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:;i F_�� ., ..� �: .'� � , �:-,s- <br /> �i�' . - � .. "� /�. � .. ,. _-- <br /> �- ` c . . , ��� ' , ' . - �- -- � c �e�� �,.. ��'�5�. `t - <br /> ,. .. <br /> �. .. . . - - <br /> _°�` �,. ... -- <br /> `�_ < < �`', : �'� �- - . ' ��± �0'7�3�. .� . <br /> _ ` , ,s. �a ur R+�pcety t�mo� Ba,reawa st�u roeW tbe impmv�ts t,ow e�tiag oc heraft�«eaea�tbe <br /> . Pcdperty i�ured ag�n5t las�by fire.�tds mcti�aritfin ttse tam "exteadod wverage'and�ny otL�,er haza�ds.inciodibg � <br /> tFloods or iIooding.for wtiich L�eridor requires insuraace.11�is insurance shall be maiatainod in�lie a�*s and for the periods <br /> � ` .that I,euder rcquines.'ttie inwranoe cair►er providing the insurence sl�ati be chosen by Bamnwer subjest to Leader's appmval <br /> —� : virhich shdll not 6e uarrasoa�bly witHhdd. If Bomawer faiLs w maintaia c�vecage desc�ibed abave, Lender L.cnder's <br /> ap6on.obtain mver�ge to pratect Lender's rights in the Pmperty in aa�ordactce with paragraph�. <br /> �Alt insurancc pouci�c and ncucA'als shall be�accegtable to Lender and shatl include n standard mortgage elatise. Lender <br /> sttall have the right to hold the policiRS and renewals.If I�cnder iequirzs;Bomuwer sl�aU pmmptty give to i.ender afl recEigts of <br /> �id Psemiums and r�l�eoxicGS.ia�the eveat of loss,Bouawer shall give prompt notice to the insuranoe carrier�nd E�dtr. _ <br /> iender may iaalce proof of Loss if uat made pmmptix by Bottawer. . <br /> lJnf�ss I.ender acd Bormarer otbeawise agtee in w[idng.iaseranoe praaeeds shall be appti�Lo restflradon or iepair of t6c <br /> __ PrupeR}r ditrnaged,if the rcscoratian ox rgpair is ovoaomicalty feasibte and Lender s sewrity is not[�.If the[eswratioa or <br /> ' r�pait is'pbt eoonumicafly feasi'61e ar�'s se�urity would be fessened,the insurance proceeds shall 6e applied t�o dbe sntns <br /> --= seci�red by this Security Insuum�nt.�whether or not thea due,with any eacess paid w Borrower. If Bormwes abaadans the <br /> _�i� Lptr.ipett} does not an5wer withia 3{1 days a nntice from I.ender that the insurdace carsier has offeced to settle a ctaim,then <br />�;-' - �tdri tnay oolteet the iaswaaoe pmc�ds._Lend�rccsg use ilre��s:nceeds m repais or restare the Fcoperty or to pay sums — <br /> � sec�e���c,tb�s Security Iastrume�.afcether or not then due.T�e3+�day periad will 6egin wi�the�otice is given. _ - — <br /> �tal.i�s i.ender s�d 8ort�st�:�ise agt�e in writing:,`r�i:��appti�atioa af proceeds�4o prinapal shall aat eatead or -- <br /> '�W�: �ostgqae�t�e Que da�a�,�*�. u:omhlY PaYa�nts referred to in p�°raphs l aad 2 0�chaage the amount.of.the pay�. If � <br /> uader patagraph 21 d� ;��erty is acquirad by Lender.Bormwer's right,to anit i�-urance policies and proceeds resulBng from �_- <br />, �'umugq to tfie Pmperty;�r to the aoquisition shall pass to Lender to the extem of.ti�e sums secured by�u�ri�Y� '"`•`"'� <br /> immediate[yprior.fot�e`acquisiuon. - . .��-__- <br /> - '`•"` E��[�Cmpancy.Pr�avatiort.b'Iaintcaance aad Prote�Non d the Ptoperty,Borrovra's laan Application;Leasel�otds- — _ <br /> Fi�`st�aU oa�py.establish.and ose tLe Props.riy as Borrawer's principal residence within si�cty days after the execution of � .:.<� -_- <br /> t�ist SGcurity Instrument an�sIsall oontiaue to ocar.�!��rthe Pro as Bormwer's residence for:;r i�st one ear after �-- - <br /> �nr �� y ���. <br /> tltc date of oocu a�s."�. S i .`'��.'. .. <br /> • pancy.uriless Lander otherwise ia wririn ,whicb consent shall not 6e unreaso:�3:,L•�:c�r�.hheld.or unless ����'.;-_ <br /> .. ; :`��.,� ` . <br /> ' �' : , e�r,.�tu�trg circumstances exist whieh are beyond i3orrower's,�ntro1. Borrower shall aot.c.+estroy, a'�e or impair the ;•.,�:i�. <br /> � - �a]tow drap�,�.�to deteriorate. or rnmmit wasee-�i3�Prop�((y Borrower stt��e in•default�if an forfeiture ' -� `�.= <br /> ��� •�„M„��7 , �_ _•' y '� �',i fi�({*,�" <br /> ' � acCOn or proceeding,whether civil or�ee�,n t�r r,�.C�.nder's goad faith judgmec,�i�ould r�wlt in forfeiture of the <br /> o rw ; <br /> " or atheiwise material iinpair the lien cn�v��: cirs�ecuri Instrument or l.ender's securi �nterest.Borrower fna :�' ' � `.''''�`'�' <br /> P�enp �Y LY: tY tY' Y � .� <br /> . , . _'.:�-:.-- <br /> . i ciue such a default and reinstate,as provided in para�a�h t8;by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed witl�a ruling '�, . :,•. �=— <br />