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<br /> � l7.Transter ot Ih�Properfy or R Beoeflc1a11ntu+eM la Barrower.lf ull or any prt of the Pmperty ur any interest in lt
<br /> �� � i� wld or trancfcma!(ar if u beneflclal interert in Borrower Ir rold or Iran9ferral wd Barrowcr ia nat p rwtu�ul porcon)without
<br /> LenJer's prlar w�itten c�nsent, Lender may, at i�x uptfon. requirc imrnodiate paymsnt ln full of pll sums xacurod by this
<br /> Security Insin�ment. H�wcvar,lhis option itwll no1 be exercisod by l.ender if exercise ir prahibiled by foderd law a�ai the d�te
<br /> , ° of Ihis Saurity inRlrumeot.
<br /> � y�q� If Lender eRercisew this option, l.enaier Rhnll eivc Borrower nwice af xccleratian.The notioc slwll p�avide e perfod af�at
<br /> Ic�than 30 duys P�am the date the notice ia deliverod or meiled within which Barrawer musl pay all aumc socured by thfa
<br /> ' ``� ''"� Lender muy invoka pny rcmediea
<br /> �� Secudty Instn�mcnt. If Barrower fails lo poy these sums prior to the expiration af this periad,
<br /> . � .�:`.•+.,;�;,, permitted by Ihia Security Inst�ument without further naice or demand an Borrnwer.
<br /> .; --'�"�";`;,.;,,��' 18, Forrower s Right to ReitWak. li Boreower inrets ��rtain condiliuny, Horrowcr �hall have the dght to have
<br /> �'�"t f; . e�forcement af this Scrur{ry Instrumen� discontinued �tt any time prior to the earlicr of: (a) S days(ar such other period as
<br /> T � � �•�,���<•f,. ;��"; appliccibk law may specify for roln�etemenq befarc sale of the Property purnuant to any power of'sele canained in this
<br /> �� � `°'`'�"°'�'°`"`. . 5ecurity Instrument;ar(b)entry oi a judgment enforcing this Securlty InstNment.Thase conditians are thac Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> r'�;;�;.'_��:.:•'•�::`�` L.ender nli sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrument end the Note as if no acceleration had occurrcd: (b)
<br /> .�� �'• .� .• cure.s any default of uny other covermnts or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incumed in enfarcing this Secudty Instrument.
<br />-�� ���• :; including, but not limited to.resisonable attarneys'fees;and(d)takes such acnon as Lender may reasonably requ�re to assure
<br />�..�.� - � � � that�hc lien af this Secu�ity Ins[rument, Lender's rights in the Propeny and Borrower's obNgation ta puy the sums secured by
<br />`";�'1 '•; �"� , i this Securjty Instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinsta[ement by Borrawer, this Security Instrument and the
<br />='� �' �bligacions secured hereby shall remain Pully effective as if no acc�leratian had occurred. Hawever.�his right to reinvwte sholl
<br />'•.':`i.r r' �,.,; . . ,,;t�� �ot appiy in the casc of acceleration under parog�ph 17.
<br /> :t.i,ti, =-,,: ,,.w:��:,•.•;�.�.��•••,.
<br /> ;..�.. ;,, {�" ,';�r;��{.,;F,,,;l�:..:r•,�., 19. Sale ot Note; ChAnge of Loan Scrvicer. The Nate or a pArtial interest in thc Note ftagether with Ihis Securiry
<br /> , ;�y . � p�;;.�r,,�;, ,, lnstrument)may bc sold one or more times without pr�or aotice to Botrower. A gale may result in a change in Ihe entity(known , �
<br /> I `.j: t , �'� � i����i cv!�';;: a�the "Loan Servicer')that collecis monthly payments due under the Note and this Secu�ity Insirument. There also may be one .��
<br />'�;�:...' . •�':',:'•::';�..',:;:;!;. .,?;:..:; t".
<br /> ; ;� .,�:�;,,,� or more c hanges o f the Laan Servicer unrelated tu e sale af�he Nate. If there is a chungo of�he I.aan Servicer,Barrower will be
<br /> , �;�.'.:,�'<:;?':''!'',��`•.:;;�:.�•;�'•.';• given w�ftten notice oi the change in accordance wfth puragn�ph 14 ulwve and Applicahle law.The noticc will state the iuu»e and '
<br /> ,..,. '�`::�:���:r��t�'�";;.�'�t��;�,`.:�'' uddress af the new Loan Servicer and the uddress to which payments should be made.The nodce will al�canuun any ather ;.::
<br /> , ��;;�:� infornwtion required by applicable law. �!�'
<br /> ' ' 20. Htuardous Substunces.Bormwcr yhull not cnuse or permii the presence. usc, di�+pubul, stc►rnge.or reluu�e of eny
<br /> }� Harardaus Substanrex on or in thc Property. &xrower shall not do, nor aUow unyone elsc t�� do. unyIhing �ffecting the �-
<br /> n ; Pruperty thai is in vi��luti�m of uny Emironmentul L,uw. '1'he prcceding [wo sentenre,xhall n<�I upply to�hr prenence, use, or
<br /> �� ' • st.►ruge on the Propc.�ty af tin�all yuumitic�of Hsu�nl�iuti Sub�tunces th;►t are gcnerully r�c��niutil �o bc apprupriu�e w tu►rnwl
<br /> , . . resi�erniul usew unJ ti�maimcnunue i►f Ihe P�openy.
<br /> " H�muwcr shall prouiptly givc I.cixlcr written nuticc uf uny Invc+ligwion.rlLim. �knwixl.luw�uit nr alh�sr artinn by any
<br /> B
<br /> guvcrnmcnlal��r rc�tulutury ugcncy��r privutc party involving Ibc Pio�xny unJ uny HuiarJ��u� SuM�uncr ur linvirunmumul law
<br /> af'whirh B��rr��wcr Iw,ur�uul k�iowkvlgc.II'13�irrnwrr Iclirnti. ar i� nulif icJ hy uny�.�►•ermnrntal ar rr�sulutury •ruth�►rity, lhut ,.�.,
<br /> „ uny remuvul or athc�rcm��liu�f�m ol'uny Hur�rJuu�Suh,lunrc ul'Icc�ing�hc Prupeny i.i�•e,wry. 13��rrowcr.hull prumptly��ke "�'
<br /> ° ull nec«�ary rcmcdiul urti�m�in u..ardunec wi�h I:nvir�mnunlul l.uw.
<br /> A+u�eJ in Ihi�purug�uph 211, "HuiUrJuuti 5ub�luik�w" urc Ihuu�uh�iuncc� Jc1 uxYi a�tuxic or i�ainrdiwti�ubyfunccn i►y
<br /> � l:nvimm�knlul l.uw unJ Ihr ti►Ilowing �uMwnc�w: gu�uline, keru+rne. �xhcr IlummaMr or Iuxir �Ire►Icum prc►Juct�. toaic
<br /> • , p�w�iriJcti unJ herhiciikti.vululilc w�lvcnt�,nw�rrialti rumuining a,lk.tm ur furnwldchyJc. :nxl ruJiuurtive muteriuls. Ati u.ticd in
<br /> �hl, p:uagraph 20, "F.nvirunnkntul l.�w" mrun� fi�lrral luw. and luw. ol tlie jurixlic�io�w•hcm thc PropcAy iw lucutwd thut
<br /> rclute to Ixeul�h,wl'ety��r enviranmcn�al pratc�ti��n.
<br /> NQN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bnrrc►wrruixl I.cnJrr furthrr coven•rnl anJ agreea.G�Ilua•�:
<br /> • 21.Acceleratiun: Remi�diaw.Lender sMull kf�•e notkr to Borr��eer priur to arcelerutf�n PoUow•ing Borrnwer's breech `'`�
<br /> �, of any covenam or aRreement in tbiti ti��curity Intitrument Ibut not prior lu accelerotion uader purpqreph 17 untes.R
<br /> , appllcable IaH• pro�ldeti When.�i�c). The noNce shu0�p�riP}•: lu) the defuuU; Ib! the ac�ion reyuired tu cure th¢detaultz
<br /> (rl u datc. nnt less th�n i0 dayK frum the dutc thc noticc is�iccu In If��rru�►cr.b��uhich thr dcPault must bv cured;s�nd' ,`'ti
<br /> (d1 that Pailure to curr the default on or IKfi�rc Ihc dulc sp�Yifi��d in Ihe noNm mu�• rc�ult ln acrcleration uf thQ��t ��
<br /> '�. sccured b�� thi4 ti�rurit�� lnstrumenl nnd sale oP the 1'ropert�. Thc nMke shall Purther inform Borrnwer oF tha ri�ht to � -�
<br /> � relnuule utter aceclerution and the ri�ht to hrin�; u court ac�ion to a�.�crt thr nan•e�lstence oP u default or eny otAer
<br /> ' defen�of Rorro�r•rr t�r aceeleratinn and sule. li'the default is not cured un or IxYore the date sp�ritird in tha notice,
<br /> %"��, I.endcr,at Itti uptlan, muy mquire immediatc pu�menl in fuU nf ull wm�+�rumd I�y thl.Securit� Instrument withnut
<br /> , ;�'':� faw�tltcr demand und mn�• imokc thc po��•cr of wlc und uo� ulhcr renudics perroitl�d N� uppliruble In��. L,endcr�hall be
<br /> , , enlided lo collect ull expens�w incurred in purtiuin�the r�mecli�w pro�•id�d in thir pan��;rnph 21.inrludinp, Aut r�nt Hmited .
<br /> , tu,reaxm�ablc uttorncy�P�K�und co�tx of tiUc c�idcixc. �,.
<br /> If'Ihrp����er oi'sale is in.•okivl, Tru,tee �hull r�rnrd :� notice of def'uull in euch counri in ��bich vny purt oi the -
<br /> Prnpert�� ix IiKUtcd und+hull�nuil cnpi�w��i,uch nuNcc in lhc manncr pr��urihcd h� upplicablc lua•to B��rrna•er und tu
<br /> � the oth�r persum pn�uriiKd M uppllculde lua.��fter Ihe time requlr�d b� uppUcalilc lu��, '1'ruslee shull ui��puMir notice
<br /> of zule to thc penons und in thc munncr pn�crilxd b� upplirvblc lu��.'I'ru.l��. ��IthoW demvnd on BurroN•cr,whull�II �, ,. ,
<br /> • !he Properl�al publlc uucti�Ni to the hl�hc+t biddcr ut th�timc und plure anQ undcr thc t�rms dc,iunated in Iha nntkc nf
<br /> ,. ss�le in one or more purccls und In am ortkr 7'ru�tec determiu��,.'1'rustce ma� �����me +ule of ull or any pvrceF nf the � .��''
<br /> � " Pmpert� M• pubNc unnuuncemenl ut the time und pluce uf'um pr��Inu�l� �rhedolccl.ule. Lender or it� d��ianoe may �
<br /> ! • purchage the Pmpert�•at an�xulr. �
<br /> }
<br /> . ;
<br /> , � Form 30Z8 8190
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