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<br /> applk�Me Isw may�peclfy far roin�t�tement)bcfae�do of tho P�ope�ty punuwu to�ny power oi wle cauair►ed in Ihlo
<br /> Socurity lnurument;or(b)enay of a jud�tnent enforcing thl�Socuriry Instrument. Thoca condldan�ero dwt Bomower: (#)
<br /> p�yA l.ender nll sume which then would 6c duc under thie Security insqument �nd the Note as If no �cceleradan had
<br /> I occurred;(b)cures any deFault of any athet coven�nts oc egreementa:(c)pays all oxpenses incumed in enfor�cing this Socurjty
<br /> inslrument, includin�.but nd Iimited to.�reisonable rn�rneys'feex;w�d(d)tokes such wctfan ns l.ender may reasoiwbly
<br /> roquiro to Aswrc�lwt the Nen of lhia Security Instrument.l.enderb dghts in the Propaty and Barrower�►oblig�l�on tn p�y the
<br /> Rums secured by �his Securiry Instrument �hnll continue unchmged. Upon reinvte�ereent hy Norta�ver, this Securi�y
<br /> µ,� � Inetrument and the obligations serurcd hercby ahdl rcmeln fully cffecHve�s if no aoceleration Iwd accurred. Howeve�.this
<br /> ,', � - ri�ht to reinstate shell nat opply in the case of acceleration under pw�agraph 17.
<br /> Y9. 5�1e o�Notei ChnaQe at Lown Service� The Note ar a part�al in�erest in the Note(togethcr with thic Secur�ry
<br /> Insqumenq mny be sold one ar moro limes wlthout prior notfce to Borrower. A sole may rcsult in a change ia the entity
<br /> (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly paymenta due under the Nate and this 3ecurity Insuument. There also
<br /> tnoy be one ar more ch�nges of�he Laan Servlcer unrelated to a sole of the Note. If there is a chwnge of the l.oan Servlcer.
<br /> Bormwer wlll be given wt�tten notice of the chang�in nccordance wllh pam�raph 14 above and epplicsible law. The notice
<br /> wlll swto the name and address of the new Loan Serviccr and the addra�s to which paymenta should be mwla. Tho notice wlll
<br /> . � alco contain any other informatlon rcquired by applicAble law.
<br /> '�t'.�;;•�; ' 20. H�eardous Sobstsmces. Borrower shnll not cause or pertnil tho presence,use,disposol,storage,ar►elease of eny
<br /> Hozardaus Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower sh�ll not do,nor allow anyona else to do,anything atfecdng tha
<br /> •,,.�•.. Propeny that is in vfolation oP any Environmantal Luw. The precediog 1wo r,entences shall not upply�o the presence.use.or
<br /> � � '� storage on the Propeey of small quantilies of Hnzallous 3ubstences that are gene�ally recagnized to be appropriate to nomud
<br /> � � ,�__r}�;-n:t;'� �;, recidemiel uses and to meintenance of Ihe Property.
<br />�' �- y�„�;^.;�°°�s: �:�;, Bomower shall promptly give Lender wdttan notice of u�y invesligution.cluim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ' �• =c_, t� ��° govemmcntul or regulutory agency or pr�vate pany involving�he Property and uny Hazardous 5ubstunce ar Environmentsil
<br /> ' b' �° '� Lnw of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower I�arns, or is notified by any govemmentel or regulatory
<br /> � ,.F� ' aulhority,that any removul or ather remediation of uny Hnznrdous 5ubstnnce nffecting �he I�+operty is necessery,Borrow�r
<br /> � �. .,., ,., ..-�'�r� shall promptly tnke all necessary remediul actians in accordance wlth Environmental Luw.
<br /> • ,; ,, °, � • � , .. " As used in this paragraph 20,"Elazardous Substunces"ure those substunces defined us toxic or hazardaus substanc�s by
<br /> ,G ,. � , � .; � Envimnmental Law and the follawing suhstanceQ: gasolinr,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum�xoducts,toxic
<br /> � � "� ,".,�?S,J pesticides And herbicides,valalile solvents, mnterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radiouctive materiAls. As
<br /> � ' `.,•�t.;. used in�his paragraph 20,"Environmentul Law"means fedcrnl luws and laws of ti�e jurisdiction whene�he Properly is locoted
<br /> � ' ;;:,�•.��`•�ti that relute ta heulth,sufety or environmental prar�ction.
<br /> �� 'r• �`� �•"� I NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower�nd Lender further rnvenant und u ree as follows:
<br /> t's, .. ",.:t:,T"'r'.•:t.;:''?',��� g . ,
<br /> • � �,,,,,__;, . 21. Acceleration; Remedtes. I.ender shall give nottce to�arro�ver prior to Accelerutlon tollowing Borrower s ,�
<br /> - ��•�� �•:'�:�r � breach of any rnvenant or ap�reement in fhis Secorily Instrument Ibut not prlor b Acceleratton under par�rapb 17
<br /> - • ,, � unless applicable law provides otherwtse). The notice ahaN specii'v: (al the deiault;(b)!he Action required to cure the
<br /> ''• ' " detault:lc1 a date.not kss thpo 30 days from the date the notire is�iven to Borrower.by a•bich the detauk must be
<br /> ' " � '••t��` � cured;and Id)Ihat iailure to cure the default on or beiore the date speclfied in the ootice ma�result in AcceleraUon o�
<br /> , � ' • ;. '`;4� i the sums secured by this Security Instrument und �ale oP the Property. The notice shall f'urther inform Borrower of
<br /> }� .� �,. .:�. ; the rlRht to reinstate after acceleratiun and the right tu bring a caurl action to�.ssert the noa•existence ot a default or
<br /> . : • . ;,,; � any other dePense of Burrower to acreleration�nd sale. If the defaull is not cured on ur before the dale speci8ed in
<br /> ' "'� � ,�: tlie notice,Lender At i�g option may require immediate paymeM in fUll of all sums secured by this Security lastrument
<br /> ' " ' •�.� :�',�ti,';' wilhout iu�the� demand and may invoke Ihe power of sale uod aov other remedies permitted by applicable Iww =�`7��
<br /> �: :::+•,�, l.ender shall be entilled to collect all expensec incurrrd in purwinR the remedies provided i� this paragraph 21.
<br /> �; ' includin�.but not Ifmited to.�eASOn�ble attorneys'feeg and coslc oiiilie evldence.
<br /> )�y. ,; , � . � IP the power oP sale is in�uked.71�utilee shall record a notke oP deiault in each county in which any part uf the
<br /> A� . Properly is Iceated and shall mail copies oP�uch notice in the munner presrribrd b�applicable!aw to Borroa�er and to
<br /> +�d • •;�' � the other pe�ns prescribed by�applicubte lu�v. A�ter the lime required by upplkable Iaw.7Yustee shall sive public
<br /> ` ' �;• ; notke oisule tu the persons and in the manner preticribed by applicable luw 'll�u�lee,without demand on Barrower.
<br /> . ; shall sell the Prnpert,v ut public aurUon to the hi�hrsl bidder at the lime and place and under the terms degl�nated in '
<br /> �i� ( the notice of sule in one or more purcels und in um•order'I�uster determines. Trestee ma�•postpone sak of ell or any
<br /> �'•' purcel uf the Properlr•br•public unnouncemenl ut the time and pluce oP am�pre��iousl��scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> . de!�iRnee ma��purchase the Prnperly�t uny wde. a<<;��;'
<br /> ' ��������' , Upnn receipt uP pavment of the price bid,Trustre xhull deli�•er lo the purchutier 71�ustee's deed cnm•e�•in�the •
<br /> . .. Properly. The recituls in the Trusli�'x deed til�ull b�prlmu i'uck c�•Ide�re oPthe Iruth nf the statemem�made therein.
<br /> ', . 7Yustee shall appl,v the procreds nf the sule in the fi�UnNinR urder: lal tn all rntils rnd expenses of exercisin�Ihe pawe�
<br /> ,�.
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