�'- �- - - . � =-
<br /> � ` � ; . . .s �s. • _ .
<br /> �; - . �. `-� y ( ` ` - ` .. - c�.,-:{:t. .-..�.. __ _. . ' _.._ ; ..
<br /> �:��:��.;� �� _ . , . . -�1�#;a748� _
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<br /> _ . � . .. . _ . . _
<br /> - � '�ocEn�sR wm�,u�be i�p���,�►ar be�f�r eseneo o�t�e p�pa�Y.�na,u e�menl.s.�. .
<br /> -- ad fi�cpaes now.or betallpr a piet at tde pra�eety. Ali�i�oements md�dditians ahW dso 6e'caverod by tws Sacurity
<br /> 1�naM. All of tbe fane�is r�faied ia m this Sacurtry lnsatanaot rs dre`ProQaty." .
<br /> HORROWI�R C�1lENAM'S ttwt Horr�ower is iswlhllg seised at Iht estate herebY rnmtyed and h�s the right w ar�nt,
<br /> � and carve�r Mt�tapeBy and ylut the Ptoperty is unencum6ened.eacepc fa encumb�nces ai mae�. Bmmwa warrants aod �
<br /> wilt ddead�eaerali�r�he titiQ a Wie Ytopeny+�aimt�t�cWmsanddenra�ds.subject[o any encumbrmces of�ecoN .
<br /> THFS SEC[Jlt�t'Y`INS7AU14�NT oomQines w�itam corea�nts fa�nuiana! usG and ron-uniform covenaats with
<br /> t3a�ited��sa�tiorts E��toea�muiuttea w�itar�naetiyuiry insuumeet.caYais��re�l pnpert�r
<br /> UN�OR11�t�OVF.NANTS. Borrotirer�nd LrnOes wvannt and agnee a�foltows:, . .
<br /> t. 11t��e�t�E tsi�ctN!aM Iilae�t:1'r�MX�at aM LNe CYw� Bamuwa shaA prom'pt1Y P�Y wfim due IIEc
<br /> pincipd ot and irMeeesi c�n the debt evida�ced by the Nae aod�nY[�Y�t and late charges due wder thc Nate.
<br /> 2. t1Mi 1�r Zliooes�i�a�e� Subject to aPP�icable law or to a writleh waiver by lretide�BoROwcr slnll pay to
<br /> Lender a�Ihe dsy rtwiM6TY PaYmetw-g ue due ueAer the Nate.urrcit the NaRe is paid en fuU.a aum 1'�u►ds)for.la)yeuiy
<br /> — t�xes�nd uaest�ments�ri�ich maY�P��Y aver this Sec�ity Insttmttent u a lien onthe PmperEy:!b)yeuty kaseLotd
<br /> P�Y�a E���ts on the Property.if any:(c)yeady liax�rd nr ProP�Y insw�nce P�emiums�(d1 Yar[y fIaad
<br /> i�perrdwns.if any�.k)Y�Y�8�8�n�wrance p�emiwns,if arty:and I�aay sums payabk by Barower to
<br /> i,mder.In acoa�d�ce witb tJ�e p�uvi.tians of piragapb g.in Geu�ai the payment a�matgage insu�u�ce prcmiums. These
<br /> iians a�pakd"gsciow Items." l.ender may.at ony time.coltest�d hold Fiu�ds m an amoune not tn eaceed tht maximum
<br /> amount a kndrr foc a fedaaUy c�elated martga8e lout may raquice for Barowpr's escmvr accaunt uMa tfu federat Real
<br /> 8state Settkment Ptncsdums Act of 1974 as unet�ded f:om time to time.i2 EJ.S.C.�2601 rt seq.("RFSPA").untess•anothes
<br /> l�q,tbat applies w the CytjWs sets a ksser unaan� If so.Lend�er may.at my time.cMtect and hold Funds in an amount uot to
<br /> � exceed the ksser amourk. Lender may esBmata the a�nowt of F'vnds due on t1�e Uasis of cvrrinl dala and reasanabte _
<br /> e�esof expen�tut�es otfiuur�Escmw Items ara�herwise in xcor�nca wid�aPP�icable�aw. �
<br /> 'tbe Fw�s shW be heM in an instituaan whose deposits are insa�ed by�a federat agency.instivmait�lity.or etaity
<br /> (includ�g I.e�Wer,if I,ender is such an insutution)or in aay Fedeal Harre La�t Bank. Lender si�al!apply the Funds to PaY
<br /> the E.sc�mv Ite�as. Lender mzy not chuge Bor�ower fur lalding and appllring t6e Funds.�uwalh�`�Y�B the�w
<br /> accaunt,ar verifying t6e EscROw items.w�ks+Lender pays Bamwer interest on the Fvads aad applicabte taw pe�mits
<br />;�'_� � l.ender to m�lce sach a cbarge. However.I.endsr may reqwne Bo�rower ta p�.�or�time chuge fni an irMependent teal --
<br /> _ estate t�ut s�epo[tin8 service oscd bg 4ender In connectian with this loan,unless,s�'�e Iav�provitk�otherwis� Unfess an ------
<br /> 'u:� agreert�ent is rqade or applicabie tav�ieqoires iMe�tst to be pald.L.ender shal!rn�,�;�^r:�{o pay Aom4wer any interest or �_.-._
<br />-. amings on the Funds.:Bomnwer and l.ender may.agree in writing.however.:c���i"..�:'�s:zall6e paid an the Funds. l.ender �.-`=--
<br /> - shall give w Sorm��;�ithqut charge.an annual accamdng of the bLnds.51'e�'��g crediis and debiu to the�nds and the �?•�-�=-=
<br /> .�'t parpose foc whkh�+�ebii ro tt�e Funds was made. The fi�nds are ptedge+d'c as add�IIonal secvriry for all sums secured by ��_-
<br /> this Securtty Insmmct�, . �� ` , �:,-
<br />- If the Punds hefd•by Ler;�r�xcad the amounts permiued to be fleld by applicible law,Lender shall accaunt to
<br /> Borcaw er£or the eacess Funds i�a�dance with the requirements of applipble Iaw. If the amaunt of the Funds hetd by
<br /> :�t;�` Lender��;a any time is not su�ci�ro pay We�scrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrawer in writing,and.in ��_�_.
<br /> -, . - � suc6 case Barower.`swatl pay to I.ender the:�:�t necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrawer shall make up the =___--_
<br /> -. :" deficiency in no�:ban twclve monthty pa;�nr'��'s.at l.ender's sote di.scretion. �4=r=e+��`
<br /> ��»_
<br /> Upon paymeiit�s full of a11 s�ms secure�i�Sy this Security Instrument,Len�ier shaDl pmmptty refurxt to Bortower any _t�,,,_,_�._.
<br /> Funds detd by l.end,.°�: If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquice or sell the Arope�ty,Lender.pnor to the acquisitian or '•' """s�-.
<br /> ��;` saic of tho Praperty...s'�all apply any Funds held by Lcndcr at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit again�t the sums �.E-;. i�,:",,�
<br /> , secured by tl�is Sec���3nstrurnen� . �,'
<br /> � 3. ApplicAt�m r�Payments. Unless applicabfe law providec ot1::=+aw�a�I���:nu reaeived by l.ender under -
<br /> _ puxg�aphs 1 and 2 sf�:l ba applied:iirst,to any prepayment chargez due W�th�ti�•t second,to amounts payablc under ,_ � _. _'
<br /> - - paragraph Z:third.ta interest ds.��a�sth.to rinci al duc:an��to any fate�charges�a�a��dcr the Kote. ��x'�=
<br /> . , . P P �, r.,�r;�:ki�itf'-
<br /> c� •q�. Ch�l�es; l,,iens. Be�s�»�:5!�all pay all taxes,•�s��ments,charges, fines a�;��mpositioas a,uribuiabla to the � -���;,;.;,:-;
<br /> . '�� • Ropect.y!which may attain prior."cg�er�rhis 5ec;uity Instrumerst.an d lease ho�d paymenu ar grou n d rec�..�€any..,��wer .';.���. _
<br /> . . shAU pay these obii.�:ons in tlte masiner pror�i�,tz��paragraph 2.or is not Srri:d in that manner.Borrc���si'�,a'.S gG�'�on �.r,`+_r��.�i��_`
<br /> � ''` time directl y to the�SOn oweA pa y ment. gac:�w�shatl prom ptty fumish t�3_er.der all noGces of asm�vnta:�be;r.f•c:r.�er, , . r'r���}:��,-
<br /> � '' this i€�ccrower makes tt�e�e ��r.s directl .Borrawer sha'.�,� ��Y t3�fcrnish to Lender recei evz�.�,v E";�:�''!:�4 «
<br /> :; pataB�raPh• . P�5 . , Y P� -� . ..,�.,"�'s;;tt�.'
<br />_ . - ' ; the pa}imenta. � , . r��"-�;"-.`
<br />. �•: Bo�rawer shall promptly dischargc any licn which has pdority over this Secur".n-II�r..�ent unless Barrower:(a)a�rc�s . "'�"�,��;
<br /> in wriHnB to tho payment of the abligation secured by thc lier�in�manner acce�.zT�le s7����ier,(b)wntests in good faith the � .. " '`�= =''
<br /> ° lien by.or deiend��Zinst enforcement oi the lien in,legal praceedings whicLfi�n th��.en��t�apinion operate to prevem the . ��"��=�
<br /> .:�:�ti:9,�-�,�.
<br /> � v .;� enforcement of t£ie f.ic�:�or(c)secuces fmm tt►e holder of thc lien an agrceaaer-^r�'.7S'F��:ory to lxnder subordinating the lien ' ......� �..;,�
<br /> �� -�� � to this Suudty iR�-ment. /f Lender detenr"w��s lhat any part af�hc Ptap�c5 is��;�c`.to a lien which may attaln prlarity i�_� '�" �.
<br /> '�`' over this Secudty lnstrumen�Lender may g'rr i;��rtowcr a notice identifyi��:�3r�ii»� L���r'c'nwcr shall satisfy tht lien or take ;�-r,.,...,;t,�
<br /> 1. one vrmarc of the xtions set fath a�ave w•ifl"tin 10 dayv oP tT�giving ot nau�e: .: `� � :�.�'i�,;�� .
<br /> 5. � Hazud ar Prapn'ty I�rtr�nca fl��t�bwer shull kecp Ihe imprc�c^crts rg-a,�isting or hetcafter erected on ttt� � �����+'•-�•�
<br /> .� � Yroperry insured against loss by iire.hazardc ir�i4ded within thc tcrtn"e��tr'��:�;rover�gc"and any other hazards.including � , ,
<br /> �'°�'�• ' ftoads or flooding.for which Lender reyuires insurance. This insuianc��^�::i be maintained in tho amaun�c and for tho . �.
<br /> . �
<br /> � . ,a �..� Fofti131Ie !!7� (j�ute:aJhprtgesl ` , ,
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