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<br /> — ` � .�rci3'w�r�ot�ee,�et�e tlQm of oi grIor t�:aa inspocitoa spo�tg nasa�aabia c�nsa�for th4 ins�a¢aoa.; . --` ` . -
<br /> � a. .
<br /> � . �, ti�Gond�t�a;7�e of aqy�w�rQ.ar clafim for daaQiages.dit�ect os.ca�s�qu�tat�'Ea.ca�noct�oa dvl�i�nl►�.` , . .
<br /> .- ��:
<br /> - t �tndemaatioQ.or.othec�tal�nS u�t�att of the�ppe�ty.at for cumreyanoe ia.fie�of co�demnatio�.are�bY�B���� = � :e
<br /> � :� s�a?l be��id to Leadar. ; � , � .:� . ` <� . '- �
<br /> � In ti�e evea�o�a tatal fa3dag o�d�s,I�coperiy,the p�noe�s shall be applie4to.t3ce sums secu�od thta Se�sS►ta�tiwa�t�-.,
<br /> y � . __�rh�tha Qr�Quh�a d�.sx�ti�az►y�a.ccesg pa1.d m Saa�Brer.__tn the ev.�t of a g�al:taldq�a�the�tl!Hn Ni�c�tl�fair._, .
<br /> � _ -- - -- -�__
<br /> -- -- .--- _ _ . _ _ ._._. ----- -
<br /> _ maiket value of th�Prnpe�ty,isamecliately before tIle taS�ng is eqaat te or g�ter t9�t8e a�nuuut of sha sums soctuea.�y tbis.•
<br />_-— Seauriry Insavmenc imm�Iately befioie t�e tak�ng,onless Bonower and I.ender atheiadse agee in aritiag,the sums sec�ed Dy �
<br /> tbis�titY.�nsuument sba110��ced�ced by thr�amuunt of the proceeds maEtipiied by the following fia�c�iun:'4a)tRe tomi . , -
<br /> -- aa�nuu�.of the s�ns sea�zed imm�d'eately befa�the�g,div�ded bY tb)the fair marlc�vaIue of the Pioperty im�iafely -- . _
<br />- -'��':. ..6efoic the tatdug. Any bata�ce sbalt fie pand xo,8armwer. W the event of a paitiai taking of tae Pro�r1,y ia wtuch�tQ�feir �
<br />- �`:,:`�`• mark�vatue of the k�rogerty immediately.�the taking is tess thaa the atuouqt of tbe smms se�wred immodiateEy befoie th�a : .
<br /> -E;=:�'�°` . ��,:nnless Barcewer ead Leuder othetwFse��gree ia writing or untess appucabte L�v otIIenvise pravides,tIte pmooads s5alt
<br />- a:��:: t��w the sums secutod Dy this S�curity Ia�eument w�tter.or aot the sums are thea d�te. - - . . ,
<br /> �� : . ��_�C���p�Y is abandoned by SosmwerR or if,atter aotice hy L��tfo Sorro�ver that the eondenauor ulffers ta make an
<br /> r�,`, ace��set�te e daim far damages.IIoao��`�'aits tu respond to�<�Ystbia 3U days after the date t6e noffoe isE:S�+�-�-.<,
<br />-- - �. Leadei is suthorized w oolted aud apply t6e'�,at its optton,ei�r�i�stoiat�on or mpair of tbe Pruperty or to the.�.�;..:':\
<br /> - �`� sec��d`by this Security Insttument.whethen�i�t then d¢e. � ���� �' � ' �� '" --
<br /> •'�:>-� -,:�
<br /> ����_'�" `�' ` ` ��<:;�t'�tess Leader and Bortoaet ot�ern�se�ee in writinS,�Y ePP�cation of g�Ts w principal ahall�#�d or __
<br /> �������,� �• pd�C`se the due date of the umr� .pa.�t�?a�`€efemod w in�p�ra�raPLs I�nd`2 or c��8 amowit of sush pay�.s:. ,.
<br /> ----- _ --_ f�.Bunu�er 1�Iut Re[r�s�����By Leuder Not a Ws:�ar:�dtensioa isfihe Hme for FaYme�}tt or�bdifcat3on
<br /> y�°� ��s�.:�` of�murti�atioa of�sums senued by tbis 5�earity Instmmem granmd�Y T�Pder w any sucressor in intecest of Bormwer shal! _
<br />�_ — no�a�ate w reiease the liabilit�of the ariginal Borrower or Bormwer'9�ioce�snrs in iaterest.Lender s�al)not be required to
<br /> �� .co�pmceedings againsrt at�suooessor in interest or iefuse to eatend time foF gayaient or othenvise madify amorti�tion
<br />�.,�"`�� ----_-
<br /> .�:«, of�snnic ser.vred 6y th[s Seauity tastrument hy reason of any demaad uiade#sy�the orIginal Eormwer or Borrower's _-
<br /> �, � . ���;y S�;� : suecessozs in inte�t:Any fo�bearanee by Lender in exercising any right aa rein�ig sball not be a waiver of or p�ctude ths• . -- -_�
<br />��_ . n ' g�s" � exencise of eny ri�.cz remedy. . �� � � -
<br /> ,w� .';:�r�': ` t2. Suooessaes antd As+�ns Banad;Joint sad Several Idahlltty.C �o•stg�iprs.The cove�mnts and agreements of th�s�_�; � ,
<br /> �"'�; �..�a� �h;'���`�� Sea�rity Iasaument shall'bind and benefit the siccaessors and assigns of Lender mm�Borrower. subject to the.pmvisians of . ` :��-
<br />- �a��'(';"`'h�,?7t}.. — _
<br />- �''���r� , p a r a g r e ph 17. Borrower's covenants and a g r�e e m e n t s shall 6e joiat aud several. �uy Bosrower who co-sigas�this Seceuity . : ;.�__--__.
<br /> ' � �.�:�=� ----__
<br /> '� ;�;�".�;;;� Insuument 6ut does�ot executa�fhe Note:(a)is co-signiag this Security instzument only w mortgage,giant and`paavey tftat r�d-
<br /> a� , Borrower's inten�stiti the Property under the terms of this Security Instrua,�at;(b)Is not personally ubligatod to pay�tyte sams � � �r`=-- —
<br />_ ,�}�����. . _----- -
<br /> ����,��` � ";: �,, secured b this Seciui Instn�ment:and(c)agcees ti�at Lender and an other Borrower ma a to extend.modi forbear os .
<br />