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<br /> , peiiodc d�t.Leadet e�eqiu�dt. The insu�e cnieo prtwidi�sbr idsir�e ahall be�thoeea Q+y BoROwa aubjert tal.enderl�
<br /> � . a�p�ov�t w�Aid�shd!not 6r u�eix+n�ty wit�efd.:[f Basmwer`faik to i�neintxin�oatr�described aaovo.l.rndet n�ty.a+t
<br /> . i��optio�cbain corerose w p�ect�et�e���i�dts in the in acctxdance with p�n�aph 7.
<br /> Alt�pdicic��ad YedewaLs st�l be t�Cre�ta�lc w L�and shat!int:W�dc a staedad ntortgsge ctause. Letide►
<br /> = ahalt haYe t�c a�M W bold the pdicies s�d�eeew�[� tf Lendef Kqui�es.Bo[roazr.sAallprump�ty give tu I.endor al!receip�
<br /> of paid�emiums�nd�enewal notices. In the event di t�.c.B�oaower�ail�give pcompt nutxe to the insurapce carrier aal �
<br /> I.en�Ier. i.ender may m�ice prooF of loss it not made p�ompdy by iioaower
<br /> � tlnTess E.atder aod Barrovxer aherwise agae in wr�ting.insurance porads stntE be applied ta re�a�tion or rep�d�uf
<br /> t6e Ptope�ty danwged.if tlls cestor�tion a npair is ecanomicatiy feasibt�utd E.a�dcr's security is nat iessersed if the
<br /> ; resuo�tioa a:epair is not ecanamicalty.feasibk ot l.eader�securitg would be te�sse�xd.tlrc insutance ptoceed.c shs�116e
<br /> applisd oa the sums secu�ed by tflis Seturity tn-�tcunkni.whether or nat tl�ai doe:v�-ith any excess paid to 8omowrr, I€
<br /> Bomower abfmdc�n.c tbe Ploperty.a does na�swer within 30 d�ys a notice from Leades thae 1he insurrnce catriei has
<br /> � offe�+ed�o seak a claim.then i.ender may wflact the ms�u�nce proceed+. La�der may us�e the procoa�ta trpair or�+escoe�
<br /> . tGe Pl�openg ar W p��r sums securcd 6y this Security Instiument.whed�er oc mt thn due.The�O�day periad will ixgin when
<br /> tbe notice is Eivert. ,
<br /> Uatess I.e�aad Bomower othetwisG agm in virriting,any appli��ati�on ot_proceeds tn prin�cipn!shalt not�tend a
<br /> postpone dx doe date of the monthly payments seferred to in paragraphs 1�and 2�s change the arttauit of the payments. If
<br /> °- mder paragt�h 2i the Ptop�rty is accjuired by.Lender Bori�awer's rigU[.to a�l insuranee pc�licies and ptoceeds resuiting
<br /> from d�n�ga to We Qrope�tg ptu�r to.the soqui�itioe shall pass w txnder ta tbe eatenE oE the sums secur�by thls Secutiry
<br /> _ - . _ . 1ns�wntnt immediatc!}r prior to the xquisirion. :
<br /> - f► Ooerps�cR PrrurvstFan. Matstess�ce and ProtMtoa ot tlie Property. Borro�ver's Lo�n Appikatioa;
<br /> = l,nseMotdg.Borrower shal!occupy,esta6lisb,and icse[he Ptoper[y�.s B�rawer's principal residence witttirt sixty days after
<br /> � 1he taecutlon of�dis Securiry lasuument atd shalt rorrtmue w acupy.the Fmperty ag Ba�rawer's pritleipal�sidence for at
<br />--_ Ieau aie yeu after the daze of occupvK.y. unless l.ender otfxrwise agrees in writing, wh�ch consent shall nat be
<br /> - urueawa�My wiWield.cx untess extonw�ting cinumstances eaist wfiich are 6eyand Bortower's controi. Bortowet shall not
<br /> destmy.dart�ge a impair tht Roperty.albw the Ptopeity to deteriorate.or rnmu�it waste on the Pruperty. Borrower siu�lt
<br />--- be iq defaWt if any farfeiture action or p[ocoeding.whether civit or criminal�is 6egun that in I.endet's good faidt judgn�ent
<br /> --- — �duid cesult in forfeitane of tlie Propecty or otheradse materially impair tM lierc cneated by this Security Insuument or
<br />-:'•' f:eirder's'security interest. Borrowe�may cute such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 1 S.by pusmg the action --
<br />-;-�;.:r � os proceed'mg tb be dismissed with a ruling thn,in l.�enderss goad faittz determinatina.precludcs forfsiture of the 8orrower S -�-�°--
<br />-�'t'°f interest in the Property or other materixl�mpaimient of the lieo created by this Security Insuument or l.ender's securi
<br /> _�.s�• � �-�-.�-
<br /> intenest. Bortower sha11 also be in default if BuaausQt, durin� the toan application process. guve mAterially fal.se or - ___
<br /> ������� inxcurate inPom�ation or statements to Leader(or fsu'Ie�t�.provide Lender with aay m�terial infomtadan)in conu�ctian with -- -
<br /> .>:,<;�. --
<br /> °''�'�• the tuan evidenced by the Note. inctuding. 6ut nai ti+rued.to. representations concemi�g Barrower's occugar� of the _
<br />;�i::�i�x - --
<br /> ,�-;�;; Ptoperiy a�;a�ipal residence. If this Seeurity lnst�ument is oa�'.�sehold.Barrowershall compiy with sill t�-,pa�visions ;, __-.
<br />':"'.`�.� of the kase.�1"f E3orrower acquires fee ti�1e t�the Praperty.ihe tca�ela;i�£and the fee tide shul l nat c�e unle�.s l.endcr a
<br />:��z; . , . , �:�:
<br /> ,:Ft,,;�, to the mcrgeiin�vriting. • ., _--__-
<br />� ?�'�:. 7. Pt+�tecNon ot l.ender's Ri�hts in the Property. if Borrower faiLw to perForm the�ro�enan�s and agreements_.'.. ---- --
<br />• , contained m:ttiis Security instrumen�or there is a le�al.praeeding that may signifcnntty affect Lendefs rights ia the ..� :`
<br /> `. �$�perty 4s�cti as a pcoceeding in bnnkruptcy.probate,f�xcondemnatian or forfeiture or ta enforce laws ar regutationsl.thert ..:... ..� �=��°=--=
<br />:`:.li;� Lender rrea,g drs and pay for whatever is necersary to pratect the vatue of the Properry an.�Lcnder's righu in the Property.: , �-�-`'='.
<br /> 'S';,,;,� �' Lender's aericc�s ma include in an sums secured b•a i;,en�it:�:tE hac riorit aver thiti Securit lnstrument.u rin ~� -'� �
<br /> Y P�Y S Y• } , P 9 Y PP� 8 • ,. •�< •
<br /> �:�:'`'• � ` in courk piy��reasonable attomeys fees and entering o�t1-.e t?*c�csy ta make repain.Althau�h Lender may take actian �'��`-
<br /> �,� , �:�.�. .
<br /> , � ,; crnder this paragruph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. � .• • • -
<br /> �• ' : Any amounts dishuned by Lender under this para��r'�s 7 si�ail become additianul debt of Barrower xecac�by this
<br /> .),�•;�" .S�srity lnsttument. Unless 8arrawet and Lender asree to ether terirs of paymenG these amounts shnll bear inter�t�rom 1r.e _
<br /> ;?::�';,l'. , data of rl�s6u�s.rnent at the Nate mte and shal) bc payable.with "Lrtrxr.�:�.upon notice irom l.xndet to Borcower tequestin� _ _
<br /> - • payment_' . , .: �� : '. : :.���:
<br /> S. '.1{9c�e 1na�r�ce. if t.c,���rrquired martgage invurance as a canditian of mukins�the lonn secuc�ed by this ~ ,:=_,�.,p
<br /> ��. Security Iasr.v�en� Sdcr�?�ti�;shall pay the premiu^ts.,xe.�{uucd to maintain tha mertguge insumnce in effecl. If for any �,f;""� ';;_-_=
<br /> r.+z�rson.tha mortgage i-�.�!�ce caverage reyuired Ts���.ender laptiec ar cea.ties trn t�in effect. Borrawcr shsd! poy the �'�'`
<br /> �:,��'`..�.:-;=_
<br /> �recniums rrrLuired ta obtain coverAge �uhstantiatly,�valent ta thc mortg:�gc ir�,uranre previaa�ly in effect. at u cost . ; ,�,,, .,
<br />- `" 's:,bs[antialty�uivatem to the cust to Barrawer oi th�:-cartgagc in�uranrr previnusly in rffect,from an Altemate mareguge ` �•`� � �,.�.�_ :
<br /> � insurer apFc�f•ed by Lender, lf tiubsr.►ntially equivalern martgage in�urance coverage i�nat availu6lo.Bormwer shull pay ta � ,�'� `{ �.•:
<br /> Y� ` Lendec ea�4i htomh a sum equ�l to anc-twclGh of ihc z:arty martg�gc inmurance premium being paid hy 8orrower whcn the ,�'�`f ��r
<br />: � �. ia.s�arance covernge tapsed ur reased tv be in effect. Laid�r w�ll aceept.use anJ re�ain the.�e puyments as�loss retiecve in ti�:u� : � s���,4;`:.����;x''_
<br /> '�u 4.i*.
<br /> Q�trpr��,�e insurance. L.or�resen�e payments may>ru.ronger bc rcyuircd.:►t the vptian oP l.cndcr,if'»mortgat��r,�uur::r�:ue�., , �jJ.y.j�t,"'•`+;::.
<br /> ca�etag'e�tir�r�'�e umount urtd far ihe perind that'Le:u;i��:Nuires)piuvidcd by;�n in,urer approved by l.ender aga.�n.tsr•cara� . �' St�,����'4,
<br /> �,`: '�� availa�ic.aai is obtuined.8arrawcr sha11 -�:''.*e r�^iiim�.r rc uired tv maintain marn�n�c intiumrtce in ePfect,ar to IO�"i4�i"$ 1��?j�:���'_� ,•
<br /> ;,:t:::; I P '.• 4 � b P . [�.f!�s.�s,.
<br /> ,,�,;;.� �,, -� iass rese�c^�e..i�ritil the reyuirement fi+r ni.urn�.�;in.r•urance ends in acc��rdance with.�rty a�ritten agn�mcnt between Bormu•er y1(1,��t��'�'/, ,T.."4;:
<br /> �:. L . .. " . !'"'�'�'T
<br /> . •�.�,..` and Lendc'rar applieable lu�v. " , .,,,,�r• •
<br /> ,�y;-;�,:;.• .� . 9. Inspectbn. l.cndcr or itr:�gcnt may ma1:c<<azonablc cntrics upon and in,�c;c�iun.�+f�hc Prnpcny. L.c�dcr�hall ���""
<br /> ' '` ,icr•;:.
<br /> - `,{ .'�+,� � give Borrau�er natice At the timc ai or prior[a.n iR�na�i�n�pccifying rca+unabtc rau�c fnr the inspectiun. , �` ' '
<br /> ����' - ' `�• !0. f.ai�emnatiun. Thc rMecd�af any av�2�r�!or rlaim for d►tnu�c�.dircct nr con�e ucntit+l.in cunnc�tiun with an � •
<br /> .:?A. P b N Y �'. ,
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