�- �.Y'�~`-',.,�- �- ..:F= ;�-, �>"�,iT.�j3.��>� '.-i i ,.. . , , � . _ � r-r _ w.z�`' '�
<br /> ' X` � t r�' ,"' a xs��.s!v k.:�'.�^"ic+3� `�la�.-'•�,�Y o ' a r , e^. _ --___
<br /> ;�, � =c�L•�.._' ' . r� f��- ��4 �,itJ�� —
<br /> ,. `� S �e•�tc.,_��..E. _ `�'ly'�"i�l�t�9. -� I��•�.G�;i.�_�S-. �'�' _ — 4 _'S-- __.. . —_
<br /> _.. .
<br /> ,.Z_'�;..�_.
<br /> , .•
<br />� ,.�.���; ._
<br /> . �_
<br /> ,...
<br /> .'
<br /> � . ,
<br /> ..
<br /> ._ .
<br /> ��Vt�,r_ .L'_.:.s.__+:r�'Y� . .. .. _ � �� _ _L. 'a. . • _�.—__(\ 3 — _..
<br /> _ • ' ^�,� �4 ' n .
<br /> �_ '� � c C� � " " . ' _' '_' __ , ', _ _ ' '_ ' _ � —`` _ . __ _,_ ��. _ G-_
<br /> -..s'�...t,..., v' ' _ "* c c c .i� , ' , 4 . • a����b c '
<br /> •. �'�'.�Ei,��.'.p;Yijk.''�y Q1'O�@BtQC��'32�fD�Otf�UA'�:�8���2��Qg tb8 g[OpCTt}f OI�t�JLSi�!!it `�
<br /> - - -_ '�i�soid or trarisfe�red(�if�Dss�e�Ciai int�.at�it Bomawer is soIti ar qansferred aAd nower fs Qot a nawral�sm)wSt�ou3 � > �._.
<br /> .. Lendei`a prfor.s�+ritoea cunseat,:Le�der.niay,.at ita.opsion:.requi��snmediate payment.in Cul!of a1i sums a�ied Dy di�is' ..
<br /> - ' SECVrity;tIISU�tmea�ffowever.;this o�oa shatl not 6c exerci§ed 6�►Lender if exercise`��`'4�ted b�fedeeaf taa►�r1.s of the daso�`
<br /> ..._. ..._ . . . . . . � �
<br /> � - - � � -
<br /> _ _.. . _ _�_..�.r. --- -. .._,.. _. ..._..__ .. _
<br /> , ��__,_...- - - __ ..
<br /> - --_ '� If P.ender exerclses this optioa,ixn�d�r s6�1!give Bortower nd;ice ef erceletation.�7tifle�tottae sha11 provtde o�etia!a�na1 �
<br /> • �tess thail 30 days from the date the aotice i�delivered or maile3 a+ithin wltisb Barmwei�nst pay al!aums-sccure,d by:thi�
<br /> Sacurlty I�va�snr:If�nma�er fa�s to pey these sums.piior tathe expiradon of Ws�perlad.Y cader mayr invoke any m�dies
<br />= permitteQ 8�y this Searti�y Yu�eat ait�out fii�ther�attoe o�-deuiaad oa Borrower. � .• -
<br /> - ---_- � 18. ]eon+awe�'s�dtght to Reiastate. tf Bomower meets certain ooiiditlons, Bos�o�ver shalt have the cight to=t�av� -
<br /> - � �enfurcemesnt o£this Sewdty tnst�vment disconanued at any time prior to the�ller of (aj 5 days tor Ruc�other perIod s�s.
<br />- � , applirahte taw may specifg for.manstatemsntj t�eeffQr� s�te of ehe Properiy.pursuaa:t to any power of eate oo�tained i�this ,
<br /> ' - - - -- --SeFUrlty tasw�sent;or!���,��a���Sstu�Seeurity-rn� ��e,;t.'t�s�.cunditions ar.e that Borrower:(a}pa�+s v-- -�
<br /> " Leuder a1t sums wirich then woutd-be.duc'under-this Secvri�3r t� �m �t and'the 1Vote as if no aooeleretion Uad oo`c�ed:ib�
<br />= cures any def�utt of any other oavermnts or agraements; E�)Pa3��exPenses incurred'in enforcing ttis SECwity Insttumcut.� . -
<br /> - iacluding, but aot timited to,�uahle attomeys'fees:and!.d)tR�es sucD actioa as Leade�may reasona62y requlra to assti�re �
<br /> that the lien of this Sec�rlty Insuumeat,��.ender's r�ghts in the Propecry aad Bomnwer's obl'tiga.don to Ray the sums sacured by
<br />- ttus Security instrument shalt oontinue �nnchanged. Upon. reinstatement by.Bomower, this Secunry Iastrument artd tF�e -
<br /> o6Ggations secured flet�y shal!iemain fully e�ec0ive a4�f no e.cceleiarioa tia���ecvrred.However.tbis right to reinstate shall'
<br />- � not appiy in the case o�:as�Ierauoa undec paragraph 17. : �,'�
<br /> 14 Sate of Not�:�mnge•oi Loan 5servIoer. 7'hc Na�e��or.a partiat:iuite�st ia the Note(together with this Sectirity .
<br /> �� Inst�ument)may be sotd one or�qae t�aes without prior nob��e to�o�owef.�'sate may result ia a change in the enrity(tmawa �
<br /> �.___• ����7.._ _ as the'laan Se�vicei')that calleitsr.�cai�hly payments due ns�der�he Noia��s SecuritY Lnsuument.There also may he oae
<br /> —�,�"�� or more c6anges of the i.oan 8ervi�r�e�related taa s2te of the Nc+�e:If tfiere is.a:�cfiange of the Loan Senricer,Bomower will t�e.
<br />���'�` �:
<br /> �J��t.��.YY,..,-� '. given wtitten notice of the chaa�e iie:aocbrdanoe svitl�garagtaph l��above end apg7icabte law.TAe notice will atate the aame and _
<br /> «�-� .;:..�tidress of the new Loan Senricer aud etie addre��tta tivhich FaYments shoutd�be lnade.The notice will also aontain any other �
<br /> �" '`.°�tifo�aacsn�9��aPPlicxible J¢�... _
<br /> �ti ; s �° ' 2l�;.�H�a�ardous nbstances. Qa�xower sha}F noi-cause os peiaSt the preseace;.e�se�tiisposai. storage, or release of any . �. -
<br /> �� _ �• Haz�uus Substances on or.in ttte'�operty. Bc�srower shs�It�ic�ct do, nor a1Iow�yc�xe else to do, anyth�ng affecting ttie �_
<br /> , -.�ti'��•�'� PioIfe*tY that is in violatlon of any�irirnnmen��aw.Thc pm.ceEing two semea�es sf�'nat a ta the presenoe.ase,or --
<br /> "`-��':�''��� '�''� stota on�the Propetty of smalt quantities of H'azandous Substances that are genetatiy ' to be appropriate to nomial
<br />��:�'� :'r`:�.:.�: -:. �� =-
<br /> ,�N,, ...��_;. residendat uses and to maintenance�f the Properry: ---
<br />�4��'•�`�����'•�;'� `��', Bomnwer shall promptty give�rtder written aotice of any investip,ation,claim.demand,lawsuit ar other action Dy az�y ___
<br /> �.,� 4 S��.: ,- � � tY� �Y � P�►Y� S Pert!► -- -
<br /> ,•�:.. � ovemmental or ato a en or• r�vate mvolvin the Pra ead any Haaazdot�s Substance or Environmental Law �__
<br /> •°"i�`�,'?��Ft.�:" of which Bomower has ac Imo�ledge. If Borrower teams.or is notified by any govemmeatal or regulatory suthority, tAat �:
<br /> ��'��'�` �: � °..� an}, 8 PertY� ��Y,Borrower shap .�-
<br /> - �.,:,-: �'�?� .:.. any removal or other�emediation af Hazardous Su6stance affectin the Pmp is prompdy take -
<br /> , :.°�* ' '` aU aecessary remedial a�ns in accocdance with E�+rimnmental Law. ' � _
<br /> v-:;��:.�„`,;;��.:.' . As used in this pa��raph 20."Hazardous�l�bstances"are those substanoes definad as touc or I�ardous substances by --- _°_ -
<br /> _ ' ' �`= Enviro�ental Law ans�tiie follo�ariag subst�tas: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabte or toxic peiroleum�roducts, W�cie =--- _-�—
<br /> ..;F,,��.•- ,`_.: • -----
<br /> �°:�.� �.,.,,..� .. pestici�es uid Herbicides,volatiie soiveats,�ate�iats containing a5bestos or forroaldehyde.and radioactrve matenats.As used in --�-
<br /> '',"::;.�,�:`'3`'`. this parage�,pb 20, 'Eavironmenta[.Law° meaas f�deral laws aud laws of the jucisdiction wbere the Property is located tliaat
<br /> . :i,,:;:;:�,;�`_ �--
<br /> `y:;.,� y
<br /> ':,;: �:���� ; relate tQEr.�tth,safety atenvironmentai prate�tiun_ ���:
<br /> _ ;..,. , :....,,�.:, `.,' NOi�i•UNIFORM CSOd1ENANTS.Bortow.r�fi Lender futther covenant end agee as fullows: V_. • , -
<br /> :J'�' i"r
<br /> -:c�.?r.�.
<br />_ ��;.�;��`;•:�,t��:; �� Zl.Aaceteration; Remedies.Leader sLall g3�e aottce to Borrower prtor to acceleratEon foltowtag Borrower's breact� - '� __
<br /> � ;��' �sif�'}i'_ ,-
<br />_ ��� �~ "'�` -' '` of any cavenant os agreernent in tC�s Security Instrument (bnt nat prtoe to acceieratton uader paragraph 1?witess �
<br /> , ...���;:+;.,• ,.. .� ;.,•.<;, :
<br /> - : .:�,�,_,. �_ :,.t,:,-:� ,_
<br /> t�• � p sQecity: (a)the default;(b) the acttoa
<br /> � � ' '��,s�.k':::.,:. ePPlicaDte law mvldes othenvts4?.'�e aotice shall reqWred to cure tAs defautt3
<br /> r�.�` ��-"���'":��':''.� � (c)e date,aot less than 30 days from the date the natfce is given to Borrower,by w6ich t8e defau[t musl6e c�erPd;and � �� ��• _,, ;�
<br /> '' �� ��' ' (d)t6at failure to cttr+e the default on or 6efore the date specified in the notice may result in acoeleratton of the sums ,
<br /> ;�"�. "•',' � = secured by this Security Iastniment and sale of the Prapeity. The nottce sha!!fwther inform Borrower of the rtght to ,� ' �=i
<br />_ �.�:: . , , ..
<br /> � ��`'.'�� � "�'� reinstate after acceteration and the right to 6ring a court action to assert the aoio-exl.stence of a deisuft or aay ottter
<br /> }s�` ''"° � defease of Borrower to acceleratton and sale.If the default Is not cured on or bePore t 6e d ate spec i f t e d in t 6e no t lce, � -_
<br /> � .::;:".. � ��
<br /> _ �� � �' :•�. Lender,mi its optton, mey require immediate payment in iull of all sums secured by t�cis Security Inshvment�vithout � . : �-
<br /> '� � � ' " � � fwrther�emand and may tavoke the power of sale and any ot�er remedIes permttted by applicable taw.Lender shal)be ___ �'+-
<br /> : �. �• `'-�. •
<br /> : :• � ' r,: entttied to collect all expenses incarr�d in pursuing the remedies provided in this pa►�agcaph 21,iacludtng,but not Itm(ted '� '-��,.
<br /> `� �'����� �`' .,,., � �' � to,reasonabte attorne�s'fees and costs of titte etii�nce. • �� �,•',°
<br /> . �.. .
<br /> ___._`����'����:_:_,-.�__._ IP the power of sate is tnvoked.Tnastee s�alt remrd a nattce of defautt in esc6 rnunty in�vhlch any part of the . � .� "�? � °
<br /> :,.��;..�' PropeKy is tacated and sha11 mail copies of snc6 notice in the manner prescribctii i�v �p�8cabls lati:i:.L'c....ere:s::�•«. ..-- - � _-�,�
<br /> ��� ' °� the other persons mscribed D a tcable law.Af'ter the tiffie r ulred b e ltcable taw.TrasteP shall ve nblic nottce `#` � •
<br /> "�'� ``� of sate to the persponv and in he��mer prescribed by eppticab el law.Trut ee, without demand on Bo�rro�rer,sball sell .'�n .
<br /> `.�•�,:,,-`";+;�ti . '.
<br /> - '•tt„��':':;e.,.;c+�:;� ' � x . : �
<br /> � =„t�,,,���..,,. ..��, the Property at pu6Uc auction to the liigtu�t bfdder at the time and ptace and under the tecros desigaated in the nottce o! •
<br />_ t•`��°�:,.��.. :. . . . . .
<br /> �,�, 5�..:.,., ,. sale in one or more Qarcets and tn any order Twstee determines.Trugtee may postpone sate of al!or any parcel of the
<br /> , ��� �,�.•, . .. � Fmperty by publtc annouacement at 1he tlme a�d place of any prevloust� scheduled sale. i.endes or its desigaee may , ; �:i:, .
<br /> r.,; . � purchase the Pmperty at any sate. � �
<br /> �:Y�'•n:_ . . . - � .
<br />_ l. .. . .. . . , .
<br /> i..� .. , . .. . � . . -
<br /> ti°�'•� . Fortn3018 8190 � �
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