99 109945
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othe�vise �ree in wriring, aay app�cation of proceeds to principal shall aot extend
<br /> or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to xm paragraphs 1 and 2 or cha�e tAe amount of sucb
<br /> paymeats_
<br /> 11. Bosmwer Not Released; �orbearance �y Lender Not a Waiver. �xte.asioa of the time for paymen� or
<br /> m,odification of amiortization► of the sums secured by this Security Instrume.nt granted bq Lender to any successoz in
<br /> interest of Borrower shall n�ot operate to release the liability o:f tb�e ozi�iaal Horrowes or Borrower's successors in
<br /> interest. Lender shall n�ot be required to commence proceedi.r�s agains�t anq successor in interest or ze£use to extrnd
<br /> cime for paymeat or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Seeurity Inst�ent by reason of any
<br /> demand made by the original Borrower or Bonowex'S successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising
<br /> any zi�b,t oz ren�edy shall not be a waiver of or preclucle �he exercise o£amq righc or remedy.
<br /> 12. Sbccessoxs and AssiBas Hound; Jainix and Several Y.iab�ility;Co-s�a�acs. ',i'b,e covenants ancl ad eemeats of this
<br /> Securzty Lnst�umeat shall biztd axid benefit the successors and assigns o�Lenclex and Borrower, subjeet to the pzovisions
<br /> o�pa�cagzaph 17. Hozrowex's covenants and agreements shall be join� and several. Any Borrower who co-sig�as this
<br /> Security Instrunae�at but do�s not execute the Note: (a) is co-si�niag rl�s Serurity Instn�ment only co gramt, bar�ain,
<br /> sell, convey and confirm that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of tlus Securiry Instmuuent; (b) is
<br /> not personallq obl�ated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrumeut; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other
<br /> Borcower may agree to extead, �modify,forbear or make anq accammodations wiEb.z�gard to the terms of this Security
<br /> Instrunient or the Note without that Borrower's conseat�
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by rhis Secuzity Instrument is subject to a law whieh sets maximum loan
<br /> charges, ancl thac lauv is finally interpretefl so that the interest or other loan cbarges collected or to be collected in
<br /> connecdon with the loan exceed the peraaitted linuts, the,n: (a) anq such loaa cUazae shall be reduced by the amoumt
<br /> necessary to reduce rhe c,k�arge to the pc�z.ni�tted �imit; and (b) anq sums already collected from Bonower wb.ich
<br /> exceeded peunitced limics will be refunded to Bozzowes. I,ender may choose to make ttus refund by reducing the
<br /> princip�l owed under the Note or by making a dircct payment to Borrower. If a re#iind zeduces principal, the reduction
<br /> will be treated as a partial prepapment without any prepayment chazge under rhe Note.
<br /> 14. Nodces. Any noace to Bozrower pxovided for in this Securiry Insminleat shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailin.g it bq fixst class mail um�ess a��licable law requires use of an.other method. The notice shall be clirected to the
<br /> Propezty Address or any other address Bonower designates by no�ice ro Lender. Any notice to Lendcx shall be given
<br /> by first class mail ro Lendes's address stated hexein or anq other address Lender designates by motice to Borrower. Aay
<br /> notice provided for in this Security Inst�n�ment shall bt deeaned to hsve been gi,ven to Borrower or Lender wheu givtn
<br /> as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 1S. Govetnuog Law; Sevraability. This Security Insmiment sTa�il be governed by fedetaY ]aw and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in wluich the Property is located. In the event t�at auy pzovision or clause of rhis Secuzity In �n, „t or
<br /> rhe Note conflicts with appli.cable law,such conflict shall not affect othez provisions of this Security Instzvment or the
<br /> Note which can bo givai offect wzthout ihe conflicdng provision. To tF�is eztd the provisions of rlus Security Instrument
<br /> and rhe Note a�te declared to bt severable.
<br /> 16. Bwtx�uwrGC's Co�y. Borrower shall be given one confozmed copy of the Note an.d of this Security Instrumeat.
<br /> 17. TYans6er of the Propeny or a Beneficial. Jnt.�resrt in Ban�awer. If all or any part of the Propescy or any interest
<br /> in it is sold or transfeired (or if a bez�ef�cial inrerest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrowex is not a natural
<br /> person) without Lendez's pzior written consent, Lendez m�ay, at its option, require immediate payn�nt in full o:f all
<br /> sums secured bq this Security Instrumen�. However, this opdon sl�all noc be exerexsed by Lender if exerGise is prohibited
<br /> by federal law as of the da[e of this S�curity Instrument. If Lender ex�zcises this option, Lendez shall give Borrower
<br /> n4tice of acce].�zati.on. 11�e notice shall provide a period o£n�ot less than 30 daqs from the date the notice is clelzv�z�ed
<br /> or naai.led w►thz�.which Borrower musc paq all sums secuz�d by this Secuiitq Insmimeaat. If Borrower fails to pay these
<br /> sums prior co the expiration of this period, Lencl�r zuay involce anq remedies permitt�d bq this Security Ins�crument
<br /> wirhout fiuYh�r notice or demand on Bonower.
<br /> 18_ Boztowdt's �ht w Reanstate. If Bonower m�e�t� certain cond.idons, Borrower sl�all have rhe zzght to have
<br /> en£ozctuaent of this Securitq Instrumenc cliscontinued at any time prioz to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or s��ch other
<br /> period as a�plicable law may specify for reinstatem�ez�t) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale
<br /> contained in chis Security Insuumezxt; oz (b) entry of a judgment enforeing this Securiey Instzuwent. Those conditions
<br /> are t}�xt Borrower: (a) paqs �.ender all sums which tb,e,a would be due under this Security Ins�umeat and the Nore as
<br /> if no accelezat�on had occutred; (b) cures an.y clefault of any ocher covemants or agreemea[s; (c) pays a11 expenses
<br /> inclured in e.nforcin.g this Secuzxty Instrument, including, but nat lim.ited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) tal:es
<br /> such action as Lendes ruaq reasonably require co as��ure th�t the lien of thi�s Seeurity Instrumeat, �.ender's rights ia Che
<br /> Property and Hortowes's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrumeat Shall continue unehanged.
<br /> Upon reins�acement by Borrowex, this Seeurity Instttu�ttnt and tlie obligation�s �ecured hereby shall rewain fully
<br /> effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinsrate shall not apply in the case of acceleraaon
<br /> uudet paragraph 17 or para�raph 39.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Cl�ang� o�Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest xn the Note (togttk�er witli this Secur�ty
<br /> Ins�ument) maq be sald one oz more times wid�,out prior notice to Borrower. The holdez of the Note ancl this
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deeaoaed to be the Le�ader heseuuder. A sale mz�y result in a chazxge in tlie eatity (I�own
<br /> as the "Loan Servieez") that collects monthly paynicnts due under the Note and this Secwcity Instnunent. '�ere also
<br /> may be one or more c��es of the Loa�a Sesvicer unrelateQ to a sale of the Note. If there is a eha�e of ihe Loan
<br /> Scrvi,cer, Borrower will be given written notice of tbe cb�ange in accordance with paragraph 14 abwe and applicable
<br /> law. The aotice will state the name and. addzess of the new Loazi Services and the address to whicb�paynients should
<br /> be made. The notice will also contaiz� any other informatioa required by applacable law, '
<br /> 20. Hazardous Sbbsrances. Borrower shall not cause or pe.tmit rhe presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of
<br /> any Hazardous S�bstauces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anytbun�r, affecting
<br /> the Property Ehat is in violation of any Ezrvxronme�ntal Law. 'I'b�e precedi� two sentences shall not apply co the
<br /> presence, use, or stozage on the Property of smatl quantities of Hazardous Substa.nces thac are gc.acrallq recognized
<br /> to be appropziate to no�al residendal uses and co mainten,ance of the Property.
<br /> NEBRASKA ARM P�tOG�AMS f,xE�'. 03�9� �
<br /> ao�am� sY„�,m�.c�oo>s�s.iaaz Page 4 of 7 � I
<br /> Boaower �itis]s,�_ _ _ _
<br />