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<br /> � condcmn�tlon or dlKr uki�of any pen of tho Pmpeny.or iar convey�nce in lieu oY condemn�lioe,�ro heteE�r wi�ned�nd
<br /> �11 be p�Id to l.endor.
<br /> In thc event oF a�owl taking of the Propeny. Iheprocads chall bc wpp8od to �he sum� �ecurcd by thir Secw�ity
<br /> Inxttument.whether or not U�t�due,wflh any excoss prid to Bmrowe�. In the event of�partiol t�king of�he Propcny in
<br /> which�he fAfr market v�lue of U�e Property immcdi�tely beforc Ihe Wcing is oqual to or gteAter thtut thc amount of the�um�
<br /> icecured by�his Secu�ity Instrument lmmediatoly beforo the wktn�.unksa I�onower and Lender othenvise aQe+ee in wrltln�.
<br /> �he sums socurcd by this Security Inslrument Rhall be reduced by �he anount oi tha proce�eds multiplied by the followln�
<br /> froclion: ia)the tawl amount af Ihe aums securcd immodiaely beforo�he taking,divided by(b)tho Pair murket v�luo of dw
<br /> Propeny immcdiutely 6cforo the tWcina. Any balnnce eh�ll bc paid to Borrower. In thc event of A pattfal taking of tho
<br /> = Property in which 1he f�ir merket value oP tho Property immediota:ly beforo tlw to{cin� is less�han tht amount of the sum�
<br /> jq�yt� xecurcd Immediutcly beforc the laking,unless Borrower and Lender othetwlse agrce in wdting or unless upplicabk law
<br /> aherwl�se providex,�tte proc�eds shall bo applicd to�he rums�ecwed by thir Secudty Insuument whether or nat the sum�aro
<br /> Ihen due.
<br /> . ,.�d , If�he PropeAy ix ab�ndoned by 6�omawer,or if.afler notice by Lender to Borruwer�hat Ihe condemnor offers to mako
<br /> on award ar rettle a claim for domages,Bortower fells to respond to Lender wilhfn 30 days afler the dute the notice is givrn,
<br /> '��:��'��� l.ender ia authorized to co11ec1 und apply the praceeds,at Its optlan,either to restoration or tepair of the Property or to the
<br /> ;I �•,�-."si�:� .,w sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether ar not then due.
<br /> ' '� Unless Lendcr nnd Borrower aherwir,e ag►ee in wri�ing. any applicotion of prace.eds to principal shall nw extend or
<br /> ��,�� •..., postpone the due dsxe of the monthly payments refemed ta in puragraphs 1 and 2 or chonge the amount of such payments.
<br /> ,.. •: } "� ��� � k�.�s.�A�' lI. Borrower NM Releasedi F�bea�a By ��er Not a Wdver. Extcnsion af the timc far payment or
<br /> 6��:.,�;Y„�, .
<br /> • ��;:•.;�,.,. , �_,� ,.;� moditicotion of amortizaion of the suma secured by this Securiry Insuument granted by Lender ta any successor in intercst
<br /> � •- - ' :�° of 8orrower shall not operate to rekase�he liabi{iry of the original Borrowe�or Bortower�s successors in intercst. Lender
<br />� � �' ,� �'�'��'�. shnll not be uircd to commence roceedin s u ainst en successor in intercst or refuse to extend dme for payment or
<br /> . � -' � �9 P � B Y
<br /> • + , . othenvlse modify umoAization of the�ums securcd by this Security Instrument by reason of ony demend mada by Ihe original
<br /> �,''•:' ' � Barrower or Borrower's succeasors in interest. Any forbeamnce by Lender in exercising any right or rcmody shall not be a
<br /> + �' , �A waiver of or preclude the exercise of ony�ght or remedy.
<br /> � ° " •';��:��.. :,r;.'.�ti�" 12. Successore wid Asslgns Bouadi Joiat aad Several LIablNty;Co-sigmers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> {, ;'`: . _ t���
<br /> ,,�;�,,,..�,_;�Y.,,.,�� Security Instmment xhull bind und benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the pmvisions of
<br /> - .. � p�ugrnph !7.Borro�ver�covenants ond ugreements shull 6e joint and several.Any Bomower who casigns this Sec�rity
<br /> ,1��;.:.�`� '' Instrument but does nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuvment only w mortgage.grnnt and cor�vey�hat
<br /> `�� Borrower�interest in[he Property under�he tenns of this Securiry 1 nurument; (b)is not personally obligated to puy the sums
<br /> ' � � secured by this Security Instrumenr,und(c)ug►ces that Lender And any other Borrower may agrce to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> . ' �° •���� � or make uny accommodationx wi�h regwd to �he terms of this Security Insuument or the Note without lhat Borrower's
<br /> ,.c ., � C011SNI11.
<br /> — I3. Loan CluirXw� ii d� ivoo �c�:uieJ by ihi,Sc�arity Insirur�ent is subjc.t to a !au• which:.�is r.�xjsstum ioast
<br /> charges,und�Iwt law 1s finully interpret�d so thut the imerest or mher I�an charges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> , ,. .��� ,�,�:..��.� with the loan exceed the permiued limits,then: (u1 any cuch loan charge shull be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> ' � • the charge to the pem�ined limir nnd(b1 uny+ums ulready collected frorn Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits will be
<br /> � � • reFunded to Borcower. Lender muy chcwse to make this refund by reduring�he pdncipal owed under the Note or by muking a
<br /> '���'�''�� direct puyment to BoROwer. If u refund reduceti principal,the reductian will be aeated as a partial prepayment wuhout any
<br /> ;'��'"�' � • pnepayment charge under�he Natc.
<br /> }'.����.; • ` l4. Not(ces. Any n��tice tu Bnrtower pravided for in this Security Instrument shall t►e given by deliverinb il or by ��.
<br /> � :��,, . .•�:,,, ..
<br /> • mniling it by first clnxz muil unlezz applicublr law reyuireti use a(nnoiher method.The notice shull be directed w the Property
<br /> �? ;;,,_ • ,,;�i, Addmsx or uny other address Borrowcr designutes by�noticc[o Lender. Any nolice to Lender shall be given by first cla+s ;.
<br /> �y� j„':'.,,, ,,,:� ' . muil to Lender's uddrr.s�w�eJ herein ur uny uthrr�idre.,Lender dexignute+by notice to Barrower. Any notice provided for 'J':
<br /> -��,ti" in thi+ Security Inc�mment xhall bc Jcemed tu hnve I+een given ta Borrow•er or Lender when given a� provided in this �
<br /> �r � ,.'�, . .' p�u�graph.
<br /> a'�•� •,� 15. Gm•e�ning Low: SeverablNty. This Security In�irumeat shall Ix govcrned by fedeml luw and thc Inw of the '�
<br /> � •• .��'�''• jurisdictian in whirh the Propeny i.Iixu�eJ. In�he event ihat nny provi,ion ur cluu+r of thi,Securiry Instn�ment or the Note �,�,,.
<br /> �� °'•`'`��'°�' cun0irts wi�h•rpplicable luw,such contlict+hall not i�fl'ect othrr�ravir•ions of this Sewrity Instrument or the Note which c;u�
<br /> � ''�' be given effect withoul�hr r�mllicting provi.ion. To�hi.end �he provi�iony of thix Security In�trument und the Note ure
<br /> , Jctil�ucJ lu lx.r�r�•ablc.
<br /> 16. Borro��•er's Cop�•. Borro�vrr shull ix givcn onc r�mfcirnirJ ropy of thc Not�and of Ihis Srcurity Inurument.
<br /> �� 17. 71�anrPrr of the Propertv or u Beneiicial I�lerest in Borrower. If all or uny pan of�hc Propeny or any interest in i�'
<br /> it iti+ald or trunafcRed lor if a IxneGcial imrrr.t in B��rca��•cr i,tiold��r Iranafrrrrd und BnROwrr is nat u naturul personl
<br /> � without Lcndcr; priur�vrinen ron.ent.LrnJer may,ul it.option,require immedi.ur payment in full of ull xums ucured by
<br /> �'��:�;,,4 thix Securily Inxtrum�nt. Howcvrr,�hi,option shidl nM lx exerrfsrd by l.endrr it'�xercix i�prohibitrd by federul I•rw ati of -.
<br /> ` ��`'1; , . , the dute uf thi.5��urity In�trument. "`'��
<br /> �'.,: ' •.''Z �.S If Le�xler cxcrci�c+Ihi.��pliun.LcnJrr.hull gi�•r Burn�w•�r nolirr of arcelera�i�m. The nulice.hall provide a period of •
<br /> , . ti. . not Ic++thun i0 day.f'rom thc Jatr ihr na�irr i�drliccrcJ ur muilcJ �vithin��•hich BoRO��er mu.t puy all sum.+rcurcd hy this
<br /> . .. Srrurity In.tnimcnt. II'Burrm��cr fail+ lu pay thetic .um.priur tu thr expiraiiun uf thi. periad. LenJcr m�y invoke ony
<br /> ., �,�, rrmcdicti pemiilt�d b}•1hi.Scruri���Intilrumrnt w ilhixn(unhcr nalicr or drmand un Bornnerr. .
<br /> �� "'� " 18. Borro«�er'!. RIRht to Reinsfate. If B�►m�acr nx�t.rrnain ronditionti. Borrowrr shull havc Ihe right to have ' � •.
<br /> f r � �:
<br /> ; ��u • enfcmcment of thi,Securic��In.trumenl di.runtinurJ al um �inu�riar�o di� �arlier uf: I;u 5 days(or such othrr�xricxl a.� k'.�:,' �
<br /> �F timFle kmul�•-Fwnnk\fae�FYeddk�fix•l\IFt)N1f 1\til Rl'�1F.11'..l bifarm('��venant. 9lyp ��wt�•f nl'n ry�yrsi ���
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