� ��S "" �n�"� - �- .l - `. ' �-' � t'- � . ._ .
<br /> • �5.� :,s. - .. .�1,� � c - --^—t
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<br /> 3*�_" � ..�E� ` '_ _— 5... �_r-_�-. _ '-� . �s3 ,.•—v,�� -S' ,..a _ —
<br /> ��._ '_.�� ���i'�lo� "'. , — —_ — �. � .. --! _ , ,�-�.� ` .O, c�- . � �� �.��
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<br />..���. " � _ - �� e � ; - ��, • ...�" . it' '�� . -����ti�r ♦�.R � �'L:-s
<br /> ' ..�• .: „_ .. „ a
<br /> - --- , � � ���sQr��ld�gpFt�nypastaft��ersy,�ltarc�s�?f��euoi�o�ea�cm�ar�.�ane�Y���.s: :
<br /> �sf�tt1�e.ga?d ta7 ea�: . � ° - : �., � �"•z
<br /> ,�` J ; ; . . , � Y.��; _ebatL.l�e_�t►eti?lf.sa�a_+__tim�_ ss�nitrrill'sv3�,.
<br /> —� -� . �---Ins ��m��n,1,�w�tltbr�r'not I�ai due;�+vitl��aieY exass ' tm lQort�w4r. tn t�pe�ve�t,oi�pe�d�ITt�Scing a�d���kv,�,sr�L�.�= �
<br /> '
<br /> � Kfiich ttic fais mu3cs�va�ue o€the Pt�geety.immcdtatety hsfo�t the[aidng is ei�l'ca�sr g�a c�tho ar�auarc� s�.� �,
<br /> .�bY���I�Jt�t�nt immediaD�Iy�tf�+e tt�e laki�8,wtless$o�+Gwer attQ�c oth�ise e�r�e€a•�ntun�. .' '`.,.-
<br /> - -- �e s�ns s�d�y.ttais�a�i�y Insw�eas'sDati bQ redtis�d bg d�e.amoant of.taa�ao��er�s mpllipliod b the•fatlot��-"::����: � :
<br /> t
<br /> — — • fractiQn: te)ths top�c�m�af the s�nas s�c�u�Q im�diafe�+�f�a t�mlc�i,�;di�t�d h�.@}�f�'�r t��tua oY 4��:-�=, .,�.'.
<br />-- — � �i�e�y�ly tsefon sf:o�$.' My�al�dc�sh�ll tx paid ta Borrower. in tha eveut.oY a g� of dQe° _ ,: ;:�';
<br /> - p�a p e t t y in wbIsn tba t�1t i�a t k�t valae o�'r the YruP�nY unniediai�tY�eforc tTae.tak�is tess dtan tha etutotttl;�3�s`-§�ts�, �'i,'. ..':
<br /> ,� '
<br /> - .:__._. __s�-�Y-�n�'�+�inr�.,ses�l�ss�nnnwet au�_18adet Qt1►atvviso as� ,ir�cvrit�tg or;ual�`s,epp�tC�ttte I�v�r._,:� � _.
<br /> - ----- ---- othem+ise pmvides:the:grooeeds sl�alt be applfred m the swns s�by tltis.�ecurity I�astc�at wlteiFieg�o�c�ot t�e a`ums aie-
<br /> - o t�e�tdue. . �. ' .:_ . , �.' _ . -
<br /> __ _ -- If the pcoperty is abandoried by Boa+ower.or iP,atter�notic�bY Lea�derto Bcumwer that the conderna�r offtca to m�ke� .
<br />--- _ ' aa�ssraod ar seuts a ctaam for dama8es,Botrower feils w r�potid ta Lender arithin 30 days after tke ctate�t�e natise is g,ive�.
<br />-- )�rsder is suthoriaed ta collect sac#eppty the proceeds,at its opt�orY,.ei�ter ta zesca�ation ar r�us of tt�Pc!ope�tY or to the� .
<br /> — - sur�sacanea by tl�s Securitp.lnsdumeat,�wheiher or tiai tLen due. �
<br />-= Un2ess�atder attd��tct�wer mhenvise agtee in writing,auY�FPlicAtion o€pc�eeds m princ�pal sht�lt aai eatrua or
<br />- . postpa�ee the dts�date af dcem.flrtthty paytnents refe�d i4 in pat��apha 1 au�d?!or c�nge the amoun�af such gaymeata :._
<br /> ,,, � ::�,.1k�.p�s�i�iM Rd�sed; 1[dorbeass�nee Bg Ltader.NM g Wnivtr. ,Exteasion of�tL� time far Qayment.o�
<br /> -. of a�notti�?sf.l�ts sums sec�red Dy this Sec�uity Insuwncat gc�ted by Ltader to any sucoessor in inLCt�,qt. .
<br /> =` ��shali aot.�ta telease Me lisbility of ti�e original Bormwer or Borrower�s su�cessors in interest.l.�ndes .
<br /> shaU aot be-ieqai�d to coQU�ence ps�nceedings against any successor ia interese or refuse to exter�tfine f�gaymcnt ox . .
<br /> _ .othetwise mal�amortimtion of tRe swns sacu�l Dy tiils Secwi+ty Insaument by ceasoit of any demsmd made by the original'
<br /> - � Bmrower or�arttovves's suaessots iu interes� Any facbearance 6y l�nder in exe�sising aay dgbd ar t�anedy shall,aot t�e a
<br /> _ � waiver of or pi�detheexe�cise of aay r8ght orcemedy. '' -
<br /> _- . _:,ly Sac�*e axtA A�s Boa�nd;do�ne ana se�eraf�out�y,Co�stgners. 'the oovenants aad a�reeme�ss.��this �
<br /> - ��e�vrity IatKrument shali bind and 6enefit the successots aad essigns of 1.eu�er aad Bmrower;subject ifrwa�.,�,''� u��--.--.-.--; .-
<br /> P�Ph 17.Borrower� wvenants'and ag�eements shall be joint and seve�al. Any Bosrower w�u casigns th3r�;�CUriry
<br /> Ias�meat bat does nQt execute the Note: (a>is casigaing this Security►1nsAUrt►ent onty w mortgage,graut and eonvey tt�t . ,
<br /> 8mrawer�inteieat in the Ftnperty under the tem�s of this Security Iastnunent: (b�is not personally o6�i�w pay the sams. =
<br /> secured by this Secarity Irastrumenx and(c)ag�ees that Lender end any other Bonnwer may agre�to euend.modiFY,fol6ea�
<br /> ' or�ce any aaommodatIons with�gazd to the tenas of this�Security Inswment or the Note�without thai Horrower� .
<br /> ��` . ,• _ �;: , consenL
<br />';-. ' " ° :'�.r . !3 1,o8�Ci�a�es-_t�tthe toan secured by this Securicy L�stswueni is subject to a taw wlu�h sets maximum toan . .•.,.
<br /> '`• �,. '':�'� "�-°;., charges.and si�otf�u��is fi�satE�r interPieted so that the inteeest or other t�charges collected or to De v?ltectec!in ooru�ec6on ' .�-_.
<br /> ._, ��: �, .,< i�s
<br /> :<�:; . �p '' �vith the Ioan eamaect.thi��im:sted limits.then: (a)any such toan ctraige�11 be neduced by the a�t neoessary to�uce �`;'• :;;
<br /> -„ :r y�.-�<:�i:,` -� the chazge to the pemuued�and(b)any sums a t�r a d y co llect e d fr o�Hormwer w t u c h e x ce e d e i�q�e r mi tt e d limits w1U be �°
<br /> �F �:; '��•' F'�": n€�mded to Borrower. Lender may choose ta make tfus re�l by�educing the principal owed undet the Note oxby�atcing•a ` .-�
<br /> _ ae,
<br /> ,.�y a'f'?�'
<br /> ik_;v
<br />- � �- • - �•: d i�.e t p a y m e n t t o H o m o w e r. I f a c e f u n d r e d u e e s p r l u c i g�I..cHe reduetion wlll be treaced as a p a r t lal p e�pa y�u eat.cv�aay�.
<br />� '�'� �4r:�'' � p ent c e wtder the Note. ` �"•
<br /> � ';�`�s;�•, �PaYR► �
<br /> �' •`�'����? 14. Hottcea. My nouce to Bosrower pmvided for in lhis Security insuument s1ia11 be give�:�sy delivernig it or by
<br />- •�.;�,:.:�• .;�,...
<br /> .;C.rt��lr�ritr^Y�.,'f .
<br /> :,� .�.•;;�,�.::;;'.,-� ma�ing it by f�t class mail unless applicab[a law requitrs use of anather methad.7ne notice shaU be directed to the Fmperty
<br /> ��.� ;..•��,�� ._ ,`. Addre�or any other addrPSS Borrower designates by notice to I.ender. My nouce to Lertder shaU be given by fi�t class
<br /> 1 �°�` ''��� ' mail to Lender�s address statcd herein or siny other.addiess l.ender designates by noUCe to Bomuwer. Any nottce pro.vided for
<br /> . ... .... ... .. n
<br />_ � . ' in tAis Security Inswment shal! �a deemed m have 6een given to Bomawer or Lender when given ac provi�d in t4is
<br /> h
<br /> `��` � � �� p� Goveraia�g Law;Severability. 71iis Securiry Instrument st�att be govemed by federal law and tF�4aw of the
<br /> �:'F! ' • � '`'.•:°;�, jurisdicdon in which the Property is located In the event that any provision or ctause oi this Security insatuct�cnr the Note
<br /> ��� ;�•.:t' ,.,;� conflicts with applicabia law,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrumem or the N�which cau
<br /> ' + � ' � ,�� '� be given effect without the oanflicting pmvision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and�Note are
<br /> _���, :.�^.,'`'���>t��� �.;�,,�.�.; declatedtobeseveiabta.
<br /> ,;:: ,:;�....�.•e?�,�:5. : ..:,.;'Q•,
<br /> :„ . .,��tt. I� Borro�ves's Copy. Borrower shal[tse giverr oee conformed copy of the Note and of this Secur+ty Instiument.
<br />-��' , -' • - '"�:�G=;�,, 17. 'Ransfer of the Piroperty or a Bear�'csBai iuleresl tn Hormwea If ail or any part uf d�a PivPerty vr any iaterest in
<br />��,� : ; .�;,.;
<br />-.•_}; ` • •:�..,w it is sold or ttansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfemed and Borrower is not a nntural person)
<br /> �.:>.`
<br /> • ' .,,,,. •.• •. without Lender�prior written consem,Lender may.at its option,require immediate payment in ful!of a11 sums sect�red by _
<br /> =�".� ��:;�r' •�:' �� ,� this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be execrised by Lender if eaetcise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> ti-�° �%�`' •• the date af this Secuaty Instrument.
<br /> �.,c: ,.
<br /> ` '3?�: • �. [f Lender exercises this aption.Lender shaU give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provtde a pedod of =
<br />-:f�,M; . � � �.::h • _-
<br /> ,;, , �_,� not less thaa 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maited withire which Borrower muct pay alI sums secured by this �
<br /> !',s��; ° . . `` :�!'`•t Security lnshaa�ESe� If Bortower fails to pay these sums prior to the eapiratton of this period.Lender may invoke any -
<br /> �,4: - ,� ;.. ` . '_'`;` remedies permiaed by this Security lnstrument w�thout furttternotice ordemand on Boirower. ;.
<br /> ��:;�. �� • � � "; ' 18. Borrower's RigAt to Relnstate. If Borrawer meets certain conditions,Borrower shatl have the right to have
<br /> � � ,i• :- � • . `�� enfotcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at ary time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other p:riod as f
<br /> ^:::' c;..;4
<br />-:1.;,. icV� `���`�,�, SingleF.unily-•FanaietAae'FreddIrHac�ti1F08'�11N5TRL'S1F:11T--UniformCovenar,ca 9,.0 �puca4ojApogeal
<br /> _ ;;•: . • � .'
<br />. - �.f . � � ��
<br />= a� ' . --r-.r._.........�_._,..--...,_....., . . - ,y.y�i::i;a.:i. ,_�."'t.1.—,�,� .
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