RE-RECORD�D 9 9 10 9 914
<br /> �ymenh;mry n�longer ba reqnirecl, ut the opdon af Lix�der,if rnortgage inxurance coverAga(in thz amount dn� fc�r thu�ricxl
<br /> thet Laular raquiras)proviQ�by sn in�in;r approvc�ci by Lenda�again?�ecomea availabl��tnd is oblHin�. Borrowa�.}�x11 J�wy
<br /> tJie prenuutns requirecl to mKints�in tnorlgagZ insur,inw in�ffi:ct, ar ta provide a lo.c.s r�.�'e�utltil t1LZ rr.yuirCm�nt for nx�rtgab�
<br /> inxiu�anu;cnds in acc:ordance with any written agreament hatw�n$ortoweY And Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 9. lnspe�iun. Landor or its�ent�aay mnkc;n;a�sc�nxble entrie� u�n�nd;nspectic�ns of tbo Property. Lc:ndcr shall �ive
<br /> Borrowcr notics at tha timr��f or prinr ta:ui in.�ction s��ecsfyinL rensonabla cKUS�e for thc in��xx:tiun. CG
<br /> 10. Cundemnutiun. The pmceeds of any s►ws►rd or ei�im £or demag�, direct �r ccx��uentjaT, in connartion with uny C.D
<br /> condemnation or other txkin� of any pxrt of the Prupc;rty, or for canveyance in lieu of condemnation, ar�hcr�by ;��t:i�ned:uid
<br /> tehall be prtiJ ta I.endar. �'°�
<br /> !n the evdnt of a tatal taking of the ProPerty, the proceeds shall be appliu]to t�he tiurr►�secureci by this Security Inatrumcnt, �
<br /> whechr,�' or not then due, with any exezss paid to Borrower. !n the esvent of a pdrtial t•rking of the Ftn}�erty in whieh Ihc fair �
<br /> m�rkct vxlue of the Prop�rty immcxliatcly tx;fur� th� tsiicing ic eyual to or greatet tht►n the smount of the sumy c;ix:ur�d by thi� 4"�
<br /> 5ncurity Im�strument immediately b�sforo the taking,unl�s Botrowet and Leadar otharwise agmA;in writing, thtl sum.K:Kx.�ured hy �'
<br /> this Security Jnst�unxnk shall b� roduced by tlx amount of thu pra;eecis multipliecl by the Followin� firaction: (a) thc totsl '�i'
<br /> amount of thz sums sccuru! immuliatuly brfure the taking, divided by (b) the fair mArket valua of lhC 1'roporty imrnediately
<br /> before the tt�king. Any bulancc: sh�ll be paid t<� Borrnwet. In tl�Z zvent of a partit�! taking of �h� �r�p�rty in which the f'air
<br /> rnarket value nf the Pro�erty i�nmedi�tely before the taking is le.ks lhan lhu amount ot the�un�; :�c:urecl intntzdiately b�!'ore th�
<br /> t�king, unl�s Borrowar and Lender otF�rwise a�in writing or applicahTa!aw otherwic.�provi�les, thu prcx.�;ed, whall
<br /> ba A�.+r,lia)to thZ sums�x:urc�1 by this Sec;urity Insavment whether or not the su�,s are thea�ue.
<br /> If the Pro�erty i�ahandc�nu�by Borrow�r, or if, kfter notice by Lender to Sorrower that tbe co»demnor off�rs k� mak�uis
<br /> award or r�ttle A claim far darnagas, 13orrow�r taitw w re�pun� t� Lender within 30 days after thC clatn tha no�ice is givCn,
<br /> L�rldzr is Kuthorizcxl to c;ullcx:t itn�l xpply th�proceecl.q,at its option, eicher ta rostoiation or rqxtir uf the 1'rup�srty or to the�;un�
<br /> s�:cY�r�l by lhis Suctirity lntitrumc;nl,whether or nat thea due.
<br /> Un1nsK I.ender and Borrowe�r c�thenvise asree in writiab, any applica�ion of pruc:eeeLr tc� principxl shall nc�t �xsznd or
<br /> �tpone the due date of the nlonthly paymZnts rzferrecl tv in paragraph� 1 and 2 oc ch�n�,�e the�m�unt of snch paymtntx. �
<br /> 11. Burruwer Not Reles�sed; For�nee By Le�r N'ut a WHiver. Lxtension of�he timo f�r puyment c�r mcxlifict►tion
<br /> of amortizadon of t!�aum:s sc�urecl by this Security Imstrum�at gruntecl by Luncl�r tc�any�ucce.�r in i��tzTe.r•t of Borrowvr whall
<br /> nut ope:rxte tn re!e•r.�e the]iablllty pt the OPI�t[fAl BOirOWZt Or BArrower's successofx in intafe.t:t,►der shatl nut tw r�;yuired to
<br /> comm�nce�roceeclinbs agxinst any st�ecessur in inlen;st or refu�to extend kime for pAyment or oth�rwise:modik'y amr�rtizntion
<br /> of tha surns �ecur�l by [his S�x:urity Instrument by r�n of any dzm�cul macic by th�s nri�rinal Borrowe�� �r BuYruwer'4
<br /> sueeest;urs in intrresi. Any furt�anrxnce by Lender in exercisinL any ri�;ht or rcm�ly shx11 nat b� r waiv�r �f or rreclucle th�
<br /> �xC�ci�so of eny right or remesdy.
<br /> 12. Succ�� und A.rci�ns Buur�d; Joint futd Several Lialfility; Cu�ni};nen, The cov�tant� and sgrexmunls uF this�
<br /> Szcurity Tn�trument shall bind stnd benefit the suceex5urs and :�.�.cign.r• of Lendar and Borrower, subjcx;t w th.; �rovi�inn� nf
<br /> �grs�rh 17. Borrower'S cov�ts and a�;rr.ernent� sbali k� .joint and several. Any �urrow�r who cxrhigns tlii� S�:urity
<br /> lnstrum�nt but cloe,ti not eacexute the Natet (a) is eo-si�nin�; this Security Ynstrumrnt cx�ly tm m�rt�aLt' ,�rant �ncl eonv�y th•rt
<br /> Borrawer's intere5t in the Propzrty undzr tha terms of thi� Security ln�trument; (b) i�not personally ohligatecl to P:►y the Aums
<br /> aacurdd by this St�:urity Instruaitnt; and(c) agrec�s that Lencirc and aay othar$orrowor may agree to exteqd, ntcxlify, furb�;xr or •
<br /> malce atty Aeeoinmcxlations with reexrd tn tJt,e t�r�ot'this SoC�tiriLy Instsument or the Nate wjthouc ths�t BorrowCr's cun�nt.
<br /> 13. Ltrai► Chargec. lf the loan Seett�ed hy thi�Security InFtrumcnt is subject to a law which sz�� awximum lonn char}�e�,
<br /> and that law iy finelly intarprnted� that th�intarest or othur luxn charge.�s colleetzd pr to Y�colltctecl in c�nnc�:tion with thz
<br /> ic�an eacceed the pern�itted linu�c, tltt.n: (x)ttny b�tch loan charg�shall t�e reduced by the amount nzc;c,.��sry lc�rrduce the chur�� '
<br /> to the permitt�]limit; and (6) any sums alrcxuiy collected ti�m Barrower which excculea pc:rmitte�dl limitx wil! h� refun�lCC1 to
<br /> aorrower. Lender may chons� tu rnake this refund by reclucin�; the principxl owul uncler the Nota qr l�y �tu�kin�; a diroct
<br /> paymznt lo Bvrrovvrr. if a refund r�C�.s principttl, thC rCducti�n will be treated aF a partisl pri;paymcnt withcwt nny
<br /> prep�yment ch:uge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Nntice�, Any oatice tc� Bonowcr provided for in�hi�5ec;urity Insttument€l�at!bc giv�t by deliv�rin�; it nr 1�y nu�iling
<br /> it by �irst ciu.vs maii unl�ss arplicable!xw rzquirea usci of another rnekhod. 7'he notiee shall bG dirac:t� to tha Pro�rty Addr�.,.v
<br /> ur xny ather addr�s Bartowtr dzsib�nxt�;s by ne,ticn t� [,enc�r. Any notiea to Lend�:r shail 1�e givrn by fir�ct e[.�.�.c mail ta �
<br /> Lcndcr'Q addre� sttttoil h�ruin or xny other addt� Lender cl�.tiignat� by notice ta Bormwer. Any n�tice providacl fc>r in this
<br /> SeCUtity Int+ttumCnt nhall bt�deemeti ta have heen giv�to Burrciwer or Leatidar when givzn tkc Providucl in this paru�,rc►rh.
<br /> ]S. Gnverninfi �,�tw; Seva�abitity. This Stc:urity Ynstruntex�t sl��l! be �ovem�l by fi:dc;r,il l;sw and t6e Iaw of thrs
<br /> jurisdicticx� in whieh the Property i� loc;at�el. In thv event that any provision or clause Uf thiti Stscurity �octxufnant ur th3 Not�
<br /> cx�ntlicts with itpPlicablZ law, sueh eonflic�t shall n�t affect other provision.4 of Ihis Security Instrument or the Notc which can be
<br /> givetl effeet withuuC thc cont7ictin�*provi5io��. To this end th�prcrvi�inns of ehis Security Instn�men[and th� Nnta are ctecl:i,r�d
<br /> to be:crverabte.
<br /> 16, �rruwcy'c Copy.�3orrowcr Khall b�given one conformal copy of the Notn unc�of thiF Security Inbtn�mcnt. .
<br /> Xorm 3028 9190
<br /> �•6RINE)l92t31.ot Paoe a or c w�ioh:��.� pi'S 19S$
<br /> ���
<br />