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<br /> p�ymans rtay no lon�cr Go e+equired.u the option of Lecrder,if nnrt�e i�curanco ooven�e(in�ho�nwum and tor ihe pulad
<br /> that L,ender roquire�) providod by�n Inw�er�pproved by Latdar a�in becon�avall�ble u�d I�obt�inod.Bonower thall pay
<br /> the p�niuma roquiiod w m�int�ln mortRa�o iawranoa in effect.or w provlde o la�t+aerve,wqll the�oyuiremant for mc�ri�+�e
<br /> imur�noe a�da in�oo�r�nee wllh my wdtu�a��eement bdwxn Borrowa�nd Letfd�er or appllcablo I�w,
<br /> 9. lu�pectioq.L.ender or ita aRent mry m�ke ro�wi�bk eiu�ia upan rnd inspectlau of the Pmperty.Lender�hall�ive
<br /> B�rrower notia At the time of or pdor to m itupectio�specifyln�rcasomble au�e Bor�ha in�pection.
<br /> 10. Ca�dema�tlon.71u pra�eeds oP any pwrrd or cl�im for dam�eA,diroct or oonsoqucntiol. in wnnahlon with nny
<br /> eondemmtion or ot6ec tdcit�of wy p�t of tha Property.or Por oonveyanoe in lieu oi oondeauauion, are horeby�w+f�ned�nd
<br /> dull be p4id ta Lender.
<br /> ln tho event of a tawl u�kin�of'the Prapeny,t1Ye prueeoda Wwll bo applied to the cums cocurod by thi�Soeurity Instrument,
<br /> whether or not then due. with any oiceas paid to Bormwer.in Ihe event of a putiW taking of the Property in which the fai�
<br /> market value of the Praperly inu�xdi�tely beforo ttro talcing is oqual to ar grcater than the amount of the wms sacured by thi�
<br /> Sccudty Instrument immedfately beforo the taking.unless Hotmwer and Lender otherwise agroe in wrftin�.the suma cocured by
<br /> thia Sxudty Instrument shall be rcduced by the amaunt of the provoods multiplied by tho following frs�ction: (a)the toW
<br /> omount of tho wms setured immediately bcfore the wking.divided by(b) 1he f�r markd value of tho Prq�ony immodiatoly
<br /> � befon the wicing. My balancc stiall bc�wid to Bortnwer. ln thc eve�t of A pattial teking af the Property in which the fair
<br /> market valuo of the Property immodiately btfaro the taking ie less thw�the amount of the sums secuned immediately befora the
<br /> talcing,unless Borrowcr and l.ender otherwise agrec in writing or unless applicable law otherwfse pmvide�,the pt+oceeds ahW)
<br /> � be appliod to th�sums cecured by Ihi�Security Instrument whether or not ihe sums are then due.
<br /> � If che Property is abandanod by Borrower,or if,afler noti�ce by l.ender to Bomnwer thu tho rnndemnor offers to malce an
<br /> �' ' award or settlo a clvrn for darnages.Borrower fails to n.'spond to I.ender within 30 days after Ihe date the iatice is giver�,
<br /> '.-' j ' ' '��` K Leteder is author�zcd to mllxt and spply the proctecls.at its option,either ta restoration or rcpair of tue Prnperty or w the wmr
<br /> .,'��;���`` sxured by tMs Socudty Inswment,whether or not then due.
<br /> !� � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicatlon of procads to pr�ncipal shWl �rot exund or
<br /> �,, «;�...., .
<br /> •w�•��?�-'�•• �°''� �ynwe}�y�ne the due date of the monthl ments rei'erred to io • hs 1 and 2 or chan e U�e amount of such ments.
<br /> /J�..�!�1�5'.� �S•...1�1.��i • •►^' YPaY Pi�P B PaY
<br /> ��N '�� � ..,••r,�,,:� l l.Borrower Not Releaced;Forbearance By Lendcr hat a Wpiver. Extension of the time for paymant or modiflcetion
<br /> • �� ��•-' •� ' of amortization af the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument grantod by Lender to any successor in inte�+est of 8orrower shall
<br /> a;;�'�iyTaR'S��P'-.
<br /> ;,_,, .,;,a ,�.,,, not operate to rele�ase the liobility of the odginal Borrower ar Bomower's successors in interesl. l.ender ah411 ncu be rcquirod to
<br /> �,•• ;
<br /> ., � �s,. �, commence procoedings a�ainst any suocessor in interest ar refase to eatend time for payment or othenvise modify amortizetion
<br /> '� ' :�,+'?:;�'a:�. of the sums securad by this Secu�iry Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> �^ ^' ;•;;;,:,.���.�t� :
<br /> � :;I..�,,t���;�_^ . successora in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising Any right or�medy shull not be p waiver of or preclude the
<br /> ��.�;:;���..,:;�.+''"•:. eaercise af any right ar remedy.
<br /> '`''�'°''� �'�'�- 12. Selccessore end A�sslgna Rm��d; .lotat and Several Liability; Co-signe�s. The covenants and aqreemenls af this
<br /> �' � �'� � � Secudty Instrument shall bind nnd benefit the suceessors and essigns af I..ender and Horcower. subject to the provisionc of
<br /> ' ° ti1,4��a.h,v�_.+'�,..�v�,'
<br /> .
<br /> >��:°�•_;_�►:-;^�•: ' paragraph 17. Bc�ROwer's covenants and agr�rements shull be joint and severul. Any Borrower who ca-signs this Security
<br /> �'r:::."..
<br /> ;�. '� �;.;3';Jt�+'•�+:'°� Instrument but does nm execute�he Note: (a� is co-signin�t th�is Security lnstrument only to mongage.grent and convey that
<br /> 's�..,,'.';:•', .�,;,.�
<br /> , Borrower's imcrest io the Pmpeny under the terms oP this Security Instru�nent; lb)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> sccured by this Security Instrument;and(r)agrees that Lender and any other Normwer may�grce�o extend,madify,forbear or
<br /> � ���,'���' � • make any accommodutions wi�h regard to�he terma of this Security Instrument ar�he Nute withaut thut Barrower's consent.
<br /> ;;.
<br /> � • 13. I.oan Cluir��c. lf the loun securcd by this Security lnsvument is subj��ct to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> ,,,� . `'��•'. . and that law is finally interpretud so Ihut the interest or other ioan churges collectod or to be collected in cannectian with the
<br /> � �f'��:, ,, loan excced the permitted limit�:, then: (al uny,uch luun churge shull be reduced by the nmount neressury to reduc�.the charge
<br /> '�' ? . . . to the perndtted limit;sMrd lb)uny aums ulrcudy collected frnm Borrowrr which excceded permitted limi�x will be reiundad to
<br /> �',� � , Borrower. Lender muy chcxixe to nwke �hi�. refunJ by r��iucing the principal owecl unJer the Note or by making a direct �„-
<br /> " • � � paymeM to Burrower. If u rel'unJ recluces principal. the reduction will he treated uti a panial prepuyment withaut any
<br /> � �. .
<br /> •�. . �
<br /> �� • � � prepayment charge under�he Notc. �
<br /> � 14.Notkes. Any natice ai Bnrroa•cr proviJeJ li�r in chis Securiry Inctrumen�shall tn given Ny delivering it or by muiling
<br /> `' ,:;;�;�:;° it by firsi cluss mail uolea+upplicublc luw reyuire,r uu of an�nhcr tmlh�xi. Thc nMire+hall bc dircctcd io ihe Property Address ,
<br /> e �'.'�� � . ' or uny other addre�� Bonower designvteti hy notice tu LcnJcr. Any notire to LcnJcr .hull bc given by first cla�s muil to �'i:
<br /> ��.�. '
<br /> ' �',��� •` Lendcr's addre�� siated hcrein or any other address I.enJer dcsign•rtc, by nMicc tu Borr��wcr. Any notice pn�vided for in this
<br /> �.....:,, ,. . �.
<br /> . - • �< !`t�Ft` Serurity Instrument xhall be deemed tu havc hcen Fiven to Borruwer or l.enJcr v►hcn givcn a,pro�•ided in thin par�graph. •.-
<br /> ,.,�.� „ �uvcrne.l b 1'�Klrrul laa and Ihe luw of Ihe
<br /> ,,.� � IS.Go�•erning I.aN; Severability. Thiti Security {nstrumcnl .hull Ix �, y r,r
<br /> �'i: yY, juriuiictian in which the Prc►�xrt�• i,kxut�Yl. In the event �hat uny pr��vi.ric.n nr rlau�c uf this Srcurity In.lrument or the Note
<br /> �:.�,,:,
<br /> 'r. rantlicts with upplicahle law, wnc�onilict shall not af'f'ect uthrr pmvi.iim.of�hi.Srrurity Imtrunko�or the Nute which cun t►e
<br /> '`'�� . 1`;i�'� given effect wilhout the conflicting provi�i�m. Tu thia rnd �hc pro�•ixiom M'this Srcurity In�trument m�d�he Nate ure declarcd
<br /> �� � to be veverable.
<br /> � ',,� 16.Borre�ver'ti Cop�. &��ru��er�hall lx givrn iinc conliynneJ cupy ut thr Nate ai�l nl thi.Security In�trunxnt.
<br /> f. ' ,.. .
<br /> � :�•,A Fam 30Z8 8190 �
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