RE-RECORDEi� 9 i U 9 314
<br /> 151 s5912
<br /> S� Har..u�d ur Pe�operty L►surHncc. Borrower shall kc�.p �he improve,r�entv naw e�i,�ting or here�ftcr cru:tul nn tha
<br /> prt>�rty in�urCd a�ainr�t la�.c by firz, hxzxrcis includu] within the t�rnt "ext�ndecl coveraLz" an� any c�thcr herarcl.�s, includin�
<br /> ticxxl.�or flaqcli»s, far which Lencler reKuir�s insurance;. Thi�insurance xhaU t�e maintained in the anlotmt�:an�l for thu�erinds
<br /> that Len[ter raquires. 1�ie iusvr�nee exrriGr providing the insvcxnca��hxll he chc►xen hy $c�rnower subj�•et to Li:nciur'a� :�prava)
<br /> which shr�ll not bc unn;d�nably withbc�ld. 1f 8orrowe� fails to znain�in covara�a dzscribcd abova, I.�mdcr niay, �t L�ender•c
<br /> o�tion, nbt:►in cover•►re to pcotect I.endar's ri�hts in thZ Froperty in�eeorcl:anec rvith paragraph 7.
<br /> Al) ineur�c:n�licies .uid renewxls Shall E�e accertahlZ to Lendet suxcl shstll includo e stund�trJ mortg�e cluu�, I.�ndCr R.� _
<br /> shall havo the rirht t�hold the policias and rtnawHls. If Lcnder r�:quin:s, Borrower sha11 pramptJy�ivC fo Lendor all n�ccipts af � ,
<br /> paid premiumc And rzuzwal noticea. In the eveat of lox�, Borrower sh�ll give prampt notice to the insuranCa carriur und Lendet,
<br /> Lx�tder may make praof of loss if not made prompdy by&,rrowor. �
<br /> Unless�der and Borrower ot4terwise a�rc�in writing,insur.u�ce proczecl�sh:►Il t�appli�! to r�torution or r�pair af tha �
<br /> PYOperty damugecl, if tha r�forr�tion or r�pair i�ec�nomically fe:lrihle An,d I.e��d�t's Fecurity is not lzctsun�;d. lf the rahtc�rxtion nt' �
<br /> repair i�nht�:onurnic:xlly feu.yibin or Lendex'� securj,ty would t►e lesr.,enad, the irsurunco proust;tls shaU br�appiied tn the sum,a Ih�►
<br /> secured by t'hi:� Sex:urity Instrument, whether ar not Rhen due, with any �xcass pdi� tu �orruwc:r. If HarnnWer abandons tha i�.7
<br /> Fmperty, �r claes not xnswer withirt 34 days A nodee from L.e.�ndc:r thxt thcs insu�aned c:xrri�r has ot�zreci i�F�tt1z a cl:�im, than �;"
<br /> L.undor mny collcx:t t!►� in�vranc:� prucee,ds. L.eneler m:.ry usc Ehe pmceedR tc� repair �r r�.�tora the Propzrty or IU pay �ums
<br /> xecured hy thia Security In�trument.wheth:er or not then<it�.The 30-dxy p�xxiod svill i��in�vhcn the*.nc�tioe ix giv�n.
<br /> Unlaas L,ender and Bor��,wer otherwis� agree in writing, uny applicatidn of prcx:�ci.4 to principal sha]t not �xtand or
<br /> postpon� thC due daw of tho monthly pay�nts refecced to in pard�raph� 1 and 2 or Cban�z tha amount of lhe paymants. lf
<br /> uod�c paragruph 21 the Prc��erty ia acquired by Lendar.I3arrower's right to f►ny insur+uiec policie�and proc�ed�rer�ulting frum
<br /> damege to tha Ptpperiy rrioY to t$e aci.luisit'lon shxll pass tti Y.andur to the extent of tha suniti ucurad hy this Secnrity lnytntment
<br /> i mmzcliately�+rior to the acqui�ition.
<br /> b. O��cupa�rcy, �r�rration, Maint�nan��e and Prntec�iun nf�e I'roperty; Borro�uver's l.�u�n Appliwtiun; L,esLV��ldc.
<br /> Borrower she�11 cx:capy, a�tablirh,.►nd usn the Pt�c�e�ty as Borrower'F principal r�sidr,nc;�within sixty dnys afler thz execution of .
<br /> this 5ccuriry fnstrument.ind shall continue t� c�ccupy tha Pro�rty�$urrowtr's princ;ipxl rt;sitknc:� k�r at lea,t one y�1r after
<br /> the date af�cculsancy, unle�r,I.ender otherwise s�grees in wriling, which cons�nt Kh:tll nc►t be u�rea�onahly wilhhzld, or tsnlon.y
<br /> oxtenuatin� circumstxncea e�,t whieh arc beyund Borrower'� control. Bormwar shall not dr.�troy, �� or ins�ic th�
<br /> Yraperty, a11hw lhe Prnperty ln deteri��rate, or commit w�.cte on tbe Pro�xrry. $orrow�r ch�tl he in default if a�►y farfeit�irs
<br /> action or px�ceeding, whether civil or crinunel, is begun th�t in Lc:nd�r'� bcx�d fiith_judgment coold r�utt in ti�rt�iturn�►f th�
<br /> Prop�rty or otherwisz materially impair th�lien cr�atecl by thi��curity InFtrumeat or Lendtr's�;c:urity interest. Hc�rr�w�r ntay
<br /> cure soch a Jvfault anJ resintitat�a, a.s pravicle�l in�t'��t�h 18, by eausing the action�r procec�ciing ta t�diwnit�ed with a ruling
<br /> Ihat, in Lender's gcwd t�.�ith daterminatinn, pro�ludas fotf�ilwc of lhu �3onowc:i s intere.vt in the Pro�rty or c�th�r �ru►tyrinl
<br /> impuirn�rnt of the lien crexted by this Security lnsttumtn� or L�n�k;r's su:urity intere.�t. Barmw�r �hali al�o lw in d�fault if
<br /> Borrower, durin�;the]oan application pt+ot:�, �;�ve a�rialiy falsc:ar inaccurate infarm•rticm or stata�nznu:to L�.nJur(or#:tiled
<br /> to prc>vide Lendar with Any material informAtion)in eonncction with the loan evidancad k�y tbe Nott, incluJing, but nnt limitecl
<br /> tD, ldrft.e+�aitAdOtlS COnCEming�30rrUwur'y cxc:�y�ncy c>f the Pr�pzrty as a rrinciral residence. If this Su:urity ln�trunx��t is on R
<br /> le:ascfioid, Bomavvur .r•hxll wmply with all the pr�vision5 of the l�e. If BorrowGr acquins fee title to the Property, the
<br /> lea.aehold nr►d the f�e titla s�hall not mcrge u,tless L.cndc�agrcxs to th�merLe�in writing.
<br /> 7. Prntectlun u[I.ender's Ri�hb in the Property. !f Bnrrcnver f�ils to perfonn the coven�nts s�uc)a�recm�:nts a�ntainecl in
<br /> this 5ecurity Ina�trumr,nt, or th3r�ix a legal praceecfing that nKty significanfly affect �.�dar'� right�in thc ProP�rtY (such aK a
<br /> proaeeding in bunkruptcy, probate, for cond�mnation or forf�i�ru or to enforce iswx�r regulations), then Lendur may dn an�3
<br /> p:�y foc whatevet i� nece.�acy ta prot�et tho valuc�of the Property and I.ende�'F ri�hGs in the 1'ruperly. L.�n�r's;action� n�xy
<br /> inoluda p+�ying any sums saeurc;d by a lien which hac p�ioriry uver this Sixurity Instrumc:nt, :rp�nring in �ourt, puying
<br /> rZa�onabta attorneys' ft.ta�d ex�tcring on the P�o�rty ta�1ca ra�tirs. Although LenJur mt►y take ncti�n ui�dzr thi�pxra�raph
<br /> 7, L�ulcr dues not havo co du so.
<br /> Any amounts di.cburr,�cl by I,end��r un�cr this parab�:tph ? shall become udditional dab� of &�rrc�we� r;ex:urrcl by this
<br /> Security Instrum�nt. Unlc� �nnower ant] L.endet<<�ree to other ttrms of peyme,nt, the,sc amnunts tihall hent intzresl from lh�
<br /> dat� of difiburrzm�r►t nt the Notz rats and shull be Payable, with interest, upon notiee f'rom L,c.mdcr to Borrowec requesting
<br /> P�Ym�t.
<br /> $. Mart�a�e Imurgnee. lf I.i:ncksr royuir�xl m�rt�a�e iu�uranee a�a eondition of malcin�the loan secur�t hy this 5u;uricy
<br /> IriStrOm�nt, Born►we�r �hall pciy the premiutns re:quiracl to mHintain thu mortguge ins�u�nce in effect. If, fi�r nny reu.son, tht
<br /> mc�rt�;agn insursu�ce cavera�t t�c{uiru!by L.end�r lxpse�or c�s.ties to be in effect, Borrow�r sha11 pay �h�premium�: reyuirecl t�
<br /> obtain coverag��ubstantially equivalent W thc mortga�a ins►uance pr�viou�ly in eff�ct, at a eo�t substantirliy equivrlent tu tha
<br /> co�t ta Borrower of the mort�xb�insurance previoutily in effect, fmm ae t►ltrn�tc mortgng�ins►�rer approved hy I,enrler. If
<br /> SubEGUltistlly Cquivdlent mortgttge inx�iranc�coveraae iti nnt uvailahlz, Bormwer s6all pay to l.r,n�k;r c:arh month a,um cqual to
<br /> one-ttvclfth of th�yexrly mortga�e iasurance premium bain�pai�t by$orrowar when thu in�uranc�s cnvera�r)ap,r•�cl or cetrs�d ta
<br /> bos in effect. I.ender will accept, u�e and retain these pRymeniti es a lo+a resnrve in lieu of mortg�ge in�r.in4t. �.oxa rc:,�rv�x
<br /> Fotm 3028 9190
<br /> �6RiN!)ros+2�.o� G'up�3 ef 6 IN4Yl;�G�. r�1�19s4
<br /> ��.�
<br />