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<br /> ti . , ' !.�erpectio�. Iasdu ar ia�aot m►y mdc�nMOe�bM�nMe�upoa md io�p�dioo�ot t6�PrapMty.L�d�r�II
<br /> dw Bor��a�lia�t t6s fims of a prior 10�n iorpeaeia�p�cifyi��e�oo�ble cane fos dN forpectian.
<br /> ,, 1�.Catleeer�Ka. 't'hs poo�edr ot�n�r aw�td a�Wm for i�m��dinot or 000�queetWr ia ooaa�tian w►ilh
<br /> �sy oceaemo.tlan or amer�of aoy pat of u�e Pcap�y� a lror 000wyao�ia lieo of.w+�o�o.tioa� a.h�robr
<br /> • . a�ped�od�all be�id po
<br /> In Ws avmt of a bW W�ot the Propaty.tbe p'aoeed��hap b°�PPlied to f6e��aaued b�►thia Sec�ity
<br /> � Tp�qammt�wbetUet or aot tLen doe wlt6�y exca��s pa�id b Bor��ro[.In 1he eveat ots prfid Wdn�ottbep�p�y in
<br /> � wbi�h d�e 6dr awkd vdus at tbe�'ropaty immediaWy befate the tdcios i� o0 oz�fhm the emo�mt� of fhe
<br />�. , ' �t�aed by�Seaority 1nMewneot lmmsdi�ely befooe ths Wcto�� ueleM �od Lreodet otf�wLe in
<br /> faU �5s�ons(��j�0�o4l�imomt of d�e�sec�ued�imm di�tely betav 1be��of�d'�vI by(b We�m�yiu�ut�
<br /> � � . v+due oPd�sp�y immediWly 6efae dieq� Any 6d�eoe�hl!6e p�id oo Bortiowea In t6e evaot ota p��tW Wdnt
<br /> • . of d�e PiopeAy in -Lw6[ah rhe fiir muk�t v�fu�of Jie Prcpaey immedWaly 6efore ths 41dm�i�la�t6m tbs�nwuot of the u: •
<br /> eu�n�e�anrod immed tdy befae tbe�s�uo�Ba����b�+��O��VY��a��0� �r+r�`�..e•., I`�A�;�':'
<br /> : l�w ot6envlre pra.vida,d�e proceed� be�ppli �
<br /> � , �pie fhen due `�
<br /> • It the Pnoperty io�odaaed by Boirower�or if.aRer rotice by L�eoder to Bornn�ror th�t the oondemnor affe�s to :;;;,�,
<br /> . , . mite an�wud ar�eple�cl�im fot d�ao��a,Botrowet fiib to ie�pond to I�eoder wlt�in 30 d�y��Rat th�due the t�otioe ,;,.�,,, :,_;�::;,� ,•+.-�.
<br /> . . �Qiven�I�ader i�wt6ori�ed to collece md q�ply d�e prxeeiL,�t lte opdoa,at6er to n�ta�tiou a e�ir of td Paoperty �f:�:t��., -
<br /> . a to tbe ams saaund by t�Securfty Inehvme�nt�wl�ether or not d�an due. ,.�
<br /> . UdeN I.mder and&x��ower atbawiie a�tee in wddn��mY�PP��!�'��P��I+v�11 not exteod ar `:.
<br /> � porq�one Wa dne date of the monWly paymeaa aeferred w in pn�l aod 2 or cJun�e the sma�ot of�ach pymoab. , .
<br /> . 11. Boee+ow�ar Not Rdased; F�riaraace B� Leod�r �W�i�ar. Bxtmeion of the dme for p�yment or � ,..ti. 1
<br /> modiRcatloa of amort�ion o[t6e am��ecurod by thi�Sa�ri In�cumeot�ntad by Laoder to imy a�coeseor In int�at � :.: •
<br /> ' � • of Bonvwer�Il not oper�te to relea�e Ihe li�bNity of We ai�oal Honower os BonawePa wcoawon in inWek.Lend�v �.. .�,..���• . � .�.
<br /> �hdl aot be�eq tfl oommeoce� �ainrt an�Y suxa�or in inwest ot refuee�o extaod dme foc p�ymant or ,:.�`.,';.��� ..
<br /> alLerw�e modi�imoid�tian of t6e a� �iecurod by 1hi� Secwity I�trament���wn of�ny deo�od amide by tbe . :���.;�:.�:
<br /> I o r f�i n�l Bon�aw�er ar Bonow�a•�a�cea�orn in intero�t.Aay foibe��oce by Leoder exsm�io,��nY ri�Lt a romedy�II
<br /> uot be�waivx of a pnclude the eaa�ciie ot a�y d�t or romedy. .-•=:L��,��
<br /> � I f2. Suooaeo�s�od�Boundi Jolnt�nd Sa►eral I.i�b[W�i C o�d�n a's• T6e covaoana aod ts oP '.� ••...- .;
<br /> � Ihi� Security Luhumeot �1W1 LW aod Umefit W e a�aon �n d a d o I a d e r �o d B a n o w e r� � t b e
<br /> .. . � proM1,Lion�of E�17.Bon�n+ver•�cova�nu�od b�Il be�O i nt�od�eveN.Auy Borrower co-d�ne �,
<br /> .� ' t 6 i r S a s u r ity L b u t d o a n o t e�c e e u o e 1 6 o N o t e: a)b o o-�i�t�S a e u e ity I m tr u m e n t o o l t o m o e t� �r a n t ,�:', 1
<br /> , � �md omvay fh�t Bonow�er�int�a�art in t�e u�der tbe tams oP i8i� S c�ty I�tv�t; �b) is nat�1lY r�::�Y,
<br /> . � . . ,.�� ����P�Y the ama eecui+ed by tbis Secudty �imd(c) thu Lender�od�ay othee Borrower amiy � ti l•� �.
<br /> � w extmd.modify�forbaor ur make aay accommod�tiom wlfh a b tLe taro�of thi�Security In�tr�w�ent or t6e �• . `. !• ,
<br /> ' `.� ! � thstg�,��'� � �'�: .
<br /> ' ' �aaa C�a. I�am�ecurod by thi�Saudty In�nimenti��ubjxt w a law which rete muimum lam t�;,'��� '..,, .
<br /> � .. eb.r�e., .od th.e I�w� fin.uy intu�retea.o t6at me incerat or aher�a�n c�a oollectea or to be wueocea in !;�� ��:��-.;� ��� � � ,
<br /> � i ooanect�on with the la.n enceed We permiued Wnia. tban: (�) my weh lo�n ch�r�e vull be redwxd by�t�he�a�ouot , . . �
<br /> necawry to neduoe dto clur�e to We tted limit•�nd(b)my wm�dredy ooUectad fmm Borrower w6icl�aotceeded ':, ..
<br /> ' � . penuietad limits wiU be refunded w o�irawror. Len�er m�y choae w m�ice t6is cefimd by reduaina the prioelPd oti'r"ed i ,�
<br /> � tmder the Note or by m�kln�a di�ct p��t to Borrowar.If�rellrmd roduoa prloaipd�tbe reduotian wW be tie�ted�n� (' ,c ry,;.
<br /> �` putidpr�yment without wY P�Y�t ch�r�o w�der tLe Note. . .
<br /> e
<br /> � � � 1 4.N o t t a e s. A ny n o Hoe t o B o n o wer�ded for ia t6is S e c u ri t y Iaarumeot�lull ba g ivea�by deHverin�it or 6y ,
<br /> '. m�ilia� it by firet cl�ss m�il unlesa applicab e l I�w re9uima we of�nother rtbthod. 71ie nobca e l u U be dieected to the �
<br /> ' � , � Addcr�s o r my o t h e r a d d m e e Horrower desi�oata�by nodce W LRader. Any notice to Leadar�116e�ivaa by �
<br /> � � ' pfiret�c ylon m�il w Leader's�ddrese olated heroin or any other addrea Lmder desi�teo by aotioe w Borrower.Any aotioe ''
<br /> � ��for in thio Seaurity Imhvmeat�ull be deemed w have bea►�iven to Borrower or L�eader when�vea ar provided
<br /> , ; in thie pangnph, '`
<br /> IS.Go�ani�Lrwi Severnbifiq. 7bis Security lnstiumeat s�ll bo�ovemed by federal I�w�ad We I�w of the
<br /> ' junedlotion in whicb the Preperty is located.In We evaat th�t�ny provisian or clwse of t6ie 3acurity Lo�tmment or t6e
<br /> Note cootlicp with�p Gcable IQw.euch confltct shall not at�'ect other provioions of this Security Iaatcumear or the Note
<br /> wbich c�a bo Qiven effact wiWout We cantlictL��provisioo.To thir ead We provi�ions of N�io Socucity Inpiument�nd t6e
<br /> Note a[e docl�red to be eevaable.
<br /> 16.Boerower'a Cop�. Borrower ehdl bo vea oae conformed wpy of the Note�nd of thie Securiy lutruabat.
<br /> . 17. Tranefer of t6e Yroperly ar a�cjW Interest j�Ba�rower. lf all or any paR of the�Froparty or aay
<br /> inteerAt in it ie eold or laaefmrod(or if �beaeficid interaet in Borrower is sold or tranaferted�nd Bocrower�e not�
<br /> natu�t pe�son)wlt6out Leuder's prior writtea conseat� Laidcr may�at ita option�n9uire iaunedirte paymmt in full of dl
<br /> eauu�ecurod by this 5ecudry Inatrwoent. However. Wis optioa shdl oot be eaerciiod by I.eader if exercise i�p�ohibited
<br /> by fedenl l�w�u of t6e date of t6is Security lmshument.
<br /> If Leader exereieea thia opllon,Leader s�ll�iva Bomowor aotice of�cceleratioo.'IUe notice eh�ll provide a pariad
<br /> of oot lea tlua 30 daye fcom t6e daw the natice ir delivaed or oWled within whic6 BocYOwer muat pay dl swua�ecured
<br /> �aoas ,�.�•�o e�
<br /> ��ens�rerara iNC..s�.aow.MNlE�0911•�004�7•ti�t1I0M�MD-t�11E Z/fAt � ��
<br /> I .
<br /> �
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