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<br /> ��� TM18 TRllgT pgEp�mtl�q� 24th �y a Se tember 1p 43 ,b�r�ud�q Denni� L. Huxtabl�
<br /> and basbara J. Huxt ¢ � hu ¢a d nd �j F�j + o et t • and pot •o t�aant• in ca�oa
<br /> n W��M(ll����M M �7�� s� �Yt� ��. 1r004 �1V !� � i���
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<br /> f�t ViiL1iNLE CON51081ATION,incWdi�q 1h�M�badn�s�indrMifi�h�ntn ors0 sM�trust l�eln tteald.!!s�reaipt ot whkh i�h�nby
<br /> �. - . � ; �d.Tnxto►krwocablp qraeh,tnanthn.ea�wys, a�d o�iipn�to Tnat�e.IN TRUST, YWTN POYVER OF SAIE,for 11r b�Fit end
<br /> .f- ��-.—�-- s�airity oi�fkiary.unde and subj�ct to th�t�rww ond w�ditio+n oi this OMd oi Tru�t,tlw aai prop�rtY duult�d at tdbws�
<br /> :;"0��'�`u��`��''• The Northeaot Quarler of the 8outheaat Querter (NE43Ek� and the 8outhea�t Quarter
<br /> ,�:.: � ..
<br /> of the Nontheaot Quarter (SE4WE4) of Section ltirenty—�ix (26) Tamahip Ten (10) Narth�
<br /> ' ��r-1� Ran4e �leven (I1)� West uf the 6th P.N., Hall County� Nebroeka
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<br /> ;:•�'Y;�:;��,�;''='•u'.�`� 14�HfR WITH,oll nnts,Qrofits,royolti�s, ineoms ond oNwr b�nefits d�riv�d from th�nol prop�►ry,all I�os�s or su6Moses tovering th�
<br /> ...>_',;.;•1';i:�;�',�% .. .
<br /> ,, ,�,r•.•:� real praperr�o►on�portion thewf, now or hereafter existirg a antered into,and oll right,titk and interest of Trustor thereundar:oll in-
<br /> '•�'�:';''•��1:�:t terasts,�stat�a othar cloims,both in iow ond in �t ,which Trustor now has a ma he►aafter a a in the reol
<br /> ,;�`J',`,:,.. • �Y y 4� P►��,all eor.�nents.
<br /> „�;; ;S;. .. ��'� ri�hts-of-wo�r,tenements, heredituments ad appurtenonces thereof ond thK�to;ol!al ond yos riphts and profits, wotK righh ond woter
<br /> '.':�• '���;,'•��' stak,aU�pht,title and interest of Trustor,now owned or h�reoket aquired,in and to any lond ly'xp within ttM rpht-0f-woy of qnM.s�re�t or
<br /> '"�;��'��;�� higMNay pdjoininp the nol property, any and oll buitdinps, fixtures.improvements,and appurtenonces now a herwh�r erocted thpreon a
<br /> '� •• b�taging thento,(herein refe►red to as"Improvement°or "Improvements");and ony ond oll owardt mode fa the tokinp by aminentdomain
<br /> #�� ' or by any praeedirg or purchose in lieu the►eof,of the whole or any part of the real o
<br /> M Pe►tY•
<br /> !� NI of th�faeqoinp estot�,property ond int�r�st hn�by conwyed to TrustM hK�in coll�ctiv�ly rQferr�d to as th�"Prapert�".
<br /> a� • Ko)The payment of indebtedness evidenced br Trusta's not�of evm dah hK�with in th�principol sum of
<br /> lf��'' Fifteen Thousand and no/100--------------------------------------ppllorc (S 15,Q00.00 �,
<br /> together with inter�st at th�ratQ or rotes p►ovided therein,(he►ein,topetM►with ony and oll renewals,modificatio�s,and ert�nsions tl��of,
<br /> •• � referred to as the"Note")both printipol ond interest on the Nota beinp poyable in atcordance with thf terms set forlh therein,ref�na�ce to
<br /> whah is hereby made,tha finol poyment of principol ond intQr�st,if not soor�r paid and if no ranewds,modifications or�xttnsion��on mode,
<br /> �'�•�' due ond poyoble on February 1, 1999 ,
<br /> '..:'� � � .,,;,•� (b)The pe►famance of each apreement ond covenant of Trustor herein contoined;ond
<br /> ;,, . (c)The poyment of any sum or sums of mona�e with int�rest thereon which moy be hereaher poid or odvunted under the tarms of this Oeed of
<br /> . Trust.
<br /> ' (d)7he payment of any future advances necessory to protect tho security or any future advonte mode ot th�option of the pa►tiesi ut�d
<br /> le)The perfamonce of on obligation of any other person nomed in this Trust Oeed to a b�neficiory.
<br /> ,i 1.Paya�t of Mndpd wd 6M�nst.Trustor sholl promptly poy when due the principol of and interest on the indebtedness e�idenced by the
<br /> , j Note, and all atFwr charyes ond f�s as providwi in the Note,ond the principel of and interest on ony Future Advonces secwed by thf s Dted of
<br /> , ; Tnrst.
<br /> .
<br /> �, 4.Ww�fp of iMl�.Trustor is lowfully seixed and possessed of good and indefeosible title and estate to the Prope►ty hereby ca►veyed and ;;;r;
<br /> hos the ri t to rant ond conve the Pr the Pro ert �s free and clear of oll lians and encumbrances exce t liens now oi record: and �' '�
<br /> 9h 9 Y �Y: P Y� P #'�';``2.:
<br /> Trustor will warront ond defend the title to the Property against all claims and demonds. �a�•, ''
<br /> . 3.M�M1w�e��i C�a wifr L�wt.Trustor sholl keep the Property in good condition and repair and sholl nof commit waste or permit ��'.
<br /> impoirment or deteriorotion of the Property ond sholl comply with the provisions of ony lease if this Deed of Trust is on o lepsehold.Nv improve-
<br /> ' nwnt now or hereoher erected upon the Propeny shall be oltered, removed or demolished without the prior written consent of 8e�eficiay. '
<br /> . ' Trustor shall comply with oll lows,ordinances,regulntions,covenants,conditions ond restrictions offectinp the Prope►ty ond nm commit,suffer,
<br /> or pKmit ony att to be date in or upon the Property in violation of uny low,ordinante,regulotion,covenant, condifion pr restriction.Trus�or
<br /> � sheq compkte or restore promptly ond in yood workmanlike monner ony improvement on the Property which moy be domnqed or destroyed and
<br /> pay,whtn due,oll claims for labor pe►formed and materiols furnished therefae ond fa any alterations thereof.
<br /> " � 4. Unw�a.Trustor,at its expense,will maintoin with insuro►s opproved by Bmeficiary,insuronce with respect to fhe Imp►overnents and
<br /> � personal prop�rfy,tonstitutinp the Property,oyoinst loss by fire,lightning,rornodo,and other perils ond ho:mds covered by standard eKtended
<br /> , � coverop� �ndorsement, in on amount equol to ot least one hundred percent of the full replocement value ther�of and�nswonce agoinst such
<br /> � �� oth�►ho:ads ond in such omounts as is customorily canied by owners and operotors of simular properties a os 8eneficiary moy requ ire for its
<br /> �� protettion.Trustor will comply with suth other requirenwnts os&neficioryr moy from time to time request for the protettion by insuronce of the
<br /> � �
<br /> . � �, infuesfs o(the r�spective porties. All insurance policies mointoined pursuant to this Oeed of Trust shall nome Trustor and 8eneficiory os m-
<br /> sureds,as tiKir�espective int�rests moY appear,ond proride thot there sholl be no cancellotion or modificotian without no IQSS thon 15 days
<br /> pr'ror wriHm notificotion to 8en�ficiary. In tFw avent ony policy her�undr is not ren�wed on or before 15 doys pria to its expirotion dore.
<br /> BNNficiOryr moy praurt suth inswonte in attordante with tM provisions of poroyroph 7 hereof.Trustor sholl delive�to Beneficiary the originol
<br /> �Olitils Of mSxflRte�nd ret1e4t41S tl►lKe4f nr mem0 cop�es of S�Kh politilS pnd rMnwnla thereof.Failure to furnich uKh incurnnra b�Trustor or
<br /> � r�wols as rpuir�d herwnder sholl,at tiw option of B�n�ficiary,constitute a d�fault.
<br /> .
<br /> �
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