , � -
<br />- — 2'WARRAti4Y QF TIT6E.ltu5tor f9�a�rrhdtlt selted t�d Pos�essed ot good end(ndBlea�Eb[b tit1�snd estate to the P4oPaKY h�Y�A�eYsd end
<br /> — has the ri{�hi ta grent and com�ey th0 Propetty�tee PrppeAy ts hea end c�eaz ot�Itilens and�rtaanbrances exeept i18ns now of rea6rd:�an�Trustcr wsti , .
<br />- wartant and detentl me Gde to ure i�portY egamst au dalm&end aemanas. � ` � .
<br /> � 3.6tA1HTEHAAG�A1�D008�PW1NCEINITQiFA1V9.ituStotsh�iiksepttreProparryinQaadreysirand�onQiUoM1enetshaUnCtoOmmflw�steorpertalt
<br />- _ - __ _ . - •
<br /> --- tmpatrrtientardet�iiersti�ano!-thaPropeRyandatia4+:ocr�piy:i�th�Pr�Nsiansofmryf�iEttf�sTrustDeedtsona�e�eho�.Ho���- -;° - _
<br /> ar hecEaft�erectedvponthe QRopBrry eRa110e aitered.ren'�avebardemallsAed wSthoutUte pdar written onnsetn of Benefletauyi.Trustor shr,U�eompiy witit-
<br /> _ --- al![aws.ocdlnances,ieguta�en�covcrtants.conditloi►A 0nd xesVidia�w aHeeting the Ptogerty snd nat commi�suffer or permit any aEt to Aa Q4ns tn 4r.
<br /> - uppn tRa Rroperty ln viot�lon ot any Iaw,ordinanca.ce9�datton,cwenaet��sdidon or restrtcGon.Tn�star shall eompteto oE�tore promptry an�Irt good.
<br /> work�n2a:ikamsrtnerenYtmArovertretnorttheProperhr�fiicAma�lbedamzgesordestroyedartd�ay.�arhend�e atiNa.�astartabor0�end.mdtedats
<br /> fiunLshea theretor and far any etterations tRereot. . �
<br /> a.IHS1iRANCE.Ttu�or,at Rs expense,vfiU malmhir►wah insurorsePAroveO Dy 6enefictery�tnsarantewith respectto thsimpmvam9msend peisonat
<br /> � property.constiwtingtRsPropetht.a3ainstiossby9ce egt►tnirrg.tomado.endotherperitsandhazardsooveredbystandartle�Gendedco+�eta9atrtQorsa� .
<br /> �;, . in an a�'►ount equal to at teast one hundr�d pe�aant(tU044)ot the tuil repiacement vatue tAereof ar+d insuranee against such ather ha�er+d tn s�N� .
<br /> rd
<br /> asnounts as is customar�ry carried by ovmers and Operatars of dmilsr properttes ar as Benefida�y rttay require for its protectton.Tn,ucr win catnpry vrit4s
<br /> ��ea�:„'i'�.'� sudtotlserreyuir�menLSasBeaeficiarymay(rpmtlrttetatimereQaestMrt�eprotectEonbyinsuranoeoftheintereslsoltherespectivaparttes.AUin�aa� .
<br />-��,'�i.;r��" Peticies maintatr�ed pursuant to this Tnut Qeed ehaltnameTrustor and BeneRciaryas�.as their respectipe tnterests maY aPpear,and pcoride ti�i:
<br />- -----��{,..w.�� therebenocanceiisticnaacnod'ficatlonwltlioutatieastf5daysprtarwr(ttennatifrwtiaritoTir,R�eand6eneftciarymaypmtamasuchinsuanceinaaor� _
<br /> �t:
<br />---��°.:_:a����+:�•:: wiM th3;�cavisions ot p�agraph8 Rereof:Tn►stot sheil deliverto Beneficiary tAe ortg�';iotides of insurance and rertewets thereoi or msmo aopieseE
<br /> ,ha.•
<br />�;:;^,;,,u,�:°:�.r,n�.,�>: �' such paL�s and renewats thereot Faihue ta tumish such insurance Ay Tnistor,or rertewats as required hereunder sfiali,at ffie aptinh¢�88neflciSry, �___
<br /> _ `r`'_t.4� S � COlIS�S�'J.B�dB�3U1� . . .. '>'. � � -
<br /> ��� -L - " _ . . ' - ���._...._
<br /> .�.�t������Y� 5.t'A7�S.ASSESSMSlTSANDCHAi?$ES:TwtorshallpayallTExBS.assessments�tdotRet,�s.ur�tud'ntg,w�hatetGmifation.fm�a�rt�litnpositiCnti
<br /> :•� .. ,E�. � amihutabletoth9PropeAyandleaseAOtdpay�nerstsorgzow�ttents.Hany,baforethe�me�ecomed�l'mQua�t�rc�rst'�Gtomptyfumishtobeneflctmy
<br /> , . . .,;.,...
<br /> -- ,zM,.�::;:'��. � allnotleeaofemountsdu0underthisparagraph.endiat?�Peven►Tnistorshallmakepeyaleritd:zectty,TrzslCtSttaSfR:o.�*'s��enLshtoBeneftCtaryreoef[�
<br /> ��!r; ..:_..o...,,r:;.�.ft'-
<br />�•�.��... . , . evidantiing sucA Payments.Trustor shatf paY ati faxes artA a�s:s�as+xs e�hich may be Ievied uRnn L�nefcciary's ic�-e�ire�ein or upor►this Trust lae�i .`.
<br /> '��-•,�r�•.`: ' � .
<br /> ` .�.'�7�`'h�t`:,;;%e `. � w�thnut�regerd to any law that may be enacted imposin9 Raymesu ot ttx3 v�hote or any part the�a+f apa►t�e 8ertefiCiary. . - -
<br />_ �'" , - - .
<br /> ,;�� •:�" ,, •: fi.ADD11'JONALI.I�NSANDPRQ7EC?tONOF�EN�iCWR1l"SB�CEiQITY.'inis�iri�a'frc:atcsatipzyrr.an5otirt:�rsstandpdnGPa1andpsymec� _
<br /> - �:i-�;s`;�•
<br /> 's • r.. �,,`.0 . ot any othe►cABrges,fQeg and exp8rtses ConUacted m be paFdto arry exis5ng er sufisa4wsrf t�er.hotd2i or trenefi�?sY.��aT�Y e�sting ar subsr��*3
<br /> • �� �'� � moKgage or trugt d�d�etora the datathey era delinquent os in Cetault,an4 promptty pa�r3rtd discharge any and aiF o�a�.ctaimser clr�r+gES$�h�
<br /> .• .`��Y�� •:•`-,.���:: may seop.ardize the secutdy granted�ereirt:lt Trusmr failsto matce an�sucir payment ar fai(a to.pafforrssany of the toveitants artd�eeme�eonqmed.
<br /> � ' � in tiiis Tnist Deed,or the Note reterted Lo hereirt,or irt any pria ar suhsequent trust deed,a if any�ection a praceeding is commertced eh�cfl materialty
<br /> . ' ` �' � � ' attects BeneBciary's intetest[�the Property,irtcluding,but not Gmited to,eminent domaln proceedittgs,proceedings tnvotving a deeedent,noUoe ot sale
<br /> `•`' � s byTruste�noticeofCefauft6yTrustee.mortgagetorectosureacdon,erifTiustorfaiistopayTrustar'sdebtsgenerallyastheybecomedua,thenBeneficiary,
<br /> � � at8eneflelary'sop�onandwitha,lnodcetoordemar►duponTnulorandwitha,treleas�ngTrusroriromanyaDligationhereunder,maymalwsuchappearances. _
<br /> �.;�;:;.. disbursa suct►sums arta mke auch action as ia necessary W protect BeneficWry's interest,inciuding,buf twl limRed to,disbursemeM o1 reasonabtg aKOmey's —
<br /> tess.paymeni.purehase,contest or oompromtae of any encumbrance.charge or lien,entry upon Me;Property to make repairs,or declaraUon ot defauft __
<br /> under thisTrust Deed.tntheeven3 Mat Trustor shail fall to prowre insurance or to pay taxea ass86aman�8.or eny other charges or to make any payments �_ __
<br /> . to nny exlating Cr Bu�soquent Ii6rthOMer9 0�exisling o►su0sequenl Danelieia�les.BenefiC�ary may proeuro euch insurance and makA suth peyment,but ______ -
<br /> n
<br /> _ ' Bhallnath9061igetedtodoeo.AnyBmauncsGisburseQbyBeneficlarypursuanttolhisParagraph8shiiflbecomeadditionalindebtednessotTru&tor88curett —:::;,,;-,•�i�
<br /> �� by thls Trust DeeO.Such emounts ehall be payeMe upon not�ea from Beneficiary to Trustar requeeting paymn.t thereof,and Shalt bear interest from the
<br /> �.' �� "� ` dateotdisbutsemen181th0ratep8Ya61ehomtimetalimeonoutstandmgprincipalunderlheKOteunloes,paym�ntotinteresfateuehratewouldbecantrary ��.
<br /> � � � ��� to eppucab►e law.in which eventsuchamounts ahall 0ear interest althe highest rate perm�ss�ble under appucaDle lav�.Nothingeontained in this Paragraph , ."�_�Y;�-
<br /> � 8 Shall reauir0 Beneticl8ry to InCUr eny expense Or take any ection hereunder. , �. i>;�,`•}�i:
<br /> ' .•�....'._.�.•.:"A.
<br /> 7.ASSIGNMBNT OPRENTS.Beneficiery shall have tne rigm.powe�and authonty during the continuance of tMS Trust 0eed toCOttect the renta,issues -.
<br /> and profits ot the PropeAy and of any personal properry tocated thereon with or w�thout taking qosssss�on ot the properry affected hereby,end Trustor � -
<br /> � hereby abSOWtery an0 uncondidonalty assigns all such rents.�ssues and profits to Beneticiary.8eneficiary,however,hereDy consents to the Trustor's . . _;_�
<br /> Collection and retenUon of sueh rents.ir,sues and profits as they acCrue and becOme payeble so long aa Trpstor is not,et sueh time,in detault with respect . � "•
<br /> - ' " to payment ot eny InQebtedness seCUred hereby.or in the perfmmance ol any agreement hereunder.iJFan any such dalault,8ene�,pary may at any time. - .-•. -.:` `'::;;;.�
<br /> � eitheNnperson,byagent,oibyareceiverto0ee0Po�ntedbyecourt.�vithoutnoticeandv�ithautregard.totheadequacyotarrysecuriryfortheindebtedness •:: � :,-,;,��t?:�=:Y;
<br /> �..;,� .- • �,.��',.,'
<br /> . hereby secured.(a)enter upon and tatce possession ot tha Propertyr or any paK thereof,and in ita av►n name sue for or othenvise collect sueh rents,issues .,;:;���',�.�\�;;,r,t?;��:+t i�' �
<br /> andprofita.inctudingthosepastdueartdunpaid,andapptythesame.lesscostsendexpensesofaperetionandcollection,mcludingrea5onableattorney's , .•�I;����'�,»,��r�<<�f'�.�
<br /> � � }eeg,uRon any indebtedness secured hereby,and in sueh order as BerteUCiary may determine:(4!pedarm such acts ot repair o►proteCtion as may be �°'.'��'�t�'T'`:�'i�a�;,`�c�'
<br /> �' necessary or proper to conserve the vslue ot the Properry;(c)lease the same a any part thereof fot such rental,term,ana upon SuCh Conditions as Ks '� :�i,:,:;���'•.,; ? :
<br /> ;:: �udgment may dlctate.ar terminateo►adjustlhe ferms BnOconditions of e��sting leases.Unless Truptor and Beneliciar�thereof agree otherwise in wntirtg. .��,�_��I_.; �: � • .
<br />_ �. , any appt�cation ol rents,issues or profits roany indebtedness secured nereb shatl not extend a postpone the due date of the instatimQnt paymenb es •%• ''�'
<br /> . y :,;;i�;.._�;..
<br /> ' • provfded in sa1Q promissory note or change the amount ot such installments.The entering upan and taking possesston ot the Property.the tollection � ;�g�:;:,�: � •
<br /> t' �•�'M; " of sucb rents,isaues and protits.anQ the appticalion thereof as aforesa�d,shatl not warve or cure eny default or notice o�deiault hereunder or invatldate �
<br /> - -'t�-:�>,�,.;
<br /> 7`:. `a • ' arry act done pursuanl to such notlCe.Trusror also ass��s to Beneticiary,as turlher secudty�or the perfarmance ot the qbligatlons seCUted hereby.aIl .
<br /> . :�:::. • . .
<br /> ;�'�� �.�.,,. prepaid rents end at1 mon�es whlch may have beert or may hereaRer be deposited with sa�d Trugtor by any Iessee ot cr.�Fropertyr.to secure the payment .
<br /> i,�`, : � of eny ren!ar damages.or upon defeult in the perfo►mance oi any of the provisions hereof.Truatar agreesto de��ver such rents artdQeposits to 88neflCiary.
<br /> "��!-"� pel�very ot wntten no2ice ot Beneficiary's exerc�se of the nghcs grantea herein,to any teoam occupying sa�d prem�ses shall be sufficient to require said
<br /> � '`��"� • tenarr,to pay rent to tAe BeneGciary unbt turther notice. .
<br /> f,`:' .
<br /> �4! 8.CONCEMNATION.It t1t1e to any part of the Property shan be taken u�cantlemnetian praceedmgs,by nght of em�nene Oomain or similar actlan.or '
<br /> : �''� �� shalt be sold under threat ot condemrtatian,all awards.damages and proceeds are hereby essigned and shau be pa�0 to Bene�iciary who shalt apply �
<br /> , � � such awerd9.damagea and pro�eeds to Ihe sum secured by this Trust Deed.w�th the excess.�f any.pa�tl to Trustor.tf Trustor reeeives any notice or .
<br /> ��'� � , � other Information regaraing sueh actlona or praeedings,Trustor shall g�ve prompt�vrlltan notice thereof to Benehctary.Benefitlary sha11 be entitted.at
<br /> � . Its option.to oommenCe,apptTaz in and prosecute In its ovm name any such ection or prooe@dings and shall be entltlBd t0 make anyr eomptomise or setUement '�
<br /> %t� ,
<br /> �'� In ConrtBCtion With 8ny BuCb action or prOCeedings. . �
<br /> � ' • � 9.FUTURE AOVANCfS.Upan request ot trustor.Benelieiary at Beneficiary's opUon,prtor to reconveyance ot the Property to Trustor,may makg : .
<br /> " ' future advances to Trustor.Such tuture edvences.wlth interest thereon,sha11 be secured by this Trust Deed when evlQenced by promlasory notes etating
<br /> � ' � :•,-,� that sald notes are secured hereby:provlded t�at at no tirt�e shall the secured prmc�pal and future advances.not m�WJing sums edvanced to protact ,
<br /> • '� the security,exceed two hundred percent(20�46)ot the aripnal pnncpal amounta secured hereby. •
<br /> � 10.�EGtES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Beneliciery.and ea_h�tthem,shall6e enUtled to enfac�payrt+ent ar.a peRormance ot eny�ndebtedness '� ��•.. � ,
<br /> � � ' ar obligatrons secured nereby and to exercise all rights and powers urCpr this Trust Oeed or under arty o:r:er agr¢e�rertt executed m eanneedon hereH:V-
<br /> ` � or eny laws now ar hereafter in torce,notwithstand�rtg gome or alt ot the such Indebtedness and obligations securcC r.ereby may novi or hereaftE+ba �
<br /> � , "` '� othewvise88CUred,whethgr by mortgage,trust dee0,p�eGge�.��en,assignment or othennse.Neither the acceDtance cf uhs Trust Oeed nor ds enlorcemc-rt ••�
<br /> �, whetherby caurt ectian or pursuant to the power ot 881e or other powers herein eontalned,shall pre)udlce or irt any mar,r.c-r.>!tect Trustee's or Benefic�erf s .
<br /> ' �. � rlght to realue upon or entorce any ather securiry now or hereafter hetQ by Trustee or Bene(iclary.it bemg agreed tnat Trustee and Ber:eficlaryr.end eaan �
<br /> � '�. ,
<br /> , . . ,�
<br /> -- - - ---- --
<br /> . —:s ,.� . �-- . � • • �'�-' '-'_.:'_'
<br /> •:ti� '. .
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