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<br /> periodB thq Lendcr roqui�er. The insurwnce c�urier providin�Iho insur�nce shd! 6e c6oscn by Bomower RubJxt to Lender�
<br /> approval which ch�ll nat bo unKaronably wi�hheld. If Borrowe�fwila to mnintoin covernQe described abovo.l.eiukr may,�t
<br /> Lender's option,aMain coverage to protect Lenderk�iQhta in�he Pmpetty in s�ccor+dince with parugmph 7.
<br /> All lnaurance palicies und r+enewalx shall be wccep1�ble to Lender und ahwll include u atandnrd mort�oge cluwe. Lender
<br /> Rhall huve�he�Ight to hold the palicies and rcnewals. 1P Lender rcquire�.Borrower choll promptly give ro Lendor all roceipt�
<br /> �, of paid prcmiuma and renewAl noticec. In Ihc event af loas,BoROwer shall �ive prornpt notire�o�he inrurwue cwrier wid
<br /> L.eixkr. Lendcr may moke praaf of laxs if ad rnade prc►mpdy by Bartower.
<br /> •'� Uole�y 4ender and Hurrower othcrwise agrce in wdling,intiurance ecda shull 6e applied to restomtiun or rcpnir of
<br /> '�• theProperty damaged. if the reKtaration or Kpui� iR econamically fea.c le and Lender ti �ecu�lly ix n�N Icssened. If the
<br /> rex�orntian or rcpuir ig nrn econamicully feawible or Le�derr �urity would be k4r:ened, �he insurnnre proceodx xhull be
<br /> eppllad to the sums secured by thi� Scruri�y lnatrumcnt, whether�r nM then dur,wi�h uny excesa� puid ta Bamnwer. If
<br /> Bomower abundons the Property,or due� nut an�wer wi�hin 3Q days�natice from l.endcr�hut 1ho in�umnca csuricr has
<br /> offered�a nettle u claim,lhen Lxnder muy collei;t the in�urunce proceeds. Lender muy use Ihe praceeds ta repuir or restore
<br /> the Propeny ar to pny sums secured by thix Secu�ity Instrumem,whether or not then due, The 3(1-duy period will bagin when
<br /> the natice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and BoRawer athcrwixe�grec in w�iting.any upplicutian of pmreeds to principul shull not extend or
<br /> pastpone�he due dnte of thc manthty paymenta ref'crred�o in parogrophs I s�nd 2 orchunge ihe umount af the pnyments. If
<br /> under purograph 21 the Propeny is ucquire�l by Lender, BoROwer ti nght to any insurw�re paliciex und proceedr re�ulting
<br /> � J'� � from damuge to tha Property prfor to Ihe ucquisi�ion xhull pass to Lender lo the ex�ent of the xums scecured by this Securiry
<br /> ..,•� . Inxtrumem immediately prior to the ucquisilian.
<br /> ���' '� 6. Occupancy. Prcserv�tion. MAiMenpnce and Protectlon of the PropeMy; Borrower's l.oan ApplkAtion:
<br /> {•�� '' ,�i�rn Leasedolds. Bomower shall cecupy,es�ublish, und uxe�he Propeny as Bomower'sprincipal residence wilhin xixty dayx Afler
<br /> ':���' +��'°• the execution of this Security Ins�rum�mt unJ�huil cuininue tu a;cupy tl�e Property us Barrower ti principul residence for ut
<br /> :��;�;�..;..:
<br /> �..,��..t•�.�..Y .`,-,� least one year Af�er the dute of accupuncy, unlesx Lender othenvitie agrees in writing, which consent shall nat be
<br /> ,A,,� • �r�;�'�,'„�.';, unreu.4onably withheld,ar unleas extenuuting circumstunres exitit whlch are beyond Barrawert contml. Borrower shnll not
<br /> � . � destroy,damuge or impuir Ihe Propeny,ulluw thc F'roEx:hy lo deleriarnte,or commit waste on the Propeny. sorrower shall
<br /> > '"" '�'�� ' '� be in defuult if nn forFeiwrc uction or raccedin whe�her civil or crirninal,is be un that in L.ender's oad f'ui�h ud ment
<br /> �..,,w..,�,.,;.,.��"�... Y P R• 8 € J B
<br /> . ,••,;�,;•;,� ,s'� could r�sult in forf'eiture of the Property ar otherwiae muteriully impair the lien crcuted by this Secu�i�y In�trument or
<br /> - ' Lender's securlty interes�. BoRawer may cure,uch u defuult and reinslute.us provided in parugroph IS,by cuusing the uction
<br /> �� �. ` '°� or pmcecding to be dismissed with a nilin��hc�t,in l.ender:giwd tiui�h determina�ion,prerludex fcxf'ei�ure of�he Bnrrower's
<br /> J'"': ��`�' � •� ,," �, interest in the Prapeny ar rnher muteriul impuirmem af the lien creuted by�his Security In+trument or LenderR securiry
<br /> F�� � � interest. Borrower shall ulso t�e in defuuh if Borrowcr, during Uie laun application proces,, guve mutoriolly fulse ar
<br /> ��� , �� inuccumte infom�utlon or slutements to Lender lor Tailed ta provide Lencier wiih any ma�eriul infonnutionl in connection with
<br /> •�,.. .. . . ' the Icx►n evidenced by the Note, including, but nut limited ta, reprcsentalion.rnnceming Borrower�: occupancy af the
<br /> r • �-r•, � Piropeny as a principul msidence. If this Security Inx�nimeni ix on u lea.ehold,Barrowe�Khull comply with all the provitiions
<br /> -- • . uf thc leuse. If BoRawer ncquires fcc:tiUe to the Pn�peny.�he Ieu�choM and the fec mlc,hull nut merge unlcss i..cnde�ugrees
<br /> � ° •� to the merger in writinF.
<br /> � • ' 7. ProtecUon of l.ender's Rights in thc Property. If Bom�wcr fail. to�xd'orm the rovcnuntx and ugreemcnts
<br /> � : ,,�.,,,� . :` camained in this Securily In�tnimcnt,or thcrc i� a Irgul pnxcrdin� thut may �ignificumly uft'ect Lender; rights in Ihc
<br /> ; : .,;,., ��:�
<br /> `.,;;.... Property Isuch ati u procecding in hankruptcy,prubu�c,tiir r�mdcmn:uion ix tix(�ilurc or k�cnforcr lawy or regulutinny).Ihcn
<br /> •;. ' .. :;!•,:�.•;•��. Lender rnay do anJ pay fi►r whi�tevcr i.r nece.s�iry t��pro�cct the valuc of�Ix Propert�•and Lendcr's righls in thc Pmpeny.
<br /> �'''':�'� •' Lender's uc�ians ma include u m�un ,umv xrurrd b u lirn�vhKh hus riorii over thi�Securi� In�trumrm,u urin
<br /> :•„i,�rr,., . Y P Y� 6 Y Y P Y Y PP� il
<br /> � in court.puyin�renwnublr uuarncy+'fcc.und cntrring on�he Propeny to make repuin. Although Lrndrr muy tuke ac�ion
<br /> � . . • � ' � under this purugruph 7.LenJrr J�ks not hirvr lu�k����.
<br /> :•.r�:.�,� •r Any umounts di,hunrd hy l.en�kr wiJrr ihi. purugr�qih 7 shall her��nlc utlJilieinul dcht ol'Borrowcr ticrur.�d by �hi. ' i
<br /> �;��- �'::,:,i;•,'• � Security Mtitrument. Unlr..B��rrowrr nnd Lcnikr ugrce lo uth�r Icnn+uf puymrrn,ih��c umounl.,hadl lxur in�rrc�t fn�m Ihr �.
<br /> �+ dule of dixhunenxnl at�hc Nac rmr and ,hull hr puyuhle. wilh intere�t.upnn �raice frum Lrndrr to Bnrrnwrr reyue.ting ��-��
<br /> 1 e . . ,i'.,;.!, Puymcnt.
<br /> 8. MorfSaRe Inwrnnce. (f Lrndrr nra�uircd murtpngr insurnM c a. a ra�nJiti.m uf mukinE thr lo�m scrurcJ by ihix �
<br /> tfl � •� Security Inxlrumenl. Born►wrr.hull pay tne rremium.requir..l I�, ���aiw:�in Ihc wuhpage m,urs�ncr in el'frrt. If. ti�r anY �.,-
<br /> , . . ••4''%.:a!i
<br /> , reu�on. thc mnrlguFc in�uruncr covrra�:r rci�oimJ by Lendrr lapu. or cra.�,In Ix in rffrrl. Born�wcr tihidl pa�y �h�
<br /> " premiumti rcyuired �o oMuin cuverugc .uh��umiull�� cyuiv;ilcnt to thc in�irtgugr in.ur.mrc prrviuu,ly in rticri. ut u cu�t •<
<br /> - t . - • hub,lanli.�lly eyuiv,►knt Iu th�cu.i co I:urrr.::c:�f thr�tiontapc in,ur.tsnr rrc�•itm,t_� in rffrrt. 1'rcim an�Ilcmntr nx�ngaEc �',t�
<br /> , � � insurer upprovrd hv l.cnder. If,uh.lanliulh ryuiralrnt nwng�igr in.ur:nx•c ru�•�r;iEe i+n��t a�•ailuhlr. Rorruwrr.hall puy to
<br /> Lender euch man�h a sum eyual tu�ine-tw.lflh��(�lir ycarl��mung:�gc in+uran:� �rcmium Ikin�p;�id hy N��rrua•er whrn�he
<br /> �. insurunrr coverugc lup+ed ur rca�rd�o lu in cl�tc�l. Lrndrr��•ill u�•r�pl.uu:uxl 1'�lain Ilh�e p:n mrn��a�u lo��rC�ervr in licu ..
<br /> ot'mortgagr insurancr. Lu..rc.crvc puymcnt,muy nu lungcr Ix P�ylllfCtl.nl tIk�t't11tN1 �H l.�nder. il'mnhgu�!c in.ur;mcr `��+
<br /> �:•,:,. crncrugc lin tFk unx►uni imd(ur Ihc �kri„d ih:u Lrndrr rcyuirc,l pru�idcJ h}•mi imurrr approvrJ hy Lendrr apain F+ecutnc,
<br /> � ` � ";, � uvuilahle and i.ohl:�ined.Ni�rro�cer�hall pa}thr prrmium.rryuir�d N��nainlain rn��n�:ig�in.ur:mrr in cfl'ecl.or w provide u
<br /> �{ e S 1��.'"� . � , ' los.re.rrve.unli)Ihe rcquirrnxnt f�x muhga�r in,ur:mce end.in uccordancr��•�tha��y��•riurn ugrrrmrnt Ixtwcen Rorrowrr �
<br /> und Lrndcr or:�pplir:�blr I:n�.
<br /> '1' , 9. InspectH�n. Lrndrr or il� �igcnt m:i��ma{.e rca�un;ihlr rn�ric.up��n n��d in.�xrtiun+�►f the Pro�xrly. Lrnder�hall
<br /> ° `� ' �:''s; Fivr Burn�w��r nulicr at 1hr linu of ar priur Ia im in,�xctiun.�xrifyin�:r�a,onahl�cau.r fnr thr in,per�i�m.
<br /> I't � •
<br /> + .. .. 10. CondemnaUon. Thr pnxrrJ.ul any aw:ird ur claim for.lam:i�r.,Jir�rtnr con,cyurmi:il,in ranncr�ian w•ith uny
<br /> t �
<br /> ' i � ti�ngk I amlly�•F'unak�Iue;F'rrtldie 11ur l'�IFlIR11 1\ti'1'RI�fE11' ..l nilu�oi l'o�enam. 4n1U ynier?.�/n�a�¢�•.�
<br /> �, �
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