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<br /> '...{{;7��.K"•:.�c. i.v�
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<br /> � � . � � .
<br /> i by t6ia 8�ourlty 1n�tnimmt.U Borsow�s Wls to psy ILae�prior w��p1tWlco of fhi�periad.I�d�r ry iRVai�
<br /> . � .. �ny nem�edla penn�tted b t�b Seaudry InM�um�nt wilboue hutiwr notia or dea�od aa Bortowar.
<br /> �,g�r���LI`o Rele�ite. IP Bon�nwec meaU c�et�in coadiff�a�Ba�awx�+11 bave t�d jLt W h�vs
<br /> . . p�far.amoat of Ihi�Sa�uitY f�Uua�mt di�000dnued at�ny dme�or to tb Mrlier o�(a)S day�(a wd d6er perlod r
<br /> . . �ppli�able kw ary epeci�y for rain�temeat)6efore ede of�he lhapaty puruaot w inY Pawer of rale oaaW�+d io t1�
<br /> . Secu�itY In�ln�mmt�or(6)a+otry of a j��a�ta�ia�thi�Securi�Y Indiva�eot.11w�e aoodidons a+s t6�t Bonowa:(� ,:.
<br /> �. ' pRy�L�dl wor w6i�cb tLen bs due uoder t6i�3ecudty Io�humeot�od tbe Note���� ..;V�
<br /> occumed: N) cura wY defiolt of ay other ooveo�on ar�roemeoei(c�p►Y�dl e�e°'°�
<br /> � Seaudey 1nit�ummt�iocludiq.but aot limitd w� �e�oo�ble�ta�osY�' i !od (���ooh�cdm a�Im�dx m��r .:"r*.'
<br /> rwoo�bly require to +�wre t�t the lim ot tWi Se�wjty Iowumm�.L.ende���1�U�0���/°W°��
<br /> o6liQation Wp�y tbo am��ecund�y,tbi�Secudty ln�t�umeat�WII caodnue pon �1OR"0��
<br /> ; , ". thL�Sacudty Inrtnima►t�nd Ibe obli�tion��ecund 6aebo��Y�e�p ii�oo�oce+leradan h�d oocwrod. ' -•;��.
<br /> Howsvec.Wa d�ht b reinsWe�ll not�pply in t6e c�e f tmder p�ua�n�ph wIt61�b S�auity
<br /> 19.S�1e of Np�Clu�t ot Lown Sa�lae. 1Ls Note or�prti�inta�at We Nde� �n
<br /> � LWtumeot)aa be ald aoear moro time�witbout�rioc nofjce W Ba A Mle�nd tbi�Secwi�lasuumeot.7Lae :.'.:.. .
<br /> ' , (knawu u ths ZLom Savioer')tL�t collects mooid�Y P�Y�duo uader the Nato
<br /> �1w nny be ooe a uwre cbw�es ot tbe Lwn Savlcer uom�ted w a aile of tbe Nate. If d�ae i�a ahn�e ot tbe Lo�s
<br /> � � � �arce�the n�am�� md�ddna lo�ihe�oew L�Se�vk�cett We�nd �iddrea�W�wLicL p�yamu�ou�W��be m�de. _
<br /> 'lbe noli otl�et�afora�dm re9uirod bY�PP�b law.
<br /> . . T6e aodca will�lso co�aWn rny .
<br /> 20.&�rdoua Su6elaa�s. Borto�'er�II not cw�o or�.armit W�preeaic.,a�e�di�x,al,�ta��e,,ar�e{eare of
<br /> :,�, � �ny Hwrdoua Stib� aa a in tlre �ty.Bonuwer�L�U not do� aor dlow,myoae e�e.o do.myWio�+�ecA� ;:,,
<br /> . . � the gropeity tlut ii in vloladon of my Bi v�raomeotd Lnw.The procedin�two rentaoca eb�U�!pdy � ';';�:ia;:��`:
<br /> J ure,or ston�e an the Pm�atY of wa119u�tia of H��rdou+sub�hoca�th�t�ro�a�enUY �+�� `;,: ,.� �,
<br /> w normpl reudeotLl wa wnd tu m�inteamce of da ,,��. •.�:,,
<br /> ,,, Borrower s1uU promplly�ive I.aader writtan�of any inve�ti�adon Wm,de�nd,l�w�uit or ather�ctsan by : �
<br /> . � � `.,.,. .,.
<br /> , �� �Y Q�'a�p� °r�ul�y a�eocY or Privste pa�tY iovolvL►�the PrnpeAy and wy H�a�dow Sub��a�ca«� ..
<br /> ,�..'� t 4 .
<br /> uaeaW Law of which Homower Iw�ctwl lmowled e.If Horrower larw. or is nolified by any�m► ;' i`':;:.r
<br /> .:��:r�.,,;,�,
<br /> � . . ��ty.��y��q���di�on �ay Huudou�Sub�hoca+�ffactin�Ihe Pr�patY V neoe'�uY•�'°'� ' ,.,�.„
<br /> � �Pro�Y�� ���cdonr in uooidNCe wlt6 Bavltnoa�eaW Lw. ,.�.'�;,,`�
<br /> ti YiOd�II 1��M����H/�[�OUY.SU�1100��YE 1�0�0 iLL�dOf100i�Y�O�C 0!�4tdOW W�O�/ .F�r;;.,
<br /> by Bavfroart�enW Lw foUowin�sub�taocec�wline� r«°�e°°�°��le a toxlo petnola�m product�. ,
<br /> w:ic peaticideo aod herbiaides.voWile wivenb.matarW�con��or forn�Wd� da imd r�dlo�clive mNerLU. ;:, -..•
<br /> Ar u�ed in tbi�p a n g�p h�. �B°or�e�o�QVironmmWa mow P��i wa�ad lat:.r�af llte j�w�e+��Y� �; •
<br /> loc�ted t1Nt rel�fe w 6 e a llb�a�fatY Ki�;,:
<br /> � NoN•Ut�nat�Cov�w+'n.Borrnwer a a d I.�f u r l h�x co v e o m t a o d�y r e e�f o A o w e: t.: ,f:•s
<br /> yree
<br /> . Zi.Aoceler�tioa3 Raraedia. Lender�Iwll give not[ce to Borrower prlor to aoaleratlon[olWwio�Bonmvee's �
<br /> 6 n a c h o t any cor a�a o t o r��e m e n l i a t u t 9 S e c u r i t�I�n o a e n t(b u t n o tp r�i o r W�c e l e r atia�uoder p u a e�p b 17
<br /> unless�p p l k a6k Uwpro dde�otha�wlse).The ootice sbAll�t(�) tlite de(AWk(b)the�eaion e+equ�red!o a�re f h e
<br /> d e f A U l t= (c 1 4 d�t e,n o t l e s r t L a 3 0 da y r fran the date tbe notice ia�ivcn b Borrower�by wb�ich t6e ddwit mud be
<br /> curedl Rad(�t6�t fpilure to wre the dd'nWt on or before Ihe dAte epecltied lu t6e o o t i o e a wr e+a a i t i s a o o e l a�t i o� �,
<br /> ot the aun�secura!by tt�b Securit�'1�aent and ark ot the Propert7.The notioe ahWl turll�e iotorm BoeroMer ,,_
<br /> oi Ihe right to rdr�fate drer wcoefer�tioa nnd tUe rigbt to brl�a court ution to a�at Ibe ms�oe d a ,
<br /> derault or eny otlrcr defeme of Borrower to oocda�tioo and sWe.lt tAe defaWt i�not cured oo a be[a+e the date
<br /> .. tied ia the ao� Leuda� at ib opdoa ma9 requi�+e immed�te p�� W fuU ot all sum�xured b'-tW� •,:�-: y
<br /> ap���r(ty Tretrumeat tbont turtlur dems�nd and may involce tl�e power sale aad�°�n�medid p+ro�W�ed�� •.r, �
<br /> pHca�k IwN. Lander aWll be mdtkd to ooUect wll acpen�incurred in p� , :r �
<br /> par�r�ph 21�includi� but aot li�nited to�nasonobk ottorney�'fees oad costs ot tle a�ide� ,,.,:.
<br /> If t6e power of ea�e i�invoked,Tnastee alu�ll record�ratiae ot dei�Wt in eacb oouat7 in wi�eh an7 P��� .
<br /> , '':��.•„ .
<br /> ppt b located aad s6d�mwil oopke ot such aotice in the manner prescribed by�p�licabk Lue to Borr�awtr�ad d�
<br /> b�the �othe� pe�sous pres�'ribed by appUcAbk law. Af1a�t6e Wne required by�pplip�ble I�w,Trmtee_s1�U ti*e
<br /> pubiit nodcc of snle to tbe pa�au� �nd in the msnner prea�xlbed by�pplkable Inw.Tn�e, vv�wut da�u�nu on °�.� _.
<br /> Borrower�sl�all sell t6e Prooaty d publk Auction to the�he9t bidder ot We Wne�nd pinoe and wwler tbe te�mt , . :„'.r
<br /> de4i�nated in the oodce at sak in oae or more_pAr�x�s aad W order Tru9tee determiaes.Trwtee m�y�po�pone
<br /> sole ot all or any pared d t6e ProPertY 6y public Announcenent at tbe ttme wnd piaoe ot oW P��7 med '4 _
<br /> wde.Lender or its dcci�nce nuy purch�Se t6e Property At any sole. � . .
<br /> Upon reoeipt ot pa�ment ot the�ria bid Tnutee si�l�deliver W the purclu�ser Tnstee s deod oon� tbe r.�
<br /> m
<br /> �0�•T� �� �'�We prooeedv of the sale We o�OfwinB or-.�(�)to all oosfs and exPe�se�ot a�d�
<br /> thenin.Tn�tee�11 aPi�l
<br /> Fam 3021 � o/ 1
<br /> WIKlqitl/fqNf,MIC»iT.CLOUO.MNN�0911•l00��7•7f�11►Oi1MMG1diE7Al11 �'=��`� -
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