99 109945
<br /> Bozrowez shall promptly give Lencler wcitten npcice of any invesC�,ration, clxim, demand, lavvsuit or other acaon
<br /> by any governmenral or regulatory age.ncy or pzivate paztq i�uvolving the Properry an,d any Hazardous Substauce or
<br /> EnvironmEntal I.:�w of which Horrower has actual �owledge. If Borrower learns, or is noti�Zed by any governmental
<br /> or regulatorq authority, that any removal or other remedixtion of anq �Tazazdous Substance aff�ecring the Property is
<br /> necessary, Borrower shall prompdq cake all necessary z�emeclial actions in accordance with Environmencal �.aw.
<br /> Borrower sbiall be solelq respons�ble for, sball indemnify, defend and hold l�.vrmless Lencler, its dixectors, officers,
<br /> eniployees, attorn,eys, ageuts, a�ad thear zes�pective successors and ass�ns, from and against any and aii claims, deauands,
<br /> causes of acaon, loss, damage, eost (includin,�; actual attorneqs' fees a.nd eourt costs ancl eo��ts of any required or
<br /> suc�ssary repair, cleamip or detoxification of the Pzopezty and the �reparatiou and implementation of a.ny closure,
<br /> abatement, containment, remedial or other required plan), expenses au,d liabilitq directly or indirecfly arising out of
<br /> or auributable to (a) the use, generadon, s�orage, release, threatened release, discharge, disposal, abatemeat or
<br /> preseace of Hazerdous Substaaces on,under or about the Pzopezty, (b) the transport to or fi�om the Propezrty of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances, (c) the violaaon of any Hazarclous Substaiaces law,and (d) any Hazardous Substane�s claims.
<br /> As used in chis paragraph 20,"Hazarclous Substaaees" ar� tb�ose substances defined as eoxie or hazarclous a'ubstances
<br /> by Envxz'onmental Law and rhe following substaz�ces: oasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petxoleunx p�ducts,
<br /> tosic pesticides and htzbicides, volatile solveuts, materials containi� asbescos or foxznald�hpfle, and radioactive
<br /> materials. As used in this pazagraph 20, "Environmental Law"mearas fedcral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where
<br /> the Pxoptrty is located rhat ze�ate to healch, s�ty or envirvnmental protection.
<br /> 21. Aocelezatiwn; Zteoaedi,es. Lender �hall give notice to Borrower pzioz ro acceleration following BonoWer's
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Tnstrumeut (but u,ot prior to acceleration under paragraph 17
<br /> unless applicable law provides otherwise). The nodce shall ��ec,ify: (a) the de:fault; (b) the action required to cure the
<br /> default; (c) a date, not less tbian 30 days from the date the notice is givea to Boxxower, bq whic�h the default must be
<br /> cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in thc notice may result in accelerati.on
<br /> of the suws securcd by this Security Instrument and s�le of t�e Property. The .nAace shall further infoim Boaowex
<br /> of the right to reinstate after acceleration and tlie right to bri.ng a court aetion m assert the non-existence of a default
<br /> or anq defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defaul� is not cured on or before the date specified in the
<br /> notice, Lender at its opdon may require immediate payment in fu]1 of all a'ums secured by this Securitq Tnstzument
<br /> without further demand and may invoke the power o�sale ar�d any other remedies permitted bq applicable law. Lender
<br /> shall be emtitled ro eollect all expenses inctured in pursuing the remedies prwided in rlus paragraph 21,including, bu�
<br /> not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees and costs of citle evidenee.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a noUice of default in each coun�q in w�ich an�y part of the
<br /> Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manues prescsibed by applicable law to Horrowes and
<br /> m the orher persons prescribed by applicable law. A,£ter the time required by applicable law,7`,tvstee shall �ive public
<br /> notice of sale ro the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable �aw. Trustee, widiou� demand on Bozzower,
<br /> shall sell the Property at public auction to the h�est bidcier at the ti�� and place and unde,r rhe terms dtsignated
<br /> in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Tzust�e detesmines. Tlustee maq postpone sale of all
<br /> or any parcel of the Propesty by public announcement at the ti.m�e and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender
<br /> or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt o£payment of the price bid, Trustee sball delivez to ch.e purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> Propezty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima £acie evidence of the truth of the state�a�nts niade therein.
<br /> Tzuscee shall apply t1�e pmceeds of the sal� in the following order: (a) ro all coscs and expenses of exercising the power
<br /> of sale, and the sale, including, without lunitation, the payzi��nt of the Trustee's fees actually iz►curred, and reasonable
<br /> accorneys' fees as permitted by law; (b) to all s`urus secvred bq this Seeurity Tnstrument; and (c) any excess co the pezson
<br /> or pessons legally enatled to it.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon paymcnt of all sums secured bq rhis Security Instrument, Lender shall request 'I`rustee
<br /> to reconvey the Propesty anc� st�all suxr�adez tluis Securiry Instrumeat, the Note and all other notes secvred by this
<br /> Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall zeconvey the Property wirhou� wazxaz�ty to the person or persons legally �
<br /> entided tliereto. S�ch person or persons s1�lZ pay all fo�vuding fees imposed by Lender, reconveyance xees ini�osed
<br /> by Trustee, and all coscs relating to the reeozdation of t]ie reconveyanee ot this Securitq Instrumeac.
<br /> 23. Slibsbidite T�tvstee. Lender may, from time to time, by instrument in writing, subsritute a successor oz
<br /> successors to any Trustee named in the Securit� Tnstrument or acting thereunder_ Such in�tiument shall be executed
<br /> and acl�owled�ed by Lead,es and recorded in the office of the recorcles of Ch� county or counties where the Propeaty
<br /> is situated and shall be conclusive proof of the proper substitution of such successor Trustee or Trustees. Suc�
<br /> successor 'I`tustee or Trustees shall, without coz�veyance fram the predecessoz Trustee, succeed to all its titl�, estate,
<br /> r,lhts, powers and duties. The procedure herein provided for substitutiom of Trustees shall not be exclusive of othez
<br /> pzovzsioas for substitution pe.,�itted by law. The maiai� of oath or giviqr,of bond by'ZYustee or any successoz Trustee
<br /> is he�zeby waived bq Borrower.
<br /> 24. Rc�qoes� �or�Totices. Borrower requests that copxes of the nodees of clef�ault and sale be sent to Bozzower's
<br /> aciclr�ss wbucb. zs ths Propertq Address.
<br /> 25. Statraoo�e�at of Obligaaan Pee. Lender may collect a fee equal to rhe �aaaximum amount as may fiom rime to
<br /> tiwe be allowed by law for fiunishing aay stateuxent of obligaaon, beneficiazy's statement, beae�iici,ary's demand or any
<br /> other statement regazd.ing the condition of or balRnce owi.ng undez the Note or secured by this Security Instxument,
<br /> 26. Adju�stabl,e x�abe�st Rate. The Note contains pzo�isions which providG for incre�ses and deczeases in the
<br /> intezest rate and ntonthIy payments. These provisions are incorporated herein by this reference.
<br /> 27. Off�ers. No indeb�edness s�cured by this Secunicy Inst�ument shall be dee�aaec3 to liave bee.� offset or to be
<br /> offse� or compeusated by�11 or part of any claim, cause of action, counterclaim or crossclaim, wlaether liquidated or
<br /> unliquidated, wbuch Bonower (or, subject to paragraph 17 of this Secvxity Inst�ument, any succtssor to Borrower) now �
<br /> or hereafter may hxve or may claim ro have against Lendeac.
<br /> 28. bsis�e�senmtion and Nondisclosure. Borrower h�s made certain writtea xepzesentations ancl cliscloa'ures in
<br /> ozder ro induce L.ender to mak� tt�t loan evidenced by th� Note or notes which th�is Security Instrumeat secures� and
<br /> in the event that Borrower has madc anq ma�e,rial misrepres�ntation or failed to dzsclose any material facc, Lender, �.
<br /> NEBRAS�CA ARM MiOG�AMS (�:v. 03/9�
<br /> n� Sys�s.lne.(A0o)649•13Q¢ Pa�e 5 of 7
<br /> Borrower Xuitials Q����� — — --
<br />