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. t.i._,,'-u�., t - T;•+�• �� _ � •��o. <br /> y�. � . , <br /> #� — <br /> . <br /> - - � <br /> . , .. - .�_� <br /> _ . <br /> . � <br /> --��- �F�--- .; . . z, .�. .�, o _ - <br /> t���__-_:' - .. .:�+.�r�-,-:._,� -�`- ----- - -- - -- -- --- <br /> • "' + � .,,. l <br /> ; <br /> . <br /> ��`� . . � - — - <br /> � •i • <br />-.� �r_— _� --.�. ` ` ., ; , . , ' , - `-_-`_ t' - . r -.. <br /> — — ` � � ( ` � . , '' `' ,.` . ��� � .'�� . <br />- �Y ;�dads tAnt�.estder requtces.:'lrie i�tuua�cc��tier pmvididg ths�ris�in�e stisl�sb�.acf�smu b��.f e�t tQ t�eud�:� . - _-_ <br /> --- . • rovsl whtcb shs11 not 6a�w�aspnabty w�ithheld. if 8on�owcr.f�4Is t�aa�nSBJx[�o�ac��sat��aQo�.I:ende�ota� <br /> - _�_`_�_--��.'���aL�c�:�sr,tge to pn+ol�ct�:r�i rlght�in th� i� "�d����.. —.__Y------- - _— <br />_ e th <br /> _ _�: �' . Ai!iastuanso p�llcies.ut�d aenewals steali�ucceptoble to I��anr�s1�:i�ctu�.a scau�d.ud�n�Socicwsc. i ender _. <br /> _ ;'' ehat�tinve tha rtght co Aold tt�s palicIes an�renewais.:It i:eader n�qttttes:Hu�q���t�11 p�t�pxty�give c�Let�er all reee�tia. - <br /> ��� 'of paid�Cniums aad�e�aawN natiaca. in ehe dvent ot toss�$aqc4wec e�(g�v��na�t nciece tQ.t�4 insuranca eauixr and� <br /> - — --+ '� Lender. I�endermay a�e proof oYtoss if not rteade pmmptly by$oirnw��,. •� <br />_ _ ° � UnIess L¢nder.�d Bo�msver offienvise agre�En�ds:shatX.h�applled N.�estaraHan or regaii of . <br />=— �e Ptapeaty Gamaged,if tne s�astoratton or�egair ia e�:onomical�}f�iD�st�aad,Lcnd�ec��security�is.not�ess�ne0. If ttce <br />= zesto�ioa orrcpair is nat ecoaomicaliy feasib2e or LeaQer�securhy.wat�2d,b�.leaseneQ�tte�.iastuance pmeeeds shall be � <br />�- ,-= :. <br />- �--- - . <br /> _ _ .-�'--- --ap�iiet�t�ifla swus s�-by�tis��trity tnsitumen�wie����the�:ttc�:widt'�F•excrss-gaid to-$at�awer�-Il-- - - _. __. ._ ._ <br /> -_ Bomower abandons the Progerty.or does nut austyer wiihiq 3Q,d8.ys a.AOioo��fi�q[t�1.�Ade1���rsmrA�r� __ <br />- ±^� � - - offef+ed fo s�itta a etai�n.Wen Leader map coltec�tQe Inseuance prac�ds�,.Lersde�maX vss�e pmmxds ta repair or resto:e - - <br /> _-- �-'��:�• ;` the Pta�perty os w pay suins securEd by this Secwityt 1nst:umetu.whetttet arnot the[�dtt��The 30�ay peiiod will begin aflett <br /> tae notie�is given. : <br />- . Ualess I.�nder aad Borrower othetwise agree ia wrIti�ng,any ap �u4at�:of�pzoveeds ta.princJpa�l sha11 not e�ead or — <br /> E+ <br />- .x •postpone the due date of the monih3Y payments iefened to in paca�t�p�:J ar�d.2 or change the amuaat of the payments. If <br /> under Raragrsph 21 the Pmperty is acquiied by Lender,.Bonawes�s'rigt�;W:any.•insurdace poiic@es and psaceeds resuIting <br /> _ _ fmm damagc co dte ProFE�Y Pnor w the acquis�sion shall pass to I.encl�k W.the�exteni of the suazs secured bg d�is Sectvity <br /> _ . ;,'_�:;' _ InstrumeaLimmediately pxio:w 8►e acquis�'iioa. <br /> • "`"� 6. Qccv�ant�.Preseeva$on, Matnte�sne2 and P�+utec�foa��f,�the�Pt�,.BosoQeer's I.oan Applicatiau; <br /> ' = ` ccv u• <br /> ��:` �:::__�=:.• � .i.�nid� Bomnwe�shall occupy.establish.attd use the Ptoperty as 8amntver�pziiuipel xesidence�vithin sixty days aRer <br />_ '-•�`•�.:��� :::,:r�. , the execution of this Sec9uity Instrumeat and shall condaue to accup�tt�:3'top�rty as Smrower�s prin�ci�at residenoe for at =-- _ - <br /> - {�+a�^��•. teast one year$fter the date of aocupancy, un2ess Lender oih�nvis���es_in,writi�: whish c:onsent shall�aot bo =--- - <br /> '� ' umeasonabIy withtceld,os unless extenuating circumstances exist.whic�.are beyond Ha�rmw+es§rnntrnL Bm�ower shaft not �'�M.�� <br /> � ���.:_ .� <br /> f r= =�• =��:: destroy.damage or imp3ir the Roper�y,altow the Ptoperty to dMeriasat�or commit waste ou tht Fcopeny. Botrower shall --_- <br /> �'�..:.,�'` �-: ' . be in defaWt if�nny foifeitvle action or prooeeding.whether civii or cciminai,is begua thai irs Les�der's gaud faitD;sd�tent- _- -_-- --- <br /> * . •s�,:�,-_. .. �«� � -- <br />- ��'�`- ' -- - cautd result in forfeitnre of the Aco or oiheiw3se materiail tttt°liex�.ctrute.d.b thus Settui Instrument or - - <br />_ �,,,.,:,.. , � PcrtY Y imrpair: t Y ty <br /> � :� - • - Lxnder�s security interest. Boirower may cure such a defa�ils and reinst�es proi ide�!in pamgra�h 18,by causing the actiort -_- <br />- - or pmoeeding to be disu�issed witD a iuling tdat,in Lender§good fsuW detenni�tion,Pracludes fotfeiture of the Borrowerk <br /> ��,;Y. � �_ intecest in ttte Ptaperty or other materlal impaument of the tiea cieate�.by this S�cwiry Inguument or Lender�secur�ry — <br /> ,�- • intec+est. Bomuwer shalt also be in defaWt if Borrower.duric�th�.fmn applicadoa pcncess. gave materiapy fatse o� <br /> •• , inacacurate infonnation or statements to Lender(or failed ta pravid�E.ettdet with any.aiaterial infonnation)in oonnectiaa uvith -- <br /> ina cura <br /> : . the loaa evidenced by the Note, inclttding,6ut not lunited to,nepmsentations concerning Boanwer's oocupancy.of tha w�;��,��,::�.�^— <br /> ' Ptoperty as a priacipal:esidence. If Wis Secuiity Inswmene is on a leiuehoi�Borro�ver shall compty witR sU ths provisions m:�>>=::;.--- <br />--' , • c. . . of the lease. If Borrower aoquines fee titte tn the Property.ttte te�.ce�old 2�die fee dtle ahall not neerge untess Leaderagrreea . �••r�'� <br />- - -. to the me�r in writing. • "19�`�"�'__--- <br /> wM.��,.�r�._- <br /> °��� �, 7. i�+ntection oF LendePs Ng6ts in the Property. If.Burro�ver fails ta.p4M'mm the covenants a�d agreetnenta -� -��n�-�� <br /> :' � contained in this Seauity Instcumen�or thece is a Iegal pmceedieg,tb�t,tnay significuntty nffect Lertder's rights in the � � ��= <br /> _ '::�=�,:`.':. =-' �'` Ptogerty(such as a pmoaeding in banicniptcy,probata,for condemnatio�or farfeiture or ta enforce laws or regulutions),then ' s � - <br /> •''.=��°: •` �'• Leader ma do and a for whatever is nece m rotect t3t�vatue�of the Pro � .':-�'��°-�� <br /> - , ;�,;_,;,:., •;"°•.: Y P Y �Y P P�Y and Lendex�s rights in the Ptopetty: .���-- <br /> '`'` � t'����0.%""`s` L e n d e r k a c t i o n s m a i n c t u d e a y i n a n s u m s s e c u r e d b a l i 2 a�v h i.h h a s r c o r i o v c r t h i s S e c u ri t I n s tr u m e n�a ' �=•-'�`� <br /> - -o •,';.�.i�,:��,•{���k��<.'.: Y P F�,� Y Y P� t Y Y P P e B i f!7 8 �,`:,,�,R=,��._ <br /> : : �2:_ ;�"u�;�a;�;� . in court,paying reasanabte attameys fees and entering on the Pcop�rty.ta make repairs.AltRough l.ender may take acurnt `'�`•`•�� <br /> _ . ;:��;;��:<<..: . :�� ���.��:- <br /> ':.:A:::, :,�� � .'-.,z��.�sc,,: under this pamgraph 7.Lender does not have to do sa� ;'�•`:,`:��i i�,..,.��_- <br /> ..::;s ti�'.<i Any amaunts disbursed by l.crtder under this par��aph �shall�become additional debt of Bomnwer sacsuied 6y thia ,�., , _��;.,t�,!;�`r;:����_ <br /> � • s �:�;- Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agre:eo olher tetrag of paymertt,these umounu shall beaz hu.�mst from the ;; � ` • � '�- <br /> � �;;:.°;.�: date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be s�53:,�vitfi irmerest,u a notice from Lender to Bo���:s:e uostin ��°,:;;,���r•'"; <br /> : . ,,�,' F"3 P� � � 1�.-,�� _ <br /> ,� • paytnent. ' ;,:.i:;�;�;�,.�,j' ,-- <br /> ' - _ � 8. Mot�age Iasurane� [f Lender requued mortgage insurance as a condition af maIcing th�ta�s secured by tlris � < ;`�� r��r� .. ;:;; <br /> Securtty Insuument. Borrower shail pay the premiums�equired ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any � ' �''� �'°` ' <br /> �:; ,� . `1'i�(;.. . :. ' ' ' F. <br /> R ,�;�,.;r, � _ reason. the mortgage insurance cover�ge required by Lender lapses or ceases tp be in effect. Horrower shull pAy the �•• ,..•.. • , .:�_ . ,: <br /> ��. .v?•' ���� premiums required to ob�zan wverage substantialty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previoucly in a cost �!- ' ...: > • :�,'� <br /> .�, � : : . <br /> ;,_^��_����: substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongage iavurance previously iR effect,from an altemute moRgpge _ .:�•_..;...::� . . _ <br /> -�-'-�-�='���r1�" insumr a roved b Lender. If substantiall e uivalent mort a insurartce covera e is nol available,Bortower shult a to . �W.���.T '•� <br /> .. �,,..::,`., PP Y Y 9 S � � P F <br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mongag�in:�urance premium being paid by Bnrrower when tha � <br /> _ ' . � �� ���` insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in eifect. Lender wili accept,use und retain these payments ac a loss reserve in lieu � °` • � <br /> ;� ; of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payment4 may no tongcr be reyuired,at the option of Lertder,if mortgage insumno� • • % ' �'• �, � � <br /> ' ' �°'�• coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lea�r requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender aguin bccomes <br /> `• "; � ��'.''_ available and is obtained.Horrower shaFl pay the pre�r+ium9 reqn�a�r!to maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or ta provide a : .. ��•-� �- . <br /> ' -u:',� ' lass reserve.until the requiremeut for tnvngage insurance enCs in accord�ttcc with any written agceeme�t between Borrou�e� . ' � . � <br /> f� .. .,l•�� - and Lender or s►pplicable taw. ' � : � . <br /> ' ' 9. Ittspectlon. Lender or i�s agent may make masonabte encrieb upon and inxpections oi the Property. lxndet shadl � . <br /> ' '�'�;r ;�; �' give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an irrspection speciiying re�sunubte cau�e far the inspection. �:$;: • • <br /> '; ` ��'•`, � 10. Condemaallon. The procecdti of nny awurd or claim for or conseyuential,in connectian with c+ny ��:;:. . ' <br /> �;�. . . ,,;�'., • <br /> :, <br /> �,'., •:i�;, 5ingle F�mily-Fnnnte NarlFYeddie Mac 1;�7iURS1 iKS?RUN��T-•Uni(orm Corenants 9:90 9PaRe+�f6PaA�c� . . - <br /> t�'• '.r•v{�:...,. <br /> �� � rat�1 Bminem Pam�,lt�t.B <br /> °'' ` ;�'��t:3:::,•:, fil�ffaiL��i�0.9fi930YAi616.Nt1191 <br /> �;'. `r,�v ' <br /> R. r�:'., ' ' <br /> ;� tii• <br /> ,?c- �:��' � .�.-- <br /> � ;.i`!:. _}. ...�,... .. _ � . . 'i:��,�t f. t. • - � .., .� � . .. ... . • � . .. .. -' .. . '�l` ,-t�: , , . <br /> .t•� f��' ry`� � • ' - .. , '�� . . . . .. � " �" '"_"__ , ` _ . .< . • <br /> y� 4''•�?;��C _ •�,�� . ' .. . :�`..� ,. ' - � , ` . . � ' ' . . � . � ` <br /> �,, `_,'Sty�:` . � . <br /> ;.;,, . . � . , . <br /> .��,i�.. ` . ` ; , . . .. • � , , � � . <br /> `��, . . • ,. • . , , . . , ' ' :. <br /> ,���" .. ,. . . � , <br /> ,. . _ � , .. � • �. � <br /> ,` � � . . . . , .. � '_ ' <br /> . , c, � � � <br /> y.., . . . . . � . • � . . � - , • . <br /> . , <br /> [ , � . ' . ' . , � - � . . . . .. . . . . . <br /> , ... . . � �, . ,. , <br /> . ..y . �----�----`-_- . . ., . . . . <br /> _ _ �� _.- - - - - - -- <br /> - ,�, . � . • -- - ' _— .. � -_ __ - — _ - _ _ _ -__ _ -- <br /> -� • -- �'- •,�.. _. . .. .. . .._ . . --- —- --� --. .. <br /> t._ " . ,. T -� . _ _ —_- . ---- " - - - . . <br /> .` , . ' a• .. ' �. . . - . . . ' ,- , .�. . _ � - � . <br /> c . , <br /> ..�?. . .� �.;, . . • , - ;, . Ji ' . __. <br /> � , <br /> . . <br /> ,. <br />