.�'. _ y,�;. �ai�v'��_y.,'�cs. �c, . � �.�
<br /> - ° .
<br /> ' -�-�..-��',�_ � - -.�.�.�� _.-��_ _ - - = _ _
<br /> '"'- --- t.� _ : � - "
<br /> '� i a�i. � --�", s�.�.,�,'�J- ��'`s� - - tx�.�� , ' i -� : - � ..�,.. : _- -
<br /> ��-° .�f. - -- �..or; - - �a: -- .._ - � ,.y� __��,�,�a' _.�. ------ _
<br /> -- - - — -- -- - - - - --�— - -.
<br /> ' �`— - -•-' -
<br /> � . -� ' -- . .�- ' _—--_ —_-. -_-c"---- . ... .. . _ . _ . . r . _. .,. _.. _ .. - .. "�,: —_ -
<br /> .r-�'f••�v_.� s — '.�"_.`�"�.:-
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<br />�� � , 'S �S�.`_ ^ � . , . . . ' - . - ` . . * -.. ..�.' -
<br /> ---=,....� . . . . , _ . � ��.. �t��� . . _ � . --
<br /> - — �`. c_ - , �,:�airard or�c+oge��.In�ura�ox.B�aaraawer shail broep`tLe imprae��ease�ts.�;eststlng or DcnaRer ei�aed.�a�uie � Y ,
<br /> --- � -. �, Raperty Msu�d ag�t loss by tiros h�r�rds included withtn tQe term•excended c�averoge"und arry a�sr Uazords,.ipsludiug`� .
<br /> — --— ` ffaQds or#foa�ing..for-�i�ier caqui�-t�ta�:�iusutai�t,�sii�r�ia i��u�Q a�far s��ta -.- — --
<br /> - — ' that:�.endea re4uir�s.'i'�e insuraic�c�uerter pt+oviddng No insurunoe ahufl Oe chasen Dy Bor+mwcr euDjle�to Lcadsr's aDpsts:��!• �, ;
<br />_ ' wnictt strs�t ant.be utm�umbly wttf�hPid.:lt Bonvwc�r fuils ta mefptnin coverage�des�ribed nbove.Leadet�na�. at I.cr,dor's' � -
<br /> optton.aDmin ooverqge tQ protec�E�e3er'e rigAts in tAe Pro�er�y tn accorduac+e with pamgmpb�. � � ' . ; . . .
<br /> --
<br /> - . Ali ir�uianes�olicics and tenewata shalt bo csreptable to�i.ernter and eQu!!inctude e start�ud mart�e ctaus�. Lcn�ler .�
<br />=.—.-__.._.�...._ ..�` . �i!lsave the d;6t tQ hol�!Etse pultd��rea�weL.If�n�er r�Quir+e.v.Bnmuwer a�1�promiittY give so Lcader a11 eeeeiP�s of
<br /> = _ - paid premiums an�reaewal aoflces.tn the eveat of tass.Borrower sA�il!give pmmpt notIce to the tnsurence cuttier aad Lendet. - . .T� _ _ _
<br /> �- - -_ __ . �.eander m�►ma&e�=oof of loss if not made pmmptly by Soiinwer. , _ - --- _
<br /> Unless Lender and Sorrower otherwrise agtee in writing,insu�ce prncee�s s6ali tie eQpiied to restoration ot repaIr of ihs -
<br />_- __ propetty Qantaged,if the restor�iion os repair is eoonomically feasible aM Lender's security is nos lessened.If tQe restoratton,ar
<br />-_ — — repair is not eoonomicslly feasible or l.eadet's security woutd be lessened,the insuraace Qroceeds sha116e appl�eQ to the sums -
<br /> -- __-— se�.va�d 6Y this S�atv t++ani �t, whether or aot tben due,wit� any exo�s pa�d to Bomower. If Eorm�ver ebaudons the .
<br /> Pmgerty.or daes not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender tbat tbe insurance carrier das offa+ed to seNe a ctaim,t8w ---�-- - -
<br /> - I�may oollect the insurance prooeeds. Lender may nse the proseods to repa�r or iestore the Pmpecty or to pay sumg
<br /> - �by tt�is S�cnrlry Iastrataent,whether ar not thea due.'Y'ne 3�day gesiod witi begia when the cwtice is given. -
<br />� - Untess Lender and Bormwer otherarise agt�e ia writittg, any application of pmceeds to principa!stiall nnt extend or
<br /> post�one the due date of ttie mnntlily payments�fetred to in paragraphc 1 and 2 or change the amonnt of the paymeots. if
<br />��= � - under parag�apb Zl fhe Pcoperty is acquired by i,eader.Sorrower's right to any insurance policies and proc�eed.s resuIting from =- —
<br /> --;�'; ' ' ���=--
<br />����__ ':,:'' damage to t6e Pnrpexty prior to the acquisition s6a11 pass W i.ender to ihe eactent of the swns sa�vred by this Sea�rity Iastru�teat =—
<br /> �F�:���€;;��� '`%' immediateJy prior ta the acquisition. �::;�;�.:__�
<br /> �ce5rlS:�yv�r�:= �-,�`-�= .6.Occupancy.Preservaitmn.MNatenance aad Ptotecfloa of tRe P�vperty;Botrowet's Loaa Appl�Catton;I.easehot�s. ��}��.�—
<br /> w�i'^1 '� .�"_.
<br /> e:niG.t;Y�'c�L.�'�i S'a�. , •-`"-
<br /> —=--_�v v t:;`�'c>��-�> ., :$�€�ower shall occupy.estat:FE�a,and ase the Property as Horrawer s principat resideace witiun sixty days after the execudon af �
<br /> ;� E:}.....=��' �Qf�;_
<br /> u S��`'�r� ��is Securiry Instnunent and.�si�wntitt�e to aocopy ttze�perty as Borrower's pri�ci�al residenoe for at least one year after �g-�'_�-'_
<br /> '""' y:::l�� �� �+. . �Yr.--—._.
<br /> �:�3.�..,..� .�� �: ,.+�_date of o _
<br /> � .�<; ccvpaney,unle.s��ender otherwise agrees in wriang,which conseut shalt not be unreasonably witMetd.or uniess �____
<br /> -�`."' ;;�`�''u�'�� ' cxienuating cim�tmstances eicst w6ich are beyond Bamawes's cont�zsg_Boirower shali aot destroy. damage or impair t6e ==—
<br />�� ��`, ��J ,` 1' � ' ��to�erty.allow the Propeitj co deteriorate.or oommit waste on tFC°.�n�ee�rty. Borrower shtill be in defaWt if any forFeittue
<br /> �,�..:;. �.�.�� c. e =
<br /> �<��`_�:�,` .'�.,�•�s ar�cc�or proceeding,wheSie�aivi7 or erimiaal.is begun that ia l.eri�e�'s good f�n�r�Qgment uoWd msult in forkiture of tke �"�__� _
<br /> ���,,�,`�`,;;.`.:'`��:'°�a ' ' .•�riperty or othe�wise materia3Ey impair the lien created bq tt�is Sect�rity Instm�mtnc o:Ss-�der's security interest.Bomnwer may ;,�-�_ "_
<br />��S'�! . F
<br />-�:�•���"' �,,•�``���;�_' c�sre suci�a de''t��:a aad te�sra�s.as provided in par�apss iS,fig caus�cg the actic�a os�coceedin�to be dismissod adth a nilim� :��=
<br />_�?!;+`;�;;,� ,:'4��,`-.<`• .. .s�2c:;in l�e�'s.goa�faitFs�-cl�ermination, precludes forfeittu�of E�e 8a:rower s in�e�est ia the Pr+opect�r or otttcr materi�9� � ���^-
<br /> �:.��m� �'�' _�**+++�+af cHe liea creai�d by this Security Instrument os Lettder's security ir.�s�. Borrower shall also be in defauli if f„�:
<br /> .�Jt��;` "� �. .• � during the toan a�r'=carion process.gave matee�if�fatse or inaccurate i�fat�sa6on or statements to Lender(or failed �-��`� --
<br /> ��xsrower. ti;
<br /> '�l�`:•� ��;.t; .,� to vide Leader with an material information)in con�cti�n with the loan evidenced b the Note.iaeludin ,but noi limited '"�-� �-
<br /> f� 9 Y � .}',-���
<br /> `1 ,. ;_ to.representatians oonceming Borrawer's occupancy of the Property as a principal t�sidence.If this Security Insuument is on a �:_, ?:�
<br /> .�«c t:�. leasehold, Horrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Bormwer acquines fee titte to the Property. the ,`.��`�,_.- ��_
<br /> - " � teasehold and the fee Htle shali not merge unless l.ender agrees ta the merger in wrlt�ng. ';��� :=•�.�;;u
<br /> � � � � 7.Prntectton of Leader•s Rtg6ts to the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the wvenants and agnaements contained ia T� '�__
<br /> ' "�•' �� � ' this Security Instrumert,or there is a tega!proeeeiiing thstt may sigrtificantly affect Lender's righu in the Propeny(such as a �
<br /> .�,, e '�.a ` . ":_ �.�„-,R
<br /> ;,�.. �� � , _ praceeding in bankn�ptcy.pmbate.for condemnation ar forfeituoe or to enforce laws or regulattans).then Lender may do and � , - '���;�
<br /> ? �� • pay far whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Praperty. l.ender's actions may � �, �, _
<br /> • � • include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security I�strument. appearin� in coutt, paying ;, ..�, .: ,� '� J '__
<br /> �;;�,:�.��_ reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property co make repairs.Atthaugh l.ender may take actioa under tAis paragraph . . ,. "
<br /> .;��;�L:�ti:�` `� . . 7,L,ender dces not have to do so. • `'�-T��°
<br /> `�` �:;;�;' � . ;
<br /> .,'���.� :,. . My amounts disbursed by l.ender under this para�ph 7 shall become addidonal debt of Borrower secured by this • . - ���.,-
<br /> _ � ' - , .T:-�` Security Instrument. Unless Bormwer and lxnder a�ree co oiher term�of payment.these amaunts shall bear interest fmm thc �" -_-_ -__�=�
<br /> �: �r�;}� . �„ + ,-�_:.'
<br />-:f � date af disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabte. a•eth incerest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting _;;:Y�,���
<br /> �_� �.;i�,,i:... ,.. gayment. ;i;;�• . �
<br /> '•';`����. � S.Mo e Insnra�ee.if Lender r u�red mort aRe i�wrance as a conditiaa of rr,akin the loan secured b this Securi '`++;;. � •
<br /> _ .;:���,�.. �� � s a � y � �....� cr. . � . �
<br /> • � (ns�rument. Borrower sFsdlE pay the premiums required co maintain the martgage �MSUrance in effect. If. for any reason. t��e
<br /> • ���;^c. � �• `:....'.,'..,;.. `
<br /> . �� � � mortgage insue�r.�e oacec�e required by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums requirea7lo '.}';, . �
<br /> �� �' ��-� . ' obtain eoverage substasua�ty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousty in effect,at a cast substantially equivalent to t!:e �°� � �� ':�• �_� �
<br /> �;".•; ,�•. 4 i�'=':' .
<br /> �;v:�s::� , : �
<br /> :� ',,:_ " , cost to Borrower of the ma�e insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by l.ender. If t�:,..�:,. �
<br /> �'. •� ,,,:,,,:,,:: , .
<br /> • su(rstantially equivalent resam�age insurance coverage is e�r,x available. Borcnwer shz�E�say to Lender each month a sum equal to �,. ,;,,, .
<br /> �` ;'�� � art�-t�velflh of the yearly rn�rc�ge insurance premium beir�g paid by Borrower whee�¢Ye insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �;;.�;��� `—�
<br /> U be in effect.[.�nd`er will accept.use and retain these payments a5 a latis reserve in tiw af mortgage insurance. Loss rese�e ' : � ,..'.;;:
<br /> :.�/ ",,...,
<br /> form 3028 915�? ';- , '•+'��
<br /> vaqe 3 0!6 - - •
<br /> t :
<br /> �` . . .
<br /> . ,�. . • . .
<br /> �y. ' ii
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