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<br /> , . 4 �.(+ C� ' ..' ,V .. 'y�•, , a :�` . `�. � . ' . C . � .
<br /> e � p�ts,�asg im�n�er�r�ufre�,ei�nc o��o,c�t�i�r.ie u� ��surs�an wvcta8a�m c�a�a���.�+� a�
<br /> �` tllSE�C3 fL`,Qalir9��tDV�QEi��►�t 0(i�fll�t���bjt�eT�����8118�5�0 8�lS a{�QOI�.�[S1YYf�VL�f�1��A}� .
<br /> _ - . --- = ., =f�.`t��'�����A�.tE�.� on vr�u}�t�ocT.�l�fOCl._OZ_tD�V�48�4t1GSCNC��N�}�D«Q1���`�!_���.�;-.--•,---
<br /> . .lisuezu�ti ends in'JeFCnrdaASO witb any writf�ag�eGAtieat bstween Borm+,vci end L�endea or op�llcab�a�dw, � -: .. —`----
<br /> .� ��• � .9.�.Leud�r cr dt�ag�rit may naalc@ r�SO�eDI�er�efca upoa an�io�ctt�rt�,of dip�cpe�in Lrn��tui11 glva
<br /> ` . Bairower natiee�t tha tiu�e o!ar pttor to an in�p�lon specl�rl�g rpsonabfe caus�a for tha inspectic�. �
<br /> ��_,-
<br /> 14. �:ond�on. 'fho praceed.9 og�U►�awut+d or Cinifn for,damoges.direct or onnsequemial,ia at�ecti�r wItt►uo�s
<br />—_ -- -- — aoflde�a8on ot other takIng of ady part Qf the i�roperiy,or for panveyaaca la licu of aoadcmnatlan,a:e he�b�C usstgn�d und
<br /> -- .-- . . . .. . � .' °,�� .� =-- - .. _ . ---------�---
<br /> � etmli begaidco t.eudea. � , _ . __. __.. --_ .--- ..—
<br /> _. — Iu-the event of a'�otal taldag of the Progecty,the P�st+all ba a lied tattte aums sea�+ed�ythis Secudtys Instrumesit. -
<br /> � ---- - ----� � c��pt��est5�sf�w1�di-tEt��'----
<br /> • - - a�tieihei oi uoi t�n dne. w�itSeay exce�`pa#d tu Bo�wcr.tn ihe-event of a Pattlaf t�g
<br />=� maiket vaIue of the Pmperty immed�tP3Y befote the�alda8 is equa!to or gceater thatt ih$aIImuat of tIip auma secu�ed by t6�a —
<br /> Seauiry In�nmwt iavnediately 6efc►re the takiag.unEeas Eomower and Lend�r othetwtse�a in writiag.dte svms•s�ured hY .
<br /> - --- this Security Is�trument sball be crd�tced by the ammmt of the prooe�ds muttiplted by tha,foliowing fiactaoa: (a)tite t�ml
<br /> ___��__,�-r—-�
<br /> __ . imme�llatei __
<br /> _ . . - amaum afti�sums secut'+e�im�y:aefar�the taloat�,divided"by�}ilt�fai���..lu°�f lhC��F°�- Y - _ - --- --- -- -
<br /> - beforz the taking. Any 6a�ance shsll be paid to Bnrmwer.In the.event o€a�+arteai taldng�of'the Pcc�r�in'.whic�l:m�fei�'
<br /> martcet value ef the pcoperty imnnediarely,befo�+e the taTdng is less tLati the amouns of the sums secuted iimme�itately�litforg the
<br /> st. tniting,unless Borrower and Lender otheiw�se agree in writing.ar uni�applicabte IavJ otheraise pmvld�,the prnceeds shall .
<br /> _ 6e a}�lie�to the sums secarod by d�iis Sewiity in .r,enc wh�her or not th�su�,s are ti�en d�ie: •
<br />- if che Pmperty is aDando�d by Homnwer,or if,after nati�by I.ender w Borcower tLat the oandemnor offers�to make an
<br /> - awa�+d:�seute a cl�m for damages, Boriower fails.to respoaQ to Leader arIt�in 30 days after th�date the aodce is givea�,
<br /> �m
<br /> - - :=-��`�s authorii�ti eo;collect ant!agply the proo�°.s..at its option,either to reswratioa or�pair of the F�operty ac m the sums
<br />- ,.::�s,�P�'thts Seimr's�r Insiruatent,whether or c�;e�iea due: -, - , . . . : --
<br /> t
<br /> - � •• '' .�IIt��s t�eo�er�aud Bormwer other�vlse a�ee.iR c��et�-anY ePPlication of pra�s to:�grincigtd,shall na2 ea�a or._.;•.. � -_
<br /> _ � .`g�is��ttte due dai�of the monthiY PaY�ms�ta.isp�rap6s.1 aad 2 or cLa�.�:sinaqit3�ofsucit paymea�. . __
<br /> � ' '� �!:8orrower�A�3 Released;Forh�!Bp L�t�er�ao��a Watver.'�xtension of the time far.Fa3+u►ent or atrtdification .
<br /> - �`o�am�rtia�on of t}��sums sewred by this��z:��j'Insuument�geanted 6y��r to any suocessor ia i�tenest uf Eos=nwer shall � . : -
<br /> _ . • ao�ov�;eta r�2eas:�hhe iiability.of the ori��ocrower or Borrower's�av�essors in interest.L.cndersl�all nut he required w '• .
<br /> „h�° � . car�e�?cte}f�a9eei�ngs��against any sccoessor in�interest os re��m cxtend ritne for payment or otherwis�tnadify amortitatioa ��
<br /> �.;•
<br /> �
<br /> ;Lt..t� � of t4�s�s sea�ed by this S�.vrity Insuumers by reasaa �ff�y demand mada by¢ite:origitwl Bosmwer ar Botmwer's
<br /> .�... , ��. . • — - —
<br />-r t � +�s�s;.`: suoces.sois ia inter�,ci.Any forbearance by I.�',�ncn exe�cissi�aay rigtt'�c�i�a�dY s�ii[ccot be a.wai•rer of or pieclude the , -- -
<br />_ • ��:.=�_ . _
<br /> ;,y,3,_� exertise of any right orremedy.
<br /> -��'�� IZ.Suoceso�s and A�igr�s Bonnd: �J�e arid Sereaa4 Lta6tlity:Co�stgaers. T6e covenants and a$neements of dus
<br /> xa� ` -
<br />-• ,���"' Security tnswment shall Dind and benefit th�successors asEB assigns of Lender and Borrower. suHject�to the pmvisioas of
<br /> ' ��" ��`�. paragcaph 1?. Rorrower's oovenants and agreements shall tre joint and several. Any Bomnwer who casigns this Seeuriry
<br />- :�•-, : :-';-�'•��Y Instrument but does not exea►te the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument onty to mortgags.g�ant and convey that =
<br /> ' �"~�` ���.�'�''" Borrower's interest in the Property under Ne temu of this Security Iastrument:(b?�s not personally a6ti�ated to pay the sua�s
<br /> ,,._;._ ..
<br /> ,,-,-�<,• ,� .
<br /> � �,�,:�:�. � secure�by this Security Instiument:and(c)agrees that Lendea and any other Borrower may agree to�xtend,madify.forbear or
<br /> '�"""�='�'' �• make eny accommadations ivith regard to the temis of this Security Instrument or the Note without thut Bonower's consent. __�.__- _
<br /> �'�',-t.'.•r 4:.. ..
<br /> __ _.�.b'..'a'r.� ��:lYC--_.
<br /> 13.l.ostn Ctiarge§. If the ioan serured by this Securiry lnstrument is subject to a law which sets msximwn loan charges. : �r����•-
<br /> , A
<br /> � . � '• and that law is finally inte�preted so that the interest or other loan charges collecteit or to be ooltectod in connection with the ': �''��'�.,.,�'�_
<br />- � .:.;,�. '. ..,••c�����-----
<br /> � • •�� loan exceEd the permiued limits.then:(a)eny such toan charge shatl be reduced by the amount necessary to�educe the charge ' �:.���:_.___
<br /> . ''�.���ti,t;�.��_-
<br /> . :,B;`_�:�. � �� to the pemutted limit;and(bf any sun�s already collected froin Borcower which excerded pemtitt�d limits wil)be nefundod to •»-;,_`.�.,�,,,,
<br /> .���:
<br /> - � �� Borrower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the priacipal awed under the Nota or by making a dicect . �° •�,:,��=n��
<br />_ `. .•�':�;,', , � � payment to Borrower. If a cefund redttees principal, the nduction wiA 6e treatod as n partial prepayment wtthout any ` ���`����,�;. -
<br /> ' ;���_�!,:r��
<br /> - <, .� - prepayment charge under the Note. ;,..,�-:,;�°�.�.
<br /> -_ � 14.Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry I�.�tniment shall be given hy detivariag it or by mailing .;.�,;F.,,`,,:;t_�•,:t#-_;
<br /> . __ ��1, +�_
<br /> � . .. � � it by first class mai!unless applicable law requires use of another method.The natice sttall be dirccted to the Froperty AJJ��.+s ;, , _-
<br /> � 'y �f „,�:� � � or any other address Borcower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta Lender shail be given hy fin�t class mail to � `�•`�� ,``_��`;,t, ��'�'
<br /> ' � •5��!�'�`�+ � Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notire to Borro�ti•er. Any nottce pravldod far in this ..�� �,�;.,,,,.",.` �
<br />'i`' ,�.�k �.'.:�1�?'r,�� �` -
<br /> + ,` . $,, .. .� � Security Instrument shall be doemed to have beem given to Borrower or Lender when given as ptovided in this pamgraph. .�:.� •"-:r� �
<br /> ;� .,.,.•:
<br /> . �� -"•<• ��, .� 15.Govemiag Law; Severabllity. This Security lnstrument sh�ll be govcmed by foderul luw and Ihe luw of thc ;��y.�; .� : .
<br /> .�..�, � • . .
<br /> - . jurisdiction in which the Property is located. fn ehe event that any pravision or clawe of this Security Instntmenl or the iVate � ��;':::;..••�,_.::'. .
<br /> • '', " '" "' contZic�s with appltcabte law.such conflict shalt�mt affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nute which ran be • •,����'�
<br /> ' '" .'t����;.; " given ei`�'ect without the wnflicting provision. To this end the pravisionz nf this Security Instrument and the Nute are declsued � \���' �,''�� . �
<br /> . ,_�, ,�. ,_
<br /> � ''�.a.t �
<br /> _, j;'. . , t�,;;:..� ' to be severable. �;,},�,�;;�.�' .
<br /> :.., ' � ''•'�!';,r;. . �-�''.;�;:���:�
<br /> .:;;,,� 16.BotTUwmr s Copy.Borrower shal!b:g�den ane conformed copy��f the Nute And af this Security lnsttument. ;,
<br /> •��". . , Form 3028 9l90 l � \ ;'�.
<br /> . • . :;,:�!
<br /> �j`�_ .. . .. .
<br /> � . .�•::,' Pago4of8 . .
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