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<br /> . �!:�" ' .;�'' . . ' ' r
<br /> �y� �
<br /> � � .. ,.�«....,.......��r�r�llr
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<br /> pwymente m�y rw tan�er be roqulred,�t thc optlon oi t.ender. iP mort�qge incuranoa covcr�c(in the anwurr usd fpr UK perind
<br /> tluU L.endcr rrqufnw)pmvidad by an Insurcr approvod by l.cnder�da hecomea avaflohrle uid ir obtained_Borrower�hall p�y
<br /> tha praniumr nequirod to rtwintain rnoitYrgo in:urw�oe in etfect,or to providc A losr aaerva, untll the rcyuirmieri fnr mort��e
<br /> inruranoo cnls in iwoorduk�e wi�h ony wrfuen pQroement betwoen Bnrrower wnd I.encler ar yiplicablc law.
<br /> ' 9. lnopectk►a.Lcnder or Itc agcnt may mako rea�onable eru�ie�upon pnd inapoctions oi�he Pr+operty,Leader�h�ll �ive
<br /> Borrowar naticc ot tho Nme ai or priar ta an inspoctlo��pocifyin�reasonable cstuse for the fnupayian.
<br /> f0. Condana�lioa. Tlr praceods of any award or cinim Por danwges. diroct or cunr,equenlial. in connaUon with ony
<br /> �v�xlenuuuion ur uther �Icin�of any part of the Praperty.ur for cunvuyuna;in lieu uP condemiuttion.are hae6y asslsned ond
<br /> ' �' dwll be pnid to Lerdar.
<br /> . �� �'�` !n thc cvent af o total taki ng of�hc Property,thc procc,eds shall be Applied ta the sums secured by thls Sau rity Instrument.
<br /> jr � �' Y,?::`.,";.
<br /> � � •s.•C: whether or not then due,wlih any e�cess peid to Borrower. In the event of a pwtial teking af the Property in which tho fair
<br /> < ,.
<br /> �. _.;; � ; market value of the Pcaperty immedietely befbre the taking is equal ta ar greater then the arnount of the sums ucurod by this
<br /> ��.c�x.�r.,.�.-:.,.���.,: Secu�ity tactrument Immodiutely before the taking,unless Horrower and Lender wherwise agra in wr�tinQ. tde sums secuad by
<br /> '��,.� � ' this Securlty Inslrument ehall be reduced by the amount af the procceds multiptied by the following Fraclfon, (a) the tote!
<br /> , � , emount of the aums securrd irnmedi�tely before the taking, divided by(b)the feir market value oi the Praperry imrt�atiatefy
<br /> �.'�'.:: . _.,•i::;.,�
<br /> .�,�,,;�;;�;�::;:;i..�' before the taking. Any belance shail be paid to Borrawer. In the event of a paRial teking of the Pmper►y in which the iair
<br /> ,r• market value of the Propeny immadiatcly before the taking is less thcin the amount of the suma secured imaixdialely before the
<br /> ,� , „ .�; ��;,�,;t - �'�� teking, unless Borrower and Lender dhenvise agree in w�iting or unless applicable law othenvise provldea,Ihe proceoda shell
<br /> •. •"•�'; be applied to the sums saured by this Secur�ty lnstrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �1�''�`�i i}'"`� If the Property is abandaned by Borrower,or if, after natice by l.ender to Horrower that ihe candemnoro�'fers to make an
<br /> , �; !'•• • .... ,�,..�:�,,;�t
<br />. �_.,.i:�F;;:?�c::,.
<br />- ;. �-�:•;�,.•_ ,,.;�,,�{;�,�{��yti , award or settle a claim Por damages,Borrower fails ta respand to l.ender within 30 days afler the dale thc naice is given,
<br /> � ;', �V��+;�� L.ender is authorized to rnlloct and apply the proceeds, at its option.eilhet to restoration or repair af the PropeRy or ta the sum�s
<br /> `�.' S ��,}�;,�i secured by this Security Mstn�rnent,whether or not the�due. a�
<br /> '�,�"''r:�;, ,1�A'.};i�f;;t�Ji�:,�r,:t;._I;%:�..,�t„� �.�:..
<br /> h t �r. - ?�1:i•... ,..L�:�i.l� \.,�t$�lT<,
<br /> Unless l.ender and Hairower ahenvise agree in writing, any applicatian of praceeds to pdncipel shul l not extend ar f
<br /> , ; ,;,,�' 1..,,, pos�pane the due date of ihe mamhly payments referreci to in purngraphs 1 and 2 or change�he amount of such payments.
<br /> �`'`� " '��� �� ''�'t'�'''��'�``"''t 11.Borrower Not Rel�; Ferbearance B l,ender Not A Waiver.Bx�ension of the time for u nxnt or modifictition
<br /> ;< ,... , �,�;..,...:�$ y p y �
<br /> ��� � ' ' � "`'''""` of amonization of the sums securod by this Securfry Instrument gruntvd by I.endar to any successa�in interest of Borrower sh�ll �•.
<br /> . � . . �,:.,,,�;,.
<br /> { . ,
<br /> • ' not operate ta releasc[he liabll ity af the originul Borrowcr or Barruwer'�successars in inlorest.L.ender shall not be rcquired to
<br /> ' commence proceedings against ony yucresscir in interegt or refu�e t��ex�enJ time far payment or otherwise mod ify amoriixslion
<br /> •� � . , � � of the sums secured by this Security inslrument by reuwn af uny demuixl m�uie by the orfginol &ttn►wer ur Bonawer's
<br /> •� �uccess��rr�in interest. Any fori�r�n�r by lxnJer in exercixinQ uny ri�ht ur remexly s�hull ncit bc:a waive�af ar precluJe the
<br /> — • . eaercisc a(any�ight n�rcm�dy.
<br /> 12. Succt�s�w�rx and A+�visn� Buund; Julnl and S�vcrnl I.iWbilityi Co-slRnen+. Thc rnvc�wm, unci agr��ementn of �his
<br /> • � . Scwurity Instrument shull h{nd und l+enefil �he +ucresM►r� unJ u+tiigm of l.enJer unJ &�rruwer, whjecl to Ihc pr�wiriom uf
<br /> ° ' ', � puragrnph 17. ��rrnwer'ti covenuntr unJ ugr��men�+ shall Ix juint anJ .evcrul. Any &�rrowe� who ccr,.�n�thi+ Securiry
<br /> . � �" Inxtrumt:nt but docs ncn cxuuw�hr Notu; (a► i�ur�ignin�t 1hi. S�rurity In.lrumam only�o mortgugc,gr�nt r.�nd ronvey thal
<br /> Borrower's intcrest in thc Pro�xny undcr Ihc term�i�f this Security In�trument:lb► iti not per��nally oblig:Ncd ta pay tha sums
<br /> � isecurrtil by thiti Security Instrunxnt;and(c)ugrcc��hut l.rnJrr anJ uny uthcr gc�rrawer nu�y agree to extcnci,m��dify, forbear or
<br /> � nwke any urcommcxlat i�x�s With regarJ to the irrms of thiti Securit� Instrum�nl ar thc Note wit6out �hut Borrowe r's consent. �
<br /> *: 13. I.�wn Chw�a.w.(1'the I�iun securcd by thix S�:rurity Inst�umcn� i.,ubj�Yt to u luw which,ets mrxiuu rn loan churges,
<br /> .�,,' � a�xl that law iti finally imerpr�ta! su�hu�thc intcrest ur iKher loan chnrge+cullecteJ or t��bc col lected in connection with the
<br /> �`f loan exceed thc perniitteJ limit�.Ihcn: (a)uny such loan rhurge,hull hc rrdureJ by thc um��um ncceswry lo r�du�e the charge
<br /> •,�' a►the permittcd limi�: and lb1 uny sums ulreudy ciillerteJ i'rum Borruwrr whirh exceecicd permitted limit�will be refunded to -;�;
<br /> „�j�'� � • Borrow�er. Lender nuy ch<H�,�c t�� make this rcfund by rcJucing Ihe principal owcJ unJcr thr Notc ur by nwking a direct •:;;�,.
<br /> �` .' ' ;, ;.. , ;,',.•'.i;' •. puyment to Borrowcr. II' u refund reduces principul. �hc rcdurtion w�ll tx: �rcutcJ a, u partial p�epuymeM without anY '.�.i
<br /> prepayment rharge wxier�he Near. �iz
<br /> .: - , . � 14.Notices. Any n�xir:tu[i��rrow•ct pru�•idcd for in thiti Srcuriq•Inxtruincnt tihull bc�:i�•en by Jcliccring ii ur ny mailing �.�
<br /> ' ' ' it hy fint clatis mail unlc++ s►prlicuhle luw require�u,r ol�an��dxr nkth�xl. Thr nn�ice.hall hc Jirccled tn tlxPraperty Address
<br /> or uny othcr uJJrcx. Borruerr dr.i�:nutc. by notirc �a LcnJcr. Any nutirr tu l.�ixlrr .n:,u n� ����n tiy r�,���u�� ��,��i w
<br /> ' Ixnder's addre.. .ia�cd IN•rein or:�n}�uhcr uddrr..I.end��r�i�+ienatc�hy n���i..a� &,rruwcr. Am notice pn►vidcd fiir in thin -
<br /> '� ' . � Security In,trunnnt tihall he Jccmed tu huve tkcn given to B��rrnw•rr�,�I.rnder �chrn gi�•rn a. pruv i�kd in�his p:�r�r�ph. ,�,'�
<br /> ' , . 15.Governing I.NN'� k����nm�y. Thi. Sccurit} In�trwnrut �ludl Ix ���rrrnrd M• IcJ�rul lu�v anJ �hc I;�u� �if the
<br /> � - juri�Jiction in which thc Prop�:ny i,buateJ. h� thc rvent th:H any prari,ian��r rlau�.�,t'ihi.Sr�urit�� In��mmcnt or Ihe Note
<br /> , '.. r�mtlicts with oppli�:�ble luw•.�uch c�aitlict.hull m�t:d7�r� uthcr pr���i�iun�.of�hi,Srrurit� Inti�rument ur Ihe N�i�e w•hinc�an Ne �
<br /> . gi��cn cffcct w•ithc�W thc conllicting pruvi.i��n. To Ihi� cnd �hr pr�ni�iau�uf�hi�ticruri�� In,trwncnt and thc N ac urr Jeclurcd
<br /> .�,:
<br /> to Ix�+cvcrablr. �
<br /> ' . � � I6. Borrn�rer'c top��.&,mn+�cr�hall hc�:i�rn�,nc rant�,nn�d c��p► of thr Nutc and ul'this Srcurit�I nuru nnnt. i
<br /> i �.. :
<br /> ' Fam 3028 8180 �
<br /> •°, • •
<br /> ;� ��..,�.�..��_ �
<br /> : s� '
<br /> ; :
<br /> • � , .
<br /> ; ,,p. .._ . _ . . , :'t,;,,�...... ., .. _ . ...
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