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<br /> ', � 17.Tnnsta�of the Propaty or w Beaelldai lateraot In Borrower. lf all or enq pan of tlie Propaty or any lntorut ln tt
<br /> ir,sold or truisfem�d(or if a beneticlul lntem.�t In 8orrawer 1�sold or trarwferrad ond Bormwer!s not a nuural per�on)wlthout
<br /> 1,etK{�+�'� pdor written conscnt, I.cnder m�y. at i�e oplion, r uiro immodiwe payment in full of all ruma cocured by Ihi�
<br /> . Se�uri{p�l�lyaument. Nawover,lhia option�all not be cacrcis�d�y Lcnder if exercise is p�ohibita!by federol lew�oP the date
<br /> of.�his,Sa�o.�ty lnstniment,
<br /> Ifil.e�exorcices thic op�ion,I.ender ahall give Borrower natieo of ac:eeleration. fio natice shallpm vide A period of not
<br /> � lesx than�3q daye from the date the nodcc ic delivered or mailed wilhin which Borrawer must puy all�uma socurad by thia
<br /> Securi�y•It�sttumenc. If BoRawer feils to puy che.�c sums prlor to thc expirntion��P�hiA period,i.cnder moy invo�e any rcmediea
<br /> pernuittAd.hY�his Secudty Instrument wi�wt further natice or denwnd on 8orrower.
<br /> '�; 18; Bamower's RiQht to Reft�te. if Barrower meeta certain conclitions, Borr+nwrr shull havc the right to have
<br /> - - enfaraeme+nt�nf,tliis Secuiity Trourument di6conUnueJ�t e��y time priur to �he eariier uf: (e)5 doys (or such other period�s
<br /> •,, appllc�abla le,w•.mAy specify far reinstutcment) beforo sale oP tha Propeny pursuant to any power of sala cantained in this
<br /> Secu�ity Instni�►t;or(b)enpy of a judgment enforeing thiF Secu�ity Instrument.Those conditions are that BaROwer.(a)pays
<br /> 4 Lender dl Rums�which tben would be due under this Secu�ity lns��ument and the Note as if no ecaleralion had accumod;(b)
<br /> curos aqy dN'aulliof.any other covenants or agrcememR;(e)pays all expenses incurrul in enforcing this Secu�iry Incuument,
<br /> � s`' �' �� �� including, but,npt�llmited ro, reasonable uttorne�s' fees;and(d)takes auch uction as L.ender moy�easonably rcyuirc to assum
<br /> �• �•t that�ho lit�n af�this Security Inurument, Lender s righta in ttie Pioperiy and Borrower's obligatian to pay the suma secured by
<br /> " this Saurily 1n9t1ument shall continue unchanged. Upan relnstatement by Burrower, this Securiry instrument and the
<br /> `• ' �` '" '' '""'�� obligatians.sso�ccurad hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acc�lerotion hud occurred. However.this right to reinstata shail
<br /> ���X4����%��`��b; not epvly in 1hE�caBe of acceleration under paragmph!7.
<br /> ' i9, 3�1a aL Nate; Cha�e of i.opn Servlcer. The Note or a partial interesl in the Note (togcther wlth this Secudty
<br /> � � _:�:_... .�.......
<br /> ° <`• ` � : Instnitnent)may he sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale tnNy rcwult in a chaage in the entiry(ktwwn
<br /> r
<br /> 4 �`�` .� . � ' a.s�ht "Laan Sea�+�ieier')that collects maothly paymenta due under tho Nole and this Security Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> ' o�maro chaag0s af.tho Loan Scrvioer unrclated to a sale of tha Nota.if there is a changc of ihe I.oen Sewicer, Borcower will be
<br /> �3;.. ` _ given writton natiae of the chunge in accordance wi�h paragraph 14 ubave and applicnble law.The notice will atate the name ai►d
<br /> n
<br /> ,, -" -� :�--'� uddross of th0 new•Loan Servicer and the address ta which a ments shauld be made. The notice wiU a:o
<br /> �, p Y Iti rnntain on other
<br /> �� Y
<br /> t infomwtian►aqqiral by applicable law.
<br /> k � 20� H�vatdau�Subets�nces. Barrow6r shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release oi'any
<br /> Hs�ardnus Substances on or in the Property. Borrower Khall nat do, nor allaw anyone else ta do, anything affecting the ;�'
<br /> � Property that is in,violation of ony Environmen�af Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use,or
<br /> storage on the Pr�penp of small quantities of Hazardaus Substunces thut are generu�ly recagnized to be appropriate to nornial
<br /> ' , residential uscs pnd ta.mvSnterwnce of the Propert�r.
<br /> `;' � Bcxrc�xxr shall�pn►rnptly give L.ender w�iuen notice of any investigation,claim, demvnd. Inwsuit ar ather action hy any
<br /> � go��ernmcntnl ar•regulatury ogency or private party involving the Property and uny Hauudous 5ubstance or Environmental Law
<br /> � , oP which Bckmw�er Iws uctual knnu�ledge. If Honower leams,or is natified by�ny governmental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> • uny remaval ar o�her ramediation of any Haxardous Substance affecting the Propnrty is necessary.Borrowe�shall promptly take
<br /> �' ., ull necessnry namedial�ru.xinns in uccardance wilh Emiranmentnl Law.
<br /> AR used in Ihi: p�mph 20, "Hnzardous Subs�anccs" arc il�ose�ubxtuaces definal as toxir or harardauti substunces by
<br /> -- �m�imnmental Law nnd the failowing wbxtanres• gasnline, kerasene, other flnmmuble ar toxic petroleum Qraducts, toxic
<br /> • pcwtirides and herbicideti,�»I�dile solvcnts,ma�eriu�.containing asbe�tos or formulJchyde, and rudiouctive material.r.As u�ed in
<br /> f , this pumgrnph 20, "Em•imnn�rntal Law�" n�eans fcdcrul laws and luw�of thc juriKliction where the Property ix lucated Ihat
<br /> . relate tuh�tllh, sutoty or em�imnmental pr�Nection.
<br /> •• NQPT-UNIFORM COVL�hANTS. &�rruwer anJ I.enJcr furthcr covenunt uiul ugrce u� fiill�wti:
<br /> � 21,Aecelorettant.Remodles.I.ender sholl Rive nMlce to Bnrrow•er prior lo accelerallon folloa•ing 13urrn«•ev's breach
<br /> ��: � of an��co��enAnt�on eRnement in this Secu�lty Instrument Inut nut prlar to acceler�tion under paragraph 17 unles.�
<br /> appflca�le IaH• pro��ideK otherwise). The nutice shull specifv: lo)the defeult; Ih)the action required to cure the dePnult;
<br /> ��'r� ' (c)p date. nat lenv tflan i0 day:c frnm the dute thc nntice 1s�iven to Borrowcr.by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> IiF, (d) thAt fuiluns to cut+e the default on or Ix�i'ore the dute sp��rifi��d in the nodce mny result in acceMration of lhe�;ums ....;,y
<br /> �'+� secwrd b�•Ihls Secutity lnstrument and sule oP the Pro{xrt�. The nutice shell Purther lnfonn Barrowrr of the rlqht to
<br /> �r relnstalu aflur aa�elmitian and thc ri�ht la brin�a rourl aclG►n to axscrt the nnn�e�ktencc of'a dePault or any other
<br /> deiense of Bunoe•er tu acreler�Uon und wle. If the dePault is nut cured on or betore Ihe date specliicd In the nottce. 1:;;''
<br /> ' I.ender,at Ilb optinn, may require imm��diute pavment in full of all .r•ums u�cured by thlti Security Instrument �ithout `�
<br /> . , � furth�r demand•and mA�•Invokc thc pow•cr oi'sule und uny othcr remcdi�s permht��d bc app8cable lew. I.ender shall br
<br /> entilled lu mfl��t ull expenses tncutTCd in punuinµthe nmedie+pn►vided in thi�paraRryph 21.1ncludin�.bu1 nnt limked
<br /> � ' ta,rnasonable attorneys'iecs and costs aP tiNe e�•idenrc. ,
<br /> if Ihepu��er ui wik is imokrd. Trusl�w tihail ren�rd a notice oP d�rfuult in each cauntc in ���h�ch any pu�t oi'thr r".
<br /> Pmperty is I�MUttd and shall mail ropi�w of�uch noUcc in the munner prexril►Nd by�upplica�le law to B��rrowcr and to
<br /> `' the ut6er perwns prescribed b�•applicubk(ax�.Aftcr the time r�K�uired bc appllcuMe IaW,Truvtec shall Rivc public nutice ��;:;�
<br /> , of wle Io the pe�wm and in Ihe munncr prezcrib��d li}�applicahle lan�. Tru.t��c. ��ithnut demand on Borrm��er.tihull sell
<br /> ' �he Property at publk aucNon lo the hlgh�wt bfdder at the tio�c and pluce und under Ihr Ierrns devi�nated in the notire of °"'
<br /> � �;ule in one or more parrcls and in am�order 7'rust�r detern�in�w. Truxt��mu�� ���I��nc sule oi'all or am• parccl oP the
<br /> � S . Property b}�pubNc unnouncement ut the time imd plucc of am pre�iou�lc srhiduled rale. l.ender or it� dr�iRnee muy
<br /> s punh�e the Property at am�sale. `��7
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