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<br /> �,�E�y ,.r
<br /> � S.T�.AM��.wi14�.Trusta slaii pop ol toxa,a�s:n�nts and cH�chQp�s,tncNidinp,wiMaA limirotion.M�s and im•
<br /> po�(tions athidulohl�/o tM P►p(�ry,ad I�owNold PoM�n o►0'oud r�nit.if any.Mfor�th�san�b�tan�ddinOwn►.Trutta slioq pronip-
<br /> �,��;i tl�furntsh to 6�fkiary all nafins of aeounn du�u�r this paoprqih,and in tM w�M Trurtor�hoN nwik�pa�►mt dkatly.Tnnta shoN
<br /> � ,.���.�,.t.: ,_` orpnpll� hKnish to Mn�fkiory natpt�wid�neinp sudi porrt�^n. Tnistar slaN pry aN ta�s ad ass�s�s whkh ma�r b�Iwi�d upon
<br /> " 6�fkiary's int�r�st Mnin�r upon thh DMd of Uust witAout►�pord to spr law that mor b�waehd in�osino Po�of th�whoM a anp
<br /> .,��, -,... ..;
<br /> �.:�., ,.,. ....
<br /> .:�;,��,'..; ;o:. part tMr�of upoe tIM�fioia�►�
<br /> - b. AIi1NMl liw Ni h�NNfM�d M�ei�ry'� f�ih•Trusta shdl mak�all po�n�fs of Maat and principd and Papn�►»s d an�r
<br /> , �.: ,r� ,. ° : ottwr dioryls.fMS and�xqn�tz sont►at�d to b�paid ro anl►�xistiig li�nhold�n or prior b�ficiari�s und�►any p�Jor QNd of tru:P or mar-
<br /> ` tpop�b�far�th�dat�tMp o►u tMlM�wnt and pra�pth Po�►ad dischorq�an�r and all otlMr lims,tbims ar cha►p�s wNidi map i�oPard��tM
<br /> ' �curit�r prant�d h�nin. If T�VMor fails to mak� ary suoh pulimm►or fails to pKform aqr of th�eov�nants and aprMnMnts coMain�d tn tl�is
<br /> ' ` �. ; �.. �� OMd of Tnrst.a in aqr p►ia mprtOn7�ar dwd of aust,of if anp oetion or p►oeNdinp is eomnmad whkh mobri0l�r afhets BreMfieiory's i�-
<br /> .�' ..�.`.. , . fMKt hl th1 PI'OpNty,incWudi�,but not timif�d to,�mN�nt damoin pracMdbps.a praNdinps imolvGq o d�c�nd�nt,or ff Tnnta fail:to po�r
<br /> I�y°; . � ' �=:�.; Trusta's bbts p�rolly as thpy 6aonM dw, thn� 8�ficiory,at Bmefkiary'f option ad witlaut notia to a d�rtiwid upon Tnnta ond
<br /> y
<br />�,�•.��,;�Y, . �. . wittwul r�l�os'N g Trusta from.Any obti�atfon Mr�ud�r,nw�r mak�wch app�aranns,disburs�wch wms,and toka such action as is rnassary
<br /> � to protrct Bm�ficiory's int4nct inchdinp,but not lim:t�d to,disbursmwNn of r�osona6M attonM�'s fNS,po�rm�nt,purchos�.ca+hst or cam-
<br /> .. � �'•. ,. promise of any�ncumb►ance,charpe or Ii�n,ond uitry upon ti�PropM�to moka rpairs. M th��v�nt tlat Trusfo�shall fdl to praa�in-
<br />��.. swanco or to po�tox�s,assessmn�s, or ony oth�r charyes a to mak�mry pa►►mMts to�xist4g prior lim hold�►s a b�rnflciaf�s,B�fkiary
<br /> . ' . rtwy praur�such insurant�and make sah porm�M,Airy amounts dishurs�d by B�neficiory pusuant to this Paaproph 6 shall baome odditionol
<br /> indebtedness of Trosror secured by this Dwd of Trust.Such omounts choll b�pa�obb upon�otict kam 8�fkiary to Trostor r�qwstinp po�r-
<br /> • � o sbursenNnt ot the rott obk hom tin�to txne o0 outstandinp p�huipol w�dn tht
<br /> . �: :r� m�nt tlwreof, and sha11 bear�nt�rat fran th�doh f di pW
<br /> - .,.
<br /> s h o l l b e a�i M K�n o t t h�h i p M s t
<br /> . 1 r;,,,•.;{,�; N o t e u n l 4 s s p o y m e n t o f i n t a n a t a t s u c h r m e w o u l d b e c a�t r a ry t o a p p l i c a e w l o w,i n w h i c h�v e M s u c h a n�o�s
<br /> r ir�Bm�fic' to incur apans�or tok�any action
<br /> • �ate issibl�unda iccble low. Nothi co�oirnd in this Paroqraph 6 shad pu bry �Y
<br /> P� aPP� �
<br /> ' ' ' hereunder.
<br /> ; • 1. bsl�t of R�,Baneficiary shall hov�the ripht,power ond authority du►irq t!w continuona of this D�M of Trust to collat th� �r
<br /> � ' rents,issues and profits of thn Prope�ty ond of ony personol property laoted tFwreon with or wifhaut takirq possasion of th�proptrty affected ,
<br /> ; . � h�reby,and Trustor hereby aAsotutdY Q�unconditionaN�assiqns oll such rc�nts,issws and p►ofits to MrNficiary.Ben�ficiary,horwrer,hareb�
<br /> consents to the Trustor's cal{�ttion and atention of such►e�ns,issuss ond pofits os they acnN ard Mcome pufid�le so lonp as Trostor is not,
<br /> � ; .. at such time,in default wifh�respect to po�rment of ony indebtednass secw�d hereb�,a in the pe►fanana of ony apreemmt her�►•Upon
<br /> � • any such Mfault,Beneficiery may or any tim�,�itMr in person,by aymt,a by rK�iver to be appoint�d by a court,without notk�and without
<br /> , � reya�d ro iM ad�quacy of any secairy ior th�ind�b�.dness h.►.by secwed, (a)�nt�r upon and toke poss�ssion of the P►opt►t�or ony port '"�'
<br /> tMreof,ond in its own ncvnp tue for a otherwisa coNact such nnts,issues ad profits,includinp thos�post due and unpoid,ond opply tFN same.
<br /> -- -----J �`�:'� less costs ond expernes of qperotian and colbctiaa, intludhq reosawbte attorMys fees.upon an�ir�bte0ness saurad ho►�b1►,and in wci�
<br /> , , � ord�r as 8�n�ficiary may determinej(b)perfonn suth ats of repair or protection as moy be nocsssory or proptr to coaserve the volue of she
<br /> Property,(c)lease the samu a ony part thereof fa such rental,term,ond upon such conditions as its jud�ment may dictate or terminatQ a ad-
<br /> am
<br /> , � just tFw terms and corwlit{ans�of any�xistNp Iwse a leoses.Unless Trustor pnd Beneficiary aq►�e otha►wise in writirg,aay opp�icotion of reMS,
<br /> issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not oxt�nd a postpone tha dua dote of the instoHnwnt poyments as provided in wid : �:�;;,
<br /> promiasory note or chanpe the amount of such i�stallments.The ent�riny upon and takinp posses:fon of tha P�operty, the collection of such _ ;�'
<br /> r �en�s,issws and profits,and rhe applicotion thereof as ofaesaid, shall oot wave or cure any dsfoult or notke of defoult M►aund�r,a in• ';
<br /> . � • validote any act done pureuant to such notice.Trustoralso assigns to Bemficiary,as further security fa the perfa'monce of the oblipations �';�,��_�
<br /> "- � � sewnd hereby,all prepaid rents and oll mo�ies wlwch moy have been or moy hereofter be deposited wlth said?rusta by any lessee of the Pro- �,�;-.4;;;•
<br /> ;�•� pehy,to secure the paymeot of ony rent or domopes,and upon default in the performance of on�of the provisions hereof, Trusta ogrees to �. � -�
<br /> `�� deliver such rents and depas�ts to Btneficiory.Delivery of written notite of 8enefitiary's exercise of the riphts yrant�d her�in,to any tenant a• •
<br /> � � cupyiny said premises shpl{�,o suffiNent to require soid tenant to poy said rent to the Benefitimy until further notite. •
<br /> � 8.CM1�tlo».If tltla to ony port af the Property sholl be taken in eondemnation praeedinps,by�i�ht of aminent domain ar similar adion,
<br /> �� or shotl be sold under threcit of condemnotion,all awords,domoyes and praeeds arQ hereby assigned and sholl M paid to Bonaficiary who sholl
<br /> oppl�such awords,donK�ea and praeeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if any,paid.to Trusta.If Trusta reteives '
<br /> ' uny notice or other information reparding such ations or praeedings, Trusta shall give prompt written notite tFxneof to benoficiory. 4� • �
<br /> Beneficiary sholl be entitlo,l,ot its option,to commenee,appear in and prosecute in its own name ony such action or praeedinps ond shall 6��n- 1,
<br /> ;� titltd to make any compomis4 or settlement inconwction with any such ection or praeedings. ;� �
<br /> ' 9. R�edi�s tiot inci��ia�. Bene(iciary sholl be e�titled to enforte paYment and pe►iormance of any indebtedness a obNpations secured
<br /> • hereby and to QxQrcise oll�tlghts ond powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony other ayreament executed in tonntttion herQwith a an�laws j�
<br /> ' now or hereofter in force,notwithstondinq sane or oll o(the such indebtedness and obliyations secured hereby moy now or hereofter be other- ;
<br /> `' wise secured, whether bp matgage.deed of trust,pledpe,lien,ossignment or otherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Oeed of Trust nor its
<br /> enforcement whether bY Zcut oction or pursuont to the power of sole or other powers herein contained,shall prejudite or in an�monner offect '
<br /> � � Beneficiory's right to reol�ie upon a enface ony other seturity now or hereofter held by 8eneficiary,it being ogreed that 8eneficiary sholl be ''
<br /> � entitl�d to enforce this t)e�d of Trust and any other security now a hereofter held by 8eneficiory in such order ond manner as it moy in its ob- �
<br /> , } solut�discretion determie+e.No remedy herein con(�rred upon or reserved to 8eneficiary is intended to be exclusive of ony othe�ren�edy herein
<br /> or b�low provided or pe•mitted.but each sholl be tumubtive ond sholl be in addifion to every other remedy 9iven her�under or now or hereafter
<br /> ' existinq at law or in equity a by stotute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to 8eneficiary M to which it may be
<br /> otherwise entitled,may be exercised. concurrently o�independently, from time to time and as oflen os may be deemed eMpedient Beneficiory
<br /> ' and it moy pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein shaN be construed as prohibitirq 8eneficiery f►om seelcinp a d�fiei�ncy judyment ayoiost
<br /> �
<br /> tFw Trostor to the extent such action is permitted b�law.
<br /> � � 10. Te�f�r ot rrope�fyt A��wnPtia.lf oM a any port of the p►operty a an�intarest therein is sold,transf�red or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> � � ` without 8eneficiary's prior written tonsent, excluding (01 the treotion of a lien a encumbrance subordinotQ to this Doed of Trust, (b)the creo-
<br /> `` ,•.�___ _ tion of o purchase ma�ey setu►ity interest for houuhold opplances,Ic)o transfer b�derise,destent or by operotion of law upon the deoth of a
<br /> �-
<br /> � � � ��� joinf tenanf or (d) th!grqM of any leasehob interesf of fhree years or less nor contoininy an option to purinose, "os�w���eoy ��ni�, u9
<br /> � 8ene�ciory's option,declore oll the sums secured b�this Deed of Trust to bo immediately due and po�oble,or cous�the Trustee to file o notice
<br /> � � of d�fault.8en�ficiary shall hove waived such option to accelerote if,prior to the sale,transfer or conreyax�.Beneficiary ad the person to
<br /> � , ; whom the prope�fp is to be sold or trons}�ned reach opreement in w►iting thot th�credit of such persan is safisfatory to Beneficia►y ond thot
<br /> � �y„ • .� tfw im�r�st poyobk on the sums s�cw�d by this Dad of Trust shall bQ at such�ot�as 8w�ficiory sholl nqwst.
<br /> ' • �
<br /> , �
<br /> . 7
<br /> ,. �- -- , �
<br /> • ' �
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<br />